Showing Posts For Slim.3208:

11/22: BG/SoS/Mag (Gold League Round 6)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Slim.3208


Carebear Unit [CB] is accepting all 15v15 GvGs

We run late Oceanic to early SEA time

If you are interested, please contact me in game

Sea of Swag ~
[CB] Carebear Unit Co-Leader
Accepting All 15v15s

10/25 JQ/ SOS/ Mag (Gold Season Match 2)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Slim.3208


Hey SoS, thanks for all the fun fights tonight.
Had a ton load of fun. /hugs

Score Update.

See everyone in round 3

Thanks to you too for the good fights Also shoutout to TKG and WvW for the good fights this week

Sea of Swag ~
[CB] Carebear Unit Co-Leader
Accepting All 15v15s

10/25 JQ/ SOS/ Mag (Gold Season Match 2)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Slim.3208


Awkward moment when Mag blobs harder then JQ, the kitten that happens in gold league :S

Sea of Swag ~
[CB] Carebear Unit Co-Leader
Accepting All 15v15s

10/11 SoR/SBI/SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Slim.3208


All this talk from SoS players saying SoR is disgraceful, match fixing, lost respect blah, bah blah. Its nonsense I’ve spent all night (EU) fighting SBI on EB and its been the most fun I’ve had all week. Where is SoS? Nowhere to be seen. To me it seems SoS is throwing their match and not even trying to put up a fight. So who are the match fixers here? How can we possibly focus SoS when there is nobody to focus? Do you think we are not gonna take your unguarded keeps and towers?

Thank you so much SBI for coming out and fighting tonight despite overwhelming odd’s you still came at us all guns blazing. I tip my tin foil hat to you good sir’s.

Awkward moment when a european guild is complaining about not having fights … on an NA server. Gee wonder what the problem there is …

I was online in EB 10 hours ago, and there were plenty of people who were wary of SoR’s intentions. And we still fought SoR in open field, SoR still defended the towers and keeps they owned. And SoS? We barely saw them.

That might be because that’s the late SEA/European timezone. We only have a couple of guilds on during that time.

Sea of Swag ~
[CB] Carebear Unit Co-Leader
Accepting All 15v15s

(edited by Slim.3208)

10/11 SoR/SBI/SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Slim.3208


Moment of truth.

Dat guild chat LOL

Sea of Swag ~
[CB] Carebear Unit Co-Leader
Accepting All 15v15s

10/11 SoR/SBI/SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Slim.3208


If you’re going to have a GvG, don’t just mindlessly wipe the sideline over and over because you can’t handle losing. You SBI guys lost to Choo, boohoo…..they’re a good guild.

We’re going to go out of our way to interfere now with every GvG SBI has the rest of the week. No respect for the spectators means no respect for you.

I just wanted to watch the GvG Where’s the love for the spectators?

Sea of Swag ~
[CB] Carebear Unit Co-Leader
Accepting All 15v15s

(edited by Slim.3208)

10/11 SoR/SBI/SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Slim.3208


Good to see you again AT Thanks for the fights on SoS BL tonight was a heap of fun. Also thank you to Ph and IRON for the fights as well. That fight at North Camp, first time I ever lost my voice Lol. Good Luck for the rest of the week

Edit: Oh my guildies beat me to the forums :P

Sea of Swag ~
[CB] Carebear Unit Co-Leader
Accepting All 15v15s

(edited by Slim.3208)

Last Spot in Gold League

in WvW

Posted by: Slim.3208


It’s the same in reverse for us. Our night time will be very sad in gold tier but NA will be very sad in silver tier. In essence, lol leagues

We should combine to form Sea of Magswag

Sea of Swag ~
[CB] Carebear Unit Co-Leader
Accepting All 15v15s

20/9 - SoS vs. CD vs. BP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Slim.3208


Had fun fighting both BP, and SoS tonight guys, will be a nice week. Good fights to both of you!

Found you Pancakes

Sea of Swag ~
[CB] Carebear Unit Co-Leader
Accepting All 15v15s

8/30 DB/EBay/SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Slim.3208


So yeah, this is going on right now on our BL. Just me and one from [GF] in attendance. DB to the right of me, a MASSIVE amount of SoS to the left.

