When one decides what to do in a game it should be apparent what gives what rewards, from the sounds of it, everyone who played WvW before knew it gave kitten all and played it anyway, hence they made a decision about it, they hardly made the decision with a motivation “if I zerg a ton now maybe I will get rewarded sometime in 2017”. Retroactive rewards by their very nature are dumb since they reward players for a non-decision.
When I play in PvE in my favorite zones I do so without motivation for a given or specific drop, a precursor for example, so should chance of said dropping be eliminated from anyone who does not specifically state what exactly they might be hoping for as a reward?
No, of course not. Every specific drop I’ve ever gotten has been, “a non-decision.” There is however a somewhat common, reasonable in my opinion, assumption that your time and effort spent in an endeavor in game will be rewarded by the game. Correcting what some might consider design errors in this area is not a bad thing.
Non-decision in this context refers to the fact that doing the thing giving the reward was made without knowledge of the reward, not regardless of if there was a reward or not.
But you are aware of what the rewards are/have the possibility to be, personally I don’t think extremely low drop rate items such as precursor drops really have a place, but this is hardly the place for that discussion.
I am all for WvW giving rewards and I think it not giving good rewards from the start was a bad decision, however everyone who played the gamemode were perfectly aware of it and clearly played it for the actual fun of it. Giving out rewards retroactively has as clearly shown done nothing but create animosity.
I am fairly certain every single MMORPG player is aware that not all parts of the game is equally rewarding
The difference between a rank 1032 and a rank 9791 player is not comparable, the only difference is that they have played differently/for different amounts of time.
Or the difference between these two individuals could be that the higher ranked individual is more skilled, perhaps due to much more practice. The difference between these two individuals could be a matter of the lower ranked player being more skilled at individual play while the higher ranked is more knowledgeable about commanding….we do not know what the difference is without examining the individuals so it is questionable to claim what the, “only difference is,” without doing so.
Keywords here are “could be” and “we do not know”, hence giving them different rewards seems a bit weird, no?
rank in WvW means absolutely nothing.
A puzzling inaccuracy. Earlier in your post you claim that it does mean something, giving an example, and here you contradict yourself. Rank means something, potentially one of the most important things to the developer…how much you play
What I obviously mean is that rank means nothing as a skill indicator, which it does not, that much should be clear from the post.
Rank is a combination of a few factors, mainly how much WvW one has played, and how much of that time was spent doing the most “rewarding” activity, which happens to be omniblobbing, which is very nonconductive to skillful play. Beyond rank 482 or so, it has absolutely no impact on ability to contribute, before that there is situational differences.
And to people saying that high ranked players are the ones keeping the gamemode alive, that is completely insane, most of the high ranked players have gotten it through omniblobbing. Omniblobbing is killing the gamemode and is what makes many players steer clear of WvW. Omniblobbing is the reason there is lag in WvW among being among the reason actual fights are hard to find.
Some interesting, “no true scotsman,” arguing there.
When you say, “most,” what percentage do you mean?
Just arguing against the omniblobbers who claim to be the reason the gamemode is still alive, while i believe they are the reason many people avoid it.
Gonna make a rough estimate that about 100% of the people with a rank of 6k+ primarily zergs or used to primarily zerg in WvW as reaching it any other way while not impossible is truly a massive time investment.