Showing Posts For Sagittia.2769:
+1 to that , I know this might sound a lil harsh but even though some of the first hour in CD BL guilds from HoD and NSP left (I know Bay was a liitle hard) PHZE stayed and kept us occupied though not much progress but would of been worse if we left ..+1 to your dedication >check my first post
Had nothing to do with being “hard” since it really wasn’t. The other guilds were called back to defend. Since NSP was pushing our BL. But once exam week is over T_T ill be back.
Idk , you guys didnt take it the whole night , hod had over 60 ppl over in cdbl most of ur numbers were noticed in garrison but then decreased by 50% after they wiped , thats instead of getting bay in the first got into outter… wiped , lord room …wiped I know your numbers went to save hod bl was weird looking red
Here I’ll refresh your memory for you. PHZE moved Hills (took it) VLK/Rawr (1/2 normal numbers since of exams) went to Bay. VLK/Rawr wiped whatever guild group you had running in your BL. Incoming Patch Let’s knock the wall down again and gives time for CD to bring back another guild. We wiped at inner when you brought the other guild back. PHZE moved to your garri. By the time we got their they had wiped (5 at most were alive). Not near 60 people were together at one point during the whole CD BL.
Now please let me direct you to when we hit M (yes, that is the map button sweetheart) and notice NSP has all our keeps. Then we WP to go back to our BL. You did not “scare” us away. NSP brought us back. You outnumbered us in most engagements and called back another guild to defend. What we did also. You weren’t the Big Bad Wolf. You can ask most of HoD our turnout for reset was probably less than half of what we normally have. I will personally talk about my guild, VLK brought 15-20 for reset. We normally bring 30-40. So no you didn’t scare us. If NSP wasn’t bending our BL over the kitchen table we would have stayed and probably taken your bay as well.
+1 to that , I know this might sound a lil harsh but even though some of the first hour in CD BL guilds from HoD and NSP left (I know Bay was a liitle hard) PHZE stayed and kept us occupied though not much progress but would of been worse if we left ..+1 to your dedication >check my first post
Had nothing to do with being “hard” since it really wasn’t. The other guilds were called back to defend. Since NSP was pushing our BL. But once exam week is over T_T ill be back.
they really need to be in the same division as Blackgate or Jade Quarry
This guy is on to something! SoR and HoD should switch spots for a week!
NA Prime Time. One Map. Come at me brah.
I’ll make you think back to when tequatl first came out and you had no clue what was going on. You’re gifs don’t even belong in T1. Go back to T9 bro. I’ll eat you up quicker than a fat kid.
The notorious Devon strikes again. He may be banned from the forums. But he can still fight the war in game. How many of you can say the same?
Awesome fight at DH BL! Good work MU!
Pssh! We had at least 4-5 VLK in there fools.
We just used our elite ability at once. Summon [VLK] Impostors.
Taking a risk for you here pinky.
Devon was banned due to posting in the 2nd DH/SF matchup the attached image. He will be back on the 18th.
~The Banned One.
Guys, quick! New PvE content! HoD is vulnerable! Now is the time to strike!
Lol nope Darkhaven is a PvE server. We’re doomed x.x
I bet we can hold our LA waypoints longer than you!
We’ll have LA and Kessex queued buddy, you don’t stand a chance.
You are talking to the #1 Filipino RP guild on HoD buddy.
TC pays for our guesting fee so we can queue LA and Kessex for them.
P.S. We still queue Tequatl. Get on our level.
Our next segment will be the Bronze League Guild Recap. Please note I am not aware of every server or guild so I will do my best to get as many as I can. Yes, this area will have trolling. So put on your big boy pants and lets get this started.
- [Dx]: A guild from HoD. This was probably the guild with the biggest impact in leagues in my opinion. This was our Asian night time crew that carried us in the hard matches and we would not have been where we are without them.
- [Yarr]: A guild from FC. You guys are an annoying roaming guild that I personally love. Silent you are a sexy beast <3. V-Dee stop being killed by rangers. Fxpo you need another legendary. Y Not you smell. I love you all, except Winter. You know why. Also please run a real build with real runes.
