Showing Posts For Sad Panda.6835:

The low-down on the "Solo-Queue" Fiasco

in PvP

Posted by: Sad Panda.6835

Sad Panda.6835

Get rid of all systems including hot join and give us ranked solo queue and ranked team queue.

Sure, ideally you would want non ranked games to try stuff out, but the player base isn’t large enough. Make your solo rank be bound to your character, not your account.

Really disappointed with this...

in WvW

Posted by: Sad Panda.6835

Sad Panda.6835

When you hit 80 armor repairs won’t be a problem. I make money in wvw.

Concern About Upcoming WvW Prestige

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sad Panda.6835

Sad Panda.6835

Thieves really aren’t that OP. I havent died to a thief in a long time on my necro. Maybe we are their counter or something? It should seem like if you dont spec total glass and have a defensive skill or 2 that you could survive the thief burst.

Is it worth it for WvWvW?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sad Panda.6835

Sad Panda.6835

Are you talking about large zergs or solo/small group? For solo or small group then yes play a necro. But for zergs I would say other classes would benefit the fight better. My only 80 is a necro and I love him, but listen to my argument. I tried out an epidemic build for a couple days out there and I enjoyed it, but against T1 guilds, stacks of bleeds drop so fast it’s dumb. Most of the time I see 2-3s of bleeds. And since such few people run with condition specs out there, it’s hard to even load up bleeds to begin with. It is fun spreading conditions when attacking a tower though (you dont need los).

A necro can still be very useful out in a zerg. Every class should understand movement, positioning, and pressure. you want to stop their movement and apply pressure. eles, warriors, and guardians do this better than a necro. Right now I’m trying a high dps necro and pretty much doing bombing runs with spectral walk to get out of there. Dropping wells and marks with blind well for the chill proc. I may go back to conditions, we’ll see.

The fun thing about a necro is you are so hard to kill and in really any build you use you will dominate most 1v1’s.

"Quickness", what do you think?

in PvP

Posted by: Sad Panda.6835

Sad Panda.6835

In a team fight or in a 1v1 quickness damage can be avoided. I think the problem is it requires more coordination and skill to avoid it than it is to deal it. I actually do not know what should be done with it. Personally, I like the higher pressure of fighting against someone with quickness. But I can understand why people get frustrated from it. WvW zergs especially since aoes are limited to 5 people. It’s harder to cc the quickened targets. IMO at least make it removable <- says me the necro

On necros being "broken"

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sad Panda.6835

Sad Panda.6835

You don’t need toughness/vit/power gear to pvp as a necro. I’m in berserkers and level 80 greens and my closest 1v1’s are when I have 1-2 vets on me as well lol. Necro really isn’t hard to play, and if you are smart then realy any build you use could work (if pet AI gets fixed)

Need a wvw build

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sad Panda.6835

Sad Panda.6835

I go
30 – for 20% damage below 50% hp
15 – blinds trait
10 – staff marks
15 – armor at 50% hp

I don’t have all my gear, but I’m building berserker’s gear with beryl orbs. I use soldier accessories too I think? I have 1.3k toughness, 20k hp, 33% crit chance, 66% crit damage. Go dagger/warhorn and staff. My highest crit so far with staff 4 has nearly been 5k. On dagger use sigil of rage.

No matter what build you use as a necro you need to be in DS as much as possible. kill a mob or two and get a full bar. When engaging an enemy, drop marks and immediately go into DS. Dps til it’s out, then immediately use that armor skill that gives prot and LF when hit (cant remember the name). This will supercharge your LF back up along with taking 33% less damage. Remember when your health reaches 50% you will get another armor proc, so that’s even more LF. When your rage sigil procs you will dps almost as fast as a thief. Drop well of darkness when needed. I like teleport utilities so I carry around spectral walk.

It’s a great 1v1 and small group build, and with your dps your marks will be dangerous when pressuring front lines in zerg combat. Tank builds work very well too, but I’m too poor to get two sets atm.