That was our one of our gvgs Also [BEAR] and [ART] were there on the sidelines so that might explain the amount of SoS :P

Special thank you to [AT] and [Omen], was our first 2 gvgs for our guild and we thank you for the experience gained from both

Sea of Swag ~
[CB] Carebear Unit Co-Leader
Accepting All 15v15s

8/30 DB/EBay/SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Slim.3208


Lol did jinks get banned? and I like azure more, much more entertaining. At least he puts some though into his posts.

Sea of Swag ~
[CB] Carebear Unit Co-Leader
Accepting All 15v15s

[vH] Recruiting Hard Core WvWvW Players

in Looking for...

Posted by: Slim.3208


Welcome to SoS guys, glad to have you here. Been heaps fun running with you this past week, look forward to many more weeks to come My personal new goal is to become as good a commander as ben Lol.

Sea of Swag ~
[CB] Carebear Unit Co-Leader
Accepting All 15v15s

8/2 SoS/DB/CD

in Match-ups

Posted by: Slim.3208


TLDR: It does stink that we don’t have even numbers but such is the way wvw seems to be going. All we can do is make the best of what’s around…. or just do what we do on SoS and #BlameSlim2013

Lol if that catches on in other servers :P

Sea of Swag ~
[CB] Carebear Unit Co-Leader
Accepting All 15v15s

7/19 BP/SOS/EB

in Match-ups

Posted by: Slim.3208


A bitter fight between GF and ZERG gets kicked up a notch, and then SoS joins in

I’m sorry but neither of you were welcome on our borderlands and I guess I was nominated to be the evicting commander.

Sea of Swag ~
[CB] Carebear Unit Co-Leader
Accepting All 15v15s

7/19 BP/SOS/EB

in Match-ups

Posted by: Slim.3208


Pointing out that SoS is winning because they PvDoor when BP and EB are sleeping isn’t “chest thumping”, its just pointing out a fact about the score. It doesn’t even really seem to read as a complaint so much as a statement of fact, one that we have to accept and one that must be kind of boring for your oceanic guilds (unless they enjoy the lack of real opposition).

We don’t really night-cap considering the fact that the servers are supposed to be North American. Yea I get that your night is our day, but that goes back to the point that is is just an unfortunate system. What would make it more interesting is if the oceanic players didn’t congregate to a few servers, but spread themselves more evenly so as to have some competition on the battlefield at all times of day. Who knows what you all enjoy, but I can’t think its fun going into empty maps all the time.

And yes, the score and night capping PvDoor correlation is quite evident in when you all score your points. Again, its just a fact not a complaint. I’ve actually enjoyed playing WvW this week.

I don’t remember ever mentioning that you complaining about “night capping” was what I was referring to when I said “chest thumping”. What I was referring to was this …

It soon became apparent we could wipe your qued maps with just 20 people, and that’s pretty much what we started doing.

and …

I usually use the nightly zergballs as target practice for new and inventive arrow cart placements. Like ontop of the Lighthouse in Lowlands Keep … And let the results show! 20 lootbags later, the experiment was deemed a success.

And then come morning, we clean up the mess left behind and get back to what is truly important. Making SoS shell out money to reupgrade their keeps

and …

SoS borderlands is looking a little Green. Should probably get that checked out. Could be serious.

Now about our oceanics, you guys seem to have this illusion that we are some massive force, equivalent to 4 queued maps or something (I can exaggerate too) but in reality theres no more then 100 of us, if even that, spread out across all 4 maps. Now you may have a point in saying it’d be good if we spread out, but the whole point of being on one server was so that we had other people who played in the same timezone as us. Well that’s how was for me when I picked SoS at headstart. But I admire your ability to actually come up with something of worth rather than that other guy :/

Anyways this matchups almost over, and both servers have given us some good fights. Best of luck for the rest of the matchup, may the fights continue until reset

Sea of Swag ~
[CB] Carebear Unit Co-Leader
Accepting All 15v15s

7/19 BP/SOS/EB

in Match-ups

Posted by: Slim.3208


I’m really not though. You guys DO PvDoor from the hours of 4 AM US East Coast to around 11 AM US East Coast. We can usually keep up the fight until 4 AM because the US West Coast is still awake. But after 4, everything falls to pieces. By 9 AM its 11 PM in Melbourne. A few of us are waking up, but only to go to work/school. By Noon you guys are finally going to bed, and we are starting to trickle in. Of course, as I pointed out, Ehmry is awake too by this point and SoS’s North American is too, so it becomes a three way fight, not the one sided karma train of earlier.

