Showing Posts For Sarej.3802:

Camera Settings Resetting

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Sarej.3802


I can’t confirm that all options reset whenever I log out or change characters but I’m really getting tired of my “Vertical Position Far” being reset every time I do so.

This wasn’t happening before my 2-3 month break and it’s very irritating. I thought I should post it here!

Why is Ranger the only class....?

in Ranger

Posted by: Sarej.3802


Okay, so I jumped the gun because they removed the necessity to complete the meta event to get the Tiger but the Electric Wyvern is really what I’m after and I have to wait for a map to be completed that’s a ghost town every single time I port there.

Why is Ranger the only class....?

in Ranger

Posted by: Sarej.3802


Why is Ranger the only class that has its HoT features (pets) not only locked behind expansion PvE content but behind zone meta events that you have to be lucky enough to find/get into and complete?

Every other class can unlock their elite specialization through WvW or other means. Sure, Ranger can too but that doesn’t mean we get the full features that were added to our class in HoT if we’re to believe ArenaNet about pets being an integral part of the Ranger class. Where does this leave players who only or mainly WvW or don’t want to PvE?

Even though I haven’t wanted to, I’ve been trying to get my Electric Wyvern and Tiger pets since the week HoT came out, though I do admit I haven’t tried non-stop because it’s not how I want to play the game, as a WvW’er, and I don’t have unlimited time to play the game.

ArenaNet, please consider making the HoT pets accessible in WvW or place them in a more accessible area in HoT for those of us who haven’t got them. It’s ridiculous that I’m not only playing the only class that has to jump through hoops to access all of my class’s HoT features but also the only class who has to do so by playing the game in a way that isn’t fun for me and nearly impossible since I can never seem to find a DS map that has /anyone/ doing anything on it.

Box of Fun Legendary Particle Effect Change

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sarej.3802


I know it’s not a big deal and it’s just fluff but I preferred the old effect much more. I’m not nearly as excited about ‘Boxes o’ Fun’, not that they were extremely amazing before lol.

Well, anyway, I just wanted to post here because I know a lot of people are curious about undocumented (AFAIK) changes no matter how big or small. I just noticed this today and haven’t seen it posted anywhere (like I said, I know it’s not a big deal ):

Character Invisible when Logging In/Loading

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Sarej.3802


Bump because this issue is seriously annoying.

Character Invisible when Logging In/Loading

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Sarej.3802


I’ve tried repairing my game several times but lately when I log in, there’s a chance my character will be invisible and immovable. Sometimes, even after I waypoint to another location, I’ll be able to move but not see my character and seem to be glitching through the world.

I’ve also noticed textures popping in after the loading screen (mostly the interface) and after I move to a new zone, it takes a while for my sound to catch up to my game, different sounds load in at different times (for example, I may switch zones and run around and not be able to hear anything but my character’s weapon slashes, or her vocal sounds, eventually other sound effects catch up after a -long- while).

What could be causing this? As I’ve said, I’ve repaired the game several times to no avail.

Thank you for all of you for all of your help, it’s much appreciated.

Game Freezing/Mouse Cursor Disappearing

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Sarej.3802


Update: The cursor isn’t really disappearing, it’s just locking up.

Game Freezing/Mouse Cursor Disappearing

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Sarej.3802


Not exactly sure how to tell my temperatures, honestly, but I don’t think my system runs hot as I have tested it before and I have plenty of fans equipped as well as an external fan blowing into the case without one of its sidings in place (which may or may not be a good idea but seems to keep the system cooler).

Disappearing Cursor

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Sarej.3802


I’m having the same issue. Don’t know what’s causing it. Not running xfire or SLI. Just one 660TI.

Game Freezing/Mouse Cursor Disappearing

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Sarej.3802


I never had this issue before but about a week ago my game started randomly locking up about every 10-20 minutes and my mouse cursor will disappear. The game will freeze completely about 2 times for a second a piece and my character will continue to autorun while things get extremely choppy before returning to normal. I have no idea what the issue is at all since this is relatively new. I have no restore points on my PC and I’m on the latest Nvidia drivers.

