Showing Posts For Roktar.2497:

Class specific "Legendaries"

in Suggestions

Posted by: Roktar.2497


I like the idea, I can add Angel wings to guardians, similar to eles wings, but with blue fire and a blue fire crown above his head. kitten that would be epic.

Shield of Absorption

in Suggestions

Posted by: Roktar.2497


The duration is 4 seconds, it’s just the visual effect that last for 2 seconds.

I would add more dmg absorb in lvl 80, 5000 it’s too poor considering a crappy trash mob hit insanely hard in this game. I would say 10k or 15k.

Change race/order facility [merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Roktar.2497


Agreed, race change will be a good thing in the game, and it could bring more income to the gem store. Wow has it, why not GW2 ?

Molten facility, Living story team.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Roktar.2497


Pros: The dungeon is really fun and challenging and it was made by the living story team.

Cons: It’s only temporary.

Dungeon team, please learn what is a good made and fun dungeon please.

Dungeon Patch Discussion: 4/30

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Roktar.2497


In conclusion, all the dungeons “fixes” of this patch are pointless like all previous patches…

More temporary content

in Suggestions

Posted by: Roktar.2497


No, please no. Anet should add more permanent content than temporary and start fixing the already broken things instead of just adding more temporary crap.

(edited by Roktar.2497)

Molten Weapon Facility

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Roktar.2497


The problem with dungeons is that they are not hard, they are stupid. One shot kills without warnings, trash mobs insanely OP, mobs condition spam, health pools almost infinite, poor stat scaling on players, loot rewards, no organization or coordination in party, etc, etc, etc…

Lupicus it’s the only wow-like fun fight, with the HP % and the three phases. It’s actually fun and it has a good synergy. Dredge fractal boss was another good example of good game mechanics too. Too bad the reward sucks.

More Skimpy Armor Please? [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Roktar.2497


No please no more skimpy armors, make REAL armors, not a piece of metal showing skin and boobs…..

This thread is referring to the medium armour, not heavy plated armour.

It can be applied to every single type of armour. T3 human cultural, and all the “thief” theme ones for example…

I’m not against skimpy armors, but this game has 90% skimpy and 10% normal. It’s a bit too much IMO.

More Skimpy Armor Please? [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Roktar.2497


No please no more skimpy armors, make REAL armors, not a piece of metal showing skin and boobs…..

Dark Souls and GW2 hard mode dungeons

in Suggestions

Posted by: Roktar.2497


If anet wanted to make the dungeons more like Dark Souls, they would actually have to make them more forgiving a fair.

I’m not even kidding.

Are you seriously saying the dungeons are too hard?!?!

They are not hard, they are stupid. One shot kills without warnings, trash mobs insanely OP, mobs condition spam, health pools almost infinite, poor stat scaling on players, loot rewards, no organization or coordination in party, etc, etc, etc…

Lupicus it’s the only wow-like fun fight, with the HP % and the three phases. It’s actually fun and it has a good synergy. Too bad the reward sucks.

(edited by Roktar.2497)

I won't ever play this game again...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Roktar.2497



Every time I see new content coming with soooo many daily hindrances and unfinished features etc… (if I didn’t have a lot of patience) I would have /ragequit many times over.

Rainbows, unicorns, backpacks, quaggans, retro, leather shirts… please, please, please… this is out of hand.

You know why there isn’t a All in One video game?
Because it’s a BAD idea.

(generalizing, don’t rage)
You want capes… play a Superhero game.
You want Pokemon… play pokemon.
You want 80’s… play 80’s games.

Mini games… cool.
Game changing content… please think.

I see these retro\super weapons (cool or not) it destroys any atmosphere or feel the original world had.

GW2 will be a second hand store in no time. Piles of useless toys added into a fun semi-realistic world to a spiraling out of control helplessly unrealistic world.

I’m scared of what’s to come.


Totally agree with you my friend. The childish thing, Anet tries to add in the game is ridiculous, quaggan backpacks ? really ? kitten T3 cultural charr armor fighting zombies with a plush on his back ? the “old style” 8 bit crap ?

I hope the devs start doing some serious content and not this childish thing because this game will fail so much, even in their facebook page when the game was released it has 1kk likes, now it has 800k… numbers don’t lie. We need content, new or old polished SERIOUS content.

I won't ever play this game again...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Roktar.2497


They need proper endgame, and not this add this with laurels, add this for commendations and 500000 other temporary time gated tokens and stuff.
Give reason to keep getting all the stuff, and not add 2 more temporary dungeons again.

Create stuff that lasts even if it will be difficult. Guild missions are difficult, but barely worth the trouble. Create dungeons for legendary pieces but make them hard so people having something to actually work for and when they make it they get the feeling they earned a reward thats actually worth something.

Capes are a nice addition but once you have it it doesnt fight the boredom (doesnt mean arenanet shouldnt add it though). Mounts have the same thing allthough I dont think they add anything to the game and shouldnt be added.


It’s been a year since the release and nothing has changed… just temporary events and gem store crap was added. No more dungeons, armors, weapons (just a few but skins sucks really hard), class fixes, etc. There’s no incentive to keep playing. Laurels was a desperate move to make players log in at least once in a day to do daily stuff…

Adding capes and mounts won’t solve the problem, you will be bored again once you get it, it’s a giant snowball.

