Hey Skaven — I’ve always admired your work, it’s great that you were on the stream to show what you do and a pleasure to welcome you to the Partner Program!
I’m going to tuck in an image in CSL this month, too. The only challenge is picking just ONE!
Thanks Gaile!
Glad you like my work. I am really downed today for seeing i cannot participate in contest because country eligibility. Really angry and politics involved, sorry for being ranting on forum.
It just really hurt me personally, never believed that could happen. Still can’t.
Sorry again.
Here are mine. Made them long time ago, but i am not eligible to enter contest, so, they will be forgotten. So here they are here.
Hi guys, long time no see! Was busy schedule lol
I am proud to announce my partnership program with ANet, watch me doing time lapse of Charr Engineer tomorrow on their channels
And, still, three years after, no GUILD Wars, in GUILD Wars game…No PVP mode for it…I will never understand why that is even a question, it should be there from the start…
The 111 flamethrower spamming is outstanding. I’ve never seen harder 111 spamming before. Haha
Well, it was the time when no other skill were working for me, and the lag, oh the lag, and the low fps because of recording. Did my best anyway, and i am not even an engi
Also, i know i suck in video, but it was 9FPS and for me it looked like comic book and i could not do more with skills, they just didn’t get off Oh yeah, and i am main thief, suck as engi :P
What you guys are really missing is the fact back then no one really knew what they were doing, i.e. the flame engineer and sloppy large fights.
Now, the builds/gear really tight and the groups skill level is high. Thats why fights dont drag on that much, because commanders know what classes they need to use to hit hard.
Oh so so naive. It’s cute really.
I find it hilarious when people try to act like they’re better than the real competition that has already left. It’s like calling Newton stupid because we learn what he discovered at university today.. they don’t understand the concept of innovation. The metabattle.com heroes of today wouldn’t stand a chance against the guilds this game once had.
That is somehow true. I would not count out people that playing at the moment, but saying people from the past didn’t know how to play is too far fetched. Game was more complicated than now with much more diversity, which, at the end, put commanders to tougher challenge than it is now, since there is mostly 2 builds left per class
It is just really really sad that many many people left because of stale/dumbed down game. We are mostly now on BDO, but still coming back for some fights, merged servers should happen a year ago, or maybe earlier…and balance updates should be every week, or so, not every six months, or so.
Beautiful game with SUCH potential. I never will have a good reason why in guild wars game you don’t have….guild wars…:D
That is why i put this video, for all fokls to remember of the good, excellent times of WvW in it’s prime
What you guys are really missing is the fact back then no one really knew what they were doing, i.e. the flame engineer and sloppy large fights.
Now, the builds/gear really tight and the groups skill level is high. Thats why fights dont drag on that much, because commanders know what classes they need to use to hit hard.
Oh so so naive. It’s cute really.
I agree with you both. Pity, really really want to get to those ages…That is why i posted our best video from that time
Many things changed, some good, but mostly bad. For all of us, was way more fun than it is now, sadly.
Thanks for the video! great music and good fights =)
In that period flourished really good battle moments:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nP0xF6OQvLgGood times, for www and our server :P
Oh yes….Those open field fights where you don’t even know where to run anymore because of all action around you
Good times, for both, yeah. Still crying myself to sleep because it is no more
was also enjoyable for a pug
Definitely! Nice escape at 1:25
We felt like defenders of Helm’s Deep that day, that is all what matters. FUN.
Look at that zerg disaster… no one even knows what they are hitting. This is the only game I played where zerging was “cool.”
We never were zerg type group, as you can see in other videos, i am talking about the fun of defending the keep, for example. I am not talking about zergs, and of course it would take that much people to take down so much of an attacking force. Wrong stuff you are seeing there. We are small group trying to do stuff.
What about Helm’s Deep fight in LotR? Zerg zerg zerg, and i thought people were saying that was epic, isn’kitten
Ah, those fun WvW days…When traits weren’t dumbed down, and stability worked, and people, oh, the people…
Pity it is no more… Thanks ANet for great game that it WAS, and pity ANet didn’t make it glorious.
Hahahaha…let me show you how it was in GLORY days. Problems with lagging so 1 skill used often BUT!!!!!
This was GLORY! Bring WvW to these days!
Awesome, great cosplay of one of my fav armors
I will definitely do some fan art, as i am doing it from the start! Great to hear about showcase, may i ask if there will be any weapons contests like GW 1 had? Apart from these, i would submit some more designs. Also, is there a fan art page that we can submit our work, official one, since here you easily lost your own thread if you pause a bit
Hopefully you will like these!
Add damage to traps. 20 would be enough. Just to reveal the thief when you run in in one of his traps while he just condibombs you while in stealth. The other classes using traps have to deal with the same thing, thieves shouldn’t get a greencard for that.
