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Login Issues / Region Load Crashing!!!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: ShaBangBang.9172


This has been happening since early yesterday… Tbh I’m surprised there isn’t a lot more outrage on this topic. I’m curious why this hasn’t been addressed.

7 "Good" reasons for a change!

in Ranger

Posted by: ShaBangBang.9172


Almost two years ago you broke the heart of rangers everywhere. The patch notes had just released and as I made it to the Ranger changes and slowly scrolled through them, a cold shiver ran down my spine. I logged on quickly to see for myself if it was true. Upon investigation my worst fears were realized… Rampage as One had really, truly been renamed to “Strength of the Pack!”

I immediately texted my boyfriend and we began to lament the change together, sharing our agony with one another. As we so often do though, we kept our opinions to ourselves. Two years have nearly gone by, though, and I can no longer contain my disappointment. Why did you have to change it?!?!

I don’t expect it to ever be changed back… but I will list the many reasons why I think it should be:

1. Rampage as One was a GW1 Elite skill name. This gives it a sorta legacy in your second game!

2. I mean… doesn’t Rampage as one just sound a lot cooler?

3. It makes overwhelmingly more sense to be named Rampage as One.

4. As a ranger, you have a relationship between you and your pet. This makes you a duo, not a pack. Even if you did have multiple pets, I don’t think it would really be accurate to call your group of Pink Moas a pack. Just like it wouldn’t be accurate to call a group of Hounds a gaggle.

5. Upon use of the skill, you are quite literally, rampaging as one. The skill affects both people in the partnership equally.

6. It makes more sense to yell “Rampage as one!” or “We rampage as one!” than it would to yell “Strength of the pack!” No one talks like that, guy.

7. I really, really want you to change it back. Pretty please.

Guild Bank Gold Capacity?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: ShaBangBang.9172


I was curious if anyone knew if there was a gold cap on how much gold your guild bank can hold. My guild has been recently doing raffles and I just want to make sure we’re not hitting cap so people can still deposit gold.

Best class? (Currently)

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: ShaBangBang.9172


There is no best class. They each have different roles. Idk why people always ask this question, it’s not even a thing that exists in this game, or most games for that matter.

Gift of Battle Feedback [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: ShaBangBang.9172


My problem with this change isn’t that I suddenly have to work “harder” to get a Legendary…

1. It’s not harder, it’s just longer, and much longer than it was before. Assuming you’re consistently maxed on participation for the full duration of the time, it’ll take 8.5 hours to max a track.

2. It existed for 3+ years in it’s previous state, and many of the badges that people had earned were intended for the Gift of Battle. They already put in the work to earn those badges, I don’t see why they shouldn’t be allowed to use something they already earned with the intention to use them for Legendaries.

3. This forces people who exclusively PVE into WvW for quite a bit of hours. Neither WvW players nor PvE players want this. WvWers don’t want people who have no idea wtf they’re doing and don’t want to be there anyways trampling all over, and PvErs don’t want to deal with the uppityness of dealing with WvWers when they have no idea what they’re doing and don’t want to be there anyways.

4. This change shows clear favor for servers who have more active WvW presence. When I go into my server during the only available WvW hours I have, I may see a couple of people from my team or theirs (unless I get randomly zerged by 30 people). However, most of the stuff on my side is already taken, so I can’t take it back for credit, or it’s been taken by a much larger enemy group.

5. When I do manage to find people to actively take stuff with, it’s always in EOTM. I can’t stress enough how much I hate EOTM, but that’s beside the point. Even if I liked it, it gives diminished rewards. Don’t mind you that people there seem to care more about their completely meaningless score than the people on my server in actual borderlands where the score at least somewhat counts.

6. Warning PVErs about this change in the WvW section was like hiding the Cracker Jack prize in the bottom of a jar of Razors and Salt.

And to all of you who support this change, I accept the fact that our opinions may vary. But many of you are extremely biased. You either already WvW on a regular basis, and therefor it’s not an issue to you, or you bought your Gifts of Battle early and don’t really care how others are affected. Personally I have well over 3,000 hours in WvW, many of those commanding and in a WvW guild. I’ve played on multiple server and I have always had a love and passion for WvW and the strategies and gameplay and the uniqueness of the game mode. I think, personally, this is a terrible idea, and you’re only going to drive players away with this nonsense. I personally know people who just sold their precursors when the change was implemented. When your parents forced you to eat your vegetables as a kid, it didn’t make you like them. For most people, it only solidified their dislike for the game mode.

