Showing Posts For Revel Fallonia.4270:

Shared Inventory Slot Feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Revel Fallonia.4270

Revel Fallonia.4270

For those of use that now have unused items we bought such as extra salvage kits etc. I’d like to propose a black lion trader that exchanges black lion keys for your old gem store stuff. Maybe 1 key per 100 gems or some such.

Mainly, like so many others, I don’t just want to destroy them, but at the same time there isn’t much reason to keep them any more. I know a lot of people still won’t be happy but I feel this idea is about as good as we are likely to get, and depending on the number of keys it wouldn’t be to bad. The stuff wouldn’t be cluttering our inventory and we wouldn’t feel like we were throwing away money by destroying them.

Just a thought.

Elite Specializations & Hero Point Feedback [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Revel Fallonia.4270

Revel Fallonia.4270

I like a lot about the expansion but the one thing I just can’t get passed is the hero point cost for elite specializations. For the few that seem to think its ok let me put something in perspective. If I level to 80th I have all of my normal specializations and skills unlocked and that great. But if I then map all of central Tyria I cannot even get halfway through earning my elite specialization.

Let me repeat, if I then map ALL OF CENTRAL TYRIA, I still have my specialization less than half unlocked. Forgive me, but really? I’d like to play with them while I mapped, before I’ve finished the game and all.

Understand, I’m fine with them costing more than a normal specialization but 400 hero points is simply too high. I feel it should have been in the 120~180 range (two to three times the normal amount). After all, as I understand it, they are supposed to give you knew fun options to play and not be more powerful than any of the existing options so why make them so expensive?

In any case this I sincerely hope it changes.

How many characters do ppl have?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Revel Fallonia.4270

Revel Fallonia.4270

15~16 and I plan to boost that to 20 when character slots go on sale again. But as AliceKaye.1903 and others have said gets as many as you want as long as you’re having fun and you aren’t just getting them to get them.

Anniversary Sales [End.]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Revel Fallonia.4270

Revel Fallonia.4270

Press the backwards arrow below their post that says “quote this user”. You can then edit what you quote in the preview screen that comes up, so long as you leave the brackets in the correct positions

Ah, thank you (both) very much.

Anniversary Sales [End.]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Revel Fallonia.4270

Revel Fallonia.4270


“Stop being so ungrateful people! Sales a charity for the customer!…”

Let me just stop you right there. Sales are NOT charity for the customer. They are a marketing tactic to try and pull people in and get them to buy even when they might not normally because “Oh that’s a good deal, I should get that now in case I want it later” and it works too. That’s why stores have them, to entice you into spending your money.

As far as the current deals go I am sad that they haven’t put character slots on sale. I wanted to get a few so I could be playing around, leveling my characters, and mapping before HoT is released. As things stand, I passed on several deals because I was waiting to see how many slots I’d get to know how much I had to spend so Anet lost money on me. I was also looking for the storage expanders, again to prepare for HoT but no luck

It could still pop up though, after the sales are done and they go back to the normal occasional sales they might put them on sale then and, if they do it’d probably be longer than a day which would be nice. I the meantime I’ll probably focus on playing other things and just do dailies and keep an eye out for the character slot to finally go on sale again.

- on a side note how do people quote others I can’t seem to find anything that tells me how to do that?

Playing the way you want - Exploration

in Suggestions

Posted by: Revel Fallonia.4270

Revel Fallonia.4270

As I understand it, guild wars 2 is all about playing the way you want to, and I have quite a bit of fun run around and exploring the map. But what happens when I’m done? In gw1 you could go back through and vanquish areas and redo missions as often as you’d like. For me this was a lot of fun but in gw2 the story cannot be replayed and vanquishing isn’t really an option on a persistent map. So here are my suggestions.

First, allow a characters that finish their story to get a “book” much as Arenanet did in gw1, which would allow them to play through the different parts of their story. When choices come up you simply would only see the choice you made. Thus you could replay your own story as often as you’d like but couldn’t chose different missions. Then when complete (or mostly complete) you could turn it in, get a reward, and start the process over again.

Second, is a reset of sorts on hearts and vistas. After a character has earned a gift of exploration have all of the hearts turn platinum and all of the vista turn ruby and need refilled. Characters would get the normal reward for completing the hearts and xp from the vistas and once they have all of them they’d get a chest with a nice reward of some sort. Then they’d all reset and you could do it again.

Finally, please let dynamic events be noticeable on the map from far away if not anywhere on the same map so that high level characters running around know what’s going on and can map to events to do them, perhaps even consider adding something similar to the website gw2stuff does with their overlay that would allow us to track events better.

Please add more aquatic content

in Suggestions

Posted by: Revel Fallonia.4270

Revel Fallonia.4270

Looking ahead sounds great. After reading it I had to hop on and say please add more aquatic options. I’d love to see the living world teams have a story that branches into an underwater areas and adds new skills and other goodies for us. Right now underwater combat is severely lacking largely due to the lack of options.

World areas: I’d like to see an almost fully aquatic area added to the map, but only if they expand the options characters have when going underwater.

Skills: Right now all classes only have a single aquatic elite and are very limited on their choices of skills while underwater. This leads most people to not having fun despite all the beautiful scenery and 3 dimensional movement that could be a lot of fun to play with.

Weapons: Characters have no real choice on weapons; characters with only 1 weapon have only 1 choice for underwater and these with a weapon swap have only two possible weapons leaving them with no real choices at all.

Aqua breathers: Please add recipes for making aqua breathers, right now the only 80th level aqua breather is a green one from the cursed shore. We need to be able to make them and have exotic versions available as well (as well as ascended and legendary versions if such armors become available)

For anyone reading this, if you agree throw out some ideas for weapons, skills, etc. you’d like to see for use underwater.