Showing Posts For Skalez.5964:
Why not try out one of the other dailies instead of doing the events?
Thanks for your advice! Thats what I did the other days. But unfortunatly I was on my quest for map completition. Anyway. Does ignoring one problem solve it?
Yas. I know this is where the communication kicks in to avoid (or even better: prevent) overwriting conditions. Thats also a reason why I did not advice this build for open PvE. But thanks for your constructive comment
Edit: Maybe I should have made this clear in my initial post. My fault, sorry!
I felt how my brain cells went into hibernation just from joining Kessex Hills today… The PvE Event Completition Daily causes havoc in low-level areas (and is boring on higher maps – and feels kinda forced too) taking every chance away from new players and alts to complete those events because everything dies the second mobs spawn…It’s also an inferior experience for lvl 80 characters zipping around like a herd of lemmings.
It is very dependable on what you want to do in PvE. In small groups (read:Dungeons) you can use turrets for extra damage and extra boons. Combined with Pistol and E-Gun you are a very capeable supporter. However its not very smart to use this build in open PvE because you lack mobility. Im currently running around with a Static Discharge/Rifle/Wrench/Ram Build. It has very high initial burst and after you first cycle it does consisten damage (on average 1300 with rifle1). I can create a link to my builds later if you guys want
Build 1: Condition Damage/Support
Build 2: Discharge Zerker
(edited by Skalez.5964)
PvP Improvements: 6/10
[-4 points as it is still in beta and no return of the 3 Round Tournament]
Class Balancing: 10/10
[but only becasue I main Ranger & Warrior]
Living Story 1/10
[the first 3 parts took my 1h to complete, and now a temporary dungeon, lawl. +1 sympathy point. It’s the thought that counts.]
Bug fixes 10/10
Misc (guild activities/dungeons)5/10
[-5 for leaving CoF untouched]
Result: [6.4/10]
(edited by Skalez.5964)
Let’s keep it positive. I’ll start with a few.
- Number of players per team
- Server title (appearing in list)
- Autobalance on/off
- Password on/okittenick / ban
- Conquest capture points on/off
Basically this. But I would add a “toggle jungle” option (svanir,chieftain,lord,buffs,orb).
Elementalist: Sylvari/Norn/Human
Engineer: Asura/Charr/Human
Guardian: Human/Norn
Mesmer: Human/Sylvari
Necromancer: Norn/Sylvari/Human
Ranger: All
Thief: All
Warrior: Norn/Human/Charr
GW1 – Warrior (sometimes Ritualist)
GW2 – Warrior for PvE and Ranger for sPvP