And you do run a horde of uplevels, don’t lie :P I think what’s annoying you the most is probably the fact that we aren’t even really playing against you, but rather, against Ehmry Bay (and they are the same, I’m sure). Don’t really see the point in trying either, because to play against SoS is to have no life, or sleep. So enjoy that free WXP guys. Its not your fault you have nobody to play with during your prime time. Blame Anet for not creating servers for Asia.

I’m confused, your literally contradicting yourself here. Let me spell out for you, what it looks like from my side. From your previous posts on the forums you mentioned you got 20 bags on 1 arrow cart, and on another occasion you mention being able to wipe a “queued map zerg” with only 20 bp. Then you go and say “to play against SoS is to have no life, or sleep”. Please explain.

Now you may have quoted my post, but you took no note and replied to nothing I mentioned. But not just that you’ve gone off on a tangent, completely missed the point of my post, and spurted off some nonsense about “night capping” yet again. If you actually bothered to take the time to read something you might be able to form a proper argument. So I’m gonna just quote the important parts of my previous post.

I would go so far as to say our Oceanic crew is as large as our NA crew, the only difference is the number of opponents we face.

Of course that’s not to say our numbers don’t help.

I’d also like to point out how self centered you guys sound when you complain about night capping. You realise you “night cap” us too, evident by your picture you posted of your BP Borderlands 2.0, yet I don’t hear any SoS complaints on this forum.

Sea of Swag ~
[CB] Carebear Unit Co-Leader
Accepting All 15v15s

7/19 BP/SOS/EB

in Match-ups

Posted by: Slim.3208


Nah, I don’t think people are missing the point. Fact is, both Ehmry and BP prefer to sleep then play Guild Wars 2 at the time when SoS is awake. It really does not matter how many people SoS brings at 4 AM. When there are only 15-20 people online on all maps for the opposition, you are going to rampage through gates and there really is no stopping you. At best, every early morning is an extended delaying action.

tbh, this situation is evidence of a design oversight more then anything else. There are European Servers, and North American Servers. But there are no Asia servers for Korean, Chinese, Australian, Japanese etc players. Which means these people have to gravitate towards a specific European or North American server. In the case of the North American servers though, Asiatic prime time lands smack in the middle of our “OMG I NEED SLEEP” time, and their early AM “dedicated” time lands in our “Gotta work/learn” time. By the time we can get to our keyboards, everything has been flipped and Asia has gone to sleep.

BP chest thumping more then Ebay? That’s really saying something. You seem to know a lot about our oceanic timezone, so as a regular commander for SoS and someone who plays oceanic times, I’d like to rectify some common misconceptions people from your server seem to have against SoS.

Let’s start with this queue you speak of. What the kitten is a queue? (Btw I actually said kitten Anet so you don’t have to censor this one Lol) As Asuna pointed out, we havn’t had a queue since the SoS/CD/SBI matchup. Running with AoA, we’ve been able to float with our 20/25 man zergs easily all night, every night. I would go so far as to say our Oceanic crew is as large as our NA crew, the only difference is the number of opponents we face.

As for these claims of wiping these “queued map zergs” with only 20 BP. I don’t ever get a repair bill running in oceanic times, and have to make multiple trips to the merchant, because some people like to collect their merchants … LEMON. Anyways when I command SoS oceanics, all I do is say stack, and they do the rest for me, training achieves great things Of course that’s not to say our numbers don’t help. Really just pic/videos or it didn’t happen.

I’d also like to point out how self centered you guys sound when you complain about night capping. You realise you “night cap” us too, evident by your picture you posted of your BP Borderlands 2.0, yet I don’t hear any SoS complaints on this forum.

So really I’m sorry, but you have been grossly misinformed on really every piece of information you have posted on these forums about our oceanics. Now I don’t know where you got this information, personally to me it sounds like you pulled this information out of your kitten (Again I got this one Anet) but I’m telling you now, your pretty much as wrong as you could possibly be.

