Showing Posts For Ryukai.6524:

TP suggestion Preview before buying

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ryukai.6524


Yeah I too would like to see what I’m buying before I buy it, that includes the items physical appearance and not just stats :/

You can’t even link the TP stuff to a friend via chat so you could then use that to preview it…

Camera-Related Issues: Compilation and Lengthy Anaylsis

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ryukai.6524


Anyone find any other problems with the camera that i don’t have listed in the first post?

I’ve had problems with the camera overshooting and then rotation back when moving fast, I’m asuming this is something to do with the predictive movement.

Basically I rotate the camera whilst moveing forwards to turn the character. When i stop moveing the camera, it will still continue to move for a second or so and rotate past the directly behind point of my character.

The camera inertia then slowly comes to a stop and then slowly rotates the camera back in the opposite direction so that it is then directly behind the toon, and this is without me even touching the mouse after I finish the initial movement :s

Talk about sea sickness :s

What about mounts?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ryukai.6524


At level 80 it costs more to travel to the CLOSEST waypoint that the money you recive from a dynamic event o_O Priceing is stupid in this game.

Perasonally I’d prefer mounts over waypoints.

Yes I know mounts are much much ‘slower’ than waypoints, but one of Anets ideas for the game was to get people out and about discovering things, traveling around and comeing across events you may not have seen before, and supposedly enjoying this massive world they have made.

Instead we get insta travel all over the world, compleatly missing out on any events that we would have run across if we had been traveling via mount and a compleat disregared for all the time and effort they have put into making an amazing looking world :/

If it was a choice between way points and mounts, I’d definatly choose mounts. Insta teleport just takes all the fun out of the world :s

And for those that say mounts just make you run past all the good stuff, you don’t get to even SEE the good stuff if you insta teleport past it :s


(edited by Ryukai.6524)

WvWvW Overflow? (The Dragon Mist)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ryukai.6524


The idea of an overflow for the aweful queues for WvWvW have been thrown around for a while. But this would cause problems with the +bonuses and the like that are given out via WvWvW.

So Instead I was thinking how about having a secondary WvWvW with a compleatly different set of bonus’s rather than an overflow.

This idea came from one of the Beta weekend ending event’s where Kralkatorrik was flying over the Plains of Ashford and everyone got turned into a class appropriate branded witha different set of skills based around the class.

Well this is where the fun starts, the 3 worlds would be randomly given a dragon to represent (instead of a color) Kralkatorrik, Jormag, Primordus or Zhaitan. (obviously one would be randomlt left out)

Upon entering the Dragon Mist world, you would be transformed into a class appropriate ‘monster’ for your chosen dragon with a set of skill’s for that mob/dragon class.

The 3 sections of the mist world whould in appearace represent the controlling dragons appearance of choice, and as keeps/towers etc were captured by a different dragon force then the immediate area around it would change it’s appearance as it became corrupted by the different dragons power.

And how would this affect world bonuses I hear you cry…

The shifting power struggle in the dragonmist would force the dragons to turn there attention away from Tyria and put more of that power into the WvWvW this would weaken there forces on Tyria slightly.

So Instead of +bonus’s, there’d be -bonus’s and these would be applied to mobs, such as specific dragon atunned mobs based on the 3 fighting dragon factions.

i.e. -1% damage from Risen mobs or -1% health from Icebrood etc…etc…

The strange thing about this idea is that it’s also fun for those that generally dislike pvp and avoid it at all costs if possable (Why you put pvp in my pve achivos Arena Net ;_; ) .

I normally can’t stand it, yet I found the BW ending event a hell of alot of fun

The whole getting turned into a dragon mob and fighting for the ‘bad’ guys is always a good thing in my books ;D

(edited by Ryukai.6524)

Hammer Warriors

in Warrior

Posted by: Ryukai.6524


Playing with the hammer and haveing fun (with a rifle for ranged)

2 knockdowns ( inc Bulls charge)
1 Knockback
1 Cripple (circle those mobs like a boss :P )
1 AoE Stun

Yes I’m a control Freek ;D

True it doesnt have the fast Damage Burst of the Greatsword, but you Die a hell of a lot less ( /waves at the easy monthly 100K exp survivor achive)

orange glow kills me after being revived.

in Warrior

Posted by: Ryukai.6524


That is called Vengance if I recall (or something like that anyway), it’s the 3rd button in downed stat that you can use. It will basically res you for a short time after which you will be instantly ‘defeated’.

There is a trait you can pick wich will remove the effect if you kill a mob before it expires but I cant remember which trait row it is on.

