Showing Posts For Scarn.1703:

[PvE] Dungeon Speedrun Zerk Build

in Engineer

Posted by: Scarn.1703


this build is lots of fun! thanks for sharing.

Cheaper Transfers

in WvW

Posted by: Scarn.1703


What does this mean? Are there free transfers available right now?

Our reactions to farming nerfs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Scarn.1703


The latest case of “farming nerfs” was actually a bug fix. I’m aware of this because I was asked to help identify the issue. The area in question contained a spawn that was defined to have more creatures than spots for those creatures to spawn. So for example, 25 skelks spawning on 10 points. This is not intended. Not only does it just look absurd, it’s also leads to some extremely bizarre play conditions. This is one of those bugs that’s so buggy, the fact that our toolset even allowed this to happen is a bug. Another bug caused this bug. Bugception.

If we didn’t want players to be able to farm, we wouldn’t have put in the huge (and free) magic and gold find buffs for Southsun Cove. We wouldn’t drop loot from the giant mobs of creatures that appear in upscaled events. We certainly wouldn’t have put in chests that appear after events which cycle every 8 to 10 minutes. How quickly all of that content goes completely forgotten in the angered responses to a simple change to an area that was clearly bugged. :/

On farming in general, there’s a sweet spot that combines good loot with fun, engaging content. I think Southsun had that going for it, especially before certain aspects of the content were isolated as optimal. As someone who’s actively working on upcoming Living World releases, I’m aiming to find that sweet spot and hit it in a big way.

no. having DR’s exist in the game is direct penalty to farmers no matter how you try to spin it.

Excited about the new wvw changes

in WvW

Posted by: Scarn.1703


it’s pretty vague actually

its extremely vague and really doesnt say anything we haven't already heard somewhere.

The Problem with Dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Scarn.1703


i think you kind of answered yourself. conditions are about damage over time, and its not a fast way to complete dungeons. it works, for sure, but isnt the fastest way. if you dont want to run dungeons with a warrior or mes then dont, play what you want to play, just dont expect to blow through dungeons.

with that said, i think they need to either remove the condition cap in PVE or have each player have their own conditions, i.e. two theives applying bleeds would have separate stacks of bleeds, so the mob would end up taking 50 stacks of bleeding. that would be nasty, especially if you have 5 classes stacking bleeds. dont think im just being an kitten and saying you have to play burst builds. conditions need work in pve. but for now, they still work, they just arent incredibly fast.

condition vs direct damage.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Scarn.1703


In pvp conditions work really well, it’s pve (dungeons, fractals) where they just aren’t super efficient. I’m not saying they don’t work, but it’s much faster (and with a specific group set up, easier) to just bring direct damage. But if your having issues with that stuff in pvp you should watch some videos and learn some tricks. My guild mates almost all run condi classes and they do great.

Patchnotes regarding WvW, May 28th

in WvW

Posted by: Scarn.1703


pretty much tells everyone they don’t care about wvw. awful update. what a joke.

Champion Imbued Shaman Battle

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Scarn.1703


i bet if we play together you can t evade 50% of his Attacks

Its visible as long as you don t have all those particle effects covering the shaman.

i.e. visible 1VS1….invisible 5VS1

not to mention the bug of the istant 1shot after shield :/ that can easily wipe a group

You bet wrong.

Very visible, with all those particle effects.

He’s right you know, if you pay attention his arrow attack is very avoidable. If you can’t dodge his arrow attack you should probably stick to 1-9 and practice more.

Champion Imbued Shaman Battle

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Scarn.1703


This can be done without and blocks or wor tho, why are people so caught up in these abilities being what wins the fight? I try to be constructive when I post, but people argue and won’t listen or be open minded about things, and that seems to be the case on here a lot. Watch a video guide or something, make a guardian yourself if you think you absolutely need wor. This can be done without it.

Champion Imbued Shaman Battle

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Scarn.1703


It’s a fight that overly relies on certain class mechanics not available to everyone. If you are in a PUG group that doesn’t have a member of X profession (or doesn’t know what they are doing), it can be impossible to carry depending on your class more than your ability. And like I said earlier, the majority of the problem is with the poor choice of adds, otherwise it’s just another fractal encounter that zones melee.

Anyways it can’t be solely written off as ‘l2p’.

