Showing Posts For Saeco.7196:

What is the best warrior build so far?

in Warrior

Posted by: Saeco.7196


This support build seems pretty good with a team that focuses a target.
In unranked this isn’t good because people don’t listen.
Has anyone tried something like this?

Condi clear, heal, and tons of CC.

That build would be okay 3 years ago
I can tell warrior is not your main hehe.

Lol shut up you played rifle without berserker before the nerf and centar runes. GG

Lol did not mean to offend a kid, sorry.
Yeah I did test that build and it was far better than a 3year old build you just came up with lol.

What is the best warrior build so far?

in Warrior

Posted by: Saeco.7196


This support build seems pretty good with a team that focuses a target.
In unranked this isn’t good because people don’t listen.
Has anyone tried something like this?

Condi clear, heal, and tons of CC.

That build would be okay 3 years ago
I can tell warrior is not your main hehe.

Another Legendary warrior !

in Warrior

Posted by: Saeco.7196


you mean you are totally trash …

[VIDEO] Legendary Division Highligts

in Warrior

Posted by: Saeco.7196


A rifle build without signet of might oh god pls no

Another Legendary warrior !

in Warrior

Posted by: Saeco.7196


congrats dude! i run the same thing except i bring shattering blow over that signit, and bulls charge over outrage.
i use carrion amulet too. its the best, gives you more hp to work with and maximizes condi damage.

When not playing vs condie heavy teams I swap out signet of stamina for bulls charge or Shattering blow too.

sure you might have a bit more condi dmg with carrion but you cant rly burn ppl as good as I can and having less hp aint a big deal with the constant 1000 toughness and 2.5 k heals I do. My first condi build was same as yours and its good too but for some reason I prefer this one now. Thanks on the congratz !

Another Legendary warrior !

in Warrior

Posted by: Saeco.7196



question: with wanders amulet you have no power damage so how do you deal with classes like Ele (diamond skin) or other good condi cleanse classes?

My condi rev has 80-90% up time with resistance boon while in Mallyx stance and if i see a condi war i spend most of my time in Mallyx. If i come across a Mercenary amulet condi war at least they can do some power damage to me.

Again congrats on your progress!

Thanks everyone!
I acually use Vipers amulet now for the power.


in Warrior

Posted by: Saeco.7196


I’m throwing down the gauntlet. Lets see who can get the highest prestige in legendary playing warrior by the end of the season.

Betting my money on the one with no life lol

Another Legendary warrior !

in Warrior

Posted by: Saeco.7196


I tried the wanderer ammy vs the mender’s, but idk….I feel like the wanderer makes me to squishy. It works great for necros because of their health pools.

You mean mercenary amulet?
I understand you feel to squishy with only 19 k hp but thats why I run with signet of stamina since condies kitten us up the most out of all damage. I’m happy with the defence and offence of this build.

Another Legendary warrior !

in Warrior

Posted by: Saeco.7196


At least the best warrior build so far imo. Allthough I have to admit I would prefer the taunt trait. On the one hand it provides confusion+bleed + weakness together with the strength-traits and on the other hand it makes it easier to hit a safe mace f1 right afterwards. I also like mercenary much more on warrior because you ‘condi-burst’ most of the targets – so the duration is pretty much meaningless.

I played with Taunt and I also really liked it but right now I prefer to have more dmg from king of fires. Wander amulet and king of fires go really well together.
Having more condition duration also means more stacks for more dmg.. Wander amulet with king of fires is insane for burn bursting. I also love the aoe torment sigil wich needs a wander amulet. Vs non condition teams I swap out signet of stamina for Shattering blow for extra bleeds + burns on fire shield explode. I luv this build!

Another Legendary warrior !

in Warrior

Posted by: Saeco.7196


Yup yup this is the build I used in Diamond.

Only warrior and only solo Q.

(edited by Saeco.7196)

Pvp ammy for condi

in Warrior

Posted by: Saeco.7196


I used to run with Carrion on my first build and it was good. Running Viper now on my new build and its better for that. 7 pips away from legend Solo Q warrior only.

I made legendary, so can you.

in Warrior

Posted by: Saeco.7196


did you only play solo Q ?

Season 2 rank tracker

in Warrior

Posted by: Saeco.7196


day 1: Sapphire tier 1 ( 17 wins 2 losses solo Q)
days 2: Stuck at tier 3 Sapphire with a 28 – 10 Ratio. (Solo Q)
All in all not bad…


sPvP Warrior condi build

in Warrior

Posted by: Saeco.7196


best warrior condi build lol.

That :P

sPvP Warrior condi build

in Warrior

Posted by: Saeco.7196


Some ppl asked me to post my build so here it is.
This build is probably played by some and its the best condi build there is.