(I sometimes have driver crashes every few hours but that’s not as big of an issue)


What gear/runes/sigils for WvW?

in Thief

Posted by: Sarej.3802


Starting out with exotic accessories, zerk or PVT?

What gear/runes/sigils for WvW?

in Thief

Posted by: Sarej.3802


Yeah, I didn’t mean P/D, I meant to say D/P with D/D or shortbow as my secondary?

Thank you for all of your help, especially the buy order tip because I usually tend to forget to do that due to impatience and overlooking it. I REALLY appreciate it.

What gear/runes/sigils for WvW?

in Thief

Posted by: Sarej.3802


But roaming is my favorite thing to do and the main reason I rolled a Thief.

What gear/runes/sigils for WvW?

in Thief

Posted by: Sarej.3802


Actually, I’d like to play my Ranger in zergs because I’m pretty useless in zergs as a Guardian as well with the amount of lag I have with that many people. At least on my Guardian, I can survive in the zerg and be pretty good on my own when roaming!

What gear/runes/sigils for WvW?

in Thief

Posted by: Sarej.3802


Roaming, for the most part. I’ll use my Guardian for zerg.

Not that I wouldn’t like to be able to be versatile on my Thief though but I’d rather not sacrifice roaming viability for zerg viability.

Purgatory, or anyone else for that matter, what sigils would you suggest for d/p and d/d or p/d?

What would you suggest aside from Divinity runes? Are they necessary because they’re about 10g a pop.

(edited by Sarej.3802)

What gear/runes/sigils for WvW?

in Thief

Posted by: Sarej.3802


Simple question and I know it’ll probably be build dependant but for the most part, do we go zerker or PVT?

New Thief Here, A Little Help?

in Thief

Posted by: Sarej.3802


As a former Gladiator and High Warlord in WoW (Rogue), and having played this game since beta but quitting two months after release to return a month or so ago, I usually hate to admit that I’m still a noob. But the point is, even 3 80’s later and plenty of time spent playing, I’m still really new and out of practice with this game.

A few days ago, as much as I love my Guardian, I decided to roll a new class for WvW roaming. As a former WoW Rogue and beta Thief player, I went with Thief… especially after a lot of people on different forums, in my guild, reddit, etc. proclaimed Thief to be a better choice for WvW roaming than my other choice, Engineer.

Long story short, I’m still learning the ropes and find myself dying A LOT, even in PvE (I’m level 60 now so I don’t really count my WvW deaths). Will this be a common re- occurrence at 80 in WvW and in solo PvE?

I certainly hope not, that’s why I’m here to ask for your help. Are there any guides out there (yes, I’ve seen the stickies) or videos/streams that can really help out a new Thief that you’d suggest?

At 80, I was thinking of going with as I’m not really a HUGE fan of sword unless it’s in PvE (this is a d/p build taken from another thread floating around since the patch).

tl;dr What guides, tips, and tricks would you recommend for a total newbie Thief?[

(edited by Sarej.3802)

Thief or Engineer [Mostly WvW Roaming]

in Engineer

Posted by: Sarej.3802


Just a preliminary thank you as I continue my consideration for all of your answers and contributions. It’s highly appreciated to say the least.

Thief or Engineer [Mostly WvW Roaming]

in Engineer

Posted by: Sarej.3802


And before anyone answers with this, I’ve tried both classes and have a lot of fun on each aside from the fact that Thief particularly seems to have a learning curve. Will I get used to it, eventually?

Thief or Engineer [Mostly WvW Roaming]

in Thief

Posted by: Sarej.3802


And before anyone answers with this, I’ve tried both classes and have a lot of fun on each aside from the fact that Thief particularly seems to have a learning curve. Will I get used to it, eventually?

Thief or Engineer [Mostly WvW Roaming]

in Engineer

Posted by: Sarej.3802


First of all, let me give a little background about myself. I’ve been playing MMOs for more than a decade. In most MMOs, I traditionally play the thief/rogue/assassin type class. Unfortunately, I found myself dying a lot in beta as a Thief so I initially switched to Ranger at release. As an 80 Ranger, I didn’t do to well and took a long break from the game up up until about a month ago. I never did greatly as a Ranger. I had a ton of fun in group WvW play but if I went off by myself, I was easily killed even in 99% of 1v1 situations.