Of course its a l2p issue. I’m not familiar with the engi or the necro, but every other class has some sort of block or projectile absorb/reflect. So unless engi and necro don’t have anything (which I doubt), and unless you’re running with a full necro engi team, then it’s absolutely a l2p issue. Every encounter in the game in fractals or dungeons can be easily beaten once you learn what to do. CoE is an awesome example. People run Coe for the first time and go holy crap. But once you learn the encounters and what to do its one of the mokittenn dungeons in the game. This boss fight is hard but if you know what to do, class set up wont be the end all of the fight. Sure it’s easier for some classes then other, but it’s not impossibru.

Volcanic fractal: Needs Less?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Scarn.1703


its really a l2p issue as much as a hate saying that. he’s difficult sure, but at the same time people should know what their own class is capable of, and its surprising how many dont. I cant tell you how many times i get into arguments with mesmers because they firmly believe that they DO NOT have any type of pull. sigh….

Login server down?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Scarn.1703


i feel like this happens a lot

Login server down?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Scarn.1703


yea cant get in.

Converted to Zerker: A story

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Scarn.1703


this is a very good point. about 3 weeks ago I also made the transition to full zerker and the difference is night and day. toughness does nothing for you in dungeons. defense in this game is all about dodging at the right time and using certain abilities/evades. people say zerker players are dumb and not viable but once you learn how to effectively play one its extremely rewarding.

light armor

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Scarn.1703


this light armor all the way to the right – does it exist or is it something the devs decided to not put in?


Why still downed state in WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: Scarn.1703


The downed state is too tied in the game mechanics, you can’t take it out. What could be taken out is the rallying, and the game would be much better if that happened.

i think they could absolutely take it out. since they are going to start balancing the game separately, they could just take it out in wvw. if you die, you die.

Worth it?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Scarn.1703


theres fractals, however it is gated because of agony (new condition only in fractals) and you can only get so high.

there are still a huge amount of bugs everywhere endgame. about half the events in orr are still bugged and don’t work and Anet seems to not really care. so between all that and the massive amount of RNG/DR in the game, no, I’d find something else. I’m looking for something but right now theres nothing interesting thats not in a closed beta.

Why still downed state in WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: Scarn.1703


+1 for down state being stupid.

Anet needs to make a decision on Mesmer

in Mesmer

Posted by: Scarn.1703


ben pretty much nailed it. the other classes need to be brought up to par

Battle of Claw Island bugged???

in Personal Story

Posted by: Scarn.1703


yeah. ive tried this multiple times now and each time same thing. lag snowball until i get disconnected. no other part of the game (except for fractals) has this issue. Ive noticed since the last patch that fractals have become unplayable because of the lag. some of the people i play with have the same problems and some dont.

Is the Berserker really that good?

in Guardian

Posted by: Scarn.1703


its up to you really. if you can use zerk gear and do well, than why not.

IMO, Farming nerfs are killing this game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Scarn.1703


Farming makes you gold and that is not allowed in this game. Although it’s obviously possible to get rich, they want most of the playerbase poor for reasons I don’t understand. I think ANet believes and endless tunnel of grind for legendary and such will keep people going, but for me it does the complete opposite. If I were able to get the stuff I wanted without getting crap drops 24/7 and being a legendary garbage collector I would be playing this game a LOT more.

They keep some things casual, then throw in ridiculously insane RNG to cater to the ‘old ways’ which is funny because it’s even more grindy than other MMOs I’ve played for years, simply because of the RNG. It’s not so much the nerfing of farms that gets me, but the abysmal drop rates on everything. Being able to farm won’t fix that.. I’ve been grinding for months and it feels like I moved maybe 2 steps closer to my goal which I’ve since completely given up on.

this is an excellent point! and one we agree on. i have also given up (for a while now) because of the horrible rng. its disgusting. i dont mean to take over the topic, but honestly the legendary needs to more “game” based than “farm for these items” or “buy off the TP”.

IMO, Farming nerfs are killing this game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Scarn.1703


why can’t we farm in this game? I want to farm, its the first mmo I actually enjoy farming in
why can’t farming be an option for people that like to farm?
I am not against casuals that just want to play the game
but if I want to farm I should be able to farm
preventing farming is just terrible game design

because this game is not about farming. There are plenty of MMOs that do allow farming. This one doesn’t. Most new ones don’t. And I would say that it’s a step in the right direction.

his argument is right and wrong at the same time. obviously the only way to really make money in this game is to farm whether its dungeons or cursed shore or what not. anet didnt want people to be farm but since theres really no other way to get steady income, thats what were left with. and the gem store, thats teh big reason whether people want to admit it or not.

because you can’t run only a few dungeon paths a day, you couldn’t do several events, you can’t enjoy some alt leveling and play a bit of WvW? Do you really need to literally repeat the same activity over and over again to feel happy?

you should just stop, you have no idea what youre talking about anymore. just stop. hes talking about making a legendary, not whether fun has anything to do with it. this is why i never write on the forums, because people just completely miss the point sometimes. im done here, OP you should have a good idea of why they do these nerfs by now.

