Showing Posts For Ryuu Alexandros.5247:
If your buying things to toss into forge to get commendations then yeah it’s a huge waste. However if you just got back from farming and don’t need to break down or sell blues/greens then you can get some nice items by junking them in the donation boxs. In otherwords the commendations are a good alternative to salvaging/selling junk items.
In the case of selling junk items, it’s still a net loss, though it’s not as big a waste.
So 3 lvl80 greens and 1 wrapper = 12 commendations. Let’s say that’s 5.24 silver (~1.4s per green you’d get from selling it to vendor, 1.04s per wrapper. this is actually a very forgiving scenario, most lvl80 greens I’ve sold seem to be 1.6-1.8 silver).
A Black Lion Key is 285 commendations. 285 / 12 = 23.75
So that’s 23.75 donations, each donation costing 5.24 silver. 23.75 * 5.24 = 124.45
That means, by generating Commendations, it costs:
1g, 24s, 45c for 1 black lion key.
Using the current gem exchange rate, right now it costs:
1g, 11s for 1 black lion key.
So even in the case you described, it’s a waste of money. A relatively small waste of money given the forgiving scenario, but still, a waste of money.
When you take into account the 5 BLK for 450 gem deal and a bunch of other scenarios, it becomes a much bigger waste of money.
(edited by Ryuu Alexandros.5247)
The TP is the same for all servers (e.g. every server shares/contributes to the same TP).
Oh, good to know. So it’s a waste of money for everyone, not just my server in particular.
Just dillutes your rep and the validity of your response when you can’t get basic facts about the game in order.
The fact that the TP is across all servers isn’t even that relevant. It wasn’t an essential detail, it changes nothing about my math or the fact that it’s cheaper to get commendation rewards by other means, like gem exchange.
As indicated in my previous post – it is relevant in whether or not I choose to blindly accept your calculations and/or pulled data.
By all means, don’t blindly accept my calculations. Go ahead and do them yourself too, and share the results. I’d love to see them
The TP is the same for all servers (e.g. every server shares/contributes to the same TP).
Oh, good to know. So it’s a waste of money for everyone, not just my server in particular.
Just dillutes your rep and the validity of your response when you can’t get basic facts about the game in order.
The fact that the TP is across all servers isn’t even that relevant. It wasn’t an essential detail, it changes nothing about my math or the fact that it’s cheaper to get commendation rewards by other means, like gem exchange.
I hate to be so negative, so let me start off by saying I love the concept art and music in Guild Wars 2. Also, I enjoyed the Halloween event a lot.
Ok, now that that’s out of the way:
The more I do the math on this “donation” thing, the more disgusted I get. Did they think they would dupe us into such a crappy gold/treasure sink?
IT IS CHEAPER TO BUY MOST, IF NOT ALL, OF THE COMMENDATION REWARDS (black lion keys, gathering tools, even exotics and rares and the lionguard skins) BY OTHER MEANS. DON’T WASTE YOUR MONEY.
I did some of the math on some other threads. I could copy what I wrote here if anyone wants. Also, if anyone else has done any math on the cost of commendation rewards, I’d love to see it.
My pleasure
Hopefully Anet gets the hint that we’re not going to be happy about “exciting new events” that try to dupe us into a gold-sink that wastes our gold.
3 freshly crafted exotic torches got me 140. I just want a key as I have not had a key drop in weeks. Down to 3 fine transmutation stones and 7 lion chests. Curious if this is cheaper or more expensive than just trading for gems.
To quote myself on a similar thread:
it costs about 2.23 gold to get 3 lvl71 exotic armor pieces and a donation wrapper, and on the CHANCE that that gives you 550 tokens, that’s about 1.96 Black Lion Keys.
2.23 gold —> 1.96 BLK
It currently costs 3.93 gold to get 5 BLKs via gem exchange.
3.93 gold —> 5 BLK
If you do the math, clearly it costs less gold per key when you just go with the 5-packs of BLKs for 450 gems.
The commendations are a waste of time and money.
And that’s just the best case scenario. Usually, it’s an even bigger waste of money than the numbers I used.
The TP is the same for all servers (e.g. every server shares/contributes to the same TP).
Oh, good to know. So it’s a waste of money for everyone, not just my server in particular.
So, on my server it costs about 2.23 gold to get 3 lvl71 exotic armor pieces and a donation wrapper, and on the CHANCE that that gives you 550 tokens, that’s about 1.96 Black Lion Keys.
2.23 gold —> 1.96 BLK
It currently costs 3.93 gold to get 5 BLKs via gem exchange.
3.93 gold —> 5 BLK
If you do the math, clearly it costs less gold per key when you just go with the 5-packs of BLKs for 450 gems.
The commendations are a waste of time and money.
Now this is good feedback.
People saying “omg lag so bad event bugged eff you!” is getting old already, and it doesn’t really accomplish anything.
The way you detail what they did right and what they did wrong, on the other hand, is well-put, thoughtful, and hopefully Anet can use it to adjust their events in the future. I commend you, sir!
Well yeah, the event is stuck here on Crystal Desert too, but I figure it’s just bugged like Canach..
Wait, talking to an event NPC resets the cooldown timer for the event? How/when/why did that become a thing that happens? o_O
Hopefully none of the Anet employees read all this focused hate and become disheartened.
Yeah, the event wasn’t fun, and things are kinda broken, but it’s kinda cool that they’re taking risks and trying something different. At least we’re not paying monthly fees for this while they’re still figuring things out, right?
I wish the Anet peeps well on fixing Lost Shores and their continued efforts to make GW2 a fun and awesome game!