Showing Posts For Sathyir.5139:

Tournament Organization improvments

in PvP

Posted by: Sathyir.5139


only if you are the member of TP.

So basicaly no.

There were other non eu players who participated this weekend, xeph wasnt exceptional so stop this nonsense pls.

Necromancer bugs compilation. (discontinued)

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sathyir.5139


I think right now, terror trait is not working. Please take a look at this.

hopes for the 28th balance update

in PvP

Posted by: Sathyir.5139


This patch wont bring any big changes in balance , next month patch will.

Where’s this info coming from?

I think they said this previous guru’s state of game e01 or in twitch thing. So dont expect anything big this month.

Curious about current meta..

in PvP

Posted by: Sathyir.5139


I have to say im not a big shot pvp player, but i love to theorycarft and watch streams about gw2 pvp.

According to my observation: D/d ele + Sc/d half bunker ele+thief+mesmer+bunker guardian team setup is becoming famous among top tier teams.

I think, this setup is one of the strongest setup right now and these are the reasons of this metamorphosis;

This setup provides:
1. Constant/area condi removal: Eles are the best condi removers in the game right now. Guardians can area condi remove too.
2. High Mobility: As everybody knows, in conquest mode; travel time between
two points is very important. And thiefs and eles are the best classes for it.
3. Capability of escaping from fight: By considering the status of the death timer.
if you cant kill your enemy, you can not afford to die. Eles, thiefs and portal using mesmers are the bests in this area too.
4. Quickness: Everybody knows how game changer quickness is.
5. Portal transfering your team: Well, obvious reasons.

Im not going to point out other crucial things like burst damage, stability/invis stomp etc. because, more or less other team setups can have these capabilities.

Effects of this uprising setup to us: Decreasing demand of condi necros,warriors and engi.

Warriors and necros cant escape from fight .
If you have so many condi removal why use a necro or if your enemy have this setup, your condi necro is useless now, without epidemic and a partner condi class. ( Other then stupid res signet which is uttermost broken)

The reason of this topic is twofold:
1. Im not sure of these assumptions? What is your opinion about current meta?
2. If these assumptions right, I think This issue is one of the biggest problem in gw2 pvp system. Because decreasing demand on three class, all at once, is very dangerous for a game that already suffers from big big problems..