(edited by Scarn.1703)

IMO, Farming nerfs are killing this game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Scarn.1703


why can’t we farm in this game? I want to farm, its the first mmo I actually enjoy farming in
why can’t farming be an option for people that like to farm?
I am not against casuals that just want to play the game
but if I want to farm I should be able to farm
preventing farming is just terrible game design

because this game is not about farming. There are plenty of MMOs that do allow farming. This one doesn’t. Most new ones don’t. And I would say that it’s a step in the right direction.

and if some people want legendary weapons?
I just really don’t understand Anet’s mentality
I got 100% map completion I’ve seen all the world has to offer
now what?

at this point i wouldnt listen to his arguments anymore, you cant make money by doing nothing, and “playing the game” is an awful way to get you anywhere in terms of a legendary.

IMO, Farming nerfs are killing this game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Scarn.1703


Why is Anet nerfing every single farming location that players find?

Because this game never intended to allow you to farm in the first place. Hence in launched with diminishing returns in exp, money and loot.
Why keep nerfing things you ask? Because people like you still didn’t get the point that you are not supposed to farm in this game.

why can’t we farm in this game? I want to farm, its the first mmo I actually enjoy farming in
why can’t farming be an option for people that like to farm?
I am not against casuals that just want to play the game
but if I want to farm I should be able to farm

his argument is right and wrong at the same time. obviously the only way to really make money in this game is to farm whether its dungeons or cursed shore or what not. anet didnt want people to be farm but since theres really no other way to get steady income, thats what were left with. and the gem store, thats teh big reason whether people want to admit it or not.

IMO, Farming nerfs are killing this game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Scarn.1703


because of the gem store and being able to convert gold to gems. if people were able to bring in loads of gold they could essentially buy everything in the gem store without paying anet any money. they dont want that.

and as far as legendaries go, a lot of people who have multiple legendaries got them by exploiting.

I feel farming is mandatory, so why keep nerfing it?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Scarn.1703


simple answer: gem store and the ability to convert gold to gems.

What to do about mesmers?

in Warrior

Posted by: Scarn.1703


when i read the title i was going to come in and say, “try using GS/Hammer” but you’ve already found the awesomeness that the weapon combo brings. I use almost the same build you do too. against mesmers, all I can really say is pressure them as much as possible, which is easy with that weapons combo. lots of aoe, and lots of cc with hammer. its tough beating a good mesmer 1v1, but you’ve got the right idea.

not getting any rewards

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Scarn.1703


yeah it doesn’t make sense. i don’t do the same event twice, and i know that the events are account bound now. so I’m doing things right, but not getting any rewards period.

not getting any rewards

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Scarn.1703


I haven’t been getting the event chest or the “rare” chest from any of the temple events or the world boss events (dragons). I was under the impression you can only do these bosses once per day for the chest, but I havent been getting any rewards at all. I submitted tickets but I figured id post on here as well. other people seem to be having the same problem.

Add more Armor Skins, Weapon Skins.

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Scarn.1703


in the recent spvp state of the game thing one of the devs said it was really expensive for them to make new armor skins, so I wouldn’t expect it anytime soon or frequently. it IS weird that they can make town clothes all the time which are kinda pointless but not new armors, which i feel like if they released a new armor every month on the gem store would rake in cash. I know i would buy gems for new armor skins and weapons.

so much work.. for so little. why ?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Scarn.1703


That’s acually one of the things i enjoy about the class, and tbh i don’t even think about it anymore, it’s like driving a stick shift.

haha win.

Who is the best ranged damage dealer in gw2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Scarn.1703


my warrior rifle build blows away my ranger build by far. i destroy rangers in ranged fights easily too. mesmers and rifle warriors are better than rangers.

Race Change

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Scarn.1703


i wish they would do this. sadly, it seems they wont.

Why I think you're losing active players

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Scarn.1703


I agree with everything you said, and so would most of my guild members. A lot of them are disappointed they cannot do things like dungeons because they are simply too hard. I would really like to see Anet lower the difficulty of current exp dungeons (to something along the lines of how hard fractals pre 10 are, it would be so much more fun!) and give the super players their hardcore/nightmare mode dungeons.

