Showing Posts For Shinenryu.6351:
I guess we’re used to be disappointed with ele, now …
Well, if you play only in PvE, check these links, I think you’ll be able to find your answer ^^
It could also be a blast finisher, if it become an AoE around the player, instead of applying alterations as poison or torment.
Water ele: Oops, didn’t mean to cast that.
You made my day ^^
But, if we refer to Gw2 Wiki, Water Elemental doesn’t seem to be so useless :
21300 hp, Ice field combo, powerful heal … If we were able to use elemental’s spells like ranger’s spirits, perhaps it would become interesting ?
well, people used to pick “Renewing Stamina” instead of this, or 20% CDR on Arcane spells, if they play with. I don’t think +25% perma speed is really usefull, since we’ve got some swiftness by our own. Even when they allowed us to gain +25% perma speed out of combat, I didn’t use this trait.
But if you feel you need it in fight, go ahead, it’s not worthless after all.
Well, I don’t really enjoy scepter gameplay, especially because of DT; auto-target is really disturbing :S I don’t really understand why auto-target is really cool in your case ^^
oZii : Of course, I understand not everyone plays D/D. I should have been more specific, my bad.
But I also agree with you, if focus was reworked, it would be an amazing step. I tried to play D/F long time ago, but there’re too many weak spells on it; and I don’t think it synergizes well.
At least they didn’t planned to nerf us. As Vissarion said, if they would restore RtL, ele would be fine again !
It’s the wrong description since the beta. The trait – as far as I remember – only dealt bleeding and cripple. I don’t think they’ll add this alteration, it would be unexpected. But if they would change the description, it would be at least something. ._.
I would say this trait is kind useless. As many said previously, we’ve got the lowest hp base, and 10% represent actually 1080 hp if no vitality. it’s not that much, even when running with soldier gears. We may have more hp and thoughness, like 18k and 2500 armor, but as a tank I think it’s still too low …
I didn’t find any good compromise between vita, thoughness and healing power while playing D-Skin.
I would also add, this trait is a big mistake.
Actually it’s 1% per boon ._.
I don’t think it’s wise to spend your points trying to reach it. Pick it if you want 30 in Water Magic, but I would say you shouldn’t counting on it. But it’s only my thought.
With the elemental glyphs, I would appreciate at least if we were able to re-activate them to use theirs spells. With the elite one (and the lesser), as ThiBash said, we’ve got an ice combo field. that’s great, yes, but we can’t choose to use it, and it’s quite disturbing. Being able to use our elemental’s spell like ranger’s spirit would be awesome, and far from being op.
It would make elementals more attractive.
It would be awesome if they up Ele (At last !), but I don’t expect it in the coming patch.
I read all the patch note where Ele is concerned since August 2012, and there’s 12 patchs where there’re changes. 8 nerfs, and 4 “up” (with all necessary quotes).
The chill dealing damage or torment is really interesting, and would add some new builds.
Unnamed Earth Trait – While you are attuned to earth your critical hits have a 10% chance to knock your target down for 1 second.
But I can’t agree with this trait, It seems to me too powerful, or it should have a CD on trait. Perhaps 10 or 20s, it may appears too short, but (as S/D or D/D) we don’t have that much CC (2, in fact, with very high CD).
It happened to me too, but it was a Warrior …
Anyway, I agree with your first post, but your “Rodgort’s invocation” seems too powerful. I don’t think we need this kind of spells, people would just come back and cry about “Ele op”.
20 points in Arcane is a must for me. Seriously this is how you kitten a class Anet gg.
I agree. Playing without Arcane Traits doesn’t provide viable builds, but those suggested by Mash Dog on the first post were quite interesting. Too bad D-Skin is quite useless.
I play Ele since the beta test, so I’m very interested by your idea ^^
if you want to send me an invite, I stand ready !
Yes, I said Fire Grab has bugs; if you move while using this spell, the damage will be at your last position, not where you’re looking at. And the cone is actually too small, of course. But I’m not sure making it an AoE around the player would be a good idea; too easy to land, and with those damages it would be quite op. I’m trying to figure out something balanced, but it’s true the actual spell is pretty useless in PvP.
edit : Yeah, I thought about the “poisonous smoke” with Ring of Fire, but I wasn’t sure you was thinking about this. I don’t think Elem has to deal this alteration, as torment. In this case, I can’t see anything to change on this spell, which is already quite strong. Instead of poison, why not a smoke field, which could blind when active ? It would be very powerful, and perhaps allowing this class to use stealth mode, but still with a difficult combo (Only one "Leap combo in D/D : Magnetic Leap in Earth, which isn’t easy to land).
(edited by Shinenryu.6351)
If I agree with most of your propositions, i’m quite disturbed with some spells in dagger.
In fire, I don’t understand why “Ring of Fire” would deal Poison ? Also, Grab of Fire would be too easy to land if it was an AoE around us; but make the cone larger than it is, and remove those bugs when we’re moving while casting would be enough (Btw, we’ve got the same problem with Lightning Surge). I also enjoy Burning Speed as it is actually. I’m not sure if it would be a great idea, like Arcane Wave which was better without ground targeting.
In air, I think Updraft is actually good, but reduce its cd would be great (something like 30" , at least ..?)
I approve your idea with Earthquake, but I wouldn’t see what you said with Churning Earth. Targeting AoE would be too strong and wouldn’t be in line with daggers. I remember Anet first wrote in this skill description to press the button to cast Churning Earth, and release it to deal damage; but in fact it has never exist, and it’s quite disappointing.
Anyway, nice ideas you’ve got here ^^
I’m agree with you. I can’t pick my El in SPvP anymore, and I can’t find any viable build since 10th Dec.
Even playing tank isn’t enough; they expected us to play less with Water Magic and Arcane Power, but in fact that’s quite the opposite; if we want to survive, we need to play with those traits.
We could have so many build, but with Elemental Attunement being moved, we’re wasting so many points to reach it, and missing so many interesting traits that we’re useless.
Our strongest traits are too far and this is the reason we’re too weak in front of classes like Warrior or Guardian, who reach some powerful traits in adept or master (I think about the Warrior, “Distracting Strikes” VII in Master, by exemple).
Anyway, I won’t cry because I want my El being OP, but I can’t understand why Anet is destroying a class in particular. I’m clearly disappointed, the 10th Dec’s patch was supposed to be important for balancing, but I’m still looking for it; and I don’t expect anything good from the coming patch.