Showing Posts For Shadow.5694:

No Reward from WvW Season 2

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Shadow.5694


Got nothing either

Achievements done (more then 10 even)

want my reward pls

Share Your WTF / Funny Moments in Dungeons!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Shadow.5694


One of my friends and I want to play cof p1, he’s on on his ele, I’m on warr. We join a party with 1 mes and 2 warr (description was p1 full zerker), my mate gets kicked for being ele and not a 4th warrior.

Another story, cof p1 again. We have 4 warriors, I ping banner of discipline. The fight starts and there are 4 banners of discipline…

And cof p1 with 4 warriors once again. I ping banner of discipline, next one pings strength, next one tactics, next one defence…

PvE Zerker Guard Guide

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Shadow.5694


20/25/0/0/25 is the way to go, use Sword/Focus and Greatsword. Only put 20 in Honor if you’re going to use Hammer (Fractals).
Also don’t get Cavalier equipment, When you die it’s basically because you don’t time your blocks and dodges right, not because of your low toughness.

Next thing is, you still want to have some reflection and condition removal as a guardian, even if you’re zerker, because that’s the reason you get a guard instead of another warrior or ele.

This guide is better imho:

Incorrect depth in stereoscopic rendering

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Shadow.5694


I’ve found a little but annoying bug with stereoscopic rendering. The Stars for 100% world completion and the up/downleveled arrows are displayed at incorrect depth. Both appear at “screen level”, like the hud.
This is prety annoying, since the game otherwise works extremely well with stereoscopic rendering enable, I haven’t found any other issues so far.

If the bug can’t be fixed it it would be nice to at lesat let us disable them as a workaround.


Not noticing much difference after IC nerf?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Shadow.5694


I prety much agree, the IC nerf didn’t hurt that much in regular dungeons. Phantasms have higher HP but also higher cooldowns, so I simply don’t shatter as much as before.

Condition removal on shatter is pretty underwhelming, it comes with a delay or not at all. Also shattering “hurts” more than before the patch so as a grandmaster trait in inspiration it makes no sense. Inspiration is the traitline, where all our utility is, so we pretty much have to spend points there, which pushes us to a phantasm build, even more after the patch. On-shatter effects (like both grandmaster traits) just don’t make sense.

It’s a bit different in fractals, where your phantasms still insta-die, so it’s a huge nerf there.

What hurts more is the Blurred Frenzy nerf, but I adapted my playstyle fater than I thought.

Other than that we got the temporal curtain nerf, which pretty much sucks, but that’s more of an annoyance than a nerf. If you want to pull you have to place the curtain now before the boss becomes vulnerable in most cases, since you can’t insta-pull anymore (about any other pull in the game still can). This leaves you pretty much a 4sec window for the perfect timing, so you better remember those NPC lines before the encounter starts and remember when to put down the curtain.

I think most of this changes are made because of pvp noobs crying on how OP mesmer is and I really start to hate pvp players now.

In the end everything became a bit slower and more annyoing but not too much has actually changed. Enough to make me stop spending any money on gems though, but that is just because I don’t agree, how Anet treats pve players (nerf stuff in pve because some poeple cried about it on pvp). They really need to split pvp and pve properly.

Visual Bug with Trident skin "Mirage"

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Shadow.5694


I just made the trident “Mirage” and found a visual bug. The blus parts of the weapon are only visible from one side. If you view it from the other side they turn invisible

When drawn it’s visible when viewed from the left side, invisible from the right.
When stowed it’s visible from behind the character, invisible from the front.
The picture will explain it better


Red circles too hard to see

in Sky Pirates of Tyria

Posted by: Shadow.5694


In the last bossfight of the new dungeon the red cirlces are increadibly hard to see. They are pretty pale so the boss fight stresses the eyes more than necessary. My graphics settings probalby make it worse.

Did anyone play around with the settings yet? Any advice?

Anyway, I think, this should be changed.

Here is a screenshot of what I mean:


Support Guardian Build?

in Guardian

Posted by: Shadow.5694


First thing I have to say: I don’t play wvw, so what I will telly ou only applies to PvE, dungeons and fractals to be exact, since that’s, what you want to do apparently. If you want to do both, you may have to get 2 sets.

