Showing Highly Rated Posts By Seal.5964:


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seal.5964


When you’re Asuran…


EU The Right Trolls ~JiVE~

Need a community feedback

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Seal.5964


I don’t normally get involved in such sensitive topics, but I should point out that the most constructive posts in this thread have been by JoshuaRAWR. Red Queen, while you’re right, you aren’t changing society. Let’s face it: it’s not Salvatore’s fault everyone is being a kitten to him / her, so comforting him / her will not fix the problem.

Be practical.

To give you some practical advice as a fellow recruiter, try to lay out all your guild’s selling points. While some of your members will be looking for a community such as yours, I bet that’s not your only selling point. I don’t know what it is you guys exactly do, but here’s a decent recruitment message, from my experience:

Rainbow Pride [GAaY] is a LGBT (and straight) community recruiting good players. We’re strong in PvP/PvE/WvW; weekly guild missions; awesome events! /w me for more info.

Have fun!

EU The Right Trolls ~JiVE~

Looking for relaxed gamers [EU]

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Seal.5964


Actually, we have a whole guild running around that idea. Running dungeons as special games? I haven’t done a “regular” dungeon in a year or so x)
Not everyone likes what I do in my dungeons, but you seem like you’d love it.

It’s not just dungeons either. While my area of expertise is there, we have expanded the whole idea to all areas of the game. We like taking this “DIY fun” and applying it to the Guild Progression. So if you’re into it, you’ll find yourself hunting for “Sitting Spots” over Tyria, honing your hard twitch skills (for one of the progress tracks), focusing on leadership, tinkering with events, helping us test and prototype exciting dungeon games (or “twists”, if you’re the kind of person who likes to have a super hard dungeon with 3 twists simultaneously)…

Right now we have a sack of fun you haven’t thought of, judging by your post!

Really, I can’t say how much I’d love to play with you, but this may seem like a blatant guild recruitment, so I won’t post any links here

EU The Right Trolls ~JiVE~

Good Server for Aussie

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Seal.5964


There’s plenty of people asking “Which Server?” questions. Usually the answer is here:

TL;DR: Unless you’re into WvW, it doesn’t matter which server you are on.

You can find an Aussie guild on the Looking For forum – I’m pretty sure I’ve seen a couple, at least. From then on, it’s luck!

Good luck!

EU The Right Trolls ~JiVE~

Trouble selecting Initial Home World

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Seal.5964


You should have a look at the Megaserver System

If you plan to play WvW, it’s a good idea to be on the same server as them. Otherwise, any is good!
I haven’t had any problems with full servers, in all honesty… Likely yours is because there’s too many people online! And if that will be your home server and you’ll need to queue from now on… I don’t know if it’s worth it! You should be able to log on in off-peak hours (unless this is some kind of bug). I recommend getting a low-population server, so you can play whenever you want

EU The Right Trolls ~JiVE~

Where to Go? Want Best of Everything

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Seal.5964


Hahaha you sound very eager! Great!

First: World Choices are not final! You can transfer for gems! Prices vary; crowded servers tend to be more expensive to transfer to! Some servers are free to transfer to

Second: No guesting needed! That has been made obsolete (at first glance) with the Megaserver technology! Read up on that!

Third: Have fun!

See you around!

EU The Right Trolls ~JiVE~

NEW Player coming from WoW

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Seal.5964


The first thing you should understand is that there is no “Holy Trinity” in GW2. There is no Tank/DPS/Healer trio that is required to make things work. Each and every one of those has an offensive, a defensive, and a support aspect, with a unique playstyle to it.

If you are talking about “spell flavor”, as in “who is the ice-flinging magician” and “who communes with the wild”, “who sneaks”, and so on, here:
Warrior = Warrior
Priest = a Guardian, as much as a Paladin is a Priest
Rogue = Thief
Druid = Ranger specialization
Mage = Elementalist, without access to lightning or earth spells

None of these has equivalent playstyle to those in WoW. Mesmers, Engineers, and Revenants have no flavor equivalent in WoW.

It’s a bit static in WoW. Different classes give different stat buffs and most of the “mechanics” are duplicated. Here, there are unified stat buffs – Might, Fury, Stability – and unified dots – Bleeding, Burning, Vulnerability. The whole idea is different and different professions have wholesomely different playstyles. They rely on different things to survive, as well as a huge level of personal player skill – way more than gear-centric WoW would allow you to express.

My advice? Make a Thief and see how you like the playstyle. It combines many of the aspects of GW2 gameplay and is challenging enough.

EU The Right Trolls ~JiVE~

Q: Positional Relay Beacon

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Seal.5964


Season One (with the quests these items are for) was sadly one-off. You can’t repeat it, or enter any of its instances, unlike the Season Two personal stories.

I vaguely recall throwing these items away as I got the upgraded version. Wiki says:
“Obtaining [the Positional Relay Beacon] is needed to allow the opening the portal to access Scarlet’s Playhouse. It does not have to be in your possession.”

Throw it!

EU The Right Trolls ~JiVE~

Adopt a Newbie - Welcome Committee!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Seal.5964


Sounds great!!
Aahhhh, the Secret Toymaker was a blast, I just wish there was some in-game LFG tool for the purpose of matching up needy new players with willing mentors… What we have now is very scary (and may unlock much later for players, due to the NPE?)

EU The Right Trolls ~JiVE~

Best ways to raise a dual-wield thief?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Seal.5964


I’m an advocate of condition damage thieves because it’s simply way more fun for me.
I run about with D/D as my main set and P/P as my off-set.

