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Without the Trinity, We can still have roles

in Suggestions

Posted by: Riis.7615


Even more issues with other roles appear when they fail to adapt to the lack of effectiveness of all of their skills.

Knockbacks are often an issue due to the ‘issues’ DPS shouldn’t even have. Most of the melee weapons in all of the classes I played, while I do not fully remember the necromancer because I played it for only 2 hours before replacing with a mesmer, have a skill that charges/leaps/closes the distances to any target. Most of the time in my experience the PUG DPS are only realiable at killing one target. There is literally no excuse for it.
The theives have infiltrating strikes and heart seeker.
Warriors have savage lunge, shield bash, rush, whirlwind, and the axe&hammer’s F1 leaps(although not as reliable on the spot due to the need of resources) while their mace is the only weapon that cannot close the distance.
All of the ranger’s melee weapons have leaps and so does the mesmer’s.
Engineer’s bombs are their only offensive melee ranged kits that cannot close the distance to anything.
Elementalist’s daggers has 3 ways to close the distances, not to mention their fire lunge(dagger fire 3) deals the most damage at the end of the charge, while making a fire combo to ups everyone, who has a ranged weapon, blast, or whirling attacks, damage.
I can’t remember if necro daggers even have means to close the distance.
Guardians’ maces are their only melee weapon that cannot close the distance, not to mention the most used weapon, their greatsword also has a pull, and their hammer has a ward that can keep foes from entering and exiting it. So while all outside foes are getting pushed down the Guardian can focus more of his efforts into bashing the foe than dodging the horde.
In underwater combat, difiance does not protect from sinking and raising. If you had a team of Elementalists, guardians and anyone else with more than one sink/raise skill then the water bosses will never be able to act. When the foe can’t hurt you, then that means you got nothing to fear and you can go all-out on the offensive.

The difiant buff on bosses is a serious issue. Those with 5 stacks are feasible with everyone ultizing their weapon’s pull, daze, stuns, and knockbacks. Theives are the only ones with a reasonable excuse not to pitch in; aside from their stealth sword attack, all their CC their weapons have use resources they all want to use for DPS. Even a lone warrior with all physical skills(3 stuns), 30 power points and at least 20 defense points, with a hammer (3stuns) and/or mace+shield(3stuns and 2 blocks) can save the party form some of the boss’s attacks with nine stuns excluding the rampage because of it’s long CD. With the traits to upgrade CD speeds, they can do all nine stuns 6 times of 5. With the help of the others in the team, that last difiant stack on the second time won’t be an issue. While someone keeps the enemy stun-locked, the rest can go all out in their attack. If everyone does sets themselves up specificly to stun-lock foes, then the boss never will beable to act, however the fight will take longer, and sometimes they often fail because of their CD’s.

Focusing on condition/buff removal and buffing is a HUGE help in any given situation. You can dodge all you like, but eventually you will get hit with conditions, and witout a huge sum of HP and/or a condition remover ready you are in trouble. Most of the time because such a valuable ally is not there by your side.

It is a fair trade in sacrificing your own DPS so that the rest of the gang won’t have to lose their in evading and reviving the team cause they got hammered by nigh unavoidable damage too much.

The less the enemies act, the more you can afford to do.

Among other things, the lack of feilding AoE’s or just the lack AoE’s in gerenal is a huge issue in PvE. Don’t give me junk about it’s useless when the enemy moves out of it, because most of the time the AI is too sitting still attacking the melee, or any body who knows how to kite properly or those with the right means (chills, cripples, immobilizations), will ensure that the enemy doesn’t leave the rings. Ranged DPS is an issue too, mostly because there is a lack of, but they always have it better than melee, they can act more than melee too because they are at safer distances. I’m surprised I don’t see a Crit damage Warrior with a rifle and Crack shot more often in this cesspool of “DPS or nothing” crap which doesn’t help when everyone is the same build cause then they all go down for the same reason none of which are good ones. It puts shame on them that PvP players are better at staying alive against a flurry of hits that will instantly kill them while having a trick to escape immobilzation and all this while they are out numbered 3-6 to one when these PvE PUGs can’t even replicate this effect against a single boss. I’m not going to go into that right now cause this post is long as it is.

