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What i really want to see for warriors

in Warrior

Posted by: SenthRawr.7843


Is weapon versatility .
There are so many weapons that warrior uses but only GS is actually viable/useful.
Hammer needs fixes with faster casts and lower cooldowns plus F1 needs more damage for berserk mode.
Sword looks good on paper but is not strong enough.
Axe offhand needs total rework pretty much.
Mace main hand needs to get off condi builds and “make” you feel more tanky and give you strong counter attack options.
Riffle is meh,skill 5 needs to be replaced with jump like engineer’s one.Remove some damage from F1 and add it to skill3 or so.
I actually like longbow.
Shield needs to do more, much more.Skill 4 cd is just too long and range too short.Shield Stance(skill 5) should benefit from stances traits and give swiftness and retaliation.
Edit:what is sword offhand on warriors?

Hmm, I agree that some warrior weapons could use some help, but I don’t think that’s really a main issue for warriors right now.. Warrior weapon skills are pretty by in large pretty solid, but warrior sustain and utility compared to current meta classes is really what holds the profession back. Some smart nerfs to classes that are both super tough to kill while also high damage would go a long way to make warriors, who are not as tough to kill, but potentially very high damage, viable.

While there are some weak weapons, that’s the case for all professions (Ranger axe offhand, shield offhand on engi, ele scepter, etc.).

My 2 cents on the weapons:
Hammer – This weapon does need some help, but I think a longer duration to the CC from the primal burst would mean more than additional damage. I mean, it does equal damage to the non-zerk version (and will do more with berserk mode modifiers), which can’t be said for other burst skills.
Sword – It’s a solid weapon that not only deals significant condi damage, but also gives good mobility to condi builds. Condi builds have problems, but it’s not from sword.
Axe offhand – Agreed it sucks, but I don’t think it needs a full rework. Whirl finishers need a rework, but even without that, an added reflect or even just a damage increase could go a long way here.
Mace mainhand and offhand Mace just all around is in an awkward spot where it’s just redundant with hammer. Putting condis on this weapon in theory open up the potential for a cc-heavy condi build, but again, there are other problems plaguing condi.
Rifle This weapon is carried by the burst, but I think that a bit more damage on it’s normal attacks could really help. As it stands, longbow just outshines rifle in everything except for burst in PvP, even with a power build. Rifle should stand out as the single-target power dps option, but right now it just doesn’t. A cast time reduction on the AA or a reduced cast on Volley (bringing it in line with Rapid Fire on Rangers) could make a big difference here.

Axe 5 deals half damage in pvp btw.

True internet warrior

What i really want to see for warriors

in Warrior

Posted by: SenthRawr.7843


Fast hands, what actually fixes?You just rotate back and forth faster .This doesn’t actually fix anything.The problems with the weapons remain.
I’m tired with this endless “fast hands baseline”.
I would prefer having weapons fixed rather than this.

It frees warrior a bit from DISC, although i would still use it unless Warrior sprint becomes baseline too.

Weapons in general are fine.

Then when Fast hands becomes baseline you will run Mace main hand axe offhand and riffle ?

True internet warrior

What i really want to see for warriors

in Warrior

Posted by: SenthRawr.7843


Fast hands, what actually fixes?You just rotate back and forth faster .This doesn’t actually fix anything.The problems with the weapons remain.
I’m tired with this endless “fast hands baseline”.
I would prefer having weapons fixed rather than this.

True internet warrior

What i really want to see for warriors

in Warrior

Posted by: SenthRawr.7843


Is weapon versatility .
There are so many weapons that warrior uses but only GS is actually viable/useful.
Hammer needs fixes with faster casts and lower cooldowns plus F1 needs more damage for berserk mode.
Sword looks good on paper but is not strong enough.
Axe offhand needs total rework pretty much.
Mace main hand needs to get off condi builds and “make” you feel more tanky and give you strong counter attack options.
Riffle is meh,skill 5 needs to be replaced with jump like engineer’s one.Remove some damage from F1 and add it to skill3 or so.
I actually like longbow.
Shield needs to do more, much more.Skill 4 cd is just too long and range too short.Shield Stance(skill 5) should benefit from stances traits and give swiftness and retaliation.
Edit:what is sword offhand on warriors?