I will say though, I admire both servers efforts in not letting us hit the 695 ppt mark :P

Sea of Swag ~
[CB] Carebear Unit Co-Leader
Accepting All 15v15s

7/5 CD - SoS - SBI

in Match-ups

Posted by: Slim.3208


So about this SoS Oceanic Presence…

Our oceanics don’t kick in for another hour and a half Lol.

Sea of Swag ~
[CB] Carebear Unit Co-Leader
Accepting All 15v15s

7/5 CD - SoS - SBI

in Match-ups

Posted by: Slim.3208


Awkward moment when CD use arrow carts for a zvz. On one hand good to see you guys learning. On the other hand, *looks at the comments at the start of this thread, wtf LOL.

Sucks to be on the receiving end doesn’t it? Happens all the time to me, felt like pay back.

P.S. We only used 1 as opposed to SoS’s 5 :P

I think you missed my point. My point was, why come on the forums and complain about certain tactics when you could just learn from them and use them to your advantage. We’ve all been in different matchups and it’s very apparent we’ve all learned some new tricks. Just a shame that some people would rather complain first is all :/

I will say though that I personally am very impressed by CD’s performance, you guys seem to be a lot more organised and are clearly giving SoS some trouble during NA times.

Sea of Swag ~
[CB] Carebear Unit Co-Leader
Accepting All 15v15s

(edited by Slim.3208)

7/5 CD - SoS - SBI

in Match-ups

Posted by: Slim.3208


Awkward moment when CD use arrow carts for a zvz. On one hand good to see you guys learning. On the other hand, *looks at the comments at the start of this thread, wtf LOL.

Sea of Swag ~
[CB] Carebear Unit Co-Leader
Accepting All 15v15s

7/5 CD - SoS - SBI

in Match-ups

Posted by: Slim.3208


ok jacob i usually run with hlx, I’ll add you to friends list and send you a msg when we have a group going, hopefully we can get something happening. We pretty much run small ops most the time, so running into you guys is always a highlight

[HLX] eh? Good people. Say hello to Errewan and Jermz for me. They would whisper us when they were in [Top] and we would have some good skirmishes. We enjoy fighting them.

Well at least 1 nice thing was said in this thread LOL.

Sea of Swag ~
[CB] Carebear Unit Co-Leader
Accepting All 15v15s

6/28 Maguuma/Tarnished Coast/Sea of Sorrows

in Match-ups

Posted by: Slim.3208


SoS and TC both have mesmers in EBJP. Come collect your free loot!

sharing is caring <3

Sea of Swag ~
[CB] Carebear Unit Co-Leader
Accepting All 15v15s

6/28 Maguuma/Tarnished Coast/Sea of Sorrows

in Match-ups

Posted by: Slim.3208


Quick there’s 10 sos taking a tower, should we send 20? what are you crazy 20 TC against sos?? send 40

That must be why SOS just tactically withrew from our few defending Hills on SOSBL

just now .Clearly you can only fight when outnumbered when have a larger force avec golems you politely run away sorry withdraw like gentle men .

Stop being stupid sometimes you win fight sometimes you lose sometimes you have more sometimes less…… happens to everybody.

Things go right things go wrong ……………but your endless bleating of numbers shows mostly **************** censored.

Bro calm down, was a joke and meant to be taken as one.

Edit: But unfortunately that is what it feels like a lot of the time from our end.

If Slim’s leading it, better make it 50. They’ll have no hope with less.

Not sure if ara is trolling or is actually complimenting me :P

Sea of Swag ~
[CB] Carebear Unit Co-Leader
Accepting All 15v15s

(edited by Slim.3208)

6/28 Maguuma/Tarnished Coast/Sea of Sorrows

in Match-ups

Posted by: Slim.3208


Let’s not have a repeat of last week’s matchup thread of DB/SoS/Ebay PLEASE.

And yes SoS has had a T2 or greater server in every single one of it’s matchups, and yes being one of our commanders i’m quite burned out (and I’m sure this doesn’t apply to just me), but I hope I can still give you a respectable fight TC and Mag.

If no one else will say it then I will, missed you TC :P but can you share hills this week? >_< Lol

You guys are beating us, rejoice! Take heart!

Our oceanics at work I’m actually waiting to see the scoreboard after NA prime Lol.