Cleric gear is bad. Healing power scales bad and in dungeons most mobs hit slow, but hard. You can dodge pretty much everything and if you miss a dodge, you use your healing skill. There’s not much need for party heals. DPS is important. The loger a boss lives, the more chances you have to miss a dodge and get hit, so get everything down as fast as possible.

A good guardian does decend dps and good support at the same time. You most important trait is “Pure of Voice”, 30 points in honor. This makes your shouts remove conditions. also take the reduced cooldown for shouts (10 points trait in honor). Shouts are nice for support. You can grant useful boons to your party, including aegis and stability and remove conditions from your teammates.

Also get empowering might to grant might to your party everytime you crit. At this point you probably see, that getting high precision is a good idea.

If you’re running fractals, reflection skills are important, so put 10 points in virtues and take masterful consecrations and use “Wall of Reflection”.

Now you have a lot of support and still 30 points left. Why not increase your dps? Like mentioned above high dps is good. You want to increase you DPS?

If you have troubles surviving and/or don’t want dps here is a ore defensive option: put the 30 points in valor and get altruistic healing (applying boons to allies heals you). It will constantly heal yourself a lot, since you will always grant lots of might to your allies with the empowering might trait… if you have high precision!

If you want to increas your dps put the last 30 points into radiance, get “powerful blades” and “right hand strength” and use sword/focus (or shield if you prefer that).

Well, you want precision, so berserker and knights gear are nice. If you took the defensive approach, either go full knights or take berserker trinkets, rest knights. If you have problems with low vitality, you can get 1 or 2 pieces soldier (P/V/T).
If you took the offensive approach you should lean more towards full berserker gear, obviously, because your dps will be higher with that.

If you really need to heal your allies, you dodge roll will heal, thanks to your points in Honor. Also you can equip staff and use empower. Also you have a shout, that grants protection and regeneration.

Weapons: If you have the build with righthand strength use sword for highest dps. Otherwise GS is nice for both dps and the pull. Hammer is probably quite close to GS dpas wise and has some nice CC skills as well. The other weapons are the same for both builds:
Staff for max support (use empower at the begining of the fight) and healing. Scepter is your ranged dps option. As fasr as offhands go focus is usually better, but shield can also be usefull in some situations. I don’t really use mace or torch.

Credits: Full credit goes to Strife025 and BrazilTheHue, since they created these builds and posted them on gw2guru
Links to their posts:

Show Backpiece instead of stowed Shield

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shadow.5694


From what I’ve read having a shield on your back (stowed) automatically hides your backpiece.
Please give us an option to hide the stowed shield and show the backpiece instead. Probably like a little Hide/Unhide box on the shield icon, that determines if the sheld is shown or hidden when stowed.

Alternatively give us at least the option to prevent our character from automaticaly stowing weapons when out of combat.

i m so bad...

in Mesmer

Posted by: Shadow.5694


Condition builds are just inferior to power/crit builds. Besides that scepter is not really a condition weapon. The 1 Skill does power based damage, 2 is a block and 3 does power based damage + confusion. Confusion is totally useless. It was always bad in PvE and not that good in PvP. then got nerfed further (wtf? why?), so now it’s completely useless. So I highly recommend not to use a scepter.
Torch is completely useless, the phantasm, pretty much does no damage.

If you’re going to play dungeons an fractals with your mesmer you either want a shatter or phantasm build and full berserker armor (pow/prec/crit). Your damage won’t reach a warriors damage obviously, but it will be a lot better, than what you’re running now.
Typical traits are something between 10/30/0/0/30 (shatter) and 20/20/0/20/10 (phantasm).

As a mesmer you will always do less damage, than a warrior, but you bring lots of utility, that helps the team. Phantasm builds offer a bit more utility. Most important are: Projectile reflection with Feedback and Focus, when traited (on phantasm builds), Timewarp, Signet of Inspiration to copy boons, Portals and Temporal curtain for repositioning mobs (needs some trainig).

This is the build I’m using at the moment:
Weapos are Sword/Forus & -/Sword (using the same mainhand swords in both sets)
If I need a ranged weapon I use a Greatsword in the 2nd weeaponset.

If you’re still learning, I recomment to put 20 points in domination and get the trait “Greatsword Training” (only 20 points in Dueling and no “Phantasmal Fury” in that case)
You can also put 25 points in Inspiration and only 5 in Illusions if you want. Hard to say, which trait is better, “Phantasmal Strength” or “Compounding Power”.