True internet warrior

ShortBow 5 is keeping thieves back

in Thief

Posted by: SenthRawr.7843


Hello Thief Community,
I’ve been playing thief as alt for long time,but since hot he’s been my main in pvp(warrior is my main so…)
What i actually understood is that shortbow 5 Infiltrator’s Arrow is the reason thieves are kept weak.It’s just so good,makes you the best roamer,you can go in and out of fights.
Even if Shortbow had only Infiltrator’s Arrow and auto attack people would still think about using it.
And that’s why Thieves are kept back so much.A small buff it can be a huge one with how much mobility and map presence it gives.
I don’t know what can be done to be fixed without nerfing the skill.
What i have in mind is maybe giving a trait in order “jump skills” let you go over cliffs and nerfing a bit the Infiltrator’s Arrow and buffing Shortbow damage.In my mindset looks right .
What do you think?

True internet warrior

(edited by SenthRawr.7843)

How is your pvp experience so far?

in Thief

Posted by: SenthRawr.7843



Still only playing thief in ranked arena.
Winrate dropped down to around 53%.
150 games played by now – Sapphire Tier 4

If your teammates know what to do you are still effective as a thief.
It´s just not as forgiving as most of the other classes.
A good ping is also neccesary to make it playable.

How are you all doing so far? Still getting a lot of complaints from other players?

Best regards!


Any chance to link up your build plus any tips?

True internet warrior

Stop Reporting Warriors!

in PvP

Posted by: SenthRawr.7843


The irony here is that we can still outplay the OP classes due to mechanical skill. But a lot of the new mechanics carry hard.
So many times I bait double dodges and eviscerate for like 1k due to some passive protection/weakness proc. GG counterplay.

Pretty much this.

True internet warrior

Stop Reporting Warriors!

in PvP

Posted by: SenthRawr.7843


Hello this is Crysis, one of the few and the proud warriors left, upon qing I receive some of the most vulgar comments and a great deal of people believing that I’m trying to throw games to lower my mmr by simply playing warrior! For some us, warrior is all we play, if it could be possible for some of you (meta folks) to accept that and stop blaming every lost pip on us we’d greatly appreciate it. I know that it may not make sense to most of you but us warriors try as hard as possible to find a single viable build and if that means ending up with a lb rifle warrior on your team please find the patients to not go directly to the report button but rather give helpful suggestions. Maybe one day the devs will look at the warrior forum page, AND NO IT HASN’T BEEN DELETED!… yet… If your ever having a bad day just wander of over there and you will see that it could always be worse.

Thank-you for your time! Gl to all warriors out there!

Don’t blame the players,blame the game itself.Players want the best professions in order to get the wins they need.What this means is you need to pick the “meta” or at least something strong.Warriors are not there so just accept it.

Arena net didn’t care about it,so it’s not players fault trying to elitism.

True internet warrior

Classes back to the basics

in PvP

Posted by: SenthRawr.7843


Just nerf hard all elites except Warriors and thieves.Everything needs tune down.Most new elites have “too much” making old combinations not viable.

True internet warrior's a secret. Don't tell.

in Warrior

Posted by: SenthRawr.7843


Would the rage healing skill get some uses in this build?or you would be too squishy to fight back.

True internet warrior

thoughts for my build

in Warrior

Posted by: SenthRawr.7843


Well i want something to 1v1 people and ,i thought getting both berserker and str is the way to go.
So since i need those i have to ditch out disc or defense. I chose disc and the lack of tankines i replaced marauder to soldier.

Unfortunately, swapping to soldier’s amulet then undermines the very reason you went into Berserker in the first place. You’ll be more durable and lethal if you swap Berserker for Defense and make the aforementioned gear changes.

The reason you subbed in soldiers is precisely why Berserker is the least used new specialization – to take it, you usually have to give up something better.

well atm im playing the old axe/shield gs build with rampage.But a lot of the times feels useless vs double necro teams and engies.(every other game unfortunately)

True internet warrior

(edited by SenthRawr.7843)

thoughts for my build

in Warrior

Posted by: SenthRawr.7843


Well i want something to 1v1 people and ,i thought getting both berserker and str is the way to go.
So since i need those i have to ditch out disc or defense. I chose disc and the lack of tankines i replaced marauder to soldier.

True internet warrior

thoughts for my build

in Warrior

Posted by: SenthRawr.7843


True internet warrior

To abc.5790 & Pimsley.3681

in Warrior

Posted by: SenthRawr.7843


online was an awesome pvp warrior. He actually gave good feedback on how to make the class “revenant” again but I doubt devs read the forums.