Sea of Swag ~
[CB] Carebear Unit Co-Leader
Accepting All 15v15s

6/28 Maguuma/Tarnished Coast/Sea of Sorrows

in Match-ups

Posted by: Slim.3208


Let’s not have a repeat of last week’s matchup thread of DB/SoS/Ebay PLEASE.

And yes SoS has had a T2 or greater server in every single one of it’s matchups, and yes being one of our commanders i’m quite burned out (and I’m sure this doesn’t apply to just me), but I hope I can still give you a respectable fight TC and Mag.

If no one else will say it then I will, missed you TC :P but can you share hills this week? >_< Lol

Sea of Swag ~
[CB] Carebear Unit Co-Leader
Accepting All 15v15s

6/21 SOS/DB/Ebay

in Match-ups

Posted by: Slim.3208


Stop running Jinks. Don’t let that elementalist die for you.

Stop dying and multiplying by 5

Seriously wtf is up w/ the die and grab 5-10 more friends attitude?

Looool really? Uhm there was 5 of us to begin with, and more of you than us to boot. C’mon don’t flip your story after we made you run away hard. All you did wakitten, stealth, and run away. More of you and DB than us and you still lost.

Ya cause people are going to believe that Ebay’s off hour coverage is zerging you down today…..

No one mentioned a zerg? 5 SoS Members 4 DB and 7 Ebay, from my count anyways. Good fights either way.

I must say though specced to run and perma invis as a thief? Meh maybe some people like being specced to lose.

Edit: I’m assuming the thief with the “JINK” tag was you. Correct me if i’m wrong.

Sea of Swag ~
[CB] Carebear Unit Co-Leader
Accepting All 15v15s

(edited by Slim.3208)

6/21 SOS/DB/Ebay

in Match-ups

Posted by: Slim.3208


So much for slim not posting again till next week!.

Couldn’t help it >_<

Actually, I find your postings to be humorous, upbeat, and usually very respectful. I’ve also noticed a lot of the times you seem to lighten the mood before a derailing occurs. That’s why when I seen your name in the list was more of a woah, what? kind of moment lol

Couldn’t agree more

Sea of Swag ~
[CB] Carebear Unit Co-Leader
Accepting All 15v15s

6/21 SOS/DB/Ebay

in Match-ups

Posted by: Slim.3208


Some good fights in SoS Borderlands Bay not too long ago. Unfortunately you didn’t give us enough time to set up in garrison Lol >_<

Sea of Swag ~
[CB] Carebear Unit Co-Leader
Accepting All 15v15s

6/21 SOS/DB/Ebay

in Match-ups

Posted by: Slim.3208


Those were my first posts in this thread, so if you want to let the forum warriors discredit an entire server, that’s your choice. There is no step back for me to take, I have not been offended by anything in this thread. Sure it’s only a game, but the people we deal with are real whether it’s through a screen or in person. When a real person treats you like dirt and an NPC treats you like dirt, it’s not exactly the same thing.

Hellsing did what he did and if he’s turning over a new leaf, then good for him. But as you said, anything you say won’t change my opinion of him either, in my eyes, he’s a drama creating kittenbag that tries to tear a community apart. Let me just say that just because I’m from Ebay, doesn’t mean I’m a troll or a forum warrior. So if you were thinking of responding with “You’re from Egobay so you have no right to talk about being a kittenbag.” Then don’t bother, I haven’t been a kitten to anyone yet and 3-4 people don’t speak for thousands of others.

Words don’t mean anything here. (Which is why I almost never post.) In the end, we’re just going to play a game and do what we enjoy doing, kicking each others kitten . If feeding trolls on the forums is what you enjoy doing than go for it, but don’t point the finger at me and all the others who are just playing to have fun because you fed a few trolls.

If you look at the start of this thread, the people I’m assuming your referring to as the “forum warriors” from ebay are actually the only ones talking on ebay’s side. Which leads us to assume these people were speaking on behalf of your server, which is something I believe a few dragonbrand members posted about. But that being said I’m glad to see that not all ebay members are like this, and it is possible to have a civilised conversation without it resulting to childish name calling, and circle logic.

Now about Hellsing, I believe you have me figured wrong. You are entitled to your opinion, and I mine. Let’s leave it at that shall we?