Also the Adept trait in Inspiration is probably not the best choice, II or V are good alternatives.

As already mentioned, you will have full berserker armor and be really squishy. Learn to use your skills, especially Distortion and Blurred Frenzie to evade attacks (don’t just spam it on cooldown) and survive in melee. Sword is by far the highest damage you can achieve as a mesmer, so use it, whenever you can.
Also, even if you’re running a phantasm build, use your shatter skills. They do good damage, so if your phantasms are standing in red circles and doomed to death anyway, it’s better to shatter.

Also, lern, what skills to use in what situations, you shouldn’t be running around with the same 3 all the time.

This only applies to PvE (Dungeons and Fractals). If you’re going to dedicate the char to wvw, another build may be better, though I’ve heared, some people are using similar builds like this in wvw and it’s doing quite well.

Consume Conditions bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Shadow.5694


I’ve had it a few times now, that the necro healing skill “Consume Conditions” did not remove burn. Sometimes it does remove it, sometimes not. It may also occur with other conditions, but so far I only had it with burn and the bug only apperead on southsun cove for me, but this might just be because I don’t play necro a lot, even less sine I found out about the bug. Maybe someone, who plays necro more frequent can give more details.

Separate PvE from PvP and WvW properly

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shadow.5694


Simple suggestion. PvE and PvP are already kind of separated, but still almost all of the nerfs hit PvE and PvP the same. For what reason do we have a confusion nerf in PvE? Confusion was totally underpowered and useless in PvE/dungeons before he nerf, now it has been nerfed to do half the damage. I see the reasons for nerfing it in PvP and WvW, even though it is debattable if it was OP or not. That’s just a quick example.

We need more separation here, please balance PvE skills around PvE and dungeons in the future.

What is a Mesmer's role in dungeons?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Shadow.5694


The primary role of the mesmer is utility. If you just want dps you would take another warrior, but mesmer offers more utility. Most important Skills tu use are Feedback, Timewarp and Signet of Inspiration. Portal in certain places (CoF p1, Swamp fractal) and other skills, when needed.
Besides that you want to do as much damage as you can, so you want to take a 20/20/0/20/10 trait layout (or maybe 10/30/0/20/10) with Warden’s Feedback for the extra reflection. Weapons are Sword/Focus & …/Sword (using the same mainhand in both sets), GS instead of the offhand when you need a ranged weapon.

Condition removal is usually the role of the guardian, but if you’re running with Pugs you may have to use some kind of condition removal yourself instead of relying on random people.

the chaos maestro boon support thread gives a great set of options. with elements of those builds, mesmers function a lot like guardians…you can still deal moderate-good damage, tank, heal, and give every boon in the game (no stability) to your party on a fairly regular basis. you can also keep up lots of regen, might, vigor and fury especially on meleers. with another source of group might in the party it’s easy to get to 25 stacks. since I started playing that style, I have noticed people in groups marveling at their own (furied and mighted) dps. all that other utility is also there.

others are right that boosting party survivability is only necessary in mediocre-bad groups…even in a good group if your heals/protection/aegis can make a difference between staying on melee for dps, or going ranged for survival, you are effectively boosting group dps.

You can probably do similar stuff as a guardian, but sometimes stability is important. Also you usually don’t need to give your party too much might. 3 warriors and 1 guardian do an excellent job at that already. I’ve also tried mantra healing at some point, but stoped using it. It has a long cast time, but it heals for a lot. It’s not bad but simply not needed. The best “tactic” in this game is simply to kill your enemy before he kills you.
I’m not saying, that the chaos maestro is a bad build, in fact it sounds pretty nice. If you run with pugs a lot, just try it and you will probably like it.

But if you’re running in an organized group, this build is for you:

Could you be anymore difficult?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shadow.5694


I think, the weak classes and skills need a buff. Don’t always nerf the good stuff, buff the bad stuff.
The only class, that is OP and needs a nerf is the warrior. Guardian and Mesmer are not OP they just complement warriors well.

But besides balancing, they should really make boss fights more challenging. At the moment it’s: dodge a big attack every now and then, max out damage to make the fight shorter, because shorter fights means you have to dodge less attackt, which means less opportunities to make a mistake, so more dps = easier fight.

