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New player here

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Sam Calaway.5894

Sam Calaway.5894

Welcome to the game

Elementalists are very desirable in dungeons, they’re one of the best classes to stack might, to make fights easier, among many other things.
So if you plan on doing dungeons elementalist is a good way to go.

Best use for laurels

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Sam Calaway.5894

Sam Calaway.5894

If you only want gold tier 6 materials bags and unidentified dye are your best bet.
Last time I checked they were above 30 silver each.

Stuck at lvl11....

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Sam Calaway.5894

Sam Calaway.5894

you should keep your gear at the same lvl as the area you’re on, if you find that your atks are not as effective as they should be.
If you’re finding trouble with decent gear you should try different weapons.
while lvling I always use a long-range + short-range weapon set so if things get tricky while in short range you can always dodge and use long range while you wait for your heal.

Ele for dungeons?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Sam Calaway.5894

Sam Calaway.5894

elementalists are really good at stacking might, which makes all fights much easier.
The frost bow and fiery greatsword make some boss fights stupid easy, if your team stacks against a wall or corner and use ice bow 4 (Icestorm) followed by casting fgs 3 pointing to a wall, then 4 also turned to a wall (but you should have no enemy targeted for this skill so it does a rush instead of a leap).

You should try using Icestorm on static objects you need to destroy, ac burrows for example.

Among many other examples, elementalists are a really good dungeon class imo.

new player finding it really hard to level.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Sam Calaway.5894

Sam Calaway.5894

don’t forget to do a couple of personal story quests, they give a good amount of xp, also don’t let your gear stay too low from your current lvl.

Whirling Wrath bug?

in Guardian

Posted by: Sam Calaway.5894

Sam Calaway.5894

the closer you are to your target the better it works, you can even hit more than 9 times if you stay inside your target hitbox or whatever it’s called.

You should remove npc collisions on your gameplay options, so you can walk trough your target.

Lets see your Warriors!

in Warrior

Posted by: Sam Calaway.5894

Sam Calaway.5894

Grenth Hood
Zojja’s Pauldrons
Orrian Breastplate
Phalanx Gauntlets
Orrian Legguards
Phalanx Warboots

Charred Dye


Post a pic of your character only if your armor is mix-n-match

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sam Calaway.5894

Sam Calaway.5894

My Norn Ranger.