- [Fun]: A recently formed guild on DH. I am not sure if you made the impact to DH WvW force or not since I have not face you guys. Either way I’m glad to see another WvW guild come up and good luck in the future.
- [IoM /DI]: Heard some people got you confused with the IoM from BG so you had to change your name. Either way keep it up and get ET that kick they need to leap to better things.
- [MU]: Another guild from HoD. You brought 5 people and have become a force in WvW. Keep it up you PPT gazers and learn to open field better you noobs. Maybe if you didn’t hide behind siege you would be good. Hodor out! <3 But seriously they made a huge impact on HoD wvw game and getting people into the open field fights.
- [CoSA]: The biggest guild in Bronze league. Keep it up guys work together and perfect your WvWing. You’ll be a big player in upcoming seasons. With your 1000 members or so. It was fun fighting against you.
- [Deth]: Undefeated in GvGs during the league. I don’t think any other guild has managed to do this. You guys have perfected the double dodge roll and it amazes everyone still. The way you guys avoid the fights is breath taking. Keep up the dodges and maybe one day Aldix will return!
- [RH]: Keep doing your thing boys. Regardless of numbers you will be out there fighting. Love the tenacity. You may be a small guild but you have experience.
- [VLK]: The RP Filipino guild that packs a punch in WvW. You guys really need to stop running so many Charr Hammer Warriors and learn to play more classes. Like Thieves and Mesmers.
To all the other guilds that have not been mentioned and spend countless hours defending and attacking WvW. I salute you and keep up the great work. It is these guilds that will carry a server not the big WvW guilds.
I think this about raps up my summary of the Bronze League. I wish every server the best up luck and may the bags be plenty. Since we know now the WvW rewards are a joke.
I shall leave you with the VLK “Yo Mama” joke in hope I do not get banned.
“Yo mama so fat she queued all 4 maps for HoD on reset.“
~Devon, The Banned One
*Sorry for the delay I have a 1 hour 1 post limit…
Well it is that time again, end of Bronze League Season Numero Uno. Before I start my breakdown of the League I would personally like to thank every one of you who jumped into WvW regardless of the score. We had the most competitive League by far in NA and I’m proud to be in it. So without further ado I give you:
The Bronze League Server Breakdown:
Henge of Denravi: First off I would like to congratulate my own server for placing first. (Though we all know you tanked, dirty cheaters <3). During the season our WvW became tighter and closer. We began to work more as a team and less as individuals and I for one am proud of that. You better all stay for Silver League cause its about to get messy up in here. Use the yak finisher with pride.
Darkhaven: Congratulations on pulling off second place. If you want to read the drama involved let me direct you to this weeks locked matchup page: Fight For Second feel free to comment. Just kidding its locked. Darkhaven way to pull it back together after the leaving of your WvW guilds. You guys really stepped it up mid way through the season keep it up.
Sorrow’s Furnace: Congratulations on being third. Started from T8 and now you are one of the top three in bronze. I tip my hat to you. CoSA , SF your numbers during prime time is scary, keep it up and work together. The first week with you guys was by far the best matchup I personally had. Try and change those fairweathering PvErs into WvWs and you guys will become a solid server.
Ferguson’s Crossing: Where to begin… T8 to fourth in a two-month span? I think that is kitten good. Work on your open field fighting more and we will see you in the top three next season easily. Your guilds need to work together regardless if you dislike each other or not. I’ve noticed near the end of the season you aren’t running in your Zerguson Crossing ball of death. I do not know if this is because everyone is tired out from the league (I am) or if you guys are doing your best to prove us wrong. Either way keep it up.
Gate of Madness: From being predicted to be in the bottom to being right in the middle giving everyone a fight. Placing fifth this season was fantastic. Now if you could only work on getting those meddling PvErs into WvW more often. We have seen what you can do when the PvE events are absent. I would personally love to see more of this. Maybe that is why Anet put PvE in WvW? To inspire the GoMmie Bears. Either way amazing job this season.