Look at PvP instead (or just open world PvE to a certain extend)
Toughness and vitality actually helps here. The reason is, that you can’t just dodge everything, because there are too many attacks incoming. The hits you take are relatively weak but they are fast. So let some bosses hit faster and weaker.

CC: make more use of CC. At the moment pretty much everything is defiant. You can’t use pulls, blinds, knockbacks, …
Bjarl the Rampager in CoE does not have defiant, what makes the fight a lot more fun, because you can actually use all your skills, not just pure dps skills. You can use CC to prevent him from getting his armor back and stretch out his “vulnerable” periods. This fight is actually a lot more fn, than most other fights.

Another idea I had is an “enraged” buff for certain bosses. The more DPS a boss receives, the more enraged stacks he gets. Depending on the encounter more enraged could hime him additional toughness and vitality, so double dps does not automatically mean he dies in half the time, but still needs for example 80% the time to kill, pretty much like having DR on ofensive stats. Also enraged could make bosses hit faster, so more dps = harder fight to a point, where you can’t dodge everything anymore and actually need to increase your toughness.
Some boss fights would start with high “enraged” levels, that decrease ove time so the start will be harder. Other bosses would start with no enraged, so they would be vulnerable to high burst damage at the beginning of a fight.

Just a few ideas.

Last Stand at Southsun: Feedback/Opinion

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: Shadow.5694


Didn’t read everything, but Null is pretty much a standard pve boss. Get up some reflection, dps. Interrupt your dps once for a short time to use a certain mechanic (lure him into a mine in this case). Continue dps, win.

The only challenge here is to use a good rotation for maximizing dps to be as fast as possible.

Soulbound Precursor/Legendary

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shadow.5694


It’s ok for precursors, but legendary weapons should be accoutbound on acquire, soulbound on use, just like ascended trinkets.

As long as crazy RNG is the only thing involved in getting a precursor, I’m actually happy to have the option to buy it, even if the prices are insane. But at least I am sure to get it.

I gave up waiting for a better way to get a precursor already and bought mine on the TP.

After thinking about it I’d say leave the system unchanged for current legendaries and design a new, better one (scavenger hunt?) for the next set of legendaries and then make the precursor untradable or maybe don’t use precursors at all (A precursor is just one component anyway, like the gifts, just this one is a usable weapon). Make a completely new system of achieving a legendary, that requires less stupid grind and more skill.
If you still keep precursors in the game, don’t just give them a cheap random sking, but instead give them similarities to the legendary, just like an unfinnished legendary would look.

Improve Influence history

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shadow.5694


At the moment in the influence history, there is an entry for every hour. Hovering over it shows, how much influence was gained from events and how much from dungeons.

It would be nice to have an toggleable option to show a summary of 24 hours instead. Since all influence buffs last for 24 hours this would make it easier to decide, if it’s worth making some or probably even speeding it up.

Also it would be nice to have a toggleable option to be able to show dungeon influence only, events only or all together.

It’s not only for the boosts, but basically for keeping track of your influence, which also is an indicator for the overall activity of the guild. I’ve been sitting there with my calculator suming up influence a few times now and it would be nice to have an automated way to do that.

Race Change

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shadow.5694


Why can’t people just forget about racechange? It likely wont happen, due to various complications.

Since you can’t even name one of them, I suppose, there won’t be any unslovable problems.

Storyline: 100% completed Storyline is required. After changing race you will be able to choose all the decisions you would have before you joined an order. For example if you would have helped at the orphanage or hospiteal for humans. There are just a few decisions and after joining an order it’s the same for all races anyway. Alternatively give race changed characters simply a default set of decisions.

Cultural Armor: Either convert it to the new race or if that is too much work display a warining, that you won’t be able to equip your cultural armor anymore (and require to unequip all cultural armor before changing race). After changing race the armor stays in your inventory, but you have to transmute an other skin onto it to use it again.

Can’t think of anything else, that could be a problem.

Sclerite Karka & Fervid Censer Outfit Thread

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: Shadow.5694


I think, I’ve found an outfit, that looks good with the Sclerite Karka Shell


Transmuting Sclerite shell

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: Shadow.5694


I just did that, everything worked fine:

The Healzerker.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Shadow.5694


I don’t say you have to use my build, I just wanted to show you a more melee focused build based on the same basic idea as well as the idea to utilize unused mantras as a damage boost with empowering mantras.

