(edited by Shadow Walker.5813)
Showing Posts For Shadow Walker.5813:
Hey Jack,
look I’m not going to try and compete with those large guilds but I’d like to point out that for a newby a big giant guild isn’t the best to start with. I too am fairly new to the game but have a few hundred hours. I came up with this idea to create a small elite guild of low level players. I’m looking to create a guild with a variety of races and one of each profession and only on of each. I’m not going to lie so far it’s only me (elemere sylvari thief lvl 15) but with a small group it’s a lot easier to look after eachother and co-operate to pull of a task using tactical manouvers too please repy to me on this thread if your interested im on the world ruins of sumeria and can meet you anywhere
Hey Katherine,
look I’m not going to try and compete with those large guilds but I’d like to point out that for a newby a big giant guild isn’t the best to start with. I too am fairly new to the game but have a few hundred hours. I came up with this idea to create a small elite guild of low level players. I’m looking to create a guild with a variety of races and one of each profession and only on of each. I’m not going to lie so far it’s only me (elemere sylvari thief lvl 15)although I have posted a few of these to people looking but with a small group it’s a lot easier to look after eachother and co-operate to pull of a task using tactical manouvers too please repy to me on this thread if your interested im on the world ruins of sumeria and can meet you anywhere
P.S im from Perth and Generally play on the weekends and in the mornings (5am – 7:30am)
Hey LD,
look I’m not going to try and compete with those large guilds but I’d like to point out that for a newby a big giant guild isn’t the best to start with. I too am fairly new to the game but have a few hundred hours. I came up with this idea to create a small elite guild of low level players. I’m looking to create a guild with a variety of races and one of each profession and only on of each. I’m not going to lie so far it’s only me butt ive sent ou a request for a charr engineer (elemere sylvari thief lvl 15) but with a small group it’s a lot easier to look after eachother and co-operate to pull of a task using tactical manouvers too please repy to me on this thread if your interested im on the world ruins of sumeria and can meet you anywhere
Hey Dub,
look I’m not going to try and compete with those large guilds but I’d like to point out that for a newby a big giant guild isn’t the best to start with. I too am fairly new to the game but have a few hundred hours. I came up with this idea to create a small elite guild of low level players. I’m looking to create a guild with a variety of races and one of each profession and only on of each. I’m not going to lie so far it’s only me (elemere sylvari thief lvl 15) but with a small group it’s a lot easier to look after eachother and co-operate to pull of a task using tactical manouvers too please repy to me on this thread if your interested im on the world ruins of sumeria and can meet you anywhere in the game.
(edited by Shadow Walker.5813)
If your really interested then please don’t hesitate to e-mail me at ethan-ryan@hotamil.com please remember to include gw2 guild recruitment or something along tyhose lines in the subject cheers.
Well just finished recruiting and that was a bust no one showed up. If you are thinking about joining but don’t have a character for it come as another character let me know and we can organise to get you a new charecter up to scrath quickly. This is supposedly the highlight of Gw2 and I would like to experience it for myself I’ll post an update in an hour which is 1:30pm in Western Australia and 1:30 am in Los angelise so have a look
(edited by Shadow Walker.5813)
Hey Guys,
First post so hopefully I won’t get hammered for ignorance. So I heard about the game bought the game and immediately had an idea of this “super guild”. So my reasoning is that with a small group it is easier to co-operate and gives more satisfaction pulling of a task. I know it’s usually easier to get a guild of about 50 and storm a place but that’s more of a battalion and I’m looking for more of a task force. So I’m looking for low level players (lvl10-20) each in a different profession preferably from a variety of races (I’m currently a sylvari thief lvl15) . I guess it’s time to see how the gw2 public will take it cheers.
The world is Ruins of Surmia and ill be in the grove bottom floor (near Caledon Forest)
P.S my name’s Elemere
(edited by Shadow Walker.5813)