Since I’ve returned, I leveled an Elementalist to 80 but it wasn’t exactly my cup of tea aside from d/d. After some further research and WvW experience, I decided I would go Guardian. I hadn’t always been one for survivability or “simplicity” but I’m not the best PvPer in GW2, despite being great at most other MMO’s (4 time Gladiator in WoW, three of which as a Rogue) and the idea of being able to help out my team while still being able to hold my own if I were to want to go roaming (this is my preferred thing to do in WvW but I often join the zerg for the reward incentives).

Not that I don’t love Guardian and find it viable for what I want to do, despite having an immense amount of difficulty tagging anything in zergs due to low fps and scepter speed/melee range, but I’m looking to level another character and perhaps find something more suitable to my liking. So far, I’ve narrowed it between Engineer and Thief.

My initial experience with Thief hasn’t been good. I’m frustrated because I see others doing so well, especially in sPvP, but I found myself dying instantly and frantically trying to accustom myself to the initiative/no-cooldown gameplay mechanic, which I must say I absolutely love. On the other hand, Engineer just doesn’t seem to have near as much potential for me – aside from support, range, and fun goofing off with a flamethrower. I’m in dire need of figuring out which of these classes is right for me as someone who doesn’t necessarily like dying instantly, wants to hold their own in 1v1 or maybe even be able to drop someone in a group without feeling like the whole attempt was futile, and being able to roam WvW without feeling useless.

tl;dr; Can’t decide between Engineer or Thief. I like WvW roaming and being able to hold my own and not dying instantly. Please take into consideration the patch notes changes and feel free to ask any other questions if it’ll help you help me.

Thief or Engineer [Mostly WvW Roaming]

in Thief

Posted by: Sarej.3802


First of all, let me give a little background about myself. I’ve been playing MMOs for more than a decade. In most MMOs, I traditionally play the thief/rogue/assassin type class. Unfortunately, I found myself dying a lot in beta as a Thief so I initially switched to Ranger at release. As an 80 Ranger, I didn’t do to well and took a long break from the game up up until about a month ago. I never did greatly as a Ranger. I had a ton of fun in group WvW play but if I went off by myself, I was easily killed even in 99% of 1v1 situations.

Since I’ve returned, I leveled an Elementalist to 80 but it wasn’t exactly my cup of tea aside from d/d. After some further research and WvW experience, I decided I would go Guardian. I hadn’t always been one for survivability or “simplicity” but I’m not the best PvPer in GW2, despite being great at most other MMO’s (4 time Gladiator in WoW, three of which as a Rogue) and the idea of being able to help out my team while still being able to hold my own if I were to want to go roaming (this is my preferred thing to do in WvW but I often join the zerg for the reward incentives).

Not that I don’t love Guardian and find it viable for what I want to do, despite having an immense amount of difficulty tagging anything in zergs due to low fps and scepter speed/melee range, but I’m looking to level another character and perhaps find something more suitable to my liking. So far, I’ve narrowed it between Engineer and Thief.

My initial experience with Thief hasn’t been good. I’m frustrated because I see others doing so well, especially in sPvP, but I found myself dying instantly and frantically trying to accustom myself to the initiative/no-cooldown gameplay mechanic, which I must say I absolutely love. On the other hand, Engineer just doesn’t seem to have near as much potential for me – aside from support, range, and fun goofing off with a flamethrower. I’m in dire need of figuring out which of these classes is right for me as someone who doesn’t necessarily like dying instantly, wants to hold their own in 1v1 or maybe even be able to drop someone in a group without feeling like the whole attempt was futile, and being able to roam WvW without feeling useless.

tl;dr; Can’t decide between Engineer or Thief. I like WvW roaming and being able to hold my own and not dying instantly. Please take into consideration the patch notes changes and feel free to ask any other questions if it’ll help you help me.