I admit I may have fueled the trolls on this thread, and for that I apologise. I did get angry and you can see that in my first forum post on these forums back in page 4. That being said it seems the truer representative of the ebay server have showed up now, so I would like to ask why you didn’t step in earlier or deal with these “forum warriors” in private? I only ask because it was mentioned your a unified server now, so I would assume you would be able to persuade them into it.

I believe you have the wrong approach to the forums. Words can mean a lot, and evidently things can get VERY heated. But I’m going to reiterate, these forums are for constructive criticism, and all posts should be written and read accordingly.

Sea of Swag ~
[CB] Carebear Unit Co-Leader
Accepting All 15v15s

6/21 SOS/DB/Ebay

in Match-ups

Posted by: Slim.3208


Yeah but see, there’s always a decent excuse for EBay to fail something or lose something, and when they do win by the same route that DB wins (numbers), it’s the extra leet skill and superior skills that help them win. It’s ridiculous.

New patch broke out…and? SoS is still holding it’s structures as hard as possible. I’ve been bouncing between SoS BL and EBay BL all morning and I haven’t seen EBay stand up for itself till now. And even then, you’re at 20 points right now lol. At least SoS admits to it’s mess-ups and tries to work harder, not demean and downtalk the enemy because one guild can win in open fights. When I was in EBay I thought we were bad kitten now that I’m in SoS, facing you guys? It’s a joke.

As much as I DETEST to admit it, Rekz is good at fighting. Really good, perhaps the only decent thing out of Ehmy Bay. But their obnoxious arrogance and their terrible attitude to their little wins here and there tears down anything their skill earns them.

Anyone else find it ironic that General Hellsing, Papi Champagne, Double Oh Seven, or whatever name he’s going by now is calling other people out on “obnoxious arrogance and their terrible attitude” after six months of trolling our own server with his own?

Enjoy this guy, SoS. He’s a gem.

You guys must of treated him wrong, your loss :P He’s an excellent addition to our community and one we hope to keep He in no way has been “obnoxious arrogance and their terrible attitude” in the slightest. I believe that sort of behaviour would only come out if provoked, *looks at egobay.

You clearly don’t know what you’re talking about, sorry to say. Maybe he moved to SoS for a “Clean slate” after treating everyone the way he did while he was here. You don’t know how well our server has come together and all the internal drama has stopped after he left.

You can have him, it’s a win for us.

Looks like it’s a win/win then But I must respectfully disagree, I do know what I’m talking about. Hellsing has been a wonderful addition and you can slander him all you want, but it won’t tarnish my opinion of him.

I would love to take your word on things, but from what I’ve seen from these forums, evidently nothing any egobay member says can be taken seriously, a side product of this unified server it would seem.

My honest opinion? (yes troll if you want) Take a step back, it’s only a game. These forums are for constructive criticism and all the posts should be taken positively and lightly. Yes there are gonna be trolls but you ignore them SoS and DB have had no issues with these forums in the past, to the best of my knowledge. Which leads to one conclusion, I’ll let you arrive there yourself.

Sea of Swag ~
[CB] Carebear Unit Co-Leader
Accepting All 15v15s

(edited by Slim.3208)

6/21 SOS/DB/Ebay

in Match-ups

Posted by: Slim.3208


Yeah but see, there’s always a decent excuse for EBay to fail something or lose something, and when they do win by the same route that DB wins (numbers), it’s the extra leet skill and superior skills that help them win. It’s ridiculous.

New patch broke out…and? SoS is still holding it’s structures as hard as possible. I’ve been bouncing between SoS BL and EBay BL all morning and I haven’t seen EBay stand up for itself till now. And even then, you’re at 20 points right now lol. At least SoS admits to it’s mess-ups and tries to work harder, not demean and downtalk the enemy because one guild can win in open fights. When I was in EBay I thought we were bad kitten now that I’m in SoS, facing you guys? It’s a joke.

As much as I DETEST to admit it, Rekz is good at fighting. Really good, perhaps the only decent thing out of Ehmy Bay. But their obnoxious arrogance and their terrible attitude to their little wins here and there tears down anything their skill earns them.

Anyone else find it ironic that General Hellsing, Papi Champagne, Double Oh Seven, or whatever name he’s going by now is calling other people out on “obnoxious arrogance and their terrible attitude” after six months of trolling our own server with his own?

Enjoy this guy, SoS. He’s a gem.

