Showing Posts For Sarge.9730:
We did a 2 man test and it appears that the DPS is the same (exactly 5 seconds on a charge) but a full charge cata will down the wall first as long as you don’t full charge the last shot as there is less than 9% HP left on the wall.
Any official word on this?
It is becoming increasingly apparent that something has to be done with Black Gate, and probably the wvw server system in general.
Being on JQ, it is apparent that Blackgate is full or close to full during peak and most other times. This has to be a struggle for the player waiting to wvw maps to pop.
As a member of JQ, it is equally unfun to fight against them. Repeatedly getting run over by zergs three times your size is a problem. Going in every week, know that if you do your best and play a ton, the best you can hope for is second place is disapointing
I would think that you could expand the meta server system to remedy this issue. A soft cap, but you can join friends in up to a hard cap.
I know that this issue is complicated and that any remedy has to be well thought out, but something has to be done.
If BG wins the next 10 weeks in a row they will tie JQ for wins all time. In other words this is far from the first time there has been an extended period of time where a server was at the top. The fact that it’s your own server just makes it more fun to point out.
So, about BG being popular ‘issue’, as a pug in BG, I would attribute it to the solidarity of the community, the good relationship between active guilds and the great atmosphere that many veterans earnestly foster. I have many alt accounts in different servers where I occasionally jumped in wvw to farm gift of battle for. The team/map chat in BG is generally more tolerable, less meme, less misogynistic, less raging and very clear in callouts, objective watching status, etc. Outside of reset day, we never queue in all maps, only EB is queued. We have many commanders who patiently take in pugs, train them and float. They respond very quickly to our scouts’ call and scouts in BG are strong in numbers and quality. For the last 2 months, I’ve seen guilds departing from BG because they couldn’t find fights in our matchup and it’s not the bad thing. In general, BG having a solid militia has something to do with the efforts to make wvw fun and fair to everyone in our server. It’s always bustling with activities there.
BG aint that great m8. BG just have the thickest blobs and pin snipers. Have to admit they’re good at ppt tho. That’s about it
The relevant servers are trying to have a discussion. Please go back to tanking down to T3 in a pathetic attempt to keep your KD high.
I haven’t even noticed the changes as a player actually playing WvW.
Reading through the patch notes was a real roller coaster of emotions for me as I have 2177 hour over the past 1722 days on my warrior and very little on any other character.
Through all of that time I have been through the ups and downs of the class in general and at no point did I find it not fun to play. With that in mind I generally don’t put a ton of stock into worrying about nerfs and buffs as up until this point I have yet to be really bothered by any of them.
The changes on the 16th however have really put me at odds with continuing to play my character the way I had previously enjoyed. It just seems like there had to be a way to decrease the power of some abilities without making them feel like I am in the middle of a Stonemist Castle fight 3 years ago. Now, I know these changes aren’t going to be reversed and much of the outcry about them can only hope to affect future changes.
That said, I want to stress the fact that balance and fun need to go hand in hand. If balancing something makes no one want to use it, perhaps it should be balanced in a different way.
Also… PTR… Maybe?
Scoring in WvW cannot be based largely on PPK because it is a 24/7 gamemode, and there aren’t always people to fight for points. You cannot simply look at your server, but gamewide across all servers. Structures can always be captured, lost, and upgraded they don’t go anywhere therefore it makes sense to make them the larger factor in scoring. PPK can already make a bigger impact on scores thanks to skirmishes and with bloodlust you can add more points, it can make a huge difference in a very short amount of time, literally hundreds of points in minutes can be acquired thanks to PPK and bloodlust.
What he said, in addition I don’t feel that a server should we rewarded for ignoring objectives and spawn camping for instance which would become highly beneficial if PPK were the primary source of points.
Forums exist for the loud minority to complain about what they feel is wrong with everything while the majority of the players just enjoy the game and never even think to look at the forums.
People don’t generally have a great night of WvW and run to the forums to tell everyone about it. They have a terrible night and then look for somewhere to vent their frustrations.
The level of salt over Anet taking an artificial “closed” cap on joining BG and JQ that NO other server was held to is hilarious. If BG is already at what they considered the population cap they would have lowered it as opposed to lifting the lock.