If you don’t have this trait you will have to either not use the 3rd downed state button or use it then die 30 secs later (and in both instances other players will more than likely die trying to revive you, as they all decided to ress you and promptly got oneshot by the boss… yes… this does happen >_>)

All armors look the same on me...

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ryukai.6524


If your looking at the dungeon gear venders in Lions arch, there are 2 armor tabs, first tab is basic stuff, which is the same on every vender. It’s the second armor tab that has the unique looking dungeon gear.

I thought there was something wrong at first, untill I noticed the second armor tab >_>

Camera control issues - a documented list

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ryukai.6524


I’m playing on a 16:9 22 inch monitor, and one way I’ve found to avoid the nausea headaches was to play in windowed mode and to narrow the screen, both top and bottom by an inch. Not sure what the widowed resolution is but this is a full size screenshot.

Also with the cammera predicting movement, it’s very annoying when the cammera goes too far one way, slows down then moves slowly back the opposite way for a bit untill it lines up :s and thats anything upto a couple of seconds AFTER I’ve taken my hand off of the mouse

But at least this game has one good thing going for it, the ground textures are amazing, really highly detailed and all.

Not sure about the rest of the world as you only get to see that via vistas, as inorder to see whats happening infront of you, you have to point the camera down (you can see the angle in the ss), I don’t think I’ve seen the sky/horizon yet in anything other than vistas

(A good way to fix this would be if I could just ‘add’ the 2 inches I’m missing from a full screen image to the horizontal FoV I am playing at to the top, this would give me a horizon and even some sky!)

If you do try and position the camera pointing forwards to get a horizontal view it ends up dragging on the ground and pointing up your toons backside filling the screen with your character

It ended up being a real dissapointment in the Kralkatorrik fight, the limited vertical FoV and wierd camera positioning basically destroys the encounter You want to see the massive dragon you are fighting, but if you angle the camera to see him (pointing up), you get a screen full of your toon and no way of telling if your standing in crap on the floor or have mobs after you as the bottom of the camera view stops just above the waist of your character.

But if you want to see the ground so you can see the warning marks (point camera down/horizontal), you can’t see the head target icon so have no way of knowing if you are inrange, and all you see during the event is it’s feet.

Was left sorely dissapointed in my first dragon fight, leaves you feeling rather depressed about what it’s gonna be like for the other dragons :/


Isn’t the problem of FoV related to being able to see to much of the playing field relative to others? Game play might be broken if FoV goes out to far, particularly in PvP. Basically, a wider FoV forces everyone to play with a wider FoV because if you don’t, then those playing wider have an advantage over those that do not.

Ahhh this old misnomer. Unfortunatly If you are Rich and can afford to throw a few thousand at computer hardwear upgrades, then you can already have this ‘advantage’ Below are 2 links to the FoV that a single full screen monitor player and a 3-screen Eyefinity player has of a single area.

3-screen Eyefinity setup

Single 16:9 single screen set up

So, to say giving people with only a single screen a greater FoV to stop them from being ill is going to affect pvp, then your very much mistaken.

So if your concerned with people in pvp having an unfair advantage with FoV, shouldn’t you be campaining to have Eyefinity Technology banned from every present and future game that has pvp in it.

Have a nice day

(edited by Ryukai.6524)

blurry auction house (see pic)

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ryukai.6524


Set your Interface Size to Normal, I’m guessing you have it set to small. That should fix the problem

Thing is all the other text both on the TP and in the game, works fine on small scalle interface, it’s only affecting the auction listings and sell pane.

Seams kinda bad that we’d constantly have to fiddle with game setting just to read one thing :/

p.s. the text in the chat window is the same size as the TP listings and thats not affected, so there must be something wrong somewhere…

Frequent disconnects

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ryukai.6524


Suddenly Started getting DC’d to the character screen and then every 3rd time all the way out to the launcher been going on for the last 3 – 4 hours with the dc’s every 20mins or so, repeating in sequence :s

ISP – Sky Unlimited
Location – UK
Server – Desolation (EU)

melee class

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Ryukai.6524


I’ve gone for a Warrior, and got the 100K exp monthly achivo without dieing (the one in the hero tab for 200K appears to be bugged and isn’t counting anything )

This is useing a hammer, as it has alot of control (cripple, stun, knockback, knockdown + bullrush knockdown), yes the damage is lower than a greatsword and takes slightly longer to kill mobs, but you either go for control and survivability (you don’t die but takes slightly longer to kill mobs), or the old glass cannon (high damage output, but as a melee you’ll be taking alot of damage and are more likely to die fast and often :/ )