Showing Posts For Shammy.5846:

Can we expect a change for infused backpieces

in Crafting

Posted by: Shammy.5846


The main thing is Ascended is supposed to be the new Legendary this is why now all Legendary items have been changed to reflect these stats. So the new items being implemented into the game should be considered the same thing. How many casual players have Legendary weapons. Now if they wanted to cater to all then make exotic versions craftable and leave ascended to what it was meant to be as the best and not easily replaced. You won’t see a casual player craft multiple Legendaries just to put some on alts. But people want multiple fully crafted back slots on there alts seriously give it a rest. Invest in your character and make it unique. Only 3 new visual looking items so far minus weapons. How long until everyone is wearing 1 of these 3 with the current rate of mats. I’d say not 1 month or 2 till everyone and there momma is wearing it. So you want to lower it to the point where everyone there momma and alts of there mommas have it to? Come on leave the care bear approach to WoW.
GW was always 1 of the more difficult to play not because of gear it was because of skill. FotM is a little renkdink dungeon that is nothing compaired to the higher end zones in all expansions in GW1.

How about if they changed requirements to taking away the T6 mats and making you need the realivant Vials or Globs x 5 or 10. That would actually keep you in a more bottle necked area. Everyone would use MF gear and progression would become alot slower. Not to mention it would force you to do only FotM to get what you needed.

FotM Loot Scaling Atrocious...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Shammy.5846


No 10 – 18 is a combined daily called tier 2
Tier 3 would be 20 -28 and so on
Each “tier” may give you a daily quest. It is not each visit to a Jade Maw stage.

RNG FotM Progression Brickwall

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Shammy.5846


I just want to know how many could afford to craft a exotic ring to ascended not to mention ascended infused. Then also do the same for the back items. If you think prices on items have rocked now imagine then. How many groups would be past lvl 30. Putting rings on vendors would be the real brickwall and would be the real grind trying to make all that gold to buy or go and farm mats yourself. I guess for Anet it would benefit them more since people could just buy gems and then convert it to gold to buy what they needed.

But where does that leave the other 70% of the game consumers who don’t pay irl cash to buy gems. The demand would be so high the market upkeep cost couldn’t keep up because the 20% of people couldn’t get a ring from a daily. My advice keep trying if this place has been out for awhile I could side with you but its way to new to consider not having a ring a bottleneck. Where are you can still get +10 agony resist with a back piece that is fully craftable

Wintersday + Recipes

in Crafting

Posted by: Shammy.5846


I’m more worried about gem prices by this time ugg its already outrageous soon we will be trading 1 gold for 1 gem.

Can we expect a change for infused backpieces

in Crafting

Posted by: Shammy.5846


Short version no do not expect a change. People invested massive time and money for legendary weapons even when they had the same exact stats as exotics. Just because of the skin. Same situation here if you don’t want the skin glowing then don’t make period. Most now want it because it glows if it didn’t they would just stick to the book or quiver looking like 50% of the current population now.

Kikked from fractal lv20 bc 0 agony resist

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Shammy.5846


I think majority of the people complaining now about rings never been in a raid based type of game or never actually been in a guild with regular week schedule for raids. FotM been out for what almost 2 weeks and people already up in arms about not having the current best items in game and that someone else has them why can’t they.

RNG FotM Progression Brickwall

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Shammy.5846


There is a web sight for LFG now. I normally spend like 2 or 3 minutes tops lfg. No matter what tier I do in which case I do 1-3 daily.

FotM Disconnections / Crashes

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Shammy.5846


I would love if they made it like GW1 where people had at least a grace period. Lets say 5 minutes of them not being in zone. And them not being online so it is not exploited into logging in alts.

Quit Exploiting Fractals

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Shammy.5846


FotM would only be a fail if people didn’t do it. People consistently farm it daily. Ascended gear is a great addition for those that like to maximize there character. It is not a requirement outside of Fractals aside from those who like to gain 20 more skill points per item thats currently known to be out so thats like 60 points in maybe 1 or 2 areas you’d use to get your edge in the world basically in WvW. Hardly a fail more like a well played time sink and money grab to take gold out of the enconomy. With massive purchases in mats the Black Lion company is making a nice profit. With what maybe a increase of maybe 50 DPS or HPS? It is not breaking the mechanics of the game. You have the option to basically get the best bragging rights for now as you go deeper into fractals and with them making more in the future. I’m sure they should be adding some interesting tier based conclusions at 1 time or another. Until then how high can you go!

Dredge Powersuit (Very unbalanced)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Shammy.5846


I agree with most of what Ebon is saying about he is out of control above 20 and yes you will even get hit up top if your attacking when he does his agony special. For the most part yes it is still the same ol run in circles and range and pour tactic. But is Agony attack can drop you quick if your Agony resistance is low. I’d say the average player has 10 at lvl 20+ and that basically will put you in a downed state if you gotten damaged by anything else if not kill you. Not to mention he can and will heal super fast if your not careful to.

RNG FotM Progression Brickwall

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Shammy.5846


I’ve been just staying at lvl 21 with the time I get to play just doing all 3 dailies with each tier. As far as crystals I think I have about 400 now. I know I just reached 100 runs achievement. I gotten all the bags and 2 of the agony resistance crystals 1 was versital. I just found out that we could upgrade the backs from the vendor and it looks pretty nice so I’m in the process of saving for that now needless to say I already gotten everything else needed :P.