With no hard facts to go off of (they don’t exist outside of maybe Anet) the forum warriors flood in here and make claims that BG is so stacked the game will never be the same again.
This will be my last post in here but please continue, I enjoy a little light reading before bed and my Vial of Salt could use some replenishment.
DB → SoS → BG (all pre paying for transfers)
All transfers were due to guild/alliance of the time making moves to play for the long game. As we landed on BG I would say they did pretty good ^^
MAG is tanking this week since there are more fights in T2.
Thats a good joke. BG aside FA puts up more fights than near any server and they have the population to give a queued fight on a map with some to spare on others. Mag is tanking for the same reason Dragonbrand did before them, and Yaks before them
It’s easy to solve. When you have a week were you end up fighting BG just take the week off. Don’t fight them, let them keep every single tower, keep and camp in their color until people start transfering off.
If Anet won’t do something useful take matters into your own hand.
BG has won weeks by more than this and nothing changed…
Fact is the playing field for recruitment is level now, getting upset about it wont change anything.
For those interested in facts as opposed to wild accusations to make themselves feel better. BG has had no queue on any BL today which is a normal occurrence outside of reset night.
Put aside BG for a sec, what if its your server, would you think its fair? Maybe if some people would for once think objectively rather then instantly getting enraged because its about one particular server and automatically needing to spew their bias on here.
Always pulling the “What if it was your server?” card… Well, I cannot answer that question because I always played in the lower tiers (the ones you buy guilds from) and not with the stacked blob servers. I can’t simply know how I would feel if it was my server because it never been my server. But I problably would not come here crying that my server need more people if we were still holding our position in tier 1 since February 2013 (last time BG was ever ranked 4 or lower).
There are worst situations than losing a match in Tier 1 you know? Oh no, of course you don’t. You alwasy been in the top…
You have some pretty solid opinions about a server that has nothing to do with you. If you were willing to take time out of your day to make that statement I ABSOLUTELY believe you would be on the forums crying if a similar thing happened to your server.
Its interesting that Anet clearly took off the artificial full status meaning that BG and JQ are FINALLY held to the same population limits as every other server and its somehow them pandering to those two servers.
Yeah, PvP is nothing but warriors rolling face over all the other classes who are unable to turn the tide of… wait, warrior is still barely seen because its a one trick pony that a competent player can counter?
WvW is for team fights, not duels and as such your specific complaints are pointless.
I should have clarified some more on the first point pertaining to population in relation to the PvE players. While as several of you have stated, PvE numbers are not counted toward the full status of a server and instead this pulls from man hours in WvW, that does not account for a large number of players jumping into WvW for dailies and other activities that for a populated server can add a large number of “fake” man hours.
Hi everyone,
I had a few ideas for some… drastic changes that I feel could move WvW in a better direction and would like to see what everyone thinks.
1. Separate the PvE and WvW Servers : As we already utilize the “Mega Server” system lets just make it that, a new server called “Tyria” is the landing pad for anyone who joins the game. Current players who opt in to WvW retain their “WvW Server”and upon entering WvW its business as usual. New players or players that previously opted out of WvW are presented with an options screen when first trying to enter WvW. This will give them a list of servers they can join but there will be a population lock put on the servers so that you cannot join a server that has X more players than the lowest population server.
- In theory this eliminates the need for linked servers once servers begin evening out.
- Servers are no longed tied to their “PvE Population” meaning that in theory match-ups should even out over time given the population restrictions.
- Lower Tier servers get the chance for an influx of players as they become the only choice until things even out.
- The game retains the ability to make money on transfers to “WvW Servers” (though the first transfer after this change would have to be credited).
- Someone who left the game and came back at a later date might find themselves no longer on the “WvW Server” they left on and are unable to quickly get back on it due to a high population.
- Initially match-ups could stagnate a bit due to the fact that lower tier servers would be the only options available for transfers until things balanced out. In addition to this it might become necessary to reduce the number of servers to account for the reduced WvW population.
- Probably more things I haven’t thought of
2. Balance skills in WvW without affecting PvE : Nothing new here, many have asked for it but needs to be done for both ends of the spectrum because nothing is more frustrating as a player than to have something changed because a game mode you don’t even utilize is “unbalanced”.