You guys must of treated him wrong, your loss :P He’s an excellent addition to our community and one we hope to keep He in no way has been “obnoxious arrogance and their terrible attitude” in the slightest. I believe that sort of behaviour would only come out if provoked, *looks at egobay.

Sea of Swag ~
[CB] Carebear Unit Co-Leader
Accepting All 15v15s

6/21 SOS/DB/Ebay

in Match-ups

Posted by: Slim.3208


And another one! Man, this is getting embarrassing…

Your doing it wrong, you’re meant to come here and say you 1v20ed the *insert guild name here, and that the aforementioned guild is trash :P

Sea of Swag ~
[CB] Carebear Unit Co-Leader
Accepting All 15v15s

6/21 SOS/DB/Ebay

in Match-ups

Posted by: Slim.3208


Wow capped 1 keep using a portal, grats egobay. *slow clap

If these are the types of accomplishments you feel you have to post on the forums then i must say that’s really pathetic, try harder guys cmon :/

Sea of Swag ~
[CB] Carebear Unit Co-Leader
Accepting All 15v15s

6/21 SOS/DB/Ebay

in Match-ups

Posted by: Slim.3208


I don’t understand how I keep winning these 1v1 fights against Rekz players. I’m not even really all that good.

Lol, they’re an elitist zerging guild that think they’re good at everything. That’s the general consensus.

It’s so funny. Same thing on every matchup thread regardless of server. When a server loses…"we’re better than insert server here, we just don’t have the coverage but our X guys wipe their 2X guys because we’re better. Insert guild name here thinks they are better then everyone in the world except no one outside of their tier has heard of them.

Copy and paste for next week replace guild names and server names..

I think you’re onto something here.

Just got done watching Omen get beat repeatedly by GF

To their credit they did win the 1st bout, but since have lost 3-4 str8

Ye seen both guilds play. I’m willing to bet a 10 man team of omen wiped your 20/25 man zerg?

All these claims, all unsupported. Only person who has posted videos is Pancakes, and props to him for the good videos btw Basically pics or it didn’t happen, kkthxbai.

Sea of Swag ~
[CB] Carebear Unit Co-Leader
Accepting All 15v15s

6/21 SOS/DB/Ebay

in Match-ups

Posted by: Slim.3208


This was posted how long ago, and you guys are still going? It’s sad that Anet had to step in :/

Sea of Swag ~
[CB] Carebear Unit Co-Leader
Accepting All 15v15s

6/21 SOS/DB/Ebay

in Match-ups

Posted by: Slim.3208


Hello hello, leader of Reckless Bravery [rB] here. Wondering if anyone has proof of really kicking some rB butt? Outside of towers and keeps with arrow carts? Last night was a rough night commanding for me. Had some sillyness going on. No excuse for my poor performance though.

Grindhouse [GH] big props for the fights. Saw some rekz but I will assume pug force.
SoS good try a few times Props to the hardcore guys who stuck this out.

I just want to say i’m not looking to talk crap. I really enjoy the fights we are getting. Our raid tonight was not a massive zerg of any sorts. rB ran about 35 deep.

I would also like to invite everyone who does talk crap to come talk to me in teamspeak. Message me for details and be ready to back up your claims or risk embarrassing yourself.

Good fights and good night.<3

I dunno about that, we do a great job of bullying your guild. And 35 is more than Rekz can put out on a reset night lol. We ran 22 last night with 3 guests.

This has been a fun matchup and fun thread until a rank 5 and 7 server forgot they were fighting a rank 12 server with a severe population differential. It’s just laughable how hard you guys are patting yourselves on the back for zerging our territory on patch day.

Wow egobay … just couldn’t take the high road the way dragonbrand did, could you. You had to throw that one extra punch … Shameful display of sportsmanship (gamesmanship?)

Ty for the kind comments warsock, I was actually commanding the defence on SoS BL at the time, unfortunately we didn’t have numbers to zvz you guys Best of luck with the rest of the matchup.

Sea of Swag ~
[CB] Carebear Unit Co-Leader
Accepting All 15v15s

6/21 SOS/DB/Ebay

in Match-ups

Posted by: Slim.3208


This is the first DB post in 10 hours. I personally don’t intend to get in the middle of this lovers’ quarrel. Don’t drag DB down because you guys cannot play nice.

So uh that didn’t work out, LOL.

