Showing Posts For Skergx.7562:
No idea where to post this, so I’ll do it here.
I love the transformation of the Infinite Watchknight Tonic, but please can we see an increased duration on this thing or at least shorten that cooldown. It’s a shame I can’t strut around my vanity item for so long.
I’m pretty sure half of the people that got this bloody thing has banked it and never used it again simply due to it’s terrible cooldown.
Then what irritates me is the Potion of Ascalonian Mages has its long duration AND it’s usable in WvW
After 6 months — Buff Watchknight Tonic, pl0x
(On a side note, could we find a way to have the spinal blades show up in this transformation? The lack of this is really doubting my time doing the kitten living story)
(edited by Skergx.7562)
Updated post with our schedule
I got a few questions of vital importance
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Skergx.7562
Well the real question to this thread… which I totally fixed… Is this “madness” scarlet keeps ranting on about.. is it an Elder Dragon? The Mursaat? What do you guys speculate the purpose of this drill is. What is this madness in her head.
I got a few questions of vital importance
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Skergx.7562
WHAT IS THIS THINGY FOR? The teleporter thing
Other questions include:
Why can’t I rob the bank?
Why is lawson just straight stupid?
Why doesn’t the vigil just bring in their kitten mega lasers?
Why isn’t pact technology being used whatsoever to respond to this dire situation?
Why is Scarlet so much of a Harley Quinn?
Why can’t I spread my peanut butter correctly on my bread without tearing it up?
Why Quaggan?
Why are the tengu just sniping people down as we get close to their precious door?
Why is the tengu door so important?
Why — I mean really, there’s a giant drill tearing up the joint next door, you’d think they consider hopping on top of it and — I don’t know — Killing Scarlet?
and Why did I have a hard time formatting this thing in BBcode?
(edited by Skergx.7562)
Hey guys, added a new link near the the top of the OP that will direct you to a recruitment thread about our PvP tournament crew!
bump in the name of Dolyaks!
Before I begin — For the love god, Teamspeak is required. Like.. srsly
Anyways, Team Yakslapper (NA) is a wide-range tPvP group looking to expand our possible roster.
My team is looking for members comfortable in filling multiple roles and are willing to learn new roles if required.
The roles we are most interested in looking for is:
Far-point Debunker — Engi or Guard
Home Bunker — Ranger, necro, portal mesmer
mid bunker — Staff regen guard
Team CC bruiser — Ham-war, Thief, Confusion Mesmer
If you play a build that can fill the above roles impressively, but you are not listed — Feel free to contact us anyways
Our team Schedule is:
Saturday & Sunday: 7PM EST
Monday, Wednesday & Thursday: 8PM EST
If you are any of these and you are interested in a serious tourny team that has fun with intensive tPvP — please send mail to skergx.7562 — Feel free to leave a comment on this thread also — If you want a more instant response, message me on Steam
If you are interested in joining a PvP/WvW guild based on the server Gate of Madness — allow me to direct you to this thread with more info: Yakslapper Squad recruitment
(edited by Skergx.7562)
I think Metabolic primer is an awesome item, but for constant competitive use in WvW is madly expensive.
Is there any insight on lowering the gem price to 50-100 gems? I’m sure there would be a lot more purchases from us WvW junkies if the gem price was 50.
Or maybe increase the primer duration between 24h – 48h
Yakslapper Squad [YAK]
Server: Gate of Madness
Yakslapper Squad is a guild founded on the battlefield in World vs World! We are looking for individuals that enjoy doing WvW as a tight squad and spend a lot of time competing in tournaments. Our guild is influential on Gate of Madness and has leaders always planning server-wide events every week.
Competitive mindset is recommended if you wish to be apart of our guild’s event!
Please look at the attachment for a preview of our usual event schedule!
If you are interested in also joining an intense PvP guild, allow me to direct you to this thread! Team Yakslapper recruitment
What we accomplish in our guild
- WvW: Skilled and organized raid groups taking on things bigger than ourselves! If you want epic battles and grand look — Bring alcohol and a fiery tenacity!
- tPvP: Team YAK is often running matches late in the night. See above for details on our epic team.
-PvE Were not big on the whole world boss thing, but we do enjoy running dungeons and gearing our characters inside Fractals. If you enjoy 5-man PvE… well, we do too!
What we are looking for:
-Rough, tough, and great to know individuals to join our squad. Experience and knowledge are not required as we train each of our members! We do expect that each member joining show proper sportsmanship in their behavior as we plan on becoming a respectful competitive guild.
We enjoy helping our members grow and become much more powerful players. We assist all of our lower levels and inexperienced players to make sure you get the most out of Guild Wars 2!
Yakslapper Squad is proud to announce the Gladiators of Madness Tournament! A seasonal event that is exclusive to Gate of Madness players that will be hosted by our own guild. All of the most influential guilds of GoM will be attending the event with teams to represent their glory. Money, fame, and respect will be the reward of this grand event.
Not on Gate of Madness? Join anyways! We are always looking for bright and fun individuals to join our growing community!
send mail to “skergx.7562” for more on the guild
(edited by Skergx.7562)
This deserves a bit of attention — I have an android final project coming up for my class and I am building something to benefit my guild. It would help to use these assets.
“Working in secret, the sinister reptilian krait have created the Tower of Nightmares with the help of the Nightmare Court and some other mysterious benefactor” –
So yeah, we’ll have Kraits (who, as lore says, make no alliances due to their religion and xenophobism, but….Scarlet! And everything ridiculous and clunky explained) and more Black Salad. Seriously, we’ve been getting same crap for like months now. Plants, sylvaris, Trees, “mysterious seeds”, technic fetishes….
Arena Net has to be full of people really interested in modern gardening.Holy kitten this, I’m sick of the Sylvari as the main point for EVERYTHING. I understand it’s part of the lore, but i just don’t find them interesting at all. I’d rather have something with the Dwarves or maybe Moredremoth
ArenaNet using all the potential in their current lore to write an interesting storyline would be too easy.
Lmao — I think it’s safe to say Scarlet is the most copy/paste Antagonist in the entire game.
I think most Scarlet haters just want something original and unique to the series.