Showing Posts For Rhaynne.9467:

Magic Find, how high do you go?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rhaynne.9467


To be clear, I’m not talking about running dungeons, just PVE and farming. I guess I’m wondering if it’s even worth it to gimp myself for that, when maybe it all comes out in the wash if I can kill faster and survive longer without it.

Magic Find, how high do you go?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rhaynne.9467


I have a Magic Find suit that I wear when I’m out farming, totals to about 59%. I eat an omnomberry bar bringing it up to 89%. I notice very little improvement in drops, so I am wondering what everyone else runs? I have heard that anything over 100% and you get DR, is this true?

Dyes - to Identify Or Not To Identify

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rhaynne.9467


I sell mine, I’ve had the quintessential worst luck of anyone with these things, might as well make a dime.


easter eggs and references?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rhaynne.9467


In one of the Fractals, the one with the flaming rocks that roll down the hill that you have to avoid, there is a skeleton at the end one of the wooden bridges wearing a fedora

Missing Items from Bags?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Rhaynne.9467


woo, nevermind lol… they can be deposited in the bank now with other collectibles, found em

Missing Items from Bags?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Rhaynne.9467


I had a stack of 100 glacial cores and some Glacial lodestones in my bag and after the patch they are gone. I know they were there yesterday because I check the prices on them daily in the tp. I checked the bank thinking maybe I had put them in there, checked my recently sold list thinking maybe I had sold them and forgotten, but they are just gone. Bug report submitted, but just curious as to if this has happened to anyone else?

Ancient Karka Box Survey

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rhaynne.9467


/received did not attend

Not receiving a karka chest in mail.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rhaynne.9467


Umm, I wasn’t there, and by wasn’t there I mean I wasn’t able to log in at all that day, and I got a chest in the mail. I kind of thought they were sending them out to everyone….I too would be curious as to what the requirements were.

Message to Trading Post developers. Please Change LIFO system (stack) by a FIFO (queue)

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Rhaynne.9467


I’ve actually seen both of these things. I have matched the lowest price and gotten thesale before the other seller, which I actually don’t think is fair. I have also listed and seen the listing go down but it wasn’t my item that sold. So… I have no idea how it works. Some clarification would be good me thinks.

Put in a time limit on listings....please!!

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Rhaynne.9467


Of course undercutting is fine, but rather than undercut from 1g23S to 67 S.. how about to 1g? or maybe even 90s…. giving the spread a little more leeway than jumping right down to 67 which brings the price very close to cost much faster.

Bags are already be sold nearly at cost.. some folks sell them at a loss… which blows my mind.

I just think if listings weren’t eternal, the prices would fluctuate more rather than just take a nose dive and pretty much stay there.

Sick of Take All

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Rhaynne.9467


Don’t think you can mail to yourself

Farming Exotics : How I got mad skrilla

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Rhaynne.9467



All of the rare recipes for Leatherworking taking 15 pieces of the mat, not 3.

And I have never been able to put an item forged in the Mystic forge, back into the forge to forge it again….

Edit After reading again, I see its not a LA recipe… didn’t know you could get them any where else, good info

(edited by Rhaynne.9467)

Sick of Take All

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Rhaynne.9467


Everything is account based, hit take all, put it in your bank and log in with your alt to pick it up at the bank. Only difference is, your picking it up at your bank, rather than the TP.

Preview Items on the Trading Post

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Rhaynne.9467



Yes please…..

Put in a time limit on listings....please!!

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Rhaynne.9467


So, I, like pretty much everyone else out there, have a full time job, am raising a family… basically have a pretty hectic life outside of gaming. I play these games to relax, step away from my life for a bit…like everyone else.

A HUGE part of any game for me is crafting, I love it. I also love the whole buying and selling thing. I’m not a huge PVP’er, and while the PVE in GW2 is great, its only part of the story for me. So, I have to say the difficulty in making money in this game is killing me. I see all these posts about how easy it is to make money on the trading post.. walls of text that seem to basically imply I need to work on Wall St to be able to know how to make any money here… I do not work on Wall st, I do not play the stock market IRL…nor do I want to strain my brain to figure it all out, I strain my brain enough IRL, thankyouverymuch.

A big problem is the players… I have seen an 18 slot bag, that cost over 2g to make listed on the TP for 2g3s. Really? First.. you my friend have lost money…. second, now I, or anyone who wants to sell a bag can not make money either, until your listing is gone. 18 slotters dont sell very fast.. so we are all just waiting…and waiting. But then someone will come along and undercut that price.. so its gets even worse.

Another case in point.. 15 slot invis bags. Cost about 52 silver to make, so you need to sell them for at least 59s to break even. I was looking at listings today and the last 2 on the list were for over a gold. the third one was for 67s! Undercutting from over a gold to 67 silver is ridiculous. So of course the prices go down from there until we are down to about 61s. Wooo, 3 silver profit. I’m not trying to be greedy, I don’t want to make a gold selling these bags, but more than 3s would be nice.

So the problem here is two fold. Pricing WAY to high and undercutting WAY to much. If those listings fell off after a few days, then the price ranges would fluctuate, rather than just keep going down and down and down until no one can make any money.

As we have all seen, supply is getting to the point where it is outweighing demand. Eventually (pretty much now) nothing will be selling for any kind of profit because everything listed on the TP will be at vendor pricing… at that point, why bother using it at all.

And for me… that’s almost a game breaker.

Sorry for the wall of text… I had more on my mind than I thought apparently.

leatherworking leveling

in Crafting

Posted by: Rhaynne.9467


discoveries, discoveries, discoveries. I have found that discoveries with the rare insignias (recipes for Karma from vendor) yield the most crafting skill points and you may be able to sell them for enough to go back and make another insignia to discover the next piece of armor.. rinse and repeat

For the love of all that is good in the land, plz shut up vendors!

in Crafting

Posted by: Rhaynne.9467


I really want to hear the salad joke… but the guy outside the TP in LA never wants to tell it!!

Cloth and Leather should be available to gather/hunt.

in Crafting

Posted by: Rhaynne.9467


Know what Bandits have been dropping? Butter… and chocolate…. Centaurs…. you guessed it, more butter and chocolate. As far as animals dropping hides.. theres a chance for them to drop, where as with a mining node, you will get ore every time.

Cloth and Leather should be available to gather/hunt.

in Crafting

Posted by: Rhaynne.9467


Yes please, for the love of everything good in the world… stop with the butter and chocolate. In the few days since the change, I’ve not received a single piece of leather or cloth but have managed to amass a stack of over 100 sticks o buttah and pretty close to that in chocolate…

I do think that skins should be acquired from animals, it has been that way in just about every game I ever played.. kill a cow… maybe get some leather from it. It seems unbalanced to me as well that armor and weaponsmiths can run around and mine their stuff and we can not.

Mail being sent to the wrong person.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Rhaynne.9467


I received an item in the mail from someone I do not know. Good to know this is a bug, wasn’t sure what was going on. Hopefully I can find him to send the item back.