Anvil Rock: Let me be one of the first to congratulate you on your first win in over 7 months. Predicted to be dead last by almost everyone. You guys may have had a mass exodus but you are slowly bringing yourself back together. From reading the forums I am going to say good job on improving your homeland defense and keep it up. May your rebound be a quick one.
Kaineng: My dear KN. You have showed your server is not dead. You just lack WvW guilds. Find those dedicated WvWs left and remake that core group you guys are lacking. You came in fully aware you guys lost nearly everyone and still put up a fight. Good job. Your early morning / late night crew is somewhat intact compared to other bronze league standards. We saw that when you faced SF and other servers. Wake up that sleeping beast and start anew.
Devona’s Rest: My personal favorite server since of the name. You guys have had some rough patches as well. I made some friends while fighting your server. You guys lack numbers but have heart. Once again try and find those core WvWs and come together to form a guild. Keep up the good work you guys can work through this bind and get that engine roaring.
Eredon Terrace: The Roaming Capital of Bronze League. You guys put up an amazing fight. I will not deny you fell short of expectations. But the sportsmanship award goes to you guys by far. Not once complaining about any matchup you guys stood strong in what you had. I wish you the best of luck next year and may you come out punching.
Placing the rest of the week aside. I would like to propose a giant 3-way fight in OS tonight, during prime time. This would consist of HoD-KN-FC. I think this would be a great way to end the season in a fun interesting way. Since we know the main reason anyone WvWs is for the bags and for the fights. Everything else, well we don’t care.
So I would like to suggest from 5pm Server time (8Pm Eastern) till whenever we gather as much people in OS as we can and just got at it. I would like in propose one rule. 1) No guild groups. This meaning MU / VLK / Deth / BC / WZ / EDGE will not and should not be balled up in a 20+man group doing what you guys normally do. Being dead / Wiping groups / Sieging / whatever. This was it would add more of a sense of craziness and prevent anyone server from dominating to much.
Feel free to add on thoughts or suggestions.
On a side note due to me being able to post only once every hour. I will not be doing a Match Recap. Instead I will be working on a Bronze League Recap. Feel free to message me anything that you feel I should mention in this recap. (Server accomplishments / Guilds / Players).
You can have everything else.. I just want my golden cow finisher. This thing better have wings and fly across the map in a blaze of fire and snow at the same time.
Conversation in VLK:
Devon: “Back”
Emu: “You missed the best reset ever!”
Devon: “Really?”
Emu: “Yeah, we are in fractals.”
Devon: “Why?”
Emu: “More enemies in fractals.”
Morn: “You should have seen the amount of dredge that just zeroed us, looked like a CoSA zerg.”
For future reference if VLK wipes anyone this week or last week. You just got wiped by a PvE guild. Think about it.
Please don’t let us get desperate or we will begin to do Jumpin Puzzles again.
Money on ET upset.
27 Pages… Its safe to say I wish one day I will get this good at forum waring. You have earned my respect and I wish we meet in combat one day.
With the closing of this forums in a few hours the final recap is being written.
Without further wait, I present the Weekly Recap
I mostly blame VLK for letting this thread almost hit page 2. The quantity and quality of their yo mama jokes has been extremely underwhelming for this matchup.
You had ONE job…
With HoD suffering a great lost with Devon being out of the forum games for 3 weeks due to excessive “Yo mama” jokes. The HoD forum warriors struggled to match their dominance on the WvW scene. With the return of Devon tonight at midnight, will there be a revamped forum wars for next week?! Who knows?!
The biggest forum competition seemed to come from the one and only Narsil, who single handled wracked up: 40 posts! With five double posts! One triple. And the legendary quintuplet post! And there is still time to get more in. Though it does seem many people seem to skip over Narsil’s posts because of the spam. As seen by Silas Drake: “I honestly don’t read anything you post… so (I know I’m a jerk).” Even though the lack of reading going towards Narsil’s post this seems to be the biggest competition for Devon, seeing as Narsil has not figured out there is indeed an edit button for posts. Will Narsil’s forum spam match Devon’s Yo Mama jokes? Stay tuned for next weeks episode of: “The Clash of the Trolls: Episode 87”
Next we look upon [Deth] after calling out a number of guilds on reset night for their relentless T0 Blobbing (Yes, this is a GREATER number of people in T1 blobs). [Deth] has failed to show or respond in the GvGs they called for. Has [Deth] fallen from grace when they were once a dominate force in the GvGs in the lower tiers? Have they recruited to many PvErs? Questions that only they can answer.