If guildwars 2 had monthly fee

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Scarn.1703


i wouldve canceled a while ago.

Worth it to reroll?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Scarn.1703


i would say finish your world completion if you really are close so you can get the 2 gifts of exploration. once its done then if youre not happy with your character make a new one. it really doesnt take long to level up again and getting exotics is pretty easy.

Flawed drop-rates and items

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Scarn.1703


I’ve had this same issue. I see all these posts and people in my groups tell me they get 3-4 rares every event, while all i’m getting are porous bones. I barely ever get bags, and if i do all thats in them are silk or leather sections. I haven’t gotten a rare in almost 2 weeks i think, and frankly the drop rate has become so bad that it’s taken a lot of the fun out of the game for me. there def seems to be some kind of drop rate bug, i dont care if anet says there isn’t. its obvious from the amount of people having this problem there is.

Network Lag [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Scarn.1703


yeah, i guess gw2 is over for me as well. lag has been so bad since the update that i keep losing connection to the game. can’t play at all. everything else works fine so i know its not my connection. oh well i guess, off to find another game.

Dungeons, Groups, and Soloist-Noobs

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Scarn.1703


use the LFG website :

It makes finding groups much much easier. Just make sure you let everyone know that you’re new to dungeons and you shouldn’t have too many problems.

never ending loading screen

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Scarn.1703


So I keep trying to play, and after i select my character the game just never loads up. i sit and watch the loading screen. happens on every one of my characters. anyone else experiencing this? I was on about 2 hours ago and had no issues.

Patch Notes?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Scarn.1703


We generally don’t release patch information beforehand for the simple reason that things don’t always make it. Sometimes, we have to hold off on a feature at the last minute, and it’s better not to over-promise.

I don’t think people realize that this is a very good thing.

[Guide] Mastering the D/D ele 7/15/13

in Elementalist

Posted by: Scarn.1703


ive tried reading through the thread to see if I could find an answer but I couldn’t. Basically, I feel like I’m not being efficient and wasting potential protection/damage output by using the sapphire accessories instead of knights or berserker’s. There seems to be no toughness at all in this set up (besides the pvt armor), and I’ve noticed a huge change in survivability with other classes I play by adding toughness. I play this exact build/setup and even tho I’m not a blackbelt at it yet, I do think I’m alright. I just find that in wvw/pve if i get caught off guard for one second or make one mistake its over. I feel like there’s something HUGE i’m missing. Especially when I play one of my other classes and come across an ele who seems to take zero damage but can blow me away in fast.

Lost Shore Event - No Reward [merged]

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Scarn.1703


I am certain that Arena net will understand the problem and compensate all the individuals who lost their progress.

i highly doubt it. probably just get the same, “oh well too bad for you guys”

Disconnected at the final phase! [Merged]

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Scarn.1703


this is probably it for me. This event has been nothing but frustrating, and to get kittenED like this after spending almost 2 hours doing the event, im just livid right now.

Disconnected at the final phase! [Merged]

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Scarn.1703


happened to me too. this is unacceptable. absolutely unacceptable.

CoF path 1 secret buff?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Scarn.1703


I’ll post back here after i run it again tonight. i think we hit a bug of some sort, because like most say, he’s usually super easy and only takes a few minutes to beat.

CoF path 1 secret buff?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Scarn.1703


It was just unusual. I’ve run this path a lot before and usually he’s no problem at all but tonight it was obvious that something was very different.

CoF path 1 secret buff?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Scarn.1703


yea, usually thats how we do it. We finally beat him but it took almost 10 minutes, had 3 on crystal duty, other 2 just pound on him. trust me, i’m not sayin the sky is falling, but something is def different about path 1 tonight .we’ve all been experiencing a lot of issues tonight with path 1 and 2. during path 2, one of our party members got kicked from the party on his end, but to us was still in the party. he could whisper and talk to us, but none of us could talk back. if anyone else is having troubles feel free to chime in.

CoF path 1 secret buff?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Scarn.1703


The searing effigy boss is spawning about 10 crystals every few seconds, they are healing him for a huge amount, and hes throwing out attacks ive never seen before. Ive run this dungeon plenty of times and I remember the bug he had before they nerfed him and its exactly like that. Does this bug still exist? did anet buff this guy again? my group cant even put a dent in him right now and we’re all noticing the same things.