Showing Posts For Sigfried.4317:

Black lion stuff

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sigfried.4317


I’d like there to be a way to preview armors on the trading post. Sometimes I’m buying them for rp purposes and I’d like to see what I was buying.

Also, Why isn’t there a way to sort armors? If I’m a warrior, I don’t want to be looking through all these cloth items I can’t even wear!

Remove the Ability to mail gold!

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Sigfried.4317


Because normally I have a lot of gold, and my friends/bf/family tell me “Can I borrow 2gold to get this awesome dye? I just spent all I had =/”

I’d like to be able to give them gold.

Charr Height and Weight?

in Charr

Posted by: Sigfried.4317


I don’t think this is quite accurate, judging from the in-game charr. They’re definatley larger then that.

I would guess that the average charr is about 7 feet in height. They probably range from 5.5 feet to 9 feet.

Yeah that sounds about right. In the GW2 book (Edge of Destiny) I read that the average char was about 500 pounds. So being about 7ft average sounds a lot better.

Norn shapeshift forms for roleplaying purposes

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sigfried.4317


this is a wonderful idea, i second this!

Sexier Armor Plox

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sigfried.4317


“News flash”? That’s cute. How you’d come to that conclusion based on what I said, I don’t understand. I based my theory on my own experience in forum boards with this game and other MMOs. I’ve rarely (if ever) seen anyone request that more revealing clothes be added for male toons, or read posts where people admired the sexiness of a male toon. However, such posts regarding female toons are in abundance in almost every game. That is not me saying that such requests/posts don’t exist, neither does it translate into me believing that women have no sex drive.

You must have had you eyes closed. All the woman I’ve ever spoken with want more ‘sexy’ clothes for men. That’s half the reason why they don’t play male toons, because of how ‘ugly’ they are. We’re minorities and our voice doesn’t get heard as loud. The posts get pushed down, but it doesn’t mean you ignore it.

Women aren’t as vocal about this as men, we talk about it but don’t preach it on boards like men do. We don’t have the need to openly express our sexuality to confirm our femininity like males do. It is seen as strange if men do not preform homosocial bonding and sexualize woman with other males. The men question others masquilinity if they do not join and in order to be normal.

Over compensating for masculinity, that’s how males in this society are raised. Woman don’t have to do this, so they aren’t as outwardly open about preferences. Instead they do it in other methods such as writing Fanfics, chatting and swooning to their friends privately about it.

Just because its not out there in the same fashion that you as a man are used to, doesn’t mean its not out there. There has been plenty of times i’d like to of wolf whistled at a man or had my group of girls obviously check out a man’skitten then to precede to tell him how wonderfully round it is.

What Guild Wars 2 is missing. It's the little things that count!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sigfried.4317


I’d like there to be dueling…but in ‘arena areas’ where it doesn’t become an eyesore to other people.

Sexier Armor Plox

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sigfried.4317


I don’t think there is similar demand for scantily clad dude toons.

Um, news flash. Yes…God yes there is. I don’t know what world you’re living in. Have you heard of 50 shades of gray? Magic mike? Women /love/ skimpy just as much as men. They like to stare at buns and skin on their toons just as much.

You must be one of those men who believe women don’t watch porn.

(edited by Sigfried.4317)

Mounts for buffs, not speed

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sigfried.4317


Before you come in raging listen here, this IS NOT another speed mount thread rant.

I DO NOT want mounts for speed. That is foolish when the game is made around waypoints.

In Everquest, they had mounts that could be used for other things. Such as…
- Runs same run speed as character. (EQ toons get weighted down by inventory)
-Can fall more of a distance.
-Eats food faster
Now, I know this has nothing to do with GW2, but it sparked my idea.

What if mounts could be used for buffs? Here are a few ideas…
-5-15% faster casting while seated (Can be knocked off)
-Buff to toughness (So casters can have more defense, they won’t be getting knocked off)
-Longer jump and falling range.
-Use in some sort of pvp
-Use them in Mini games. (Say polo)
-vanity roleplay
-Boats that can be guild homes or used for games

Also, the roleplayer in me would love to use these as vanity and collectibles. If people want speed, let them ride IN TOWN an increase of 5% to speed.

(edited by Sigfried.4317)

What about mounts?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sigfried.4317


Mounts are just….a foolish idea.

The only mount I find acceptable, is one that runs the SAME run speed as a player. (Maybe 5% at the fastest)

In everquest, they had slow mounts. (as well as fast…but)
-No matter what weight you are carrying, you can move as if unencumbered.
-Innate Safefall
-Food consumption is doubled.

I know weight and food really doesnt matter. But something to do with maybe a buff in GW2 would be nice? Fast cast time…I don’t know.

Either way, mounts for speed is a no go.

(Edit: As a role player, I’d like to ride a mount around. Not for speed, but for roleplay reasons.)

Can't loot with all these characters in my way!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sigfried.4317


I’m sure many people have had this problem, it’s starting to get annoying. Having trouble looting when NPCs get in your way.

I’m a loot spammer, when something dies I spam click loot. Well, its hard when you have NPC party members that keep wanting to chat. You move to get away and they follow you! It’s like that annoying kid in class!

I love it that NPCs talk, but could they maybe make this two different buttons? Talking and interacting with objects?

Charr Height and Weight?

in Charr

Posted by: Sigfried.4317


Wow thanks Rorc, I stand corrected. That height i much better sounding.

Now to figure out the weight.

Height and Weight of Asura?

in Asura

Posted by: Sigfried.4317


found this on the charr boards.
Says that Asura are 2’10 – 3’10 average.

Dungeons and Dragons Wiki says “Gnomes stand 3 to 3-1/2 feet tall and weigh 40 to 45 pounds” this also goes for Goblins. “A goblin stands 3 to 3-1/2 feet tall and weigh 40 to 45 pounds.” -

(edited by Sigfried.4317)

Height and Weight of Asura?

in Asura

Posted by: Sigfried.4317


Okay, I agree with you there Zyrusticae..sort of. But you were not the only person saying they were in the 100s

But 120 is 3 times the weight of a 40 pound. Say a human’s average is about 165. 3 times that would be nearly 500 pounds and body builders don’t weight that much.

(edited by Sigfried.4317)

Height and Weight of Asura?

in Asura

Posted by: Sigfried.4317


There is no way they are 120. No way on Tyria. My sister is 5’6 and weighs 112, granted that’s very skinny.

Most are tiny, sure they have large heads…but brains don’t weight much muscles do. Most i’ve seen are fairly boney, skiny and tiny.

Our human children weight about 50 pounds at 3feet. Last time i remember, being in 1st grade I didn’t weight over 100 pounds.

(edited by Sigfried.4317)

Charr Height and Weight?

in Charr

Posted by: Sigfried.4317


I was wondering if anyone knew a charr’s base height and weight. Sure, its different depending on the size (like anybody).

I was thinking average 8feet (243cm) and 500pounds (227kilograms).

I’m I completely off? Any ideas?

Height and Weight of Asura?

in Asura

Posted by: Sigfried.4317


I was wondering if anyone knew the height and weight of Asura?

A friend told me that they were about 2feet (61cm) and weight was 25pounds (11 kilograms). I thought that was a bit off. I was thinking more of 3 (91cm) feet, maybe 40 pounds (18 kilogram).

Any thoughts? I’m sure there wouldn’t be a lot of a difference in the sexes.

(edited by Moderator)