Showing Posts For Ryan.6813:
As the title says I’m looking for a Guild to consistently raid with on a weekly basis. I’m a very competent and active player looking for a group of people that focus on PvE content while having a good time doing it.
I’m ideally looking for a guild with the following:
- Very active on a daily basis.
- Guild groups for Fractals/Dungeons/Map Events.
- Weekly Guild Missions.
- VOIP to hang out in. I’m very social
- Consistent weekly raid clears.
I can offer you:
- A skilled, competent player that makes few mistakes and learns very quickly from them.
- A dedicated and loyal member of your Raid team.
– A friendly, mature personality. Ideally your guild is 18+.
- An experienced raider/gamer (over 6 years of Raiding experience in a top 200 world capacity from WoW, with numerous Rank 1 world/server DPS parses).
I currently play a Herald, but am working on a Chronomancer as an alternate. Please feel free to mail/PM me in game for specifics.
Thank you for your consideration.
Application submitted- waiting to hear back.
Hey there,
I’m an experienced GW2 player returning from an extended break but would like to join a guild to begin raiding. I’m not full ascended now, but I wouldn’t mind joining in a casual capacity and get to know everyone until I am properly geared.
I’ve raided in a competitive atmosphere for around 5 years and I’m a very consistent and dedicated player.
Shoot me a PM. Thanks for your consideration.
Hey there,
I’m an experienced GW2 player returning from an extended break but would like to join a guild to begin raiding. I’m not full ascended now, but I wouldn’t mind joining in a casual capacity and get to know everyone until I am properly geared.
I’ve raided in a competitive atmosphere for around 5 years and I’m a very consistent and dedicated player.
Shoot me a PM. Thanks for your consideration.
Hey there,
I’m an experienced GW2 player returning from an extended break but would like to join a guild to begin raiding. I’m not full ascended now, but I wouldn’t mind joining in a casual capacity and get to know everyone until I am properly geared.
I’ve raided in a competitive atmosphere for around 5 years and I’m a very consistent and dedicated player.
Shoot me a PM. Thanks for your consideration.
Thank you for all your helpful suggestions!
My initial plan was do obtain 30 Drops of Liquid Karma a day, ~10 Dungeons, and complete my daily, for 10 days.
That would net 300 Drops x 80% Boost = 216,000
10 Daily x 80% Boost = 81000
This would give me 297,000 Karma in 10 days.
I am literally 300,000 Karma away from obtaining my first legendary – Sunrise. It’s not that I don’t know how to obtain it, via Events, Dungeons, WvW, the question is which is the fastest? Anxiety is a killer, and I want to finish this dang sword already!
I plan to use boosts for all my Jugs/Vials of Karma:
15% Guild Karma Boost
10% Guild Banner
5% Ice Cream Food
50% Karma Booster
If that can be increased I’d love to know how…
(edited by Ryan.6813)
I agree with you Zaith, its ridiculous that a progress blocking bug hasn’t been fixed. Meanwhile ~3 Patches have come out that don’t fix it, and it hasn’t been addressed since.
Nothing like having 99% World Completion, only needing 1 PoI and 1 Waypoint, knowing you can’t get it because it’s bugged.
Well 160 was all I crafted, no luck. 3 Exotics.
120 Shortbows, No Lover.
80 Shortbows, No Lover.
One exotic from 32 Shortbows.
Well as the title says, I’m hoping Zammoros or Arena Net can bless me on my quest to attain “The Lover”.
Will Update.
Here goes.