Egobay = Excuse City. Just me seeing it?

Sea of Swag ~
[CB] Carebear Unit Co-Leader
Accepting All 15v15s

6/21 SOS/DB/Ebay

in Match-ups

Posted by: Slim.3208


Common now SoS… did you really need to bring 30+ and 2 golems the second time around against us 8 people at SoSBL @ Bluelake, after being pushed out?

Isn’t that just overkill?

LOL, yw for that. We got an order for some pizza at bluelake SoS BL by some Ebay people, so we hopped into our golems and delivered it right to your lords room, but you guys ran away without even paying for them :/

Shoutout to Ranger Mich for coming up with that.

Edit: Oh sorry I forgot to mention, good fights with the GH guild from Ebay, I admired your spirit from the fights we had in the south of our bl

Read as

Since our skill level is low, we came up with a better way to win, bring more people.

You read things in a funny way o_O

Sea of Swag ~
[CB] Carebear Unit Co-Leader
Accepting All 15v15s

6/21 SOS/DB/Ebay

in Match-ups

Posted by: Slim.3208


Common now SoS… did you really need to bring 30+ and 2 golems the second time around against us 8 people at SoSBL @ Bluelake, after being pushed out?

Isn’t that just overkill?

LOL, yw for that. We got an order for some pizza at bluelake SoS BL by some Ebay people, so we hopped into our golems and delivered it right to your lords room, but you guys ran away without even paying for them :/

Shoutout to Ranger Mich for coming up with that.

Edit: Oh sorry I forgot to mention, good fights with the GH guild from Ebay, I admired your spirit from the fights we had in the south of our bl

Sea of Swag ~
[CB] Carebear Unit Co-Leader
Accepting All 15v15s

(edited by Slim.3208)

6/21 SOS/DB/Ebay

in Match-ups

Posted by: Slim.3208


So uh this happened.

Shoutout to kingz for commanding, AoA ownage :P

And sorry to the nice ebay people, but had to be done Lol. At least it looks like anet cut you some slack and shutdown wvw for the patch as we were capping bay :P


Sea of Swag ~
[CB] Carebear Unit Co-Leader
Accepting All 15v15s

6/21 SOS/DB/Ebay

in Match-ups

Posted by: Slim.3208


I love how egobay think they’re good cause they stack their bl. You know there are other maps right?

Eternal Battlegrounds see’s ebay’s third belonging to db for at least 3/4 of the day, so SoS is fighting db on 2 fronts. Might wanna press the m button and take a look at the whole map once in a while ebay /rant.

Props to the Omen guild btw, very organised group

Semi-consistent Borderlands points > Ermagerd constant chaotic tug-o-war Eternal points

Where do your badges come from? :P

Your BL’s lol. I’m a solo roamer. I cap your camps to help my server scrape points.

Oh so your the one Lol

And you have a fair point about the points on one borderlands, but no need to say “not being able to defend” when what your seeing is our off peak numbers fighting 2 fronts. Just plain silly :P Gl for the rest of the matchup.

Sea of Swag ~
[CB] Carebear Unit Co-Leader
Accepting All 15v15s

6/21 SOS/DB/Ebay

in Match-ups

Posted by: Slim.3208


I love how egobay think they’re good cause they stack their bl. You know there are other maps right?

Eternal Battlegrounds see’s ebay’s third belonging to db for at least 3/4 of the day, so SoS is fighting db on 2 fronts. Might wanna press the m button and take a look at the whole map once in a while ebay /rant.

Props to the Omen guild btw, very organised group

Semi-consistent Borderlands points > Ermagerd constant chaotic tug-o-war Eternal points

Where do your badges come from? :P

Sea of Swag ~
[CB] Carebear Unit Co-Leader
Accepting All 15v15s

6/21 SOS/DB/Ebay

in Match-ups

Posted by: Slim.3208


I love how egobay think they’re good cause they stack their bl. You know there are other maps right?

Eternal Battlegrounds see’s ebay’s third belonging to db for at least 3/4 of the day, so SoS is fighting db on 2 fronts. Might wanna press the m button and take a look at the whole map once in a while ebay /rant.

Props to the Omen guild btw, very organised group

Sea of Swag ~
[CB] Carebear Unit Co-Leader
Accepting All 15v15s