Showing Posts For Sadu.9541:
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I have a question regarding the Chaotic Magics. It says 4 kinds of magic and the crystall magic thingie. What is the fourth one as i only see three in the collection!
Because a little bear wanted to run his little cute human female to look like a little innocent school girl… which is kind of disgusting.
To be hones i like the jester one, but outfits come and go.
One could think one might have known…
Not really that much… its kinda worse that you need all masteries maxed. Guess by then you will have plenty of your currency.
Spirit shards are usually the last Material i need before getting a new legendary, so it really depends on your need for shards.
There are plenty threads like this, why start the same again?
Short version, nobody promised an easier or cheaper way towards a precursor. You now have a list of short term goals you may accomplish or you chose the old way, it is up to you.
Can’t complain about new ways of making gold in HoT even without the addon content. Anyway there need to be losers in an economy to allow others to win.
Tbh the time of GW2 vannilla is over and I hope all future updates will only include content for HoT owners (except wintersday etc.). Otherwise i feel like my money was used for people being penny-pinchy.
Managed to get through this. Just stay as left as possible during the last jump. Anyway Bad design because as you stated it should at least be mentioned somewhere.
I’ve been playing less and less and will leave myself in time and while it may seem like a white knight response to tell someone to quit if they don’t like something it is a completely valid response.
Anet isn’t going to listen to not one of these peoples complaints seriously because they are still logged in and they are still playing the game. They complain the reward system for HoT is utter cr** which it is indeed the saddest reward system in any expansion I’ve ever played. Yet these same people spend money in the cash shop. People dessubed in WoW and they seem to be rectifying some of those issues your name is Rexxar so you know many people in GW2 are WoD refugees even the guy who recognized your name and told you to leave in the second post knew the name something only someone who has played WoW would know. Gw2 numbers are slipping and it’s easy to see and while some people equate it to the hoard of people that leave a month after every expac it hasnt stopped and more and more people continue to leave.
This is the only way to send a message to Anet the White Knights will still be around sucking up but when there are only 20 knights playing the game they will either have to adapt and change for the better or be forgotten.
Next year there parent company NCsoft is releasing another MMO and of course legion will happen so if Anet doesn’t start making moves to retain some people this will be the end. As for people and future content the future content will be whats missing from this game basically raids which literally should have been in at the start. If you don’t like raids then the future content will have no meaning for you.
More or less the only way Anet will ever care about our concerns is when the logins and cash shop dry up.
Yes, i have played Wow, why not? Still i know Rexxar From WC3.
…and still i heard from a lot of people and i am including myself aswell, that they did like the short, more action-based, character of the story. I did get bored a lot by the originial personal story…
Good question, i would as well be interested in the effects.
I’m willing to check it up, if you put together 50g support, i’ll cover the other 50g (100g in totaly necessary for gem coverage for the Zodiac armor) and provide screenshots.
(edited by Sadu.9541)
Not talking about armor effects in depth. They are okish, as it wasn’t meant to be used with leather i guess. What really bugs me is, that with 2 skills there should obviously be an effect with spilling quicksilver.
Furthermore they seem to have had time to have a look at revenant hammer while they didn’t have time for enigneer…
Just came across this. Makes things even worse, as it seems they have had enough time to fit juggernaut-fx to revenants…
Looks great. Ascended chest armor has a nice metal look as well.
What kind of animations should we get using the juggernaut? I would Wish for a metal bowl on 2 instead of the usual sun. On 3 regular spilling would fullfill all my satisfaction.
Actually i had the thought for a second to sell juggernaut for 3,5k gold… if i only knew that the armor effect is very latex style on most medium armor…
Very underwhelming right now and even the chance of sb @ ArenaNet reading this… very low.
“Hey guys look here, im the Latex-Girl… drenched in kitten…. ehh quicksilver”
Just have to push this as it is our right to have legendary effects on at least skills 1-3. It may be debatable that skill 4 and 5 dont splash that much liquid, but being a whirling sun or jumping around like crazy may for sure spill sth. of that stuff ;-).
Stand up engineers!
I read the topic and still think it is QQ. Half of the wording is correct, the other half to be honest isn’t. Or we just dont get the sense. Maybe it was meant the way that leather is not valuable enough and therefore pricing is increased whereas cloth pricing is reduced. Overall the price is perfectly fitted compared with other sets as leather is still cheap.
Crafted a full medium set after HoT release from scratch for roughly 800g including leveling of leatherworks 500. Seems fair to me as there are enough new money sources now with new mats on the market and older materials getting cheaper, especially T6 mats. Plz stop repeatedly asking for things for free. Those 7 pieces were only 100g each which is less than 10h per piece which again should roughly match the time needed in fractals to get a random chest… Stop being lazy or be happy with exotics, its only 5% and if you are not willing to invest in those 5% you may not be willing to wipe the same amount of time for 5% progress in raids!?
Wouldn’t call it better, just viable, as all weapons are right now which is a gift compared to other classes.
Although… i am kind of sad, that scrapper gets its idendity almost completly by the hammer instead of sth. special. I love hammer but i pray for an improvement regarding class mechanic.
No simply because even if dpsing was your plan, you left both major dps traits in scrapper in both builds while you come up with some weird explosion-tree without grenades…
One can debate that there are many ways to dps… but i am quite sure that the majority disagrees with this build as a tutorial for “how to dps aß scrapper”.
And well… Zerker Meta still here, yes.