True internet warrior

Peak Performance change suggestion

in Warrior

Posted by: SenthRawr.7843


What i would like to see on warriors is also fixing dual wielding.There is not even one viable combination of one handed weapons for warrior.Offhand axe is weak,sword is just meh, mace might work if it gets cooldown reduction.
Also stomp(skill) should also finish down enemies.

True internet warrior

(edited by SenthRawr.7843)

My take on Warrior changes/buffs.

in Warrior

Posted by: SenthRawr.7843


Well,The whole thought process is the combination of all weapon traits into one and those open trait slots to get lot of traits and open up more combinations.

One downside of that approach is that it further locks warriors into having to take Discipline regardless of build, whereas a better goal is to purge mandatory traitlines altogether.

Just food for thought.

So it would have been better to flat out reduce the cooldowns and increase the damage on weapon skills.Then the trait “special weapon effects” will get on a line.

True internet warrior

My take on Warrior changes/buffs.

in Warrior

Posted by: SenthRawr.7843


Well,The whole thought process is the combination of all weapon traits into one and those open trait slots to get lot of traits and open up more combinations.

True internet warrior

My take on Warrior changes/buffs.

in Warrior

Posted by: SenthRawr.7843


Hello everyone,
I’ve seen many posts about warrior changes and ideas and i’d like to post mine.

-Weapon specializations on traits lines removed.Add “master of weapons” trait on discipline trait tree(Minor Master) that does all the effects together.

-healing signet removed.(healing signet is just the best heal so no point taking something else in pvp)

New signet when used heals 33% of your health over 6 seconds.(20seconds cd)

The effect of the old healing signet(heal over time) is now trait on defence tree(Minor Master) in addition of the previous effect.

-Berserkers Heat the Soul slot now gives a passive effect that enemies attacking you get 1 stack of burn for 2 seconds (1sec cd)

-Disciplines Fast Hands now is a Major Master that also gives swiftness for 3 seconds when you weapon swap.

-Brawler’s Recovery moved to Crack Shots position.

-Forceful Greatsword renamed to forceful strength.Your crits now cripple for 2 sec(6seconds cd) and gain 1 might.

-Axe mastery renamed to “unstoppable force”.When you have more than 10 stacks of might you gain 5 stacks of stability(10 sec cd).

-Blademaster trait now makes your conditions effects stack twice. and your criticals proc 1 stack of bleed and 1 stack of fury.

-Dual Wielding trait renamed to muscle memory.When you critical your next attack hits twice(5 sec cd).

-Quick Breathing trait renamed to steady breathing.Now it reduces the cooldowns of utility skills by 15%.(7-8-9 slots)

-Burning Arrows renamed “Renowned tactician”.Now when you get cc’d you remove it by using any movement skill.

-Shield Master renamed to armored to the teeth.Gain 10% more toughness for each 10% hp you’re missing.

- Sundering Mace renamed to Sundering crush.Now your auto attacks deal 8% of your bonus vitality to damage.This effect can’t crit and doesn’t get affected by vulnerability.

True internet warrior

(edited by SenthRawr.7843)

Possible weapon adjustments to help Warriors

in Warrior

Posted by: SenthRawr.7843


Great read,unfortunately nothing will happen until next season,just reroll your warrior to pve,and play reaper/DH/scrapper/rev for pvp.
Your ideas are great but anet wont change weapon skills because they’ll just buff some traits and call it the day making frustrating to play warrior.

True internet warrior

warrior ez fix >;D

in Warrior

Posted by: SenthRawr.7843


Fix great sword rush,buff head butt range and i would be happy about my warrior.

True internet warrior

Dropping Discipline for berserker

in Warrior

Posted by: SenthRawr.7843


True internet warrior

Dropping Discipline for berserker

in Warrior

Posted by: SenthRawr.7843


Hello gw2 forums,
It’s my first time posting here so please be gentle.
I’ve been lurking the warrior forum for a couple of days since expansion came out to check out new builds etc.
Since the last buff of warriors i found that dropping discipline and getting berserker is okay for pvp.
So my build is Strength-Defense-Berserker
Damage is good/strong.You’re losing mobility but you can get some back by using decent stun breakers and good stability usage.
What you think? and is anyone tried it that way.

True internet warrior

Let's band together and demand a change!

in Warrior

Posted by: SenthRawr.7843


The developer of Reaper is also the one who made Berserker.I kinda believe he can and will be fix it.Mostly need to buff core warrior and not berserker(make some discipline traits baseline and add some new on that line)

Plus other specs gonna get nerfed for sure.

True internet warrior