Charr shield clipping in PvE but not PvP

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Riis.7615


That’s not all, try wearing the scale armor (default PvP heavy armor) in PVE and you’ll see a hideous sight with the shoulder and arm pieces.

But there’s more though, for some reason newer characters don’t have any clipping issues in PvE. What’s up with that?

This inconsistency is a serious problem.

Magic find, useful or detrimental?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Riis.7615


Found some info on the wiki, that is usually not up to date with the things I want to know from it, but apparently it also adds to the chance for that category item (rarity) with the percentage of that chance.

So basically the math in that is:

Base Chance + (Base chance*Magic Find )= Your Chance.
Example: 1/10 + (1/10* 200
) = 3/10 chance of getting an item of that rarity.

Basically the only reason why Magic find doesn’t seem to have an effect on increasing the rare drop’s chance is because the base is so low that 10-20% makes no practical difference.

It rolls a number, depending on that number you get that category item. The issue is that apparently whites aren’t 100% chance, so when that number fails even the whites and greys, you get nothing and a lot of lootless bodies.

The most you can do in the game is quadruple the chance, but you’ll have to wear a full set of explorer’s, traveler’s and whatever, have the sigil of luck in one of your weapons, dual wield magic find weapons, have magic find accessories including the ascended one, have all guild magic find buff, both the laureate and original boosters active, and lastly being fed a omnonberry food. All of which gives you only power and presicion stats, so you’ll have to rely on your traits and 5 spare weapon sigils for the crit damage increase and other effects, but while using these you will not make a good tank at all.

(edited by Riis.7615)

Magic find, useful or detrimental?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Riis.7615


I have both Berserker and Explorer gear on my Warrior. The difference is around 300 power and ~75% critical damage, precision remains the same. I’m a glass cannon on both sets, so the only difference is the decreased damage, meaning the run might go a little slower. But then again whenever a dungeon run takes longer than it should is usually because one or more players in the party are bad/inexperienced and fail at performing the necessary task to beat the dungeon’s mechanics, like in the arm seals at the Colossus fractal, someone kills the chanter you shouldn’t kill and there goes an hour of your life trying to do that part the hard way. Seriously, if I’m a leech on my MF gear then what’s a Ranger?

Thank you! Finally someone says it.

That is the very thing that these maximum DPS fail speeders don’t really understand.

That part kitten es me off the most. Most of the time the DPS-aholics, speed running noobs are the ones screwing up, not because they were too weak, but because they failed to establish or follow the plan. Can’t even do the door map in the fractals because of them too. They can’t hold anything because they normally lack the health and/or defenses to survive, lets not even mention the lack of a single breakout, condition, or any means of offensive support (crowd control effects). They just act like sheep and follow the first moron leader with the worst assessment, observant, tactical, and just overall skill to their loser(full of fail) speed run. Worst one I ever been in was in AC exp path 1 before it was revamped. The plan was to hit the west chain, and I was the weakest one there with a level 35 elementalist brandishing the ice bows to rip apart the burrows quick among level 80 thieves and warriors. The team all skipped Kholer too, I should have left because no matter how fast I made it, the losers who were charged to defend the NPC all died because they did something VERY wrong, like pull with a single target only melee weapon while not evading, destroying the burrow in front of the door before the 3rd in line was gone thus unless the scavengers on either them or the NPC or the burrow team with the ice bows before we even know it, neglecting to even use caltops and area snarls (caltrops), stuns, or damage field effects like the warrior’s 8 second ring of fire bow burst skill or bow bombs or the thieves’ poison gas or bow bombs to ensure they themselves don’t get killed. They started to listen to me after we failed and had to run ALL the way back from the start cause we skipped Kholer and I warned them that it might happen too. Next thing I know, the first people going down in the Kholer fight were the same noobs who were all for " MAXIMUM DPS WINZ EVERYTHING! DDHHHERERERER!" bull crap, needless to say they died cause they failed to evade or block the pull. Stability would have helped their DPS more too cause it prevented them from being interrupted, so they can keep on with the relentless assault which as you would find almost nobody except a guardian, lucky Mesmer, or outside PvP will EVER use it normally in a dungeon where being knocked down, dazed, stunned, or pull is frequent. I quit the team after that horrible wipeout instead of persisting with that band of noobs. Because of being in teams like that most of the time, most of my character are stuck being support so that our lovable DPS kittens won’t bleed, burn, get thrown down to death before they get OHKO’d. I don’t even want to take about how those same punks don’t bother to revive you before you die, not even so much as to just to a fear, AoE pushback like the warrior’s stomp and elementalist’s earth quake, and other means to preventing damage while they revive or a ranged revival skill would have helped too (so glad they fixed the elementalist’s revive glyph). They just try to rally off of silver frame foes who aren’t even near death, or in worse cases they are trying to prove they are the best and let EVERYONE die. Been in a failed speed run where they tried to 3 man the revamped spider queen in AC exp while they left me outside to recruit a 5th guy. Me and the 5th guy never made it to the scene, and they died FAST cause they followed the kitten who claims it was THAT much easier with their dodges and maximum DPS. After that display, I felt it best to leave before I dump half my earning into only repairs. -_-

