Showing Posts For Seinvan.2190:
Best part is i am a WvW player mate and i am enjoying PvE finally
I’m in the same boat, I’ve been very PvP/WvW centric since I came back when the expansion was getting hyped up, PvE is a breath of fresh air with these new big maps.
Radiance runes are still bugged and only apply the extra aura duration to yourself, and not to allies. Hoping this is fixed in HoT. (this is as of my testing with an aura share build a couple weeks ago, haven’t messed with it since then because of this bug)
Being a zerker guard is fine, at least in PvE. I run half celestial half zerker; as long as you’re staying alive and doing your job I wouldn’t worry about what others are saying.
I can’t recommend a good WvW build, but a lot of people seem to go Healway.
I told myself I’d have Foefire’s Essence by Christmas but here I am about 60 Charged lodestones short :P
edit: I’m bad at math
251 hours, only one level 80 and the rest of my alts aren’t past level 20.
Get on my level \o/
People seem to link Charged Lodestones directly to legendaries. Please, there are tons of exotic recipes requiring Charged Lodestones too. I plan to make a Foefire hammer for my guardian, but it cost as much as Dusk now. If Anet wants to set an one-year-per-legendary barrier, fine, do it with precursors. Leave lodestones attainable for us as mid-term goals.
I’m right there with you dude, been working on Foefire’s Essence for ~2 months now, and I’m all set except for about 70 charged lodestones
Nice video, I play almost the exact setup with Caltrops (the utility); makes it easier to get away from mobs of people if something goes wrong for me. The only thing I don’t like about cond builds on the thief is that you’re so reliant on Sneak Attack spam to get those big stacks of bleeding.
Mind linking your build? I’d like to compare traits
Have you tried Skyrim?
Jokes aside, you’re asking for solo content in a massively multiplayer online game.