New Squad bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: ShaBangBang.9172


So (before I complain about a bug) I wanted to say the new squad options are fantastic.

That being said, when I (or another commander) clears the squad markers all of us in the squad crash from the game and crash error.

I haven’t tested it extensively but just something to be aware of.

Looking for 100% Rep PvX guild (any server)

in Looking for...

Posted by: ShaBangBang.9172


No pressure Before GIT I did some guild dating and I know it can be just as mind boggling (and dramatic at times) as trying to find “the one” irl You know where to find us! Good luck!

After talking with my boyfriend about it we think we’re gonna stay in XHSA. They have like 75% of what we initially were looking for but with the added bonus that many of our old guildies are there which is exciting. Thanks for talking with me about your guild and answering my questions!

Looking for 100% Rep PvX guild (any server)

in Looking for...

Posted by: ShaBangBang.9172


It was great meeting you and Kaleb tonight, Shan You guys have spirit and we enjoy that! I hope to hear from you again soon!

Yeah thanks for the invite to hang out, it was fun and you guys seemed really nice. We’re still talking things over but I’ll let you know within the next ~3 days. (He can’t transfer servers before then.)

(edited by ShaBangBang.9172)

Looking for 100% Rep PvX guild (any server)

in Looking for...

Posted by: ShaBangBang.9172


UPDATE: currently with XHSA for now! Still looking into guilds that are more WvW oriented but I’m hanging out with XHSA since they took in a lot of my old guildies and have been excellent.

Looking for 100% Rep PvX guild (any server)

in Looking for...

Posted by: ShaBangBang.9172


At some point in the past, my guild fit all your criteria but currently nope.

:c I actually talked to someone in your guild yesterday. What’s changed to make it no longer fit in your opinion?

Like all large guilds, things don’t always last. People will eventually quit or move on to a so-called greener pastures. Large guilds also has higher tendency to have drama though our last drama was 9 to 10 months ago and ever since we left our original server, we have no more drama.

Our NA population is not as active as used to be since a portion of our NA has quit the game. Recruitment is not that optimal in the NA tz, might be due to the server population. Though our SEA tz population is now 1.5x larger than it was a few months ago.

That’s unfortunate. It’s really hard to see a guild you simply adore become an entirely different beast. That’s sorta how I ended up here looking for a new place to call home. I was gone for two years, and back when I left these “requirements” I have seemed to be standard in my experience. (But I was mostly in WvW guilds back then.) And I came back to a game where barely anyone reps, and almost no guilds are on the same server. IMO multi-guilding really hurt guilds in this game. ><

Looking for 100% Rep PvX guild (any server)

in Looking for...

Posted by: ShaBangBang.9172


Haven’t been able to get ahold of Sus.3610 yet so as of now I’m still looking for a guild if anyone has any ideas. =D

Looking for 100% Rep PvX guild (any server)

in Looking for...

Posted by: ShaBangBang.9172


Hey, get a hold of me! You sound like you’d be a good fit for our group.

We do scheduled WvW raids 3 nights a week and have impromptu groups a couple of other nights a week. We do weekly guild missions with another DR guild every week. We have people in PvE or PvP when not doing WvW (we enjoy a fractal quite often!). Our guild is fairly established. We were created when the majority of DR’s guilds left for greener pastures about a year ago. We’ve grown to about 200 members with 90% of the guild being DR members. I’m a pretty great leader imho even if only a guild leader for the last year, I’ve grown the guild and I may or may not be older than you with some life experience under my belt as well lol

If you’d like to know more, add me and then shoot me a line in game (sorry I don’t camp the forums as well as I probably should :P)

I’m always on at reset if you wanna talk!

(edited by ShaBangBang.9172)

Looking for 100% Rep PvX guild (any server)

in Looking for...

Posted by: ShaBangBang.9172


At some point in the past, my guild fit all your criteria but currently nope.

:c I actually talked to someone in your guild yesterday. What’s changed to make it no longer fit in your opinion?

Looking for 100% Rep PvX guild (any server)

in Looking for...

Posted by: ShaBangBang.9172


EDIT: Found a guild! Currently with XHSA on Yak’s Bend. Thank you to anyone kittenponded!

Hopefully the title isn’t too vague to attract the kind of guilds I’m looking for, but, I wanted to know if any guilds on here or anyone knows of any guilds on here that are 100% rep and server-specific.

