Showing Posts For RevGDFreeze.3485:

Auto Login & Play is no longer automatic

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: RevGDFreeze.3485


Mine still isn’t working either, i see in the patch notes that the Auto Play feature had been fixed. I dont think this was ever a problem. It was the Auto Login feature.

Guild Wars 2 Wiki Notes
The Auto-Play feature of the launcher has been fixed.
Build: 38,820

Lucky Break from Mystic Forge

in Crafting

Posted by: RevGDFreeze.3485


Maybe if having a lengedary makes it ewasier to get the drop of a precusor, if so can you throw a couple billion rare rifles so i can get the hunter?? cheers xD

Legendary Weapon Progress Group

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: RevGDFreeze.3485


I’ve been aiming for my legendary for the past 4 weeks i recently got the Gift of Mastery and am working toward Gift of Fortune. I have in the last 3 days put 316 rares in the forge and 50 exotics, this is going to break me as a man, i’ve never cried so hard.

I’m looking to make it easier if i can

How to: get the most from your Nvidia GPU, high end PC and GW2

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: RevGDFreeze.3485


I’m a superior PC overclocker, i have my i7 over clocked to 3.6GHz and i have lots of RAMS (which i downloaded from the internets) i also have alot of high speed dust in my PC (free download from the cloud) and my GW2 plays perfectly on LOW. I also play it on high to take cool screenies and post them on facebook. My PC is 3 years old and i still play COD4 Yeeeeee hawwwwwwwww.

Seriously though, anyone having issues with SLI and GW2? specifically pinky gittering display?

Oh and also, Room temperature matters as obviously the air outside gets oulled into the machine, so cooler outside = cooler inside and that mean my 2 GTX570s cool down and give me better FPS. If i get shyte FPS i just open my door.

(edited by RevGDFreeze.3485)

Can't equip 2 similar ascended rings together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: RevGDFreeze.3485


Found this out the hard way, yet i just gave mine to another ALT and lucky for me i had enough guild comms and gold to buy the alternative, but i do agree that it should be documented better i also understand how hard that would be.

Are ascended account bound? That would make it a lot less painful when you buy the same ring.

1st lv80 set

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: RevGDFreeze.3485


I believe its more satisfying to craft it yourself, esp. when its your first set. But i would probably farm some mats to save you some monies.

Like Berserker Exotics use 5 x Powerful Blood (Karkas and skelks) and 5 x Ectoplasim (Salvaging Rares) plus Might take you awhile to grind but its well worth it. buying Powerful blood is around 30 Silver ATM.