Showing Posts For Sevrin.9075:

I No Longer Care - Do You?

in Living World

Posted by: Sevrin.9075


I no longer care about the Living Story updates, I really don’t.
I don’t care if I don’t get all achievements or minis.

Honestly, I’d rather wait 1-2 months and get no new content for 3-5 New Crystal Desert maps with new Dungeons and WELL WRITTEN story.

I still care. I like the story, it is quite interesting.

If you really think they can produce 3-5 complete new maps and dungeons in 1-2 months you are quite naive.

Even one new area from the map that it’s already drawn every 4 months would have been better. If they want they can keep the 2 other teams to work on some monthly updates and the other 2 teams create something big like a new area or a new dungeon maybe or even work on PVP. But those 2 teams must do permanent content, and not to change the current content( for that there are the other 2 teams) but create something new.

A new area or two every year and some new cool feature (like gvg or new pvp mode or something) would be great.

100% World Map Exploration

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Sevrin.9075


2 POI were added yesterday, and the waypoints were added in the last few months.

World Completion not possible after update

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Sevrin.9075


Did you tried talking with the guard? First it pushes you back, but you can talk and say that you are the commander and it will let you in.

Account Linking XML error

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Sevrin.9075


Actually account name not username.. The one that I use to login in GW1.

Account Linking XML error

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Sevrin.9075


I manage to link the accounts. I tried first using my email and then using account name and both times I’ve got an XML error. You should change the error message. Today I tried using username@ncsoft for the email field and it worked..but the XML error is really misleading. An error message that would explain a little bit more would be more useful.

Account Linking XML error

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Sevrin.9075


I have the same error.

Forum Search Bar

in Forum and Website Bugs

Posted by: Sevrin.9075


Actually I noticed that it’s not working unless I’m logged in.

Server alliances ruins WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Sevrin.9075


A simple solution would be to hide server name for a player. You would still know from which server is if he was defending a keep, but you couldn’t tell when meeting on the ground or even when exiting the keep. So it wouldn’t be possible for two servers to attack a keep because you wouldn’t know if the other server was an ally or not.