[MU] is our next topic of discussion. With the 80 man [MU] zerging upscales and ambient creatures. Can anyone put a stop to them?! [CoSA] had the best approach of power rezing like a bunch of pros. There recent post of the video titled “Zombies” led to a debate in the thread about having skill compared to SPAM 1 HARDER FOOLZ, sorry about that I got carried away. [MU] has definitely made an impact on HoD’s WvW scene and will hopefully stay for the long run.
The lack of fireworks from the one and only Taco Thief is also up in the air. Has the sky rocketing prices of fireworks finally reached his purse? Or has the constant T0 zeros from HoD darkened out the sky covering them? Either way it is a sad disappointment that there was a lack of fireworks though out this match.
We shall now hit up the conspiracy theory rolling around the Bronze League, led by the one and only Styx of GoM. Though I have heard though the grape vine and weeds. That HoD has planed this fall or dive to Bronze League since the start of TA. Yes, you heard correct the famous Titan’s Alliance. The TA was hidden in the shadows to prepare for the Bronze League so HoD could sweep the competition. As HoD slowly unveils TA to the Bronze League will the infamous Buygate be able to compete as HoD pulls a Kaineng and moves up to T1 in a matter of days. Keep on following HoD to find out! Will Styx uncover the real secrets hidden since the start of the game? Or will he crash and burn as new forum warriors appear and push him aside like a solo upscale ranger in WvW.
The outburst of the week goes to: QuickLime! I know why. You know why. He knows why. Hell, Anet knows why. Though an apology was quickly written and put up. Regardless of being forced or if by own will. Let’s give him a round of applause for having the balls to admit he was wrong. Since we know 3/4ths of you wouldn’t. We hope he can deal with his real life problems and get back to the forum waring and upscale killing in a timely fashion.
We leave the best for last! The discussion of [Yarr]! They temporarily transferred to HoD to kill spawn farm SF and kill their fellow FC. Lets give them some love. A guild that HoD loves regardless of who they fight for. In recent news, [Yarr] called out [Deth] (the GvG dodgers) for a GvG. It is safe to assume we all know the outcome of that. [Deth] spent no time saving their dodges and double dodged out of there! [Yarr] will be missed on HoD and are wished the best of luck returning to FC.
This wraps up the conclusion of the
(edited by Sagittia.2769)
Your forums need more drama.
All yo mamas are so nice I thought they were canadian. Eh. o.O
I think it should be able to rez the keep lord. But I think the Keep lord should act like a player. If a player goes for 5-6 times in a 10 minute span they can not be bannered again due to the down state penalty. I think this should be implemented to the keep lord. Other wise its basically a war of who runs of more banners first.
Yes, I know this topic has been gone over thousands of times.
In my honest opinion the Keep Lord should have diminishing return on their HP just like regular players. At one point fighting an enemy zerg we had the keep lord bannered 10 times. The general (kill the lord in the back and CC the warriors) does not always work. One warrior popping Endure Pain who is immune to damage has plenty of time to warbanner the lord. Especially when you are focusing on a group of 30+ and not just 10 guys. I just wish ANET would fix the obviously broken mechanics before they implemented new stuff to distract us.
Just my two copper.
10mins till the shut it down!! GO GoM!!
Yo mama jokes is not approved by anet They will temp ban account >.> that is all.
I notice there is a lot of resistance cough
I was curious of the guilds who are hard core WvW guild that are based on Eastern Times. I know of some guilds out there but the ones I know of are Pacific and other time zones and Im not that inclined to stay up till 12-1am so I can catch their primetime. Was just curious of the options.