What I’m looking for:

  • A guild that requires and strongly encourages 100% Representation (with possible exclusions for guild bank and TTS/EVOS)
  • A guild that requires that I be on their server to be a full member. I don’t care what server it is, so long as I’m able to transfer there before Heart of Thorns. (I’m on YB at the moment, and I’m okay with staying if I find a good guild here! I am in a guild currently, and trying to Transfer to Blackgate but having no luck which is why I’m here. :/ )
  • I’m looking for a PvX guild with a strong WvW presence. Doesn’t have to be a daily one, but preferably one that has at least a few raid times each week or really active commanders.
  • Would love to also have a guild with a PvE presence, as I do enjoy dungeons and fractals! Hoping to get into raid content, and would love a guild that is just as excited about organizing raids as I am.
  • Prefer a guild that uses Teamspeak!
  • I realize that some guilds prefer meta/zerk speed clears in pve and require specific builds or may be willing to encourage bugging bosses, but this is not for me. Yes I run zerk on most things, but I am not a speed clear junkie, and I do not prefer to bug bosses and I refuse to be in a guild that will rip on players for trying to uphold the integrity of the way the game is intended to be played. I will run pre-made guild builds for WvW if this is a requirement for organized WvW.
  • Must do guild missions!
  • Strongly prefer a guild with strong leadership. I’m a veteran player but a guild with a solid foundation and knowledgeable leaders is still preferred.

About Me:

  • I’m 27! I’m helpful and (im)mature… at times. XD I can have a tendency to be a potty mouth so I’d prefer a guild that is 18+ and/or doesn’t enforce a profanity rule.
  • My boyfriend plays the game now as well, so we’re a package deal. Most stuff I say about me will be similar with him. If I move to your guild and server you can expect he’ll be coming with me. While I’m the one making the post, it’s a decision we’ll be making together. He is 24 though! I know some guilds have a 25+ restriction.
  • My background in the game comes from WvW (all I did in the first year) but after a 2 year break and being back on the game for ~4 months I’ve been doing mostly PVE. Wanting to get back into doing WvW regularly.
  • I use Teamspeak and have a working mic that hopefully doesn’t sound like a screech owl or fingers on a chalkboard. My S/O has the same. We also have a working and paid for TS3 server if your guild is trying to transition to using TS3 and needs a free one.
  • I am an around-the-clock player (no-lifer!) but my boyfriend plays mostly during the NA prime hours. I’d love to find a guild that is at their peak during these hours.
  • I am an experienced WvW commander but I no longer have a Dorito (new account). S/O is pretty new to WvW though.
  • I don’t sPvP much because I get really… grumpy. But my S/O loves it so if you happen to also do sPvP of any sort that’s a huge plus for us!
  • I will be helpful, kind, chatty when I feel up to it, active. I can have a high-strung personality sometimes but I’m respectful of others. If I sound like the kind of person you’d want in your guild then please feel free to post what your guild is all about or PM me in game! I do have requirements because I’m looking for a guild with a strong sense of community but I’m not an uptight kitten so I hope that you’ll give me some consideration for your guild!

(edited by ShaBangBang.9172)

Mordrem Invasion Feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ShaBangBang.9172


To hop on the wagon of complaining customers:

My biggest issue with this event this that for max rewards you have to get 20 stacks of the defender buff.
This means that u HAVE to tag events and then move on, not helping to complete it.
This is such a bad design decission.
Arenanet really really shouldnt ENCOURAGE such a behaviour.

Tbh im not that upset about the amount of blossoms you get… 35 per map means over 4 days doing a full circle once u get 420 (i just realize… that would explain a lot! the dev doing this likes… flowers.. a lot it seems?!) and then u have to do 2 more to get a tonic… since it would be awfull if everyone would be running around with a halo that seems about right to me.

No no no dear, you don’t get 35 per map. You get 10-15 (10 if you have at least 4 stacks, 15 if you have at least 20 stacks) plus a ONCE a day bonus for each map (total: 60 blooms for the day.) This means that once you do the first run on each map and the next rotation starts, you’re only getting 10-15. So, enjoy.

Severe ping issues!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: ShaBangBang.9172


The last (week?) or so I’ve been having severe issues with latency and crashing. Some days my ping will spike to around 4,000 ping. I have intermittent crashes and the game is basically unplayable at this point. I ran a traceroute from the gw2.exe as suggested and I sent that to support to get their opinion on it, but I decided to run a tracert and post it here. I honestly have no idea how to interpret the results, but I do know this is greatly frustrating and I just want to fix it. Thanks in advance for any advice you may have on the subject.

