Showing Posts For Sindarin.1095:

Artificer Crafting Issue...

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Sindarin.1095


Second Screenshot


Artificer Crafting Issue...

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Sindarin.1095


Hey Guys,

I have sent this in as a bug report to the devs twice now, and nothing has happened so I am turning to the community. I have completed grandmaster artificer, as shown by my achievements, but when I go to a crafting station, I am 172/500…

I have already done this profession and would really love not having to repeat it. Does anyone have any ideas? First Picture in this Post, other screen in next post.


Launch Time?

in Wintersday

Posted by: Sindarin.1095


Unauthorized log-in attempt

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Sindarin.1095


“I used to use my password for more than just the game” definitely sounds like it is on your end carnality. The reason I suggested the on-line scanner TrendMicro is that viruses can sometimes hi-jack your virus program and make themselves “invisible”. Go do an on-line scan and then report back.

Unauthorized log-in attempt

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Sindarin.1095


Virus scan your computer. You may have a key logger. MalwareBytes or AviraAntivir are good. Trend micro also has a great online scanner.

Mesmer Planking.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Sindarin.1095


I had this happen to me on my elementalist I think I use this fire staff skill four right as I was knocked down. The good news is that activating any skill allowed me to stand back up.

The even better news was that it was funnier than hell. Try jumping when you’re a landshark you will sit there laughing for hours.

Fractals not Progressing

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Sindarin.1095


Ooooh, OK ty. I appreciate the responses.

Fractals not Progressing

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Sindarin.1095


Hey Anet! First of all, thanks for making a bloody amazing game!!!

Secondly, 4 other people and I did our level 2 Fractals last night. The first one we received was where you have to break the 6 seals on that large blue man. We completed this one in about 30-45 minutes. The second one was the grawl super priest murdering all of the humans and we did that one in 20 minutes. The third one we got was the swamp one and that took us 30-45 minutes.

After completion of this third Fractal, it transferred us to the jade sea one. We all left as we were done our 3 Fractals, but lo and behold, we did not receive credit.

After about 2 hours of fighting and at least 12 silver for armor repairs, this has got me quite irritated.

I thought that I would let you know about it and I hope that it does not happen again.

Annoying Sound Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Sindarin.1095


Can we get a fix on this please? It has happened at least 6 times tonight, and if I do not manually restart my client, it will crash to the desktop.

It was happening in PVE, all around Cursed Shore.

Q6600 + GTX 570 = 14 fps without even many people around

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Sindarin.1095


This should tell you where your system needs improvement. (If anywhere) Other than what I listed that is all I can think of…

Maybe reinstall your O/S and have a fresh clean install old windows.

Q6600 + GTX 570 = 14 fps without even many people around

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Sindarin.1095


Nah, I have a GTX 570 HD card and with all settings maxed, I am usually running 90+ FPS. If I overclock my processor, I can push that to 130+ FPS.

I would venture to say that your processor is the problem here. It is fairly dated and discontinued now. As you can see from my over locking, GW2 is still extremely processor heavy.

I built a screaming system (at the time) for this game.

Core i7 2600K
Asus P8Z68 del/Gen 3 mobo
16 GB Ram

Even though ANET says you can use a mid line PC, it heeds to be more on the higher end.

If you can afford it definitely upgrade your mobo, processor and ram.

Extremely Low FPS problem

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Sindarin.1095


This is a great website. It will usually tell you what is wrong with your system and where to improve it.

account hacked, will my gems purchased with real money be refounded?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Sindarin.1095


Yes, as stated before, they will be refunded if you can prove you were hacked and the hacker purchased them. Just open a support ticket!

account hacked, will my gems purchased with real money be refounded?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Sindarin.1095


Deleted Rant
Edit I am sorry, your title shows up as ……, I never saw that you were hacked.

(edited by Sindarin.1095)

Dissatisfied with customer service

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Sindarin.1095


I will agree with everyone else so far, it is your own fault that you have lost your account multiple times. If you are getting the emails "So and so has logged in from (insert random location here), means the hacker has your E-mail address and password. The fact that you have probably kept the same E-mail address and possibly the same password is not ANET’s fault. If you have indeed changed your password, that is still not ANET’s fault. You more than likely have a key logger on your computer after visiting some malicious site.

I suggest reformatting your computer ASAP, and not logging into any accounts anywhere before you reformat.

I also suggest that you download and install a good antivirus/mal ware/spyware program. I personally use Avira AntiVir, MalwareBytes Anti Malware and Spybot search and destroy.

After you reformat and install the security programs, go get your account back. CHANGE YOUR E-MAIL ADDRESS ON THE ACCOUNT. Sign up for a GMail account, as that can add another level of security that you can link to your smartphone. Use a brand new password that you have never used anywhere else, and never visit any gold selling or GW2 fan sites.

Gem Store saving payment information

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Sindarin.1095


People are getting hacked due to their own stupidity. Using the same E-mail addresses and passwords as every other site they visit. As long as you use a different E-mail and password you should be fine. At the very least use a totally different password and make it strong so that brute force attacks just do not work.