(edited by Roktar.2497)

The mini-games aren't funny

in Suggestions

Posted by: Roktar.2497


GW2 needs a variety of content to attract new players to the game.

Or keep the existing players too. I can’t stand that 8 bit “old style” crap, and all the childish stuff they introduce in the gem store like the quaggan backpack… for god sake we are fighting dragons and zombies with a quaggan plush backpack ? seriously ?

I hope Anet stop doing this childish content and focus on more serious content or at least improve the dungeons or make more serious armors and weapons.

Toughness and Healing Power improvement.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Roktar.2497


I have no problem to go full support giving away damage, the problem will be the mentality of the group to bring a “non-damage” to the group in that case. If I want damage I will go glass cannon, but it’s not the point of my suggestion. I’m agree with you, and I’m willing to let damage apart to be the “healer” in the group and keep everyone alive.

Toughness and Healing Power improvement.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Roktar.2497


My humble suggestion is about the very bad combat and stats mechanics of this game.

First, Armor give us a reduction of 33%, my suggestion is to make it scale with toughness and make that % dmg reduction increase to a cap of 75% or 80%. That way “tank builds” can be more meaningfull and more usefull in every content. For example going with a full toughness set with a tank build could be very usefull in pve to draw the enemy attention to you and save the others with less defence. In pvp and WvW it could be very helpfull to hold the ground in a point and defend it until your reinforcements come back.

Second is healing power, in my case I run an ele full exotics with cleric set and jewelry and it’s so disappointing when I cast the healing spells on my party to see only get healed for such poor amounts of health.
My suggestion will be to make healing power, really strong, scale it much better. At the moment a full healing build + healing set and jewelry is healing 3-5k … it’s a joke when bosses are hitting you close to 3/4 hp to oneshot. Make our healing skills heal at least 10k or 90% of a party member’s HP and the buff (or boon) of restoration it’s a joke it heals very, VERY poor make it heal like 1k per tick, PvE will be much better this way. It will encourage variety to bring a support class and not only glass cannons dps bottle heads. In terms of pvp and WvW it will make it more tactical, first kill the healers, then the dps threat and then the tanks. Fight will last longer and become more organized than now that’s only zerg into the other group.

My intention is not to bring the holy trinity back, it’s just come closer to it to be more organized and to make builds more meaningful to those who want to go full X stat and take a tank or support/healing role.

Thanks for reading, english is not my native language I hope you could understand my suggestion.

What if I don't want a pet?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Roktar.2497


Agreed, since this game the “bow class” is a Ranger and not a Hunter, you should have to had an option to go with or without pets. That was one of the reasons why I didn’t choose the ranger, I hate the pets but i love the ranged bow class and it’s optional melee fighting style.

Animation to weapons

in Suggestions

Posted by: Roktar.2497


I like the idea, it’s similar to enchants in wow. It could be a good improvement to the weapon looks, and a sense of more personal customization.

Eye Patches And Wings.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Roktar.2497


I like the idea of adding wings, just like and old mmo called MU it’s only for the looks but it was one of the best things i saw in a game. They can do themed wings, like a steampunk wings charr style, or an electric wings (just like magic gladiator in MU) Asuran style, etc. I fully agree with OP and it could be a good income in the gem store if the prices are reasonable.

On the other hand, eyepatches imo are so small that i wouldn’t notice in my character , so i disagree with this one.

[Sollution] Condition Stacking & Boons

in Suggestions

Posted by: Roktar.2497


I would love to see individual conditions for each character, then each character can stack their own 25 stacks without been worried of the max cap, like wow, every class has their own debuffs separated from the other character debuffs. Same thing with burning, poison, etc. I’ve played an engineer based on conditions and it’s annoying to see how the conditions are capped and your skills are useless.

Another option could be to raise the cap of bleeds to a big number, and make burning, poison and others stackable on numbers and not in duration.

A Looking For Group System

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Roktar.2497


In my opinion they have to make an automatic dungeon finder just like wow, not the “manual” thing it has GW2. You put the dungeon you want and the path, and then click “search” and you’re ready to go, instant match with others who want the same as you.
It could also have the possibility to go to that dungeon no matter where the map you are. Just a button popping out saying “enter dungeon”. Going to the dungeon map is very annoying.

The camera zooms too far out...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Roktar.2497


I love the zoom out camera right now, you have better control of the situation around you.

Looking for group/dungeon tool.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Roktar.2497


In my opinion they have to make an automatic dungeon finder just like wow, not the “manual” thing it has GW2. You put the dungeon you want and the path, and then click “search” and you’re ready to go, instant match with others who want the same as you.

It could also have the possibility to go to that dungeon no matter where the map you are. Just a button popping out saying “enter dungeon”. Going to the dungeon map is very annoying.

New Classes?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Roktar.2497


I’d like to see a full oriented dps class, without support or defensive utilities, just raw dps or magic dps. A violent glass cannon class for clearing dungeons faster killing everything :P

Enable Race Change via Gem Store

in Suggestions

Posted by: Roktar.2497


Please enable race change via gem store, It would be a good income for Arenanet and it will give players the possibility to play another race without leveling and gearing all the way up to 80 again.

Malchor Leap-Skill Point Bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Roktar.2497


Still bugged in Gate of Madness.