But for the first part, you know you can save the crit damage if you ditch the explorer’s gear and get the runes of the noble set so you can total up your magic find to 50% while your overall gear that isn’t magic find will still have their stats, right?

Magic find, useful or detrimental?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Riis.7615


Lol, I love this Riis guy, not only is magic find not hurtful to your team, but somehow it’s actually helping and we should all be thanking him for carrying us through dungeons with our crap gear that gives us kitten loot.

Yes, never mind the fact I never wrote or implied that you should do anything I wrote here. Good one.

Let’s all forget what an informative explanation is just to swing things your way.

Well, I agree that if you choose to run MF gear, you’re better off using Explorer’s. Even then. it’s a pretty significant loss of DPS compared to Berserker (no crit dmg, and power is only a secondary stat on Explorer). It’s like you chose to run Knight over Berserker, without the +survival. If you restrict MF to runes/food, then I think that’s acceptable.

You can deck out your gear with the runes of the noble set, without magic find accessories and weapons and you’ll be good to go, or you can get boosters.

Boosters don’t subtract from anything.
Sacrificing only a rune set comes at little consequence.

Magic find, useful or detrimental?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Riis.7615


Lol it isn’t as simple as being informative on your part. What I mentioned, however redundant as you may think it is, is a drawback which you failed to mention in your biased stance on MF. As many mentioned, it is a stat that only benefit your self.

Condescending tone aside, more power leads to faster runs for the MF independent loot from chest and guaranteed completion rewards. So on the “enjoying gettng nothing most of the time for more power” part isn’t as absolute as you think from the Time vs Rewards scheme of things

The only biased one here is you. I offered tips to make up for the lost stat, explained how the possibilities work and what you can gain from it, and all you say is that you fear that 1000 points of your strongest attack is going to make you take an extra minute in a boss fight after which you skipped every part of the game to save just 5 minutes of your time otherwise you will cry about it in even the easiest dungeon in the game. Grow out of it already! I did an Arah explorable run with a party of newbies (myself included) and greens. We beat it, and that was the hardest dungeon I ever did, and you’re going to tell me how much it matters to have optimal DPS in even AC or whatever place you had in mind? Geeze, never mind the support and tanks who will suffer from having magic find more than the DPS. Just never mind the support that keeps you and the party from bleeding to death, but oh right, that’s not nearly an issue a lot of the time since every challenge in this game is swept off easy like an exit 2 feet behind you with the hard part entirely optional. Somehow, the you think you can just tear down this whole thing just by that weak “it don’t benefit the team” counter argument without even trying to pull apart anything I said. Not to mention telling me that I fail to understand something I had clearly wrote to you. If that’s the best you could do, then I was wasting my time with you. This had already gotten stupid and I’m not sticking around to see where you go with this if you even get anywhere at all as you brilliantly shown here (in other words, you are getting nowhere with your point and I don’t think you will be).

Haven’t you ever thought about what you can do with that money? I don’t know, maybe help out the guild? Of course you haven’t by what you’re are saying. I wouldn’t be surprised if you bought no guild influence either.

I’m not writing this again, and I had enough with you.

