Showing Posts For Sam.6930:

Vipers armour still good?

in Guardian

Posted by: Sam.6930


Hmmm have you really played guardian solo in pve and you asking about viper armor?

Adding cast time to ALL Dragon Hunter traps?

in PvP

Posted by: Sam.6930


Posts like these make us Guardians keep playing our class despite being kittene.
Please make more.

Staffow Build WvW roam - s/scale

in Guardian

Posted by: Sam.6930


Putting aside traits suggestions I like the stats you have achieved with your take on but i really dont like the rune you used. It has virtually no utility compared to durability. Any thoughts?

Staffow Build WvW roam - s/scale

in Guardian

Posted by: Sam.6930


Thanks mate. With 2600 power and 200% ferocity I thought the role was perfectly clear but my bad. I am there to dps and provide some utility, to the rest of the team, not sit back and heal. Not saying ofc thats a bad thing but thats not the role I am aiming for.
Cheers for the input though.

Staffow Build WvW roam - s/scale

in Guardian

Posted by: Sam.6930


But we have also been running pvp with 5 guildies and so far it has been doing some interesting wonders. The wall from staff + wall of reflection as utility skill has kittened off / killed -surprisingly- quite a few.

Staffow Build WvW roam - s/scale

in Guardian

Posted by: Sam.6930


yes they idea is a group of 3.
Warrior + Thief + Guardian

Staffow Build WvW roam - s/scale

in Guardian

Posted by: Sam.6930


The 3k armor and 20k health seems a bit restrictive. I think one would just be a punching bag in this circumstances. It’s not like the toughness would help against a condi user either. And that’s the other thing. You’ll be slow. Even if you could win, they’d just run. And how will you run?

But if you want

Don’t hate bros; I’ve won a 1v2 with something similar to this before. (It had somewhat less vitality and toughness, but not by that much.) They weren’t afk so I am not sure why. It was before the recent bow nerfs though; wouldn’t go with this alone— I really can’t justify using bow as a primary weapon in wvw anymore and staff is a group weapon. But rest assured I only post builds that have actually killed someone; I can’t vouch for quality of opponent though.

Anyhow reasons:

  • “Retreat” — To maintain 80% swiftness uptime since no traveler runes, really about the same and grab med packs from sentries (I am serious)
  • Judge’s Intervention. Well, how else will you hit anything with your traps? Also use on critters to run for the hills.
  • “Unscathed Contender” — No space for consecrations. Retaliation has changed the tide of a small scale fight never. Fire retreat when you’re reading to burst, also increases the effectiveness when you +1 a fight and shoot someone in the back.
  • “Zealot’s aggression” — The longbow AA by default doesn’t cripple unless it hits another enemy. It’s pretty stupid. The additional cripple makes things easier for you plus it also adds more damage if you hit them with your test of faith. Hunter’s determination is good too, but I don’t think this build needs it since we have so much defense.
  • Those virtue burn traits. Mehhhhhh; survivability is better since we have no condi cleanse! We also aren’t taking condi damage Permeating wrath is unlikely to help in roaming; honestly tagging enemies seems to be its only use w/o condi damage. In theory Supreme Justice would be great but unless you have a tempest or warrior behind you constantly clearing condis, I would not recommend ditching Absolute Resolution. Well, I suppose you could take CoP somewhere. Or purging flames.
  • Originally I used air/fire sigil on staff so it’d occasionally do damage; I think that beats the occasional no-condi damage burn. Due to the low crit here, leeching is a better choice.
  • Consider using the sweet bean bun.

Thats constructive. Thanks chap.
I will make some adjustments I think appropriate.
To be more precise I will try Unscathed Contender & Zealot’s aggression.
I am keeping the aoe burn because I have been playing with it the last couple of days and I am amazed how well it works surprisingly for a non condi build. This is because it aoe refreshes the stacks on the target and its actually another nice addition to dps through-output. Certainly not game changing but interesting. I also find it extremely powerful versus mesmers.

Staffow Build WvW roam - s/scale

in Guardian

Posted by: Sam.6930


@Sam.6930, why not take AH over retributive armor, since AH will heal you more with empower or monk focus to reset virtues?

Imo you would be better with a hammer or GS over staff.


To contrary of the majority of players I dont mind getting killed by a better player / stronger build. You cannot win everything. So why would I run from a fight that i cannot win? If you mean avoid a zerg or an outnumbered situation I think you need to check better the skills.
Wings of resolve, Line of Warding and whichever else utility on the empty slot.

Say that to all warriors, and scrappers, imo DH/Guard imo is really easy to defeat or counter, but that is a class issue that has been poorly taken care, it is to week depending on power creep situations, with to many weaknesses, being the very low sustain the biggest issue, that might the issue i notice on your build but not your fault at designing the build.

Thanks for the input mate.
As i said this build is not for guardians that mash buttons and expect to win. It requires great timing and some complex mechanic setup.
I am glad you picked up a few things. The reason why I havent chosen AH is because in order to get the benefit from it i will need quite a few people to be near me to get the extra heal. The toughness on the other hand is more flat and requires no circumstances compared to the first one.

