Showing Posts For Sally the Silkworm.5027:
You all can word my issues with the sylvari dye changes a lot more descriptively than I can. I too prefer the natural look, to the bright light-up look. My sylvari has a very subdued glow (from the character creation) that blends with her skin color. I prefer to make her look like an old tree as opposed to a mystical/magical plant.
It’s really distressing to read that there are plans to change all the sylvari armors this way when I strongly prefer for them not to have this glow, especially when the armor appeared perfectly fine to me the way it was over the course of the year the game has been out.
I’m a sylvari. And I want to be able to wear sylvari clothes without glowing.
No, I do not like the changes. If it’s not broken, don’t fix it. If people wanted their armors to glow then you were not considering the many, many other people who were happy with the way the armors already were. What about the people who had no reason to complain because they already liked those armors?
There is an option to choose whether or not you want your sylvari to glow on the character creation screen. Having it on your armor should be OPTIONAL. These new dye paths look awful and mess up a lot of armor combinations. For a lot of people, this isn’t a minor inconvenience, this is taking away a look they loved that they will never get back because of how differently the dyes now work.
Please don’t take away uninstanced Salma District from the roleplayers. This is a very popular spot in the heart of Divinity’s Reach—the RP community’s capital. The community has made great use of uninstanced Salma and active RP goes on there every single night as well as weekly events, and player run organizations such as a teahouse, safe haven, a player run hospital, and a player run tavern. This is a unique location of the city that cannot be replaced. It is truly a one of a kind.
Uninstanced Salma brings RPers together where instanced Salma cannot due to its party restrictions.
I am a roleplayer on Tarnished Coast. I love roleplay which is what I use MMO environments specifically for. Uninstanced Salma has been an impeccable space for roleplayers of GW2 to band together. Divinity’s Reach is the big RP hot spot and outside of Salma’s District, players have no access to buildings to use outside of taverns and houses.
While those above are appreciated, the uninstanced Salma district has been used to host a player run hospital, a player run safe house, a player run tavern, a player run tea house, in addition to the space provided from uninstanced Salma District as a happy location to have more varied RP in.
Your RP community loves this place! Please don’t add these invisible walls. Every night I have logged on to check out uninstanced Salma District it has always been a very hopping place with many RPers all RPing in that area.
It’s truly a one of a kind.
I don’t like Trahearne because, as others have stated, he’s a boring character. He doesn’t have a likeable personality, or a personality at all. I hated seeing our designated Order buddy who has actual personality being replaced by a guy I knew nothing about with very little backstory and no seeable personality.
His voice actor does not do much to help this as he sounds incredibly monotone and dull.
But there’s also a degree of Mary Sue-ism with how Trahearne is presented. Yes, he fulfills all the things the developers wanted him to be, but at the same time, he takes a lot of the story off of you. And then when we are reminded how he is a Firstborn and how much more beloved and wonderful he is to the Pale Tree over other sylvari—that is grating and I play a charr.
The character has no charismatic skills. It’s a point of the story that we see a reluctant hero rise because he needs to, but he is good at leading because the story tells us he is. I didn’t see any quality in him that made him an actual leader. And because he had no personality and no backstory on top of the fact that he steals the show away from more interesting characters, it made the story less enjoyable and less well, believable.
Also, I’d like to take a moment to draw attention to how inherently flawed the idea of Trahearne is. When you do the A Light in the Darkness PS, the story is literally all about Trahearne. You may as well not even be there because the Pale Tree does not even speak to you and will wait until Trahearne gets there before commencing with her dialogue. This really, -really- does feel like, no, that the personal story really is not about you after all.
But honestly, I would have been less hostile to a character stealing the limelight if said character was actually interesting. To close, Trahearne is personality-less, backstory-less, and monotone with no charisma to speak of.
Comparatively, I think Rytlock and Zojja are pretty cool people. :>
This would be beloved by the roleplaying community.
But even outside of roleplay, rolling is a very good tool to fairly settle disputes or figuring out what action to take.
Here’s my guesstimate on the subject.
Most hardcore gamers are male while more casual gamers are female.
So it’s typical to see more male gamers, as we all know.
When a male gamer sees big powerful races, he associates them with masculinity. When a male gamer wants to play as a female character, he will want to roll something that is more traditionally feminine. He does not view large, powerful races as a good way to display femininity so rarely will he choose to play a female of this variety.
However, female players can be much the same way too. It’s a cultural/societal thing. I would argue that those of us who do play charr females are more “aware” and possibly tired of the only one way females are traditionally portrayed—beautiful. Whereas men are portrayed as visually different. (Nerdy, average, strong, wide, handsome etc.)
Overall, I am mostly pleased with the design of women in this game, except maybe norn females. Even the NPC females seem to be portrayed fairly.
I’m not understanding the complaints towards the voice. The voice actor for the female charr is one of my favorite things about the gender/race combo. She doesn’t sound like she is holding her nose or has a cold at all.
To me she sounds confident and tough. I love the voice and I love female charr.
/roll mechanics were in GW1 so I am honestly baffled as to why they have not been included in GW2. It’s a mechanic that I’ve always used for many different things. I’ve been hoping that it’d be added.