Showing Posts For Shy Of Day.7259:
TY to my Yak’s Bend Players. Hope you all enjoyed my slightly limited Pre Halloween patch EVENT
Did Riddles, Mad King Lore Questions, And even my own game of Rock, Paper, Scissors… More to come in future Holiday Events..
TY to all that joined. And Gratz to all who got there Treats, was much FUN, This was just a “taste” of what the GW2 community should be during events and even out of events..
EVGA Geforce 560ti 2gb OC’d.. with my i7 3.4ghz – 8g RAM – on a 21" monitor im getting on average 50-60Fps never dips below 45 in WvW.. LOVE IT
@Oraculum – INDEED, finally someone with some reason in this thread.. im gonna grind all night and buy so many Gems.. So excited for the event, Been twitching all day at work!
I really dont understand what any of you are talking about, you dont have to pay a dime(cash) for anything in the Gem store.. 5 keys are roughly 2.5g at the moment.. pfff you can make that in a few hours in game. pop on your magic find armor and buffs do 5 event chains and ty 5 keys.
Some say give us quests and other types of grinds to do to acquire these skins and what not.. Go do some events you lazies and play the game! Or even make a new toon and and complete the lower level areas and Story missions for Keys.. I do understand where yall are coming from saying why put it as a “cashshop” but there are people that have the money and dont have time to grind out gold. Anet try’s to please everyone, The rich and the poor..
For the love of god we dont pay a monthly fee and get 10x the amout of content then any other MMO ive played in the past “IMO of course”
Worst part is that Anet has not replied to any of the DR Threads.. kinda kitten to me. WE, THE TRUE PLAYERS ARE BEING PUNISHED for boters.. They say there doing something about all the botting and yet i report people all day long that are running bot trains through orr all day and i know for sure ill get on tonight and they’ll be in the same spots, not banned.. i really thought Anet was better than this. Im so sick of Game Devs destroying good games.. Beta was great, Launch was good as well but now a month later and the game is supposed to be better and more polished.. PppFfff! im dont ranting they dont care enough anyways
what time do they do the server resets tonight? cant seem to find a thread or anything online with the exact time.. TY
I dont even want to do a single dungeon now.. With no Rewards at all, wow you get some useless blues. maybe a green from killing a BOSS that i can pull off a mob in 3 secs outside the dungeon.. what the hell is Anet doing…. i was amped over the explorable modes for the pure reason that they were hard and if my group killed a boss then we would actually be rewarded with something (the 5 tokens) now if we kill 2 bosses and have a hard time on the last we get NOTHING.. not even a gold wepon or piece of armor.. WTF are you doing to this game Anet
I REALLY think healing XP rewards should be implemented into the system . I run a Guardian minor DPS support/heal build myslef to run with my guildies and WvWvW. IMO if there are skills that help the HP of allies and expecialy for example the Tomb Of Courage skill 5 – “Fully heal up to five nearby allies”. why whould you get no cradit for saving allies HP in a the Holy smokes moments o reven just to sustain there HP. Yes, there is no absolute Healer class in the game but there are HP support calsses that are effective for group survival.
little something i have been messing with in the past few runs we’ve done and im just looking for some suggestions with explanations.. works really well in my eyes but i think its missing sopmething.. i know Lvl52 in AC still? i go slow and enjoy the game as much as possible and like to figure dungeons out without guides and stuff.
buddy of mine did that puzzle last night says its amazing the pirate screws with you the whole time.. so epic
Content, content, content… higher level area’s are beautiful looking and the events get sooo much better and indepth. The variety of the things going on in-game is what draws me in the most.. no area looks like the last, has it own feel and the art work displayed is just amazing. World completion is fun too, adventuring into areas just for a Point of Intrest and getting lost fighting a group of mobs or an Event pulls you away from your current task and end up finding some huge champion boss to take down.. its not a game about armor Stats, is all about just enjoying what they have made for us… TY Anet
cool thank you so much for responding
Our guild wants to tranfer servers. Can we keep our name? can the leader transfer the guild with the influence and all the upgrades? or are we kinda screwed.. if so is it possible to completely get rid of guild so we can remake it on a new server? stuck having to make a new guild name?