Updated the build to what I use now.
I sometimes swap Bull’s charge for Signet of might vs double Dragon hunter or Rev setups or I swap it for Signet of stamina vs double necro setup.
Currently Ruby with a 36 – 10 win/loss Ratio Solo Q only.

Lol Warrior Lol

(edited by Saeco.7196)

Meta killer rifle builds

in Warrior

Posted by: Saeco.7196


Wait, base warrior, rifle, no berserk/gunflame :O

I know warriors feel/are tied to the defensive line. I get that its the true source of sustain and defense for a warrior, but (depending on your role/build) it’s such an unnecessary luxury.

When I come to face other warriors or berserkers and they’re running defense, it’s like watching a tragic play. You smack them around, the various defenses proc, and one by one they whittle away until there’s nothing left and the warrior expires. Its like, why bother taking them at all when I’m also running a warrior only without the line and they eat the dust while I don’t. XD

Don’t get me wrong, it’s one of those “You’re safer with them than without” scenarios, but if you can get by without them then….

Third build doesnt use defence and the build Im testing now is Berzerker without defense too.
Defence line is not a must I know that, but without it you often wont be able to stay on a point for stomps / rezzes wich is also important.

It all comes down to your playstyle and the setup you play with. I’m still figuring out multiple Rifle builds untill im 100 % sure wich one is best so I can stick with that one.

People were saying to me nice build.

in Warrior

Posted by: Saeco.7196


Yeah its all nice mate nothing wrong with your build, for me having the piercing Rifle works better than sitting in melee all the time. Its good to see other warriors have succes with their own builds, I love it.

Meta killer rifle builds

in Warrior

Posted by: Saeco.7196


Currently playing 3 builds that have succes for me.
In all 3 builds I change my second utility allot… I either take Berzerker stance, frenzy or Balanced stance depending on what classes you fight or playstyle.
Runes and sigils optional as usual.
I Dont play Axe or Hammer for offset with Rifle because in my opinion not having a leap to close or create distance results in a frustrated or dead warrior.
Poitioning is key for these builds and the use of healing signet also very important!

Next week I will have a new pc and I will be able to stream to show ppl that rifle warriors are underrated and a force to be reckoned with. Not claiming I’m a pro or anything but with these builds I do almost feel as usefull as most other classes / builds out there. We can spike down blockers better than anyone else and the meta is full of those.
Do not try to 1v1 with these builds.. you have a chance vs DH’s or thiefs but anything else on the hands of a decent player will stomp you.
Currently almost Ruby rank as a Solo Q warrior.

Build 1: Rifle – GS

Build 2: Rifle – Sw / Sh

Build 3: Rifle – Sword / Mace (Latest build that is stronger than I thought)

Testing a elite Berzerk rifle build at the moment, will edit the build on here iff I feel its good enough.

Berzerker Rifle – Sw / Sh

(edited by Saeco.7196)

People were saying to me nice build.

in Warrior

Posted by: Saeco.7196


your build is solid but I prefer to have a ranged weapon since we get kittened over allot in melee.
Arms traitline is really nice for the current meta
Nearly Ruby now as rifle warrior, only Solo Q and like yourself, most losses come from playing with baddies lol's a secret. Don't tell.

in Warrior

Posted by: Saeco.7196


Upcoming Balance Changes: Week of December 14, 2015

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Saeco.7196


so Basicly they are not planning on reworking warrior or thiefs, or nerf all the other classes. Good Plan Anet you suck

How I've been successful in Solo

in Warrior

Posted by: Saeco.7196


no berzerk stance or endure pain
you die in seconds

How I've been successful in Solo

in Warrior

Posted by: Saeco.7196


Going warhorn is kinda stupid…bad weapon. Torch is better for that build. It gives you more burns and a fire shield with sword 2 and shield 4 as well as bulls charge.

Message to Anet

in PvP

Posted by: Saeco.7196


Sorry you dont seem to get my point. to bad.

Message to Anet

in PvP

Posted by: Saeco.7196


Oh yeah that failmode that nobody wants to play nice.
why do you have to enter a map for duels why is there not a duel zone in the mists?
several pvp builds are you joking? Before Hot yeah that was possible. Now? nope.

Message to Anet

in PvP

Posted by: Saeco.7196


No duels
Only 1 game mode
No 2 handed axe
No duel sword for thiefs
Horrible Balance
Only 1 viable pvp build per class
Boring Tanky Aoe meta
Etc etc etc…….
Anet your game sucks. well done.

State of the game - 06-09-13 -

in PvP

Posted by: Saeco.7196


1. Any plans for 2handed Axe for warriors/ guardians ?
2. duel area + duel stats ?
3. new runes / sigils ?
4. A way for pvpers to get gems?
5. better rating system pls?