So….what….one build that is viable now and fun to play, and hard as hell…You want that nerfed too? So… No pistol/pistol, all other crap builds and one meta, D/P, and now people are playing stealth trapper, 2nd build that is remotely good in WvW and nowhere else….That should be also nerfed and should not exist.
Very nice of you. Nerf thief to the ground, more and more! Why not, NERF NERF NERF. Don’t worry, it will be nerfed.
I am sick of crying about thief has ANYTHING. Not EVERYTHING, it has SOMETHING!, NERF IT!
Great video. Comprehensive and fun. Hopefully they will listen
They’re deadly in one-on-one combat using their agility, acrobatic fighting style, and the ability to steal to overcome their enemies. – GW2pedia.
If this is +1 that everyone is talking about…then fine. Thief should be BETTER in 1v1 than any other class. Period.
You are very welcome Hoew
Hoew Hoew comission, hope you will like it!
Great art. Its amazing. Wondering if you are currently working for a company or if you are a freelance artist?
Also how is your card game going?
I’m also working on one. Minus the artistic talent. But I would love to hear how far you gone on that.
Thank you very much!
Currently i am working two jobs, none of them are like the art i am working on, sadly I am not yet in the “industry”, but trying my best to get in
Card game is at hold at the moment, not enough time to work on it while working and practicing my drawing skills, but, i will resume the work on it soon, i hope I am currently in the phase of reconsidering the number of stats for card, to not make it so complicated with 10 stats
Or to make a different visual approach of showing up upgraded stats. It would be far easier to make it online, but i want both online and table top versions.
We will see how it goes
What is your game about, if is it ok to ask?
They probably get input from “elite” players who loves their backstabbing DP build, and have no idea of game design. So, we have two options for why thief is so bad:
1. Designer doesn’t play it. We all saw how he knows all traits and styles ( chuckle ) – by my HO, game designer is not a good game designer if he doesn’t play his own game, and goes by theory crafting.
2. Players who give input aren’t knowledgeable in game design, and should NOT give input. So far one, maybe two builds are viable and ALL others are pretty much sub par.
I guess not, they have much better artist, but iam doing my best, and will try to get a job at ANet, i may work at GW4
CROW WvW Guild and Guild Wars Fan Art, hope you will like it! Will do more, in near future.
I am open for fast pics of your characters, so, hit me up with inbox. I can do few fast ones during one week. Of course, send your char screens!
If you want, follow me on Deviant Art, FB and YT!
So….Thaddeus, trinkets are cheaper than traits? Clap clap.
and 1 that works and make sense
I do not want it for 1v1. I stated what i think, and you are starting whining and opiniating? Ok, it is great trait, leave at it. Why not something more useful too, like cure condition every X secs for you and allies, or something else. Also, for PvE’s who play alone it means absolutely nothing. I understand where it comes from and how to use, it is ONLY in groups, which happens, but half of other time it doesn’t mean anything. That is the point of this great, but a bit “hard to chew” trait…
Not every trait is good for everything….Nor i did say anything similar. I just think it is pretty lazy trait that you must have. It should be adept or something similar, not minor. That is just my opinion, and it is not really that good.
Sure, but that change is not justifiable for this problem. It has no negative effects, but it has no positive at all, considering enhancement of minor traits. Only in few situations, as i explained, you can use it. Not good at all.
Yeah, i really think that is a miss trait and it has been overlooked. Please, ANet, fix this.
They had few misses earlier too, in one of the videos, there was flanking strikes trait, or something similar, which said “something, something AND breaks stun when attacking ( hit ) enemy from side or behind”….I was, whut? If you are stunned, how will you hit anyone, AND from side and behind….I was watching that part few times It looks, for me, that someone there isn’t doing it’s best job in understanding of some details of the game.
Merciful Ambush: Stealth yourself and your target for 3 seconds when reviving an ally. You revive allies 10% faster. (Former Adept Trickery trait)
So, in 1v1 is unusable? If you can’t, in group fight, get to someone to revive him, it is unusable? Really? Minor trait? That is the best you can think of?
Really sucks, but really. It works only in particular conditions, and doesn’t give us ANY advantage or adds anything in fight….
Well, this is not about what they stated…As we all know, ANet has their PR, and as every other game, they will lie. Do you remember manifesto? What lies were there and what is going on now?
And, did we threat to quit the game? Those threats are elitist egoistic crap, and you cannot turn it other way. If you do not like it, do not play it. Simple as that. So, they said it will not be grindy, but it is. I do not like grindy games, but you do not see me here having my ego through the roof and stating this bullcrap. I am still playing the game, and love more stuff than i hate, and you do not see me going:" CHANGE THAT AND THAT OR MY GUILD WILL LEAVE". <<<< again, ELITIST attitude.
