Showing Posts For Saverin.4165:
i cant even get in the game without the kitten thing saying net connection issues yet im freaking streaming atm lol
raid ui still does not work and raids are still locked to off
So started playing again and the game has changed alot in 8 months im looking for a build that can do explorable dungeons or high level fractal runs. Ive tried a few builds and looked around to research some builds but the diversity of most of them leave me more confused then helped.
So having just restarted playing gw2 after many friends saying it has improved since launch i decided to go back to my thief and try to be serious about the game. I was wondering if people could help me with some builds, one that’s good in explorable dungeons and one that could be good in high lvl fractals, 30+
This may not be a suggestion but more like a hope. So gw1 had these amazing guild halls that i used to love to go check out, nothing in gw2 like that…….until i noticed the guild armor smith and weapon smith in LA telling me they wont show me their wares unless my guild has a location for them to work. Yet they use to work before. All hypothetical but i have a feeling we may see the return of guild halls
Nope server crash stuff
there actually is a hidden alpha behind the scenes.
This is just speculation, but:
Given the nature of the changes to Daily achievements, I’m going to assume that ANet are aiming to release the update at midnight GMT, when the Daily achievements get reset.
There haven’t been any announcements along the lines of “the update will be released in an hour” or anything like that, so I’m doubting it’ll be half an hour from now, i.e. the next daily achievement reset, so probably it’ll be 24 and a half hours from now. If you’re in GMT or any further east, that may as well be the 29th, but it’d be around 4PM PST, and as has been noted, ANet function in PST, so they’d still be meeting their announcement of an update on the 28th.
…Kinda hoping I’m wrong and it releases earlier, because my logic has just told me to stop looking forward to an update tonight. We’ll see.
I would think they would want to get the update out a bit earlier so everyone has a chance to download plus it would give everyone fair time to get the daily achievement upon reset. Also allow for leeway in case of delays etc. Even then I still have a feeling it will most likely be 24 hours from now.
Also dailies dont reset at midnight it resets at 7pm est for myself meaning 4pm pst since west cost is 3 hours behind me. the wintersday launched on my server around that time
First post here, but i have spent 23 hours spread over a week farming corrutped lodestones in forstgorge sound, with 0% mf, with 160%mf, solo, in party. havent gotten a single lodestone. Mentioned it to my guildies they went to the same spot and one hour each got 4-7 lodestones, so either im having horrid luck and never seeing one or they have some magical drop chances. any idea?
if i didnt need ectos form my legendary i would be rich lol
currently im farming a location in frostgorge sound that has icebrood svanir, icebrood wolves, and icebrood colossus. In hopes of finding corrupted cores or corrupted lodestones. Everywhere on the net i search people say they can average 1 every 30 minutes with and without magic find. I tried 5 hours of running 0% magic find and found nothing. aswell as running 142% magic find and spent another 5 hours and still have seen nothing. Im wondering if anybody has a better spot or if im just an unlucky soul stuck with no gold to spend in game:(
i did this idk how many times i watched the vid and i follow it perfectly but everytime i jump at the clock face nothing happens i just fall and get reset
Hey i have gotten to the last part of the mad kings clock tower every time and i jump into the broken glass like i supose to yet i hit it like its a solid wall and never get ported to the chest this is really annoying
All ports open, internet fine as another computer on same router/modem with no issues (does have code 7 issues just not the same time as me)
I play this game for hours on end with no problems
I change zones and….
Code 7
code 7
code 7
code 7
change zones back play fine again
try a new character:
code 7
code 7
(if I hear for the sake of the land… one more time I will fall out with Caithe)
go back to main in old area plays fine even managed to get to 80In what way is this my computer or internet?
I have no problem playing just playing in certain zones at certain zones…seems to be your side Anet and not mine?
Sorry for the rant but I am pulling my hair out
I agree with you, im able to play on certain zones with certain characters. I really need to get into the game im a leader for my guilds WvW force and it sucks being out of the game 4 days in a row
Update: After I got the last error I disabled “Best Texture Filtering” again and this time I also deleted Local.dat from Documents and it seems like it is fixed. I did not get any error in the last 2 hours.
Edit: 4 hours and still no error for me, seems like that was the problem.
I just tried this and it didnt seem to work for myself or my gf
Can we get a post from Anet saying if they are working on this or not, this is making my game unplayable and about ready to give up on it.
I agree. I would like an update on matters as well. I have a long line of support tickets on this but no one seems to be acknowledging this issue is affecting more than just me.
Ya i have a support ticket in but they keep telling me to use third party programs and i find that worrisome, so i havent yet but im trying anything people say works in here.
Can we get a post from Anet saying if they are working on this or not, this is making my game unplayable and about ready to give up on it.
It seems to be an error with accounts, I don’t get that error when a friend logs into his account on my computer, while I consistently get the error on my account. It also seems to be connected to users who bought their accounts after the reopening of sales for the game.Wait, wait, wait… This is a very important detail. If you changed nothing on your computer with the exception of having your friend log in and the error didn’t happen at all….
Arenanet! Don’t miss this detail! This is important!
i have 3 computers in my house and 3 people with different GW2 accounts all three of us can not log into GW2 from any computer without an error
I had the error a few days ago but after 4 hours it fixed itself today i have been trying to play since 6am EST, and its currently 7:46 pm est and still havent been able to get on. I have tried everything Anet said to do and nothing has worked. It sucks because i have changed nothing on my end to say its my end as i woke up and tried to play and the error happened right away.