With the rings though I have gotten 1 ring that gives 10% MF I also am going to eventually make a MF outfit in my spare time just to get more rares and exotics to create Ectos IMO. Fractals seem to be a very good source for them may not be as fast as farming directly but your also getting upgrades for other things also in the process so I’m killing multiple birds with 1 stone.

Also with all my runs I’ve only gotten 4 rings so considering that with doing all these daily its not that lucky. Not to mention the rings may or maynot but what you’d normally wear anyways because of the stats but hey you could be a agony res gem in it and hopefully your first time is a defence slot heh others might hurt to have a trash ring with offence slot.

Why can't jewelers craft ascended rings?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Shammy.5846


Dead.7385 keep in mind these are fractals in time some past we know by playing GW1 and others can be past or future. We never fought underwater before so who would we know it didn’t originate from there. Not to mention if you follow up with Jade Maw’s zone that place was underwater at one time so considering that Jade Maw agony and attack are the most damaging we’ve seen by far.

Also keep in mind who the Mursaats were worshiping back then also. IMO the fractals could be just all past events that we’ve didn’t really see that were before GW1. As we seen there all the giants were extenct but you could see there imagines in the Desert area. Charr fighting for Ascalon which was a ruined city in GW1, Needless to say the list goes on but give them the time to tie it all in together for all the lore people out there.

RNG FotM Progression Brickwall

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Shammy.5846


Honestly I only had 7% MF and I’ve gotten 2 Vials and 2 Globs so far. Its more to the fact that people don’t skip mobs these days. People just want to bypass everything and go straight to the next part. Most of my items came from things that people normally skip like 2 came from Jade Maw trash and 1 from the Norn people in the iceland after defeating the elementals. The last I gotten was in the water from fish but we always killed them to open cages. But the point is more groups need to skip less in order for them to get more drops. Otherwise what is to complain about when your not even taking the chance to even received the drops.

Kikked from fractal lv20 bc 0 agony resist

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Shammy.5846


My question is this most people ask them to put rings on the vendors. If they did that and made them like the back pieces there already would people still buy them and craft them? Would cost a outrageous amount of gold just to get +30 resist and at lvl 40 you still die on Jade. So I’m hoping maybe the fractal weapons can and will be able to be upgraded since they also come as exotic from what I seen drop and maybe when ascended will have offencesive slots for agony bringing us to +40 once all upgraded.

Needless to say keep getting crystals doing dailies staticially you will eventually get your rings. It costs you nothing but maybe 2 silver from a death from Maw until you eventually get 1 or until you get your back piece and upgrade it to give you at least 10 resistance but by that time I’m sure you should have picked up a ring or 2 by then to get all thats needed if you brought the back from the vendor and upgraded.

Most of all its not like people don’t get anything unlike every other MMO out there when you doing end game content you could wait weeks or even months before getting just 1 RNG drop for your class. Then your fighting with others to get the same thing meanwhile here. You and everyone in your party gets something to show for there troubles maybe not be what you wanted but there is also next time.

What people should be complaining about is you can not remove the infusions once sloted so anyone who actually crafted a better infusion and put them into a ring or back they will replace. They are the one going to get shafted thats alot of money and time that cannot be replaced. Not to mention will have to do it all over again for the new item.

Agony Resistance

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Shammy.5846


I went upto 20 without any agony resistance. Now at 20 I do recommend at least 10 before moving onward. Most of the bosses Agony attacks you can avoid if your know when they do them and you plan ahead so its not really required till later as you can still survive all bosses agony attacks minus Jade Maws if you have 20K hp and 0 agony resistance at lvl 20 and below FotM.

Problem with Fractals

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Shammy.5846


What they are referring to is people not getting groups because fractal lvls are different. What if it didn’t scale you to 80 how many would still be doing fractals on alts or for that matter even get groups in them if they were below 80. The fact of the matter is you now have people who can access fractals at any lvl so you have a 80% increased in player pool to find groups for what ever fractal lvl you want to get into.

I’m not sure how many games I played like EQ or others alike where you did a long series of quests just to get flagged for 1 zone!!! Then you needed to progress in that zone to move to the next. They were never account based you advance on the character you progressed with only should be the same here and all other serious RPGs. Casual players aren’t meant to get Legendaries there first year or even 2 of playing. So why try and spoon feed them in fractals also put in your time like everyone else and in about a year. When all the craze is gone then open it upto the public account.
The only thing missing now is a ingame LFG system once thats in place then really nothing to complain about. But there is a web sight that does basically the same thing now so I’d check that out next time your looking for more for fractals groups.

Level based dungeons, as a progress bar

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Shammy.5846


If you consider GW1 high end tier areas. this place is cake you can bring any classes and any build and still complete it. In GW1 there are some places you can’t even survive the first pull. So consider I consider this place EZ mode. Agony is nothing more than fighting Mursaats and Jade Armor without fully infused gear. So the concept is exactly the same here. No need to tone it down people need to get used to the slaughters we came accustomed to in GW1.

Problem with Fractals

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Shammy.5846


The system is working as intented I’m not sure what people expect from a encounter that is geared for high end. It auto-levels you to 80 so that elimates the whole concept of only you can group in FotM at this lvl or that lvl. People complaining they are not getting loot but people skip mobs whenever they can. Be happy there is new content at all you paid for the base game with no subscription everything else being done is really an added bonus to enhance our playing pleasure with more to come as it did in GW1.

FotM guild created. Ranks editable.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Shammy.5846


Add me to for invite please