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Nvidia / AMD graphics card low performance !!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Sandid.8951


I’ll Give it a try;


Nvidia / AMD graphics card low performance !!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Sandid.8951


Having the WvW settings at lowest/lowest will affect your PvE culling. That might be why your getting good fsp. I hope that your fps issues are gone for good tho

Before the patch I also had those settings at low and i had around 15-20 fps with all details at low with stuttering when turning camera, so i don’t think it has to do with FPS performance, it’s something changed with the last patch, anyways, thanks for the comment.


Haven’t had much time to play since last patch and till today ! and ! Unfortunately It seems i’ve been too enthusiast too fast ! in fact the game performance haven’t changed that much ! there are some areas where i get good fps ! and some where i get awful FPS !

Have had to pick low details in practicaly all of the settings to be able to play at ~24 FPS !!

Now I’m SAD !

Can't play game at all due to lag

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Sandid.8951


The story goes like this…

1. The game was designed. Some devs with common sense agreed that they should put some restraints on client-based download to make the game on par with its servers’ available bandwidth as well as users’ internet connection. Thus, culling, a method to restrict how much information a player’s computer could download at a time.

2. Players complained for characters not being visible in clustered areas such as zergvzerg WVW due to culling.

3. Devs got tired of complaints so they got rid of culling on the promise of a “more lively environment”.

4. … In contrast with the fact that the servers are still ones and the same, not amplified or increased to withstand the increased bandwidth requested from players’ computers which are no longer restricted by culling.

5. Results -> players with superior internet connection or players who are closer to server locations are more likely to get to the server and maintain smooth connection whereas those with inferior connection are restrained by high latency, longer hop, and lag.

6. This will not be fixed… any time soon because they either have to 6.1 bring back culling which is very unlikely or 6.2 upgrading servers which is expensive and even more unlikely.

Now where’s the copy/paste tech support comment?

Your last sentence made me Laugh so loud, thank you :p

Nvidia / AMD graphics card low performance !!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Sandid.8951


Having the WvW settings at lowest/lowest will affect your PvE culling. That might be why your getting good fsp. I hope that your fps issues are gone for good tho

Before the patch I also had those settings at low and i had around 15-20 fps with all details at low with stuttering when turning camera, so i don’t think it has to do with FPS performance, it’s something changed with the last patch, anyways, thanks for the comment.


Nvidia / AMD graphics card low performance !!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Sandid.8951


Just Wanted to Inform that my FPS drops Problem is now Gone ! Thanks to the last Patch ??
Anyways ! Here is A Screen of my settings and my FPS !
And here is My Hardware Config ;:

Processor : AMD Phenom II X4 955 BE @ Stock
Asus Radeon 7790 CU II OC @ Stock
2×2 GB RAM Gskill PC 10600

I wanted to post this especially for people arguing about Hardware Specification not appropriate or not sufficient to play GW2 since 2 or more Weeks on All the Tech support section of the forum : People, YOU WERE WRONG (Especially those how persisted and said : Go buy A 4770K Your Proc sucks)



Nvidia / AMD graphics card low performance !!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Sandid.8951


hello everyone , Im running 2 6950’s in crossfire with eyeinfinity. My procecessor is amd 940. My fps stays around 20 to 40 with max settings. I have noticed that if i turn down the view distance I go 40 to 60. If you guys are playing on a single monitor you should be getting at least 60 fps. If not you may need to get driver sweeper and reload your video drivers for a clean install. Also i use msi after burner to monitor and overclock my video cards. A bad install of video drivers will kill your performance every time. I always use driver sweeper to uninstal my old drivers. Then i boot in safe mode and run driver sweeper again to make sure the old drivers are gone. Restart your computer and install the new drivers. Also make sure your Windows power plan settings are set to performance, or you will not get the energy you need to drive your computer 100% . I also have 1000 watt psu. Make sure you have enough juice to drive your system or it will suffer. Hope that helps some of you out. I had to say something after reading this because i know its not a cpu or game issue. My 15 2500k system is down at the moment so i have been useing this old cpu and motherboard also 8 gigs of ram. Im playing with 3 24 inch monitors as well getting the same performance as most of you. Go to Guru 3d to get driver sweeper.

Hi; thanks for the input !
I just wanted to add some informations about driver uninstalling, in fact AMD provides an uninstall utility that garantees that all drivers are properly cleaned "even Chipset drivers are cleaned / uninstalled)

I’ve done this numerous times while trying different versions of Catalyst drivers !
the result is that there is no change ! the problem is not end user related; it is game side, i’ve been playing since the beta, never had problems platying even with my old Radeon 4490, problems appeared with the last patch without me having modified my hardware or my drivers / Os (nothing changed on my side). My setup performs very well on all other games i play (Bioshock Infinite / Assassi’s creed III / Remeber Me …)

all we can do is wait for developers to come with a solution.

Much Power - Low Fps?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Sandid.8951


but maybe the processor is your problem,

seriously an i5-4570 is more than capable of running allthe recent games and those who will be out 5 years ahead !

have you seen the recommanded configuration for GW2 ? what is an adequate processor according to you for playing GW2 smoothly ?

Nvidia / AMD graphics card low performance !!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Sandid.8951



Hi Mate; I’ve been trying to read your post since the beginning and seeing people arguing about CPU performance and about how it was not delivering enough horse power to the GPU …. simply outrageous !

I only wanna say that i Have exactly the same symptoms as you !! I was playing very well on my PHENOM II X4 955 @3.7GHz and my ASUS Radeon 7790 Direct CUII OC “All Settings On High InGame” Except for Reflections “Terrain and Sky Only” at 1650×1080 I was aroud 30-40 FPS except Close To the Black Lion Trading Company or when there was 50+ players in events or such !

I have noticed A severe Drop in FPS after the Last Patch “Quenn’s Jubilee” and no matter what i did FPS would not change i’m Around 20 fps now and whenever i turn my camera there is stuttering ! even in empty zones and with All ingame graphics options set to LOW ! i’ve tried Catalysts 13.4 13.6Beta 13.8Beta and 13.4 for Radeon 7790 i’ve verified all the recommanded options for catalyst drivers “AA, FSAA etc” Defragmented my Hard Drive Verified Antivirus Exceptions" UAC, SmartScreen …… no way to make the game function as it was before !!!

I’ve tried to reset my overcloking settings for the CPU; nothing changes, i’ve overclocked my GPU ! …. and i had a nice BUG showing up ingame "Character Selection Screen : FPS 60+ after few secdons ingame DROPS to ~14 FPS anywhere in anymap with any number of players or graphics settings …

So i have to admit, i’m a kitten e d o f f now cause i planned to play my favorite game as am actualy on vacation … guess will not !!!

Don’t try to search for the problem where t is not, the game it self is the problem until it is solved, don’t go and listen to people saying ; yeah go n by a 4670k you Proc sucks … they are just not reading / listening to what is said .

And Anet. please !!! try resolving those annoying issues otherwise they will be the last thing people will remember about GW2 before quitting it !

(edited by Sandid.8951)