Showing Posts For ShTuPm.9358:

So, is the a point in 2xAxe when GS exists?

in Warrior

Posted by: ShTuPm.9358


Thanks for all the feedback. I was toying around in the meantime and decided to still go for 2xAxe, since i kinda like how the look and feel. Since i was running around with a hammer for 15 levels before that, the damage from this setup is going to be higher than that anyway. Plus, the damage difference isn’t going to be a deal-breaker for me, since i generally just play by myself doing events and just leveling, with some occasional random sPvP with friends, if the stars are aligned properly :P (also story mode dungeons). Just need to decide on the build (not going for anything optimal, just functional and useful) and i think I’m all set.

Anyway, thanks once again.

So, is the a point in 2xAxe when GS exists?

in Warrior

Posted by: ShTuPm.9358


Thanks for the feedback, guys, really appreciate it.

Leo G, yeah, HB on charr looks like he’s just flailing it in a general direction of “over there somewhere” in an attempt to hit something :P

So, is the a point in 2xAxe when GS exists?

in Warrior

Posted by: ShTuPm.9358


Recently I’ve decided to roll a warrior. Now, before i say anything else, i’d like to point out that i’m playing since betas, but i don’t have a level 80 character just yet, it was kinda difficult for me to find the class that i enjoy. Anyway, when i was leveling, i was trying out different weapons to find ones that i like. At first, i was running with a Hammer. Mostly because i adore the way the abilities look (yeah, silly, i know) and feel, which was awesome in hammer’s case. Then i felt that the hammer is obviously not intended for some crazy damage, because it’s obviously more of a crowd control weapon, so I’ve switch to double-axe composition. At first it was fast and fun, but then a greatsword dropped, i equipped it, unlocked the skills and….well, it may be just me, but greatsword blew my double-axes (of the same level range) completely out of the water in terms of damage output. Thing is, i remember thinking, looking back upon the beta period is that GS had pretty crazy damage, when i was trying it out on events and random sPvP back in the day. I even thought to myself that it would be good of Anet would tone it down a notch, though that’s not the point.

So, my question is this: I’m mostly just leveling, doing some events, running random sPvP now and then and not much else. Is there any point for me to use anything rather than GS for doing the things i do, since it completely outdamages my double-axe set-up and has (imo) kinda similar functionality? (aoe damage, cripple) Because it seems that the majority of warriors of my level and higher are not using anything else, unless they just like to have lots of control, in which case they’re running with a hammer. Am i missing something glaringly obvious? Thanks.


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: ShTuPm.9358


Seeing FPS drops all around. Sometimes for no reason whatsoever. Most of the time FPS drops in big WvW skirmishes or particle effects-heavy sPvP fights. Sometimes fps drops in cities, regardless of how populated they are (sometimes it drops to 2-5 and don’t go away until i restart the client. Not log out but restart it). Sometimes it drops in the middle of a event bossfight and sometimes not. The only setting that makes ANY difference when i tweak it is shadows. When i turn them off, i usually gain up from 10 to 18 fps gain, up to maximum of 60 at the Black Citadel’s crafting pit. Otherwise it doesn’t make any difference between other settings. The CPU load seems to be equal and reasonable between the cores. None of the FPS drops are the deal breaker or directly impedes my ability to play PvE or PvP, but they sure are bloody annoying.

CPU: Intel i7-960 @ 3.2Ghz stock
GPU: Nvidia GTX480 inno3D (before somebody says anything, the only game that had fps drops with this gpu was SWTOR and SWTOR’s optimization was in the crapper. GW2’s optimization on the other hand is much, MUCH beter)
Motherboard: ASUS P6T Deluxe V2

The game is installed on an Intel 150gb SSD. Have tried it on the usual HDD, got exactly the same results.

Videodriver version: 306.02 beta drivers. Once again, it doesn’t make any difference if i roll back to a previous version. The performance is still the same. That is – embarrassingly and disappointingly bad, until you turn the shadows off completely.


(edited by ShTuPm.9358)

FAQ: Gem Store / BLTC / Trading Post

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: ShTuPm.9358


The title says it all. 3 days ago I’ve exchanged some gold for gems and then bought a pack of 5 boosters for 550 gems at the store. I got charged, the hint floated up and stated that i should get my goods from the store via the global mail system. I’ve waited for a few hours, but i didn’t get anything. I’ve waited some more and then tried to claim my celebratory hat, just to test whether or not the store or the mail actually works and the hat got delivered instantly. Also, it’s interesting that the “my recent purchases” tab shows only a hat being “purchased” for 0 gems, but not the pack of 5 xp boosters for 550 gems. I’ve created a ticket (just in case someone from anet is reading this, the number is 120903-000891) 3 days ago. So now I’m in a position when I’ve been charged for something that i ultimately didn’t get and it’s been 3 days since the ticket submission with no response. I know that this ain’t no “first world problem” when there are difficulties with even entering the same dungeon as a party in this game, but still, thought that i should report that.

p.s. if anyone else has the same or similar issue, please speak up.

p.p.s. What’s the average response time on support tickets, by the way? I honestly have no idea.