Tracing route to []
over a maximum of 30 hops:

1 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms VisionNet.ComporiumHome []
2 35 ms 35 ms 38 ms []
3 43 ms 41 ms 47 ms []

4 45 ms 52 ms 53 ms [208.104.1
5 52 ms 40 ms 41 ms []

6 41 ms 40 ms 81 ms []
7 82 ms 48 ms 49 ms []
8 46 ms 46 ms 46 ms []
9 66 ms 72 ms 80 ms []
10 67 ms 67 ms 68 ms []
11 78 ms 70 ms 74 ms []
12 80 ms 81 ms 65 ms []
13 69 ms 75 ms 73 ms []
14 69 ms 79 ms 75 ms []

Trace complete.

(edited by ShaBangBang.9172)

Reaching out about bans

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: ShaBangBang.9172


  • Anet has since helped me figure out my account issues and is now working to resolve them and fix the account. I no longer need the help of this thread. I didn’t realize deleting my original post wouldn’t remove the thread though, so I’ll give the solution isntead.
    The gist of it was that I was banned and didn’t know why and wasn’t sent a reason due to no ticket response after nearly a month. The solution was that I posted here on this thread and on . The response afterwards was quick and they were able to determine my account had been compromised and someone else was claiming ownership. In order to fix it I sent them another ticket, but instead of requesting it to be unbanned or asking why, I explained that it was possibly compromised and that I would like to take the steps to retrieve the account. They then responded quickly that this one time they would help me retrieve the account but that I should take necessary steps to ensure it’s safety. I did so and provided them new credentials and they provided me a new serial number to prevent this from happening in the future. I hope this helps anyone having the same issue.*

Reaching out about bans

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: ShaBangBang.9172


I am saying if there is a account dispute. 2 people claiming ownership.

Like this case.

""If"" this person sold his/her account.

The buyer unknowingly purchased ( not knowing the EULA )

Seller reclaims account.

Seller gets money and account back. ( scamming )

There would have to be something in place by Anet.

I’m betting ANet is well aware of such things and if someone can produce proof they bought and played on a used account then that could trigger ANet banning the account as the owner broke TOS.

A stolen and sold account would show a third person accessing the account from an IP different than the owner and buyer so those can be handled differently.

More than likely yeah but it’s possible to know the information to an account you haven’t personally logged on to I’d think. I just mean that’s a risky way to handle the situation. Sorry had to edit because for some reason it kittenized a perfectly normal word. >_>

Know the email and password on an account that you’ve never personally logged on to? How would they know that unless they were a hacker?

Obviously they would be a hacker. XD I meant that a hacker doesn’t have to actually physically log onto the account to obtain that information. So deciding if an account was hacked or not based solely on the fact that no third party logged onto it wouldn’t really prove anything.

Ah. I guess. I don’t know the ins and outs of hacking. Most hackers in a computer game are tied to gold sellers (after all, why hack a game account except to make money) and go into the account first to look for things to sell and gold to send to their gold selling accounts. I suppose there could be the hackers that get into your computers and sell the account but I have no idea how common that is. If anyone has a hacker in their computer, I’m betting the account is the least of their worries as the hacker will be trying to get sensitive bank and credit card information.

That’s actually a frightening thought. ^ As for this, there are much more simple ways to obtain the information than hacking someone’s computer. Anet is now actively working on restoring my account, thankfully. I’ve been steadfastly committed in the past to denying the possibility of my account being compromised, but after Michael’s response and looking over the facts it was obviously compromised by someone I know. :/ I am like 95% positive of who it is as well. I guess maybe hacking isn’t the right word for this particular situation (or maybe it is tbh I’m not sure.) I don’t know if there was any attempt to sell the account or if this was done purely to be a kitten, but it’s embarrassing to admit I made it too easy for them to do this. Just since I made this post I’ve gone from being excited that I might get my account back to being upset at myself for letting this happen, to not even being sure I want it back at this point. I’m glad for my personal dignity’s sake I might be able to reclaim it, but this whole ordeal has just really turned me off to it. :/

Reaching out about bans

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: ShaBangBang.9172


I am saying if there is a account dispute. 2 people claiming ownership.

Like this case.

""If"" this person sold his/her account.

The buyer unknowingly purchased ( not knowing the EULA )

Seller reclaims account.

Seller gets money and account back. ( scamming )

There would have to be something in place by Anet.

I’m betting ANet is well aware of such things and if someone can produce proof they bought and played on a used account then that could trigger ANet banning the account as the owner broke TOS.