If you’re still learning to survive in melee and use GS a lot, there’s nothing wrong with picking traits that increase GS damage. I was running with 20 points in domination and GS training for a long time until i decided to drop it.

If you’re using scepter, you’re not going to use [ 3 ]. Confusion is useless and the skill does less damage than the auto attack. The auto attack, btw. crits for over 1k on the first two hits and 1,5k on the third, which also creates a clone. Yea, you miss the might and vulnerability, though your party may keep 25 stacks of vulnerability up all the time anyway. Not saying Scepter is the only choice, but don’t listen to everyone telling you it sucks, try it out yourself.

The Healzerker.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Shadow.5694


I’ve had the idea of mantra healing since the patch that reduced mantra cast time.
Posted a build on gw2guru, but not got any answers either. It has some similarities to yours but also some differences.

This is the build

Sword/Focus & Greatsword, but other options are availabe, just make sure to always have the Sword and melee as much as you can. The Offhand is less important.
possible Offhands:
Focus: a Phantasm that does some AoE damage and is nice for groups of enemies and also protects from projectiles (even untraited). Temporal curtain is nice for running trash.
Sword: use this for single-target fights, the Phantasm does nice damage and acts as a leap finisher, plus you get a block
Pistol: A ranged Phantasm that will probably survive longer than our other options.

Since we can’t always stay in melee we need a ranged Weapon as “backup”. We have a few options, but they all do low damage.
GS: low damage on autoattck (the numbers may be nice, but hey are added up for the whole 1,5sec cast time) you get a bit AoE, the Phantasm does AoE as well, but might sometimes die before even reaching the enemy.
Scepter: “omg, scepter sucks, gtfo” – No it doesn’t suck, it’s auto attck does more damage then GS, even at max range. It doesn’t have mirror blade or any AoE, but in return you can choose whatever Offhand you want. If you need a ranged Phantasm, Scepter/Pistol works quite well.

The traits: 10/30/0/20/10 – why?
Domination: 10 points are enough, sacrificing GS cooldown is no big deal, since we want to stay in melee anyway
Dueling: Phantasm build doesn’t mean you never shatter at all, just not as much as with a full shatter build, so Deceptive Evasion makes sense imho. Empowering Mantras for a damage boost, since we’re going to use mantras.
Inspiration: Mender’s Purity works nice with the healing mantra, since it removes a condition everytime we use a charge, so it basically removes 2 conditions on every heal. Restorative mantras: the whole idea behind this build revolves around using this trait.
Illusions: lower cooldown for illusions is useful in about every build and +3% damage per illusion is pretty nice since we don’t want to shatter too much.

Gear: Full zerker with ruby orb has always served me well, though Rune of the Scholar also works. Sigil of Force is nice for the straight damage increase, Sigil of Energy, because I hate running out of dodges.

Utility: Utilities depend on the encounter and personal preference. I love Blink, it’s my panic button, so that rarely leaves the bar. Feedback when you need reflection, Null Field, whatever… you know, what utilities a mesmer has. The difference in this build is, that mantra of pain now serves as AoE heal. It has low cooldown but long cast time, so get a strong heal, but you do loose quite some dps.
What’s special about this build is, that when you don’t need a certain utility you can pot a random mantra on your bar for a damage boost. This pretty much means every “free” slot increades your dps. at max you can get +16% from mantras, +9% from illusions and +5% from your sigil. Since afaik modifiers multiply this is would be a 33% damage increase (1.16 * 1,09 * 1,05 = 1,3276). Of course at the cost of ALL of your utility skills

How to play: Don’t forget to charge both your Mantras before the fight starts, pop one charge from Mantra of pain as soo as your enemy is in range, let the second charge sit on your bar, together with the healing skill, so you get +8% damage as long, as you don’t need to heal. If you need some healing pop the second mantra of pain, re-cast it and pop it once. While chanelling you can use your healing mantra if you need and after 10sec you can re-cast it, which heals you again (and your party). Conditions shouldn’t be a problem, since you can remove about 2 conditions every 15sec without using anything but your healing skill.
Thanks to the versatile trait layout you can use Warden’s Feedback insetad of restorative mantras if you need more reflection and have access to the pistol cooldown trait and the reflection on distortion trait. If you need 3 utilities and want to run without mantras you can take Phantasmal fury instead of Empowering Mantras.