3. Lower the overall populations of WvW Servers : I would rather suggest getting more powerful servers for WvW but that feels like an unrealistic ask. That being said, skill lag and general performance issues in WvW tied to large groups clashing over an objective is a poison that will slowly kill the game if not addressed.
End of the day I am just looking to strike up a conversation on the topic so feel free to provide constructive criticism.
Dang and here I thought, T1 had rock solid communities. Just sounds like a bunch of insecure little kids now that you gotto work for your title to be a t1 server. Instead of stacking and destroying the lower communities.
This was not the original purpose of the post in any way and I have to imagine you have either not read the previous responses or possibly misread them.
The concern being echoed here is that the servers without a population capable of maintaining their T1 status (basically any server that is not BG) must bounce back and forth between tiers completely dependent on if they have a link or not. I cannot imagine its fun to put up a fight for 2 months and then get smashed into oblivion for however many weeks it takes to drop back to tier 2.
It has been my observation that T1 has become somewhat of a revolving door for servers who do not have links. New links are established and the servers who are unlinked for the most part lose their places to the newly linked T2 servers. Once the links change again said servers who moved up drop back down and a new batch of linked servers come up.
I don’t know how practical it would be but would it not make more sense to swap links between the server going up and coming down? I know there are some pretty severe implications for that but it feels strange that servers who stay in T1 and almost punished in having to deal with the T2 servers that come up the week after getting a new link.
Just some thoughts, feel free to shoot holes in them
I should clarify that once in the game my load times are quite fast and the game runs really well. That said for some reason when I first launch the game (after logging in) I am stuck staring at my desktop for a good 25 seconds while it appears nothing is happening and then all the sudden the game comes up.
Any ideas on what I can look at to circumvent this?
Of note maybe is that I am using the 64-bit client and my wife who has an identical computer (currently using the 32-bit client) does not experience the same issue.
These posts are pointless. TC was hungry for a win and they played their butts off to get it. The week after a win streak ends tends to be pretty exciting though so lets hope for that.
Fake, BG always has 10x the people on as any other server and spend all their time plotting on how to double team TC.
With the way WvW currently works guilds are rewarded by holding keeps long enough to gain points on them or protect an orb. I feel that the incentives for a guild to claim a keep and upgrade/hold that keep are not up to par and this is where my suggestion comes in.
Adding a purchasable upgrade (or set of upgrades) to keeps that would add a keep bank which would only be accessible by the guild which claimed it. Permissions for this bank could be managed through the already in place guild ranks.
This bank would serve several purposes
1. Once a keep reaches max supply all excess supply delivered from caravans (and possibly delivered by hand as this has been suggested in an unrelated idea) would be converted into an amount of coin (to be determined by minds more attuned to the financial scales of this game than I) and stored in the keep bank.
2. Money could be deposited into the bank by guild members (hold your questions on this one as i’ll go into detail why this would be important and how it could be balanced)
3. Either included in the bank upgrade or a separate upgrade would be some kind of “market” which would allow the guild to reap interest on all coin stored in the bank
Now, importantly added to the above suggestions is the risk for the potential money maker that a keep would become.
1. I propose we use the already existing orb system to make a “money bag” which would have to be run from the keep to that servers base of operations in the borderland. This “money bag” could be stolen and run back to a rival servers home base in the same way that an orb could (minus the showing up on the map when its on the move) The coin could only be safely banked into the guild bank once the bag arrives safely at the base of operations.
2. Upon taking a keep a base % of the coin stored in its bank would be “lost” (use your imagination on this, looters and such) but the rest of the coin would be up for grabs. In order to prevent infighting between servers perhaps the money would be split evenly between those who participated in taking it as opposed to sitting in the bank for the guild that then claims it.
My vision for this system is as follows.
Keeps and supply camps would be even more connected than they already are and guilds would have sufficient reason to claim and then hold both and post dedicated guards rather than leave them hanging in the breeze because they already got the karma/points.
Cutting supply lines would become valuable even when a keep is maxed out on supply as it would cut right into your enemies pocket book.
I imagine grand sieges where one side thinks or knows a large enemy guild is keeping large sums of coin in a keep, surrounding said keep while laying siege to it and then a desperate rush out of the keep by the defenders trying to get their coin to safety.
Sounds fun to me, let me know what you guys think as I have only put about 20~ minutes into this so surely there is room for refinement of the concept.