Showing Highly Rated Posts By Scout.2781:

When will we see dueling?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Scout.2781


I know that you could just 1v1 someone in an empty pvp arena, but that is besides the point. I want to see dueling added sooner rather then later, and there are several reasons why:

1. Cities need some chaos
let’s face it, in the real world, **** goes down in the city, (especially where I live,) and GW2 should be no exception. LA is a city full of brigands and pirates, but do we see people in drunk brawls? no. Do we pick a fight with that one guy who won’t stop bothering us? no. Do crowds form in a circle around a pair of players going at it? not if they can’t fight in the first place. We can’t just have a place ran by pirates be a utopia, it’s unrealistic.

2. The decision maker
Do you know how often the officers in guild debate who will roll for guild challenges? I say we have them fight to the death, loser has to roll. but that is just one scenario. I feel like having something like that would settle actual arguements and decisions alike.

3. That one guy
yes him. we all have that one guy we want to 1v1 while guildmates and bystanders alike watch it go down. I have one, and I tell him every time, when dueling comes out, he’s first

It's not too late to save this game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Scout.2781


I’ll be honest…. I want to give the discreet, constructive criticism that you can work off of, but thats just not possible now.

This ‘patch’ is really a mortal wound that will kill this game. The level gating system is broken, the forums are exploding with negative comments in the wake of this update, tumblr and youtube have been bombarded with videos criticizing this patch, and soon enough other media will be all over this mess too.

You guys destroyed the late storyline, made the leveling and tutorial system so overly simplified a monkey would be frustrated with how slow the pace is, you obliterated the usefulness of commander tags because now everyone is using a different colored tag on every map and there is no order in any of it, and its just unbearable.

I don’t want to stop playing this game, but you need to do what need to be done and put the sept. 9 patch six feet under.

If you need other reasons I will be complying a list of links to my sources and proof that this patch is going to be a deathblow to gw2.

[Poll] Should the SAB stay permanently?

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: Scout.2781


1 UP

it’s original (to an extent, but isn’t everything), it’s a fun way to play with friends in a environment were EVERYONE starts with the same advantages and disadvantages, the skins are awesome, and it’s a great tribute to the roots of the RPG and classic gaming

It's not too late to save this game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Scout.2781


I forgot to say I’m posting every single thread that calls for this patch to revert
(you made a 6 year old cry in this one)

Feedback/Questions: The Megaserver System: World Bosses and Events

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Scout.2781


im very skepitical of the idea of a mega server. My server is very tight (BP) and we have a sorta system to how things go in a loose manner. We every have a few puesdo celebrities who are known for doing certain events, like the TTS and the temple runners Sarah So Pringles and Sawnec and such.

I honestly don’t want to see this system happen, I understand the goal but the means is a bit drastic and unpredictable as far as how split up the servers will get outside wvw, not to mention server pride and the like.

The other thing is overflows where only really used on update days and the first few days after for LS and the nights that big world bosses are challenged. I also think people will somehow find a way to exploit the absence of overflow.

that said, i say it wont end well, so no dont do it

7:11:3:191:101 make it stop!

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Scout.2781


ok this is REALLY starting to urk me, I’m logged out every 1-5 mins and returned to the character select. It can’t be me, because I have defraged my computer, troubleshooted for viruses and connectivity issues, deleted old files, turned off my firewall and antivirus, and have a fast stable connection

this started at the beginning of the week, and it has been driving me nuts, so if Anet could please look into this, you would save my sanity and what little patience I have left for this , and I know I’m not the only one with this problem, so please just fix it

When will we see dueling?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Scout.2781


towns was just the first thing that came to mind, but I do agree, they should happen anywhere and everywhere

When will we see dueling?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Scout.2781


Dueling is just one aspect of what’s wrong with GW2 pvp. Conflict in GW2 doesn’t go beyond limited areas (SPvP & WvW).

Their design philosophy, is basically: everyone holds hands, in a cooperative environment, against PvE.

This is why there isn’t any factions. In WoW, you have Horde vs. Alliance. In Rift, you have Defiance vs. Guardians. In Swtor, Empire vs. Republic, etc.. the list goes on.

In my opinion, this was a very bad decision. Imagine a faction-based environment in GW2, where the Vigil, Priory, Whispers were at war. It doesn’t necessarily have to be these orders either, as they could’ve used old GW1 lore for Shining Blade and White Mantle. The possibilities are enormous here.

Instead, we get a watered down PvP environment in WvW, where faceless enemies represent a server, instead of a faction. How lame is that? And SPvP doesn’t excite either, because it just represents Blue vs. Red colors, instead of factions.

I beg to differ on the WvW, I’ve been in one too many attacks were some one shouts “for the pass”, and the servers are the factions themselves, even if there is no lore behind it