Other than that you play this build like every other build. If you run the overused Sword/Focus & GS you can start with Mirror Blade, Berserker, dodge, schatter, switch to melee just like usual, but don’t forget to use one charge of your mantra of pain.

Dyeable back pieces and Weapons

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shadow.5694


I’ve often been dyeing my armor to fit my weapons colors. Now with the Sclerite Karka shell I canged the dayes to fit the back piece. Wouldn’t it be nice to dye the back piece instead to fit the armor?

And while we’re at it it would also be nice if we could dye our weapons as well.

Menders Purity + Prayer to Dwayna Broken

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Shadow.5694


Racial skills have no skill type, so of cource traits that rely to a certain type do not work with racial skills
So traits like e.g. reduced cooldown on glamour skills (mesmer) or healing when using shouts (warrior) do not trigger on using racial skills, because they are not glamour, shout or anything else.

However most healing skills also don’t have a certain type assigned. For example mesmers healing skills: Ether Feast and Mirror don’t have a type, olny Mantra of Recovery has a type (Mantra), so this is affected by traits, that affect mantras, while the other two aren’t.

Traits that trigger on using a “Healing Skill” however trigger on all healing skills, also on the typeless ones, so they should work on racial ones as well, imho.

edit: Mender’s Purity does NOT work with Healing Seed (Sylvari racial) either.

(edited by Shadow.5694)

Sclerite Karka Shell no animation

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Shadow.5694


I’ve talked to people, who have the ascended version in LA. It is exactly the same skin and has no animation either.
So if the animation is part of the ascended version only, this means the ascended version is bugged. In that case the exotic one is fine, but the preview is bugged.

Would be really nice to know, since I want to transmute the skin onto my fractal capacitor, so I have my zerker stats and +10 AR again. However, if the animation is only part of the ascended version I would have to upgrade it before transmuting, so this would be really nice to know. I’m not transmuting it until this has been clarified.

An answer from Arenanet would be appreciated, so i know if i can transmute and fixing it would be nice as well.

Menders Purity + Prayer to Dwayna Broken

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Shadow.5694


This is a bit off-topic, but Prayer to Dwayna is not the best healing skill for a human mesmer:

Prayer to Dwayna:
heals: 6520hp (on lvl 80)
cooldown: 30s
channel: 1s
6520/21 = 210hp/s

heals: 3915hp (on lvl 80)
cooldown: 15s
channel: 1,25s
3915/(15+1,25) = 241hp/s (and 2s reflection as secondary effect)

Ether Feast:
heals: 5560hp + 640hp per illusion (on lvl 80)
cooldown: 20s
channel: 1s
0 illusions: 5560/21 = 265hp/s
3 illusions: 7480/21 = 356hp/s

Mantra of Recoverry (untraited)
heals: 2620 per charge (on lvl80)
cooldown: 10s after channeling, 1s after using a charge (12s in total)
channel: 2,75s
5240/14,75 = 355hp/s (and there are traits, that allow you to boost it’s effectiveness)

conclusion: everything is better, than Prayer to Dwayna.

Also Prayer to Dwayna has the highest cooldown, which means even if Menders Purity wasn’t bugged, it would only allow you to loose a condition every 30s, while for example the mantra allows you to loose 2 conditions every 14,75s (trait activates when you use up a charge), so this allows you to cure ~4x as much conditions.

I do agree, that this bug should be fixed, I just wanted to show you, that there are better alternatives.

Ascended Amulets: Which to pick?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Shadow.5694


Utility slot and gold find infusion.

I use 2 amulets myself, one with gold find and one with a versatile infusion, so i can switch between them to get 45AR, but that’s only needed in fractals lvl 40+

Account-bound Fractal Level

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shadow.5694


Yes, please. I changed my main and had to re-play the lower levels again (and those are boring). And now I still can’t really play fotm with any other character.

I wouldn’t mind the daily chests becoming account bound, because there are “new” dailies every 10 levels, so you can get multiple chests on the same day.

13 step Scavenger Hunt suggestion

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shadow.5694


14/ You get the Biggoron sword from Zelda OOT instead of the precursor.

Improvements? Come up with an own idea, maybe?