Showing Posts For Skyline.1283:
Thanks for the feedback, I’m listening.
Interesting points about not attacking when the necro is green, SpellOfIniquity. I actually find that most opponents don’t care about such things and keep beating on me through these skills regardless.
I’ve played the Necro’ profession for ages (some 1150 hours) – almost exclusively in normal WvW, and I gotta admit I just don’t get it.
Countless 1 v 1’s and it feels like 99% of them, I come off second best regardless of gear (I carry 4 sets) and spec’ – I regularly cycle 3 – 4 of these looking for inspiration. I’ve got a full set of crafted ascended ’zerker gear, exotic soldiers, knights and rabid gear – with crafted ascended weapons.
Even the law of averages suggests that I should see more ‘wins’ than I do.
For instance this morning, I’m full zerker, 3k power, 52% crit, 225% increased crit damage, chasing a warrior with a couple non-damage reducing boons ticking and dark path doesn’t land so I’m stuck at range. My life blasts are critting for 2k. I’m never, ever going to kill this guy – yet I know from experience that if he could be bothered to engage I’d be dead in under 10 seconds. with not a chance of defending myself or escaping.
If I mix things up and run Soldiers gear with other builds with up to 34k hp and 2900 armor and ascended zerker trinkets (say), all it does it prolongs the inevitable as damage is mediocre and everyone seems to out heal it.
Playing in Australia with 260+ ping, I feel as though opportunities to recognise skills opponents are about to use are rare.
How do I get better? I’ve watched many, many videos and quite frankly I have trouble believing that much of what I see is remotely possible based on my experiences, without the opponent being awful or an up-level when I have trouble even putting a dent in some non-combative human opponents.
I find the necro’ an underwhelming class to play which only offers occasional moments of inspiration.
Being predominantly a WvW’er, unless the stars align, I get melted by just about everyone and most fights last only a few seconds.
Doesn’t matter what gear sets or spec’ that’s used – almost everyone else is better.
Absolutely right, I was on my necro yesterday, and along with one Ranger (to begin with) we could not take down a solitary warrior – it’s healing was ridiculous. The guy even whispered me to ask if I was OK.
Granted, I couldn’t break combat to switch out a couple of skills that would be more suited to 1 v 1, so I was stuck with wells.
He turns his gaze to me an in a few hits my life is all gone – deathshroud too. That was with 2600 armor.
I only actively play this necro, but I’m sick of playing a character that simply has no chance whatsoever – everyone knows it which is why we’re the first target.
“A good necro can drop half the zerg in one bomb, and it ain’t a condi necro.”
I’d really like to know what you’re doing that I’m not, because I call BS on that claim.
I’ve heard people boasting about DS 1, 2-shotting Guardians from half health but in full ascended zerker gear I feel like I could DS 1 all day without taking one down, then they’d turn around an kill me in 5 seconds…
Build doesn’t matter; you will die to pretty much everyone and everyone will want to kill you first…
@Lethal Stranger.5093.
I should have clarified, when I run full zerker, it is with a 6/2/0/0/6 build. 400ms+ latency (Australia) does ensure that reaction times are limited vs thieves.
Neither would I go chasing Guardians in a zerg. This only happens at during opportune moments, such as when one is broken off from their group and heading in wrong direction.
I’ve played around 800 WvW levels (not EOTM) on this Necro so plenty of experience in group and solo play.
I WvW only. and the only way I can survive on my Necro is to run 0/2/6/6/0 or 2/2/6/5/0, dagger + staff, soldiers gear with Hoelbrak runes; 3k armor, 2.5k Power and Plague Form. This absolutely keeps thieves from bursting me down – even two.
That said, plenty of Warriors and Guardians rip through that in no time.
There’s no point going full ‘zerker, as much fun as it can be – I’ve got a set of crafted ascended gear but I melt from the retaliations alone in zerg fights, and when chasing Guardians – not that I can keep up for long, they can have a slither of life and DS / life blast can’t finish them without corrupt boon, my full zerker life blast won’t move their HP bar.
I carry 3 power sets of gear and 1 condition set, and have probably 6 builds on paper.
Anet probably needs to find a way to ensure reasonably similar numbers of average players in each of the 3 corners each week in WvW.
By measuring average attendance of the past week, they could elevate a lower ranked server to join an out-manned higher tier server – providing the server positions for that week were going to remain unchanged.
Obviously the mechanics of the league table would change somewhat, but hopefully it would provide new inspiration when two servers get joined for the week.
I WvW almost exclusively and have tried so many specs. Using a Dagger-Focus / Staff, and the following spec’, I’ve had far more success than with any other.
I get targetable Wells, lots of Retaliation, high armor and great dagger burst. Until I came up with this spec, I felt like a walking WvW bag.
I was fighting a warrior earlier, and needed to pop into DS. My Life Force was slowly depleting as you’d expect, but my actual health pool was also reducing.
I’ve seen this happen many times but don’t know why; what sort of feature is this?
Dang, son! So I tried it out and then switched back to my FGS after killing about three people. I don’t like abusing stuff but I like seeing what’s up. So just for everyone’s reference, there is definitely a problem here.
You’re very lucky – I’m getting 4k-4.7k crits. That’s when it actually hits anyone and doesn’t just float straight passed them.
I’ll have to give that a go. Necro’ damage is pretty unremarkable so it’d be nice to have a surprise up one’s sleeve every 3 minutes.
Would make a nice change from getting 12k Eviscerated (on 2600 armor), followed by triple & double chops to the tune of 15k total; death (in seconds) while waiting my heal to go off.
Actually, I’d agree that the new patch offers very little in the way of survivability. I’d have welcomed the extra survivability for the fact that I can pretty much kill no-one 1 v 1. I’m getting sick of being blown away by every other class – except ironically, necro’s.
I’m almost exclusively WvW, ‘have just hit 620 ranks and I’ve probably managed to win 1 v 1, only a dozen times or so. Other classes rip through my life force and life pool in such a short time regardless of spec and gear.
I’d have to almost be in a coma to be having such a bad experience with my necro.