Do you want 9 drops per 15 minutes? Or over 36 per 20 minute? The differences are clear. You get either get less for more time, or you get more for less time. Just try to figure out how that math works. If you never gotten that much when you tried, then you did something wrong or you just got unlucky, either way doesn’t matter to me. While I’m getting my bags full after almost every dungeon group I run, sometimes before they were over, you along with the bandwagon you ride will be sitting around burning more time for little to nothing.

And an hour ago, I racked up 4Gs worth of materials, gear, and one of them got me a quarter of the amount in Fractals of the Mist 7-9 (because the people I went with were that level, and recruiting has been SLOW)!


Magic find, useful or detrimental?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Riis.7615


As opposed to spoonfeeding your previous crap that is redundant? Good job.

As opposed to what?
I did write “not trying to spoon feed ALL of it” for a reason. ^^

Whether or not you fail to understand even something as simple as that isn’t really my problem. Like I mentioned twice now. I’m enjoying getting tons of material, gear, rare items included to sell, because this works.

Magic find, useful or detrimental?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Riis.7615


Guys, most of the Magic find gear gives you power and precision. The only detrimental thing about this isn’t your DPS (unless you also use conditions). Well actually it would matter if you are dieing all the time. It hurts your health defenses and your condition damage. Hurts tank, high defense, max HP, healing, and condition damage builds. Let me rephrase it: you will be a MUCH worse tank, healer, DoTDPS, Best way to balance it out (wrote this before by the way) is with 5 of the Runes of Nobles, with nothing else. That way you get a whole 50% boost rather than using the 3-6% per gear piece (6 armor slots x 6 =36%=BAD MF=GLASS CANNON and/or 6 accessory items x 6= 36% again..=BAD MF….again=WHAT ARE YOU DOING!? WHY AREN’T YOU GETTING THE NOBLE RUNES? THEY SACRIFICE A LOT LESS AND GIVES YOU MORE! WHY!? WHY!!). That way you have all the gear you want. Don’t get magic find armor, weapons, or accessories if you care that much about your performance. Don’t be another one of the players who thought it would be easy being a glass cannon without any means to stop yourself (and the party) from bleeding to death or breaking out of a stun!

The last I checked in any party I ran, I fought, healed everyone, even got the sense enough to use stun breakouts, condition cures, push backs, Fear’s, endure pain, and/or quickness (frenzy on my only MF character, a bow/sword+axe High HP offensive support warrior) to up my da——actually because my PUG noobs keep going down most of the time the moment I get ready to use it, so MOST of the time I’m stuck picking them back up. more than twice as fast as everyone else around me, which is the same case whenever I am forced to use Endure pain in its place. And again, I’ve been getting some great drops. I never said most of it will be junk, mostly because I think that those of you reading this understand mathematical probabilities (and if you don’t, then do better at math), while I do not whine about getting junk most of the time because that’s where all my high tier materials are coming from, let alone my gold.

Plus….AGAIN :
It only raises loot drop chances, NOT the 1% chance of whatever it is you are trying to get. It’s like buying 2000 bags of Doritos just to have a better chance at winning your very own tricycle than someone who bought only 5 bags. Does that mean you’ll win? More chances don’t mean automatic win. A GREATER chance means win, more chances don’t. Quality of chance and Quantity of chance. By creating more chances you would have ultimately increased your chances. You make more chances and you take them. Not either or. You do both or you’re just burning more time.

Alone, you get great material farming, plus gear to sell, salvage, or use.

When in a party, look up at the previous line.

If you run a dungeon for your small speed runs and will cry about the small time it will take to steamroll the dungeon, then AGAIN, you do NOT have any business wasting your time and efforts in getting magic find when you do not fight the trash! If you did do this with your magic find character, then why? Why waste everyone’s time when you also do not want to make more loot? Why raise your loot chance, when you enjoy getting nothing most of the time for more power???

Magic find, useful or detrimental?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Riis.7615


You forget to mention that magic find only benefits the wearer and brings absolutely nothing to group effectiveness in dungeons.

I’m not trying to spoon feed all of this to you, because I have foolishly misplaced hopes that some of the rest of you can figure out that part for yourselves, but it’s just too much to ask sometimes. That part it totally redundant. At no point, ever, should you assume a listed stat affects the party whenever is not explicitly stated or implied. Your healing stats affect only the healing YOU do; your power affects the damage only YOU do. I mean why would you think that? Since when did a MMORPG game with any individual’s loot find stat ever raised the parties’ loot chances?