I like to use Steal creatively, so I invest points in that traitline. That is also good for condition damage. From the same traitline, Ricochet is a great trait for pistols. Uncatchable helps you get away from enemies and whittle them down. From the grandmaster traits, it’s up to your taste!

Double Daggers are well suited both for condition damage – Death Blossom (combined with the Uncatchable trait) – and direct damage – Stealth, then Backstab.

  • Death Blossom is better by far in aoe.
  • Backstab is better for single-target.
    → Heartseeker is best of all for finishing targets, regardless of build.

Since people often put down stray bleeds in dungeons, it’s often better to switch to backstabbing. Keep in mind that Death Blossom helps you live longer.
If you are going to count on Uncatchable, be sure to put some points in Acrobatics, for the Endurance regen.

EU The Right Trolls ~JiVE~

Avoid Traps Achievement

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Seal.5964


THIS IS IMPORTANT, TRY THIS GUY’S right after i posted on forum’s, i went and tried again i got hit,said screw it going to keep going i step into tiria room and got the achievement,Please try tell me if this work’s i was so happy i got my amulet now. HOPE THIS WORKS FOR U ALL

Can anyone confirm this?

I can confirm. I ran across both traps, killed the wolves fast, ran into Taimi’s room, and there.

EU The Right Trolls ~JiVE~

Best EU Server March 2015.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Seal.5964


Well! Read this:
TL;DR: Unless you’re into WvW, it doesn’t matter which server you’re on

Obviously, I should advertize Gunnar’s Hold because that’s where I am!

EU The Right Trolls ~JiVE~

Need a community feedback

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Seal.5964


Go for it! Add / remove to the message as you go. Also do consider posting on the Looking For forum; that will help you polish your recruitment strategy.

EU The Right Trolls ~JiVE~

[Advice] Broken Hand

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Seal.5964


I saw this interesting thread yesterday:

I’ve also heard those are easier on your wrists / joints / fingers. If you have a controller kicking about, why not try this?

EU The Right Trolls ~JiVE~

Bring Back Ogden's Hammer guy.

in Lore

Posted by: Seal.5964



EU The Right Trolls ~JiVE~

Help choosing a Profression

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Seal.5964


Aye, Bear is spot on.
The fastest and best way to master the game is by learning all the mechanics, the playstyle and psychology of the different professions.

Whatever you pick, you won’t make a mistake, as long as you are personally drawn to the playstyle and you mingle with the profession
The advice some people give as “play this” and “don’t play this” is simply because they take the average player scenario. But if you get into a profession and you enjoy it, then you will by no means be an “average player scenario”. You’ll rock.

So go ahead!
Rock on!

EU The Right Trolls ~JiVE~

The Right Trolls [JiVE] are Open for Things!

in Looking for...

Posted by: Seal.5964


Did I mention we offer free tuba lessons besides being awesome?

EU The Right Trolls ~JiVE~

Question on Servers

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Seal.5964


It affects your ability to play with your friends insofar as WvW is concerned – you can only play WvW with your server (against others); the Megaserver allows you to PvE with anyone you like!

EU The Right Trolls ~JiVE~

The Right Trolls [JiVE] are Open for Things!

in Looking for...

Posted by: Seal.5964


[EU] The Right Trolls. Eeeeeeveryone raids!

The guild now has a goal and a direction: Raiding.

We’re a medium-sized medium for mischief, fun, and success.
As we’re a bit more serious about raiding, here’s our set of rules:

  • That you are 18+
  • That you represent us 100%
  • That you raid with us once a week (in one of our serious or training raids)

We currently:
+ use modern tools to keep track of our raid activity
+ raid seriously twice a week (Tue – Wed)
+ have training raids (Mon – Sat)
+ do not skip Guild Missions (Thursday)
+ organize all there is to do in PvE, when we feel like it

The standard event time is 19:30 CET!

Our goal is to grow in numbers and develop our skills together, creating a closely-knit team of beast players!

Skilled New and Skilled Experienced raiders, as well as Commanders for Training raids.

Want to be part of that?

Contact one of us online via mail or whisper!

- Papa Seal Pizzeria
- Mockingjazz

PS: We use Discord

EU The Right Trolls ~JiVE~

(edited by Seal.5964)

Need help getting one point. GW1 HoM

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Seal.5964


From what I see – yes, there is an easy way to get a point! In fact, you’ll most likely get 2, at the minimum.

3 options:
Either get 1 Tormented / Destroyer / Oppressor weapon
OR get 1 hero statue
OR get 1 exotic armor

All three should be pretty simple!
I’m up for helping you, if you need said help though pm me here, or in GW2!

EU The Right Trolls ~JiVE~

Thief Ascending: Vitality vs Precision

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Seal.5964


One more tip, Asumir:

So it boils down to ‘glass cannon with group’.

As someone above already mentioned, defensive stats are mostly training wheels for Thieves. You do not really -need- power-vitality-toughness for world bosses.
I usually run about with only one set; the one I’m wearing. Part of how I’m staying mobile and still dealing damage is through conditions. You should consider that as well.

EU The Right Trolls ~JiVE~

Are Nachos Canon?

in Lore

Posted by: Seal.5964

Seal.5964 we do have Fries! In certain places of the world, those are called “potato chips”. And it makes sense – like chips of wood, but potato chips. Maybe your friend meant that?

EU The Right Trolls ~JiVE~