Defektive's Warrior Build Compendium:

in Warrior

Posted by: Saeco.7196


I understand and applause someone for not taking the regular warrior builds but those builds are pretty bad ^^

[SOTG] Questions Poll

in PvP

Posted by: Saeco.7196


I did not read the whole thread so maybe these questions were alrdy asked.

1- Once there is a ladder, will the competition be in seasons like in WoW where you will get rewarded for ending high ranked with armor/weapons and/or cool titles?
2- new armor sets / sigils / runes / amulets?
3- Two handed axe???
4- Better pvp info at the end of a game. (Damage / Healing done etc)

What happened to the game?

in PvP

Posted by: Saeco.7196


Why is everyone who quits playing LoL now? Atleast play a good MOBA game like HoN or even Dota 2…

EU Core Team LFM

in PvP

Posted by: Saeco.7196


arent you the 3 guys? with some guardian acusing me of exploits?
Couse i use staff 2 on mesmer and i can teleport, duh!
Anyway gl

That was psyco if I remember correct. some spanish dude :P

The low-down on the "Solo-Queue" Fiasco

in PvP

Posted by: Saeco.7196



State of the Game #3: My take on it

in PvP

Posted by: Saeco.7196


Great post Zoose, thx for that!
Now where’s your staff guide?! <3

Caed's Thief Walk-through and Guide [Mini]

in PvP

Posted by: Saeco.7196


i am happy that some ppl trying to help new players and so on but none of the builds u made is viable in the current meta except d/p
if u want to help new players make a d/d,extended d/p guide
u guys playing differnet meta but it doesnt matter because d/p,d/d is superior in any possible way atm
d/d condi and pistolwhip are pub specs atm nothing more
good job anyway.

Pistolwhip pub spec? haha

ANET, sword and share-venoms need some love

in Thief

Posted by: Saeco.7196


I disagree on increasing the venom share range. maybe with 100 yards would be good but nothing more or it would be to OP sorry.
Venoms when traited for it, are really strong so I dont mind if I have to run up to one of my teammates to share it. Venoms got a huge buff this patch and I am really thankfull for that. Not to mention you can apply your venoms to 3 – 4 targets in teamfights with your shortbow 1 or dagger 4. Being able to share them from long range with your whole team would be rediculously OP.
Sword skills are fine as well. I want ANETto nerf the hasted backstab combo, cuz its just stupid atm.

Just started theif, who are the big boys?

in Thief

Posted by: Saeco.7196


The Big Boy is Big Playasaurus obviously !

Thief venoms, the attention they deserve!

in Thief

Posted by: Saeco.7196


I’m acually running a venom share thief build and its rly good.
The amount of cc you can do to 3 targets who are close to eachother with your shortbow autoattack is a bit Op acually… and then you share it with your team and laugh at everyone being stuck for 10 sec in basilisk and immobilize. Rly underrated build!
Dont want to Brag but was running it in paids(Temple) and Team Curse was a easy win for us.

Why Warriors are a Joke in PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Saeco.7196


there are a few builds that are quite good acually… its not cuz you dont see many warriors in the current meta that they are not viable… I can even see a warrior work instead of thief since thiefs die in 2 hits anyway. 1tip. dont take frenzy, take the sigil of rage on your gs and get a more usefull utility like fear or balanced stance. Also get runes of lyssa with reduced signet cd, does the trick for me.

Thieves have much more survivability than warriors. A warrior has no way to disengage from a battle. Once you’re in, there is a very good chance you will die if not supported by your teammates. Thieves can just stealth/teleport out of harm’s way.

And Frenzy is a must with GS. There is no way to get off your entire 100B channel without it.

I disagree, the build that I am talking about has 12 sec of endure pain, 7 k more hp than thiefs and 400 more thoughness and dont forget your 3sec shieldblock. and If you rly have to disengage you have your sword 2, gs 3 and gs5 to escape. I also disagree on frenzy being a must, it will proc most of the time on your first burst anyway with sigil of rage + you dont take double dmg + you have frenzy from traits as well. And even if condi’s are a problem… since I have reduced signet cd I take signet of stamina wich removes ALL conditions + runes of lyssa on a 36 sec and 48sec cooldown. I think that you need a thief wih a warrior though, so when they focus one, the other one can pewpew. Something like Guard / thief/ warrior / ele / mesmer should work I think.

(edited by Saeco.7196)

Why Warriors are a Joke in PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Saeco.7196


there are a few builds that are quite good acually… its not cuz you dont see many warriors in the current meta that they are not viable… I can even see a warrior work instead of thief since thiefs die in 2 hits anyway. 1tip. dont take frenzy, take the sigil of rage on your gs and get a more usefull utility like fear or balanced stance. Also get runes of lyssa with reduced signet cd, does the trick for me.

GW2 sPvP Streams!

in PvP

Posted by: Saeco.7196


Hello my name is Big Playasaurus I mainly play thief but also loving warrior / guardian. I play on desolation EU.