A stolen and sold account would show a third person accessing the account from an IP different than the owner and buyer so those can be handled differently.

More than likely yeah but it’s possible to know the information to an account you haven’t personally logged on to I’d think. I just mean that’s a risky way to handle the situation. Sorry had to edit because for some reason it kittenized a perfectly normal word. >_>

Know the email and password on an account that you’ve never personally logged on to? How would they know that unless they were a hacker?

Obviously they would be a hacker. XD I meant that a hacker doesn’t have to actually physically log onto the account to obtain that information. So deciding if an account was hacked or not based solely on the fact that no third party logged onto it wouldn’t really prove anything.

Reaching out about bans

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: ShaBangBang.9172


Beyond the SN used to activate the account, I can’t see HOW they could track the ownership if the game was not purchased directly from ANet. If OPs SN was available to another party (via email or Bestbuy account hack), that may be the root cause for this issue to begin with.

It’s against the EULA to sell an account, so doing so would make the account ownership a moot point (as Anet would simply ban it). Not beyond the realm of possibility that there is a connection to this issue. The fact that it is NOT cleared seems to point to some sort of actual dispute between players (not a gold seller hack at all). Pure speculation and no intended accusation.

I realized the risk in posting this that there may be people who think I did something shady, but this would be a pretty kittenty place to try to get my account back if I were a scammer. However, as for why the dispute wasn’t cleared, it appears that the account was hacked by someone I actually know which is why it was easy enough for them to provide information that would be unobtainable to a gold seller/hacker. :/

Reaching out about bans

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: ShaBangBang.9172


I am saying if there is a account dispute. 2 people claiming ownership.

Like this case.

""If"" this person sold his/her account.

The buyer unknowingly purchased ( not knowing the EULA )

Seller reclaims account.

Seller gets money and account back. ( scamming )

There would have to be something in place by Anet.

I’m betting ANet is well aware of such things and if someone can produce proof they bought and played on a used account then that could trigger ANet banning the account as the owner broke TOS.

A stolen and sold account would show a third person accessing the account from an IP different than the owner and buyer so those can be handled differently.

More than likely yeah but it’s possible to know the information to an account you haven’t personally logged on to I’d think. I just mean that’s a risky way to handle the situation. Sorry had to edit because for some reason it kittenized a perfectly normal word. >_>

Reaching out about bans

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: ShaBangBang.9172


I am saying if there is a account dispute. 2 people claiming ownership.

Like this case.

""If"" this person sold his/her account.

The buyer unknowingly purchased ( not knowing the EULA )

Seller reclaims account.

Seller gets money and account back. ( scamming )

There would have to be something in place by Anet.

Wow that is incredibly kittenish. I remember someone telling me about a friend of his who had a really nice boosted account (I don’t remember the game, but it was a shooter I think) and would sell it, reclaim it, change the username on the account, and then resell it again and do the same thing. It’s honestly a disgusting habit and a good reason to never buy game property that has to be transferred without a safety barriers like the trading post. But I’m the last person to criticize someone else not being safe since you know, apparently my account was compromised.

But a note to anyone who reads this: It is pretty much NEVER acceptable -on any game- where you have to agree to Terms of Service, to sell, resell, or purchase an account. I’m really sorry for your friend’s loss but honestly even if he hadn’t gotten scammed, if someone had found out the account was bought he would’ve probably been banned permanently anyways and would’ve lost access to the account regardless. I know it doesn’t make it any better but it’s really dangerous to buy accounts. How much money did he lose doing this?

Edit: I made a new account and I’ve already got Volcanus in the works and 2 lvl 80’s and a bunch of gem purchases… I honestly thought I did something to get banned and they wouldn’t tell me. Trust me if this were a scam it wouldn’t be a very good one (I know you weren’t accusing me). I’m losing a lot of money here because of gem purchases to get this account up to speed and I’m honestly not sure what to do with 2 accounts. XD

(edited by ShaBangBang.9172)

Reaching out about bans

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: ShaBangBang.9172


Two parties have been able to verify ownership of the account. At this point; we have requested a copy of the purchase receipt to move forward.

Will a print screen of my BestBuy Digital Library work? It shows the codes of all the GW2 copies I’ve purchased including the one in question.

Reaching out about bans

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: ShaBangBang.9172


How do I give you a copy of the purchase receipt? I haven’t gotten a response yet from the support team?

Reaching out about bans

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: ShaBangBang.9172


Two parties have been able to verify ownership? o.o Like someone else is claiming the account is theres??