(edited by Riis.7615)

Magic find, useful or detrimental?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Riis.7615


It helps even though you’ll be giving up a stat. It is not a hard thing to understand really. All magic find does is increase the chance the fallen foe drops anything at all. The means more monsters drop something rather than nothing. If you think getting magic find is not worth it cause it does not increase the already low chance of getting a rare from 1 in 100 to whatever then you obviously were not doing your math right.

The reason why it is hard to get a rare drop is mostly because most of the monsters don’t drop anything. When you have magic find, rather than hoping for a 1% drop out of 12 looted bodies, you get to hope for a 1% drop out of 72 bodies that dropped something. The less drops you get the less often you get anything, including a rare. This affects material drops and dye drops too. Simple.

In dungeons, steamrolling through the trash will get you money. Not direct coin as in the 5 S you get from the 3 chests and bosses. It surprises me that SOMEHOW they forgot they can sell the stuff they get from the runs. At level 80, the blue gear sells in vendor at 60-90C on average, greens sell for 1.1-1.3S on average. I frequently overstock on gear drops like this and get over 40-60S in sell all of that junk, rather than the 18-26S you get from those awfully under rewarding speed runs. I would get more if I sold the insane amount of materials I get from the places too, but I’m using them. In FotM I make it out there with no less than 5 ectoplasm on average, provided that the team I get that wants to steamroll everything, or when we luck out on maps that don’t have avoidable fights.

When you want to get a lot of G’s in runs, and it is easy. You get magic find and you take every opportunity you get. Not OR. You get magic find >>>AND<<< you take every opportunity you get. That way you get drops that are 1of100 out of 100 bodies instead of settling for 5bodies and 3chests+bosses whose only guarantee is that they give you anything at all and you sell everything you get.

That way you’ll be getting 40S and beyond (considering how lucky you get and if you sell your materials too) for 20 minutes of steamrolling everything.


You can cry about those 5 extra minutes and settle for 18-26S, where before the waypoint lock patch, you’d be losing profit solely because of your repair bills because you decided to skip out, go on a mass suicide spree to pass parts like a certain on in CoF path 2 when you could have fought and beaten it, and wait for more time as you walk all they back from the start because you did not want to unlock the avoidable waypoints because you ignored the possibility that you and your team will fail and wonder why you are broke all of the time.

I know I’m choosing the top option.

You can deck out your gear with the runes of the noble set, without magic find accessories and weapons and you’ll be good to go, or you can get boosters.

And remember magic find doesn’t work on Bosses and Chests because they already drop loot.

(edited by Riis.7615)

Shields Clipping on Charrs

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Riis.7615


Sorry about double posting, but it turns out I was wrong. In fact, this makes no sense!

Take a look of after:

I bought a make over kit to lower my char’s size to near minimum, but it looked exactly the same! The shield is clipping in the same spot as before. So yeah..I just about dumped 12 Gs just to find that out. (6G for wasting it; another 6 for re-enlarging my character).

Only I’m left to wonder question is: why is this inconsistant?


Shields Clipping on Charrs

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Riis.7615


I have the same issue and it’s getting very irratating. Although something is bugging me about the placement on the char and maybe it’s the same for all of the other characters too. I think the character size (height) does not affect the sheild placement at all.

Take a look at this:

I took a few screenshots and put two together to make this picture. I made a new char at the smallest/shortest he can be in the bottom half of this picture, and you can see that there is a huge gap between the forearm and the shield. The sheild in use is a level 1 shield I got with the new char from a vendor, which I stored in the bank to show on a larger char I have. In the top half, using my main warrior, whom I made at the largest/hieghest he can be, you can see that the same sheild is clipping though his arm without any gloves equiped. This leads me to believe the sheild placement at least is independent and does not adjust to the weilder’s size, meaning that it is in the exact same spot regardless of how big your character will get.

Maybe lowering your character’s size will resolve or alleviate the sheild clipping problem.

EDIT: No it does not! Why!?


(edited by Riis.7615)