Showing Posts For Rivenguard.6740:

Event did not trigger on overflow server [merged threads]

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Rivenguard.6740


Keep an eye on the area around Fort Marriner waypoint–the event will kick off when construction is complete on the catapults. Note: Catapult completion time may vary a bit between overflows.

Loved the vary a bit. 43 minutes past and the event still have not started.

The Fractal dungeon is beyond cheap

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Rivenguard.6740


Main problem of the fractal dungeon is the NO WAY TO REJOIN when disconnected.

Really, spending 40-50 minutes to get disconnected (that is already a major pain by itself) and then have no way to get back is a major oversight on ANET part.

Dungeon Patch Discussion 11/15

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Rivenguard.6740


Incentive for selfish play in a team oriented part of the game is not good. Unique items drops from sub bosses that are affected by Magic Find are a bad move, in my opinion.
Better Dungeon drops in general that are never affected by Magic Find at all would be a much better move.


Magic Find is a purely selfish stat.
There is only one armor set with Magic Find in it and it is a glass cannon build: Power/Precision (and both are minor stats).
60% of MF comes from runes, so selfish play will overcome team play runes.

Magic Find rewards the players who worries more for himself than for the team. He sacrifices his major stat in armor and trinkets, his sigil slot in the weapon and the runes to get a solo benefit while contributing less.

When you are with 20 people in Orr or some other event, you do not have to worry if some people are with MF ( and you probably are too ). But in the structured event of a 5 person team, rewarding the one that is contributing less is wrong.

And before the argument that you can finish the dungeon with MF gear, non MF gear would make it go faster/easier, since with the same skill and better stats on gear it would be faster.

(edited by Rivenguard.6740)

Changes to Dungeon loot

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Rivenguard.6740


The thing is, dungeon loot was a joke. The drops were the same as the easier to kill mobs from outside, so you usually used MF gear when farming Orr or other places.
And used “dungeon” gear for dungeons.

Now, with exclusive and good luck on dungeons sub bosses, you (or at least part of your PUG) will use MF gear/runes, making MF “required”.

MF is an horrible stat as an individual one.

If it was at least a “group MF” stat, maybe it could be better, but, as it is, it is an incentive to play for yourself exactly during the structured team part of the game.

So, why should I sacrifice my chance for better loot to help my group with different runes than 5 pirates – 1 traveler if the only one that gets worse loot is me?

Changes to Dungeon loot

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Rivenguard.6740


And you lose “remove condition on shout” and other group related runes for the MF ones too….

Let Soldier, Shaman, Rabid prefix armor to be crafted please.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Rivenguard.6740


The power/vit/toughness armor/weapons and trinkets are hard to get. Armor you can get 5 of the 6 pieces from Orr karma vendors, but the others are mostly invaders (WxWxW set) and just the trinkets cost around 2000 badges…