Some new art is coming soon, so…Make sure you check it out
Until that:
Our bloby defence from yesterday. Blobly blob of Gunnar’s Hold
I know you all whine about something that is not up your…but, this is mostly why i come into WvW, for GREAT and EPIC fights…
Some CORE and friends fun from GH:
Some Legendary suggestions by me:
Some fun action from GH’s [CORE] and friends from last two days…More to come, enjoy
I just wanted to stop by and say thanks for awesome fights last night, and thanks to two DZ guys ( mesmer and guardian )who battled big white Norn thief chick with shadowsteps, very nice fights, and i laughed hard at Surmia guys who interrupted us, and died honorably.
Keep them coming, i love matchups like these. Have fun guys and cya at battlegrounds
(edited by Skaven Zverov.2984)
I still love my S/D sega-mega-ultimate-blaster build without stealth, just for laughs when they die under my awesome power Hail to S/D and no stealth builds! They can’t whine about stealth anymore
I just want to add that it is fun fighting a balanced game, and it doesn’t matter to some if we are winning of losing, as long as it is tight game. For me, and some that i know that is what matters, tight, adrenaline filled fights and point scores.
Cya at the battlegrounds
Ok, my two cents:
Ideas for anti-hacking of Orbs, simple things that can be done. Orbs are teleported back directly from players hands to the original place if: player is above ground more than game allows it for player to be. Same thing should happen when speed is more than 50% ( which i believe is the top speed for players ) and some other mechanisms that will directly hurt any kind of hacking. Hire me, i will deal with them, i dare you!
So far, i still see only other complaining that thieves are still OP. Not vice versa.
I am pretty sure that when anyone gets beat by a class, it has nothing to do with skill.
I have even seen rangers and engis called OP. I dont give much credence to it, but if you really feel thieves werent a faceroll class before.. dont know what to tell ya! I deleted my thief (in full exos, though I did salvage them!) because I prefer a challenge. I will admit, Id like to try it out with these changes, but it will have to wait until I have another character slot.
I feel the same way about ele, for the most part. Though, I am a bit outspoken on that one. I just tell my fellow eles to go into each fight and just press 1-2-3-4-5 and switch attunement, then rinse and repeat. Surprising how good the class still is, but its mainly the arcana bunker which is the issue (thats rarely brought up). Just my opinion, of course.
I am not saying there weren’t, never did say that. But only 1 build was viable to call OP. Same for Mes, W, Ele…I play without stealth, and still is very competitive. This is about stealth, not one build. And, for example, i had a massive problems with DD ele’s until i made one myself and learn the class. From then, it is MUCH MUCH easier to deal with them. Same applies for Thieves.
Im just waiting for the thieves to start claiming they are now underpowered. Its coming, I would almost guarantee it.
As for the fixes, just have to see how it works out. Always takes a bit to really start seeing the differences, and culling alone is a pretty substantial change (not just for thieves).
That is all.
So far, i still see only other complaining that thieves are still OP. Not vice versa.
It is an additional one second plus the culling fix. How about we actually see how these two changes combined actually play out before complaining it is not enough?
The culling fix is completely overblown and it’s a common argument used by people playing thieves.
You don’t need to ‘see how it plays out’ to realize that it’s still hopelessly broken. This change does nothing to fix things. As it stands, any person playing a thief in wvw should never die. Adding 1 more second to ‘revealed’ will do nothing to fix this.nothing.
You already tried? And culling was the major issue of players vs thieves. Ah, you know everything, and you already played this patch for 20 hours, and YOU KNOW it will change nothing? Please…
And you know culling was the major issue of players vs thieves? Ah, you know everything…
Explain how culling will suddenly allow players to kill thieves who can restealth within 4 seconds and run away.
Maybe with some practice? A bit learning of the class itself? I use no stealth in my build and people still cannot down me that fast. And now what? I destroy stealth thieves WITHOUT stealth, how is that possible?
Oh, yes, you know everything, and i do not know my thief…Probably i killed only lvl 10, right? Lol…whiners will whine.
It is an additional one second plus the culling fix. How about we actually see how these two changes combined actually play out before complaining it is not enough?
The culling fix is completely overblown and it’s a common argument used by people playing thieves.
You don’t need to ‘see how it plays out’ to realize that it’s still hopelessly broken. This change does nothing to fix things. As it stands, any person playing a thief in wvw should never die. Adding 1 more second to ‘revealed’ will do nothing to fix this.nothing.
You already tried? And culling was the major issue of players vs thieves. Ah, you know everything, and you already played this patch for 20 hours, and YOU KNOW it will change nothing? Please…
I am sorry, but there is TWO nerfs for Thieves. 1 second revealed, which is good, and culling, which is better. So, until you try it yourself with new (exciting ) patch, please, stop with stupid theories.