As for the warriors and scrappers you mentioned. Yes they are ridiculous at the moment. I just avoid them as I find no interest fighting something thats broken to the bone. If they catch me i simply die and release. I find utterly boring running an entire year to save my kitten from someone. Die, release and roam again. Not the end of the world really.

Staffow Build WvW roam - s/scale

in Guardian

Posted by: Sam.6930


My opinion would be this build is horrible for roaming and subpar for team fights.
You slot traps but forgo traiting for traps?
You build for survivability with 1 big hit but give yourself no reliable way to deliver that hit.
You give yourself no way to avoid fights you cannot win.

Best of all, you choose save yourselves but have zero condi remove outside smiters boon??

You’ll be ignored until more effective players are dead then be mopped up yourself.

Not sure how you came up with all the above but certainly you did not “read” my build / gear very well.
Let me explain a few things to you.

You slot traps but forgo traiting for traps?

There are 2 traps used on this build and both for a big reason. They provide significant dmg boost for the downtime duration (when I am on staff is downtime)
This is because Possession of Blades apart from the dmg it does it provides me with 20% crit chance more which is highly needed for my high ferocity to shine.
Similar effect with the elite trap but power instead of crit.
My dmg is very high whilst on bow. The idea of those 2 utility skills are to increase my dmg whilst on staff too. Put aside all that when doing PVP spec for traps, when doing WvW spec for immo which i think shines allot in there.

You build for survivability with 1 big hit but give yourself no reliable way to deliver that hit.

On weapon swap its 3 hits not 1. Both skill 2, 3 and 4 can and will crit. Doesnt matter with which order. Not sure what you mean with no reliable way to deliver that hit? Elaborate that please.

You give yourself no way to avoid fights you cannot win.

To contrary of the majority of players I dont mind getting killed by a better player / stronger build. You cannot win everything. So why would I run from a fight that i cannot win? If you mean avoid a zerg or an outnumbered situation I think you need to check better the skills.
Wings of resolve, Line of Warding and whichever else utility on the empty slot.

Best of all, you choose save yourselves but have zero condi remove outside smiters boon??

Retaliation, aegis, protect, regen and guess what crit too… for downtime.
But as above, there is intentionally one utility skill left blank which is changed depending on what I am facing. Be it condi removal or leap or signet.
Same goes for hunters fortification VS Heavy light. The build should be adjusted depending on your enemy, not set in stone. If you are facing too many condi then you sacrifice one more. Possible the trap for a second removal.

You’ll be ignored until more effective players are dead then be mopped up yourself.

I hope we meet up in pvp / wvw so you can try ignoring me.

(edited by Sam.6930)

Staffow Build WvW roam - s/scale

in Guardian

Posted by: Sam.6930


Here is what I use for small scale and roaming stuff:

Its pretty fun to play and surprisingly good damage for being Celestial.

Yep. Pretty common build. Cheer mate

Staffow Build WvW roam - s/scale

in Guardian

Posted by: Sam.6930


Guildie of mine carried to an absurd extent on this build.

This was before the nerfs though, but holy hell did it carry. As shown here:

Thanks for that mate.
Very interesting indeed. He has sacrificed power for boon duration hence more of a support / carry role. I am focusing more on actually doing high dmg. This build is going 2800+ power with staff buff and doing some absurd (for guardian) numbers. But i liked some choices he did there.

Staffow Build WvW roam - s/scale

in Guardian

Posted by: Sam.6930


Invigorated Bulwark with bow and staff?

Hows this constructive in any way?
Check the trait line, there isnt anything better to take unless you planning on falling all the time. Feel free suggesting something else.

Staffow Build WvW roam - s/scale

in Guardian

Posted by: Sam.6930


Good day all

Always interested in finding / making none fashion builds and trying them out.
Please do let me know your opinions and how this can be made even better.
(Some will say yeah right, another sick build but lets not even go there…)

Role: DPS & Utility

1. Must use Staff + Ranged weapon on swap
2. Must have ~20k health & ~3k armor
3. As high power as possible.

The build functions with some specific combos that should be timed well.
Start with staff and skill 4. Swap to long bow. Guaranteed 3x crits (from sigil)
Rince and repeat every 9s. Maintain in between those seconds 20-30% crit chance from trap / elite. Auto attack on staff cleaves and burns.

Utilities can be swapped as needed depending if facing zerk or condi player. Same for Monks Focus VS Retribusive Armor on talents.

Looking forward for your opinions.

(edited by Sam.6930)

Not Resetting MMR Between Seasons.

in PvP

Posted by: Sam.6930


Wait? Someone actually thinks capping bases is pvp and a little badge icon next to his name shows his capacity of skill on capping those bases?

Congrats. You are thinking correct. You skill is awesome for capping bases.

WvW Poll 04/28: Scoring vs. QoL (Closed)

in WvW

Posted by: Sam.6930


Both poll options are small enhancements and totally “who cares really”…

I have played and worked / tested some of the biggest titles out there for the last 15 years and I have never seen such confusion in the PvP/ WvW aspect of a game. This is solely my opinion of course. Focus on serious stuff please. There have been and still are some great pvp games out there to get ideas on creating a great pvp environment / mechanic. Who cares about nameplates and xp aura…………..? WvW or PvP should endorse people to get into a fight, not run from it.

