Showing Posts For Skatch.6721:

New 1,000 gem cost for world transfer

in Suggestions

Posted by: Skatch.6721


double the price and quadruple the wait period IMO. With guesting online now, there is absolutely no reason people need to move frequently, paying or not.

In the patch notes it specifically says that you cannot participate in WvW when switching servers. So, the primary reason for swapping servers remains.

New 1,000 gem cost for world transfer

in Suggestions

Posted by: Skatch.6721


Hmm.. I think it’s silly to add on a price after having it free for so long. That being said, I understand why they did it. That being said, I believe they should remove/reduce the week cool down if there’s going to be a price on it. Maybe down to 3 days would be good. The 1000 gems is enough to make people not willy nilly server transfer. That’s 13 US dollars (8.28 pounds) or roughly 22 gold. A week added on top of that is too much in my opinion.

Agree? Disagree? Why?

Yet another QQ about 100% zone completion.

in WvW

Posted by: Skatch.6721


Does no one else see a problem with so many people suggesting I server transfer for a week? :x I mean I appreciate the advice, as I have considered it thoroughly myself. But that as a solution seems a wee bit silly

Jus’ me? :x okie /_\

Yet another QQ about 100% zone completion.

in WvW

Posted by: Skatch.6721


I’m at 98% world completion. I’d be at 99% if I cared to finish off the last zone, but seeing as it doesn’t matter until I do my WvW I’ve just stopped trying.

I’m on Sanctum of Rall, and Blackgate seems to be green every single time the scores update.

I believe that once every 3 or 5 days everyone’s colors should alternate, regardless of their score. Sanctum of Rall is pretty high up on the WvW scoreboard, but we keep just missing Blackgate and thus we are continuously blue. I was lucky enough, 6 or 7 weeks ago, to get Red’s exploration done when we managed to push Isle of Janthir back for a couple of hours, but I can’t seem to find a time (if there is one) where we push Blue out of their base.

This is QQ, but I’ve spent over 2 months trying to get 100% Eternal Battlegrounds completion and I haven’t been able to do it. It is irritating, but objectively I do find it unfair that everyone relies on dozens of other player’s to get their 100% zone completion. Especially when there are times where you’re just going to be paired against someone who is stronger and more organized.

Even if it were once a week, that would still make it better, in my opinion.

Jump Puzzle Griefing -- BG

in WvW

Posted by: Skatch.6721


I have to admit that shoving people off cliffs when they attack me is quite entertaining, and the other day I did have great fun using all the traps I could to prevent a bunch of Blackgate players from getting to me (which only worked for about 5 minutes then they got smart,) but it is difficult.

I’m not saying it should be changed, I just find it humorous that people can sit in an empty spot for hours just to have the satisfaction of stopping someone from getting something that affects the campers in no way whatsoever. For instance, if I were up at the end, I’d wait for people to finish the puzzle and then knock em off the cliff ^^

The only frustrating thing for me is that Sanctum of Rall seems to never have more than 2 or 3 people doing the puzzle at a time, although I’m convinced there are guilds across Isle of Janthir and Blackgate that are dedicated to stopping people from doing that puzzle xD

Fractals Disconnects

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Skatch.6721


Yup. the last boss in the 3rd fractal was at 20% health when I got DCed… ^^ I have work next two days, I probably won’t be able to get the achievement because for some reason no one thought about the 7 year-old problem of DCing mid-dungeon… huh…

WvW is messin with my sound! D:

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Skatch.6721


It’s happened 4 or 5 times in the past 2 days, and it’s super strange

What happens is that I’ll be in WvW, in the middle of a giant crowd of people, and my sound will turn off and my left ear bud will play what sounds like a radar. DOOOooo.. DOOOoooo… DOOOooo… It’s loud and obnoxious and is only fixed by restarting gw2. The last time it happened, though, it also DCed me from the game. During prime time.. which means that I have to re-enter the 15-25 minute long queue to get back in ;o

Something that should be added into the game (apart from these bug fixes :P) if you log off INSIDE WvW, you should be saved to that WvW for 10 minutes (I’d say 5 minutes but some peoples’ machines don’t boot up in that amount of time if they have to force-restart.) That way, if someone DCs in the middle of a really important part, they can quickly log right back on and not have to be shoved to the back of the line.

If you haven't done the one-time event...

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Skatch.6721


I’m not the only one who had work all day today and wasn’t able to participate in the event whatsoever. So I believe that for up to an allotted amount of time after the final phase (5 or 7 days,) anyone who joins the map where the one-time only event is happening (who hasn’t completed the event yet) will join an overflow where the event hasn’t been completed. I worked today from 11am-10pm and because of that am probably going to miss out on this one-time event forever . I think that adding a system where you give everyone a couple days (so you don’t rely on luck as much to include them,) to do the event just once would be really nice.

Thoughts? :o

Dye Title?/Achievement

in Suggestions

Posted by: Skatch.6721


Seeing as though the achievements have no weight, and they’re only for each individual person, I think that they should totally make this an achievement. Who cares if someone spends 80 gold getting every single dye for their achievement versus finding their dyes throughout the world. Some people have fun buying their achievements, others have fun finding them. Who cares /how/ someone would get the chievey? It would be fun. Simple as that ^^

Please attach patch notes with every single patch.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Skatch.6721


I’ve played a ton of MMOs in my life, and they all shared one common thing: every time patches came out, the patch notes would be available (instantly) through the launcher. The last two patches haven’t come with patch notes, and all patches before that required hours of waiting before we could have access to the patch notes.

When a patch comes out, I want to know if that annoying bugged skill point over in Char-land has been fixed, or if my powers change in any way. I want to know exactly how my game has been affected and right off the bat, so I can participate in anything that’s been fixed, without having to spend 10s of silver travelling everywhere to see if my SP is bugged or not :x

Do you agree? Disagree? If so, why?

Emissary of the Mad King

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Skatch.6721


It’s getting rather disappointing that after 4 pages of this thread there is zero recognition from the devs. Could we at least be told if it IS a bug, or if we’re missing something? Because if it isn’t a bug and we’re not told until the halloween event ends, there’s gonna be a loooot of angry players.

Emissary of the Mad King

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Skatch.6721


same issue. tried everything, 7/8 achievements (the 8th being the emissary of the mad king)

Emissary of the Mad King 4/5

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Skatch.6721


So I have every single achievement completed, every single one. I’ve played Lunatic Acquisition and the Pumpkin Mausoleum one. I’ve relogged, I’ve zoned out of LA, I’ve swapped characters, I’ve tried it all.

But it won’t give me the last bit of credit for this achievement.

Anyone else have the same problem? If so, any solutions?