Focus on things that will distinguish the game and make it special.

1. Decrease all the object clutter that exists in WvW. Much less vertical maps, less of everything (trees, monsters, mountains, random cube object etc). It adds ridiculous more lag and promotes running for your life when in fact it should promote people to actually fight. Practicality > Fashion

2. Introduce a pvp dungeon controlled by the server with most keeps captured. No need for special bosses in there, just add a few blinky blinky merchants with perhaps nice skins or materials only accessed there. This way you promote more keep taking and actually giving a purpose to it.

3. Introduce a small island map with very minimum clutter that soloers / small groups can go there and enjoy fighting each other. We dont want to run 1 hour to find action only to get killed or die and run again for another hour. It makes it boring and people simply prefer to do something faster.

4. PvP has dishonor buff already, why not in WvW? Introduce a negative buff for people that abuse factors such as teleport in an out of a keep door constantly to avoid death.

5. Add some REAL acknowledgement for people actually dedicating their game time doing pvp or wvw. In PvE you award someone by giving him better gear / master abilities / legendaries by dedicating time into that. Why not the same principle in WvW? Introduce something like WvW master abilities or pvp abilities acquired through fighting and killing other players. How does the game distinguish a player thats been killing 4 years with someone that just rolled yesterday? By allowing him to have feather wings backpack? Or perhaps by doing more dmg to keep npcs? More PvE flavor? Oh wait this is WvW…..

6. Decrease the size of keeps / towers / temples. How can a 5 man team or 2 man team even guard – protect a keep or a tower? Its impossible. Dont promote zerg fights. Promote all aspects to cater as many different playstyles as possible.

7. Waypoints. Current system is utter crap. Introduce something more interesting. We dont want to run for an hour if we get killed to get back in action again. Make it more appealing.
Example: Your world controls 3 keeps? get 1 waypoint. 6 keeps? 2 waypoints. 9 keeps? 3 waypoints. If our world is doing the best it can and conquering the WvW map why not get rewarded for it? Who cares about crafting bonuses, gathering bonuses and all that. This is WvW. We want WvW related things.

8. Introduce kill spam. When someone dies its nice to see where roughly he died. Its rewarding for someone to see his achievement over on public chat and also understand where the fight is happening. Seeing swords is just too vague and not helping at all.
Some food for thought.
Voted: No preference.

(edited by Sam.6930)

Its been over 4 years...WvW update?

in WvW

Posted by: Sam.6930


posted there too. cheers.

Your top 5 priorities for WvW-Overhaul

in WvW

Posted by: Sam.6930


Its been over 4 years and this game was never meant to be PVE only. There are tons of those on the market and some of them are far better at it.
Produce and stand out by offering a WvW system that currently is what the market lacks.

Us roamers that do not like camping bases or zerging keeps have zero interest or even benefit to do any kind of PVP.
1. Rework on borderlands and make them much smaller, less obstructive from pretty particles, simpler to navigate and to find action.
2. Work on a reward system be it gear or ability that will distringuish someone that plays 4 years this game and someone that just rolled in the game. You have that in PVE why not in PVP? it happens everywhere and its excellent to be rewarded for your time & effort
3. Reduce number of keeps / towers —> increase distance between them.
4. Introduce a dishonor buff / system for people standing outside a keep dueling all they like and when they are about to die run inside to safety. This is WvW. If youre afraid to die go play farmville.
5. Introduce a pvp dungeon and put there some craft merchants. That alone will increase wvw interest tenfold.

There are TONS of ideas and games out there. Use your team and go play some games and get on the drawing board. We got enough raids, legendary weapons, pretty skins, pretty locations, world bosses, celestial dyes and rabbit ears.
We WANT to get fun too.

Its been over 4 years...WvW update?

in WvW

Posted by: Sam.6930


Its been over 4 years and this game was never meant to be PVE only. There are tons of those on the market and some of them are far better at it.
Produce and stand out by offering a WvW system that currently is what the market lacks.

Us roamers that do not like camping bases or zerging keeps have zero interest or even benefit to do any kind of PVP.
1. Rework on borderlands and make them much smaller, less obstructive from pretty particles, simpler to navigate and to find action.
2. Work on a reward system be it gear or ability that will distringuish someone that plays 4 years this game and someone that just rolled in the game. You have that in PVE why not in PVP? it happens everywhere and its excellent to be rewarded for your time & effort
3. Reduce number of keeps / towers —> increase distance between them.
4. Introduce a dishonor buff / system for people standing outside a keep dueling all they like and when they are about to die run inside to safety. This is WvW. If youre afraid to die go play farmville.
5. Introduce a pvp dungeon and put there some craft merchants. That alone will increase wvw interest tenfold.

There are TONS of ideas and games out there. Use your team and go play some games and get on the drawing board. We got enough raids, legendary weapons, pretty skins, pretty locations, world bosses, celestial dyes and rabbit ears.
We WANT to get fun too.
