Showing Posts For SoV.5139:

Lack of variety in roaming roles

in WvW

Posted by: SoV.5139


As long as one class has such high loss aversion and can reset any fight until it gains the upper hand it will be the default class for such encounters.

Scourge thoughts

in Necromancer

Posted by: SoV.5139


They should wait some time so people learn to play against it before nerfing. The people who previewed it heavily know how powerful it is but those who did not are not likely to understand how to counter it yet. Once that counter play ceiling is reached thats when the “nerf or nah” discussion should commence.

People crying about necros being strong

in Necromancer

Posted by: SoV.5139


Its bursty but has multiple counters. Nerfs should be targeted more on specs with few/no counters.

Deadeye Demo Weekend Feedback

in Thief

Posted by: SoV.5139


For those who have been screaming for their “high risk high reward” spec, this is it. Highest damage is while immobile, which is about as high risk as it gets.

[suggestion] Make Deadeye Viable

in Thief

Posted by: SoV.5139


Yes, rifle appears to be a back line build where you have to choose your actions wisely due to not having a spam at will escape key for loss aversion purposes.

Stay DD if you want to keep the god mode mobility.

WvW roamer with hybrid stats

in Mesmer

Posted by: SoV.5139


Nope, and this is how good balance works. When I go all offense, and I get downed too easily, I either need to ramp up my defensive playing to not get hit, or hybrid my stats so I can take a hit or two, to compensate for not having military android reflexes. When I do that I lose “quick kill” offense.

The survivavbility does make for a great support platform…

Why don't new fractal players say anything?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: SoV.5139


What did your LFM say? If it said or implied that all were welcome and you ended up with someone who thought they could fake it until they made it, its as much the group leaders fault as it is the newbies fault.

No even all welcome groups want communication if you wipe first time due to 20%-80% of said team dident do anything right at all.

Better LFMs attract like minded players. Period. We have retained evidence of this from every single game we visit, review, and continue to keep playing.

Furthermore, people who claim theres very little chance to get kicked for being a first timer likely learned this stuff when it first came out and everyone was a first timer. Nowdays theres a larger chance to get kicked. Theres people who QQ in game, but wont admit it ion the forums, about a few more minutes of time consumption having to teach and lead. Those who are already experienced dont see this because they arent the newbies, and while they themselves may not be someone who boots first timers, this does happen in game far more often than people on the forums are willing to admit it does. Thus, newbies try the ol fake it until you make it strategy.

While people think they are saving time here, they really arent, as this is what it leads to. Better crafted LFMs is what saves the most time. Anything that is not in the LFM is relying on assumption. Newbies who are not experienced are they very group of folks who are not informed on what they can and cant assume. They will not assume that this group leader wont boot them after the last few did.

(edited by SoV.5139)

Why don't new fractal players say anything?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: SoV.5139


What did your LFM say? If it said or implied that all were welcome and you ended up with someone who thought they could fake it until they made it, its as much the group leaders fault as it is the newbies fault.

s2 locked behind a paywall.

in Living World

Posted by: SoV.5139


This is not a question of facts, it’s a matter of comfort. The airlines advertise (nearly) all their costs upfront, but that doesn’t make me feel good about how they seem to nickel and dime us for every little thing.

The OP doesn’t care if ANet has clearly explained that Living Stories are free only for those logging in during each episode, they don’t care that they can unlock the content with gold — they simply don’t like it.

Fortunately, the OP has a choice: if this really bothers them, they can simply not play GW2. Or, if they really like GW2, then they can put up with this irksome wall between them and some of the content they’d like to try.

Comfort? I call it expectation. I paid just as much for the core content as anyone who was around when it first went live. Why wouldn’t I be allowed the same access? If I was a brand new player who joined up when the core content was made f2p and did not pay for the core content, then Id expect to pay for content. Since I paid for the core game in the past, access should not be limited, just as it was not limited for those who paid for the game in the past, but logged on when the story went live.

Ask people who didn’t already pay, to pay. Don’t ask people who already paid, but didn’t log on during a specific time period, to pay twice.

I don’t understand your objection to my post. You understand the pricing system in the game and you just don’t like it. That’s a matter of comfort. If you are willing to accept it, great, play the game and enjoy it. If not, then you can choose not to play that content.

In a similar situation, I love the Elder Scrolls single player RPG series. I’ve played oodles of hours of every game, buying them new and sometimes paying extra for special features. And I was set to buy Skyrim up until Bethesda required I join Steam — it’s up to them to decide how they like to price stuff, but it’s my choice about for which 3rd party services I sign up.

Call it “expectation,” it’s still a question of whether you’re willing to live with the options ANet has offered.

The “if you don’t like it leave” argument doesn’t keep businesses open. All I’m asking for is equal transaction meaning equal access, and pointing out how that’s not the case here, even though I paid the same for the game as others, and my money is just as green.

Were the living story episodes listed as part of HoT? Did they state that all those who purchased HoT would have full access to those episodes?

Some got them free in the past and nowdays we don’t. The fact that they didn’t say it wouldn’t be free doesn’t hold water (and is more parsing of words) when they clearly set the expectation otherwise in the past. This will get worse and worse for newer players as the game progresses. Example: when s5 is out, will the expectation for a new player be purchase s2-s4, or will they all be getting history lessons like g2w did for s1? Will a new player during s5 be expected to pay for the game, whatever expansions are out, then s2-4, when it is fully known that people in the past got it free because they started playing earlier on but paid the same price? How will a b2p game survive that way?

I didn’t just purchase HoT, I purchased the core game as well.
Past: core game purchase + logging in = free s2
Now: core game purchase + not having been around when s2 launched = b2p s2.
Objectively not an equal transaction.

Either a newer players money is as green as older players money, or it isn’t. cant parse words to have it both ways by saying since they didn’t say it would be free its ok to give it to some free but not all, for the same cash transaction.

s2 locked behind a paywall.

in Living World

Posted by: SoV.5139


This is not a question of facts, it’s a matter of comfort. The airlines advertise (nearly) all their costs upfront, but that doesn’t make me feel good about how they seem to nickel and dime us for every little thing.

The OP doesn’t care if ANet has clearly explained that Living Stories are free only for those logging in during each episode, they don’t care that they can unlock the content with gold — they simply don’t like it.

Fortunately, the OP has a choice: if this really bothers them, they can simply not play GW2. Or, if they really like GW2, then they can put up with this irksome wall between them and some of the content they’d like to try.

Comfort? I call it expectation. I paid just as much for the core content as anyone who was around when it first went live. Why wouldn’t I be allowed the same access? If I was a brand new player who joined up when the core content was made f2p and did not pay for the core content, then Id expect to pay for content. Since I paid for the core game in the past, access should not be limited, just as it was not limited for those who paid for the game in the past, but logged on when the story went live.

Ask people who didn’t already pay, to pay. Don’t ask people who already paid, but didn’t log on during a specific time period, to pay twice.

I don’t understand your objection to my post. You understand the pricing system in the game and you just don’t like it. That’s a matter of comfort. If you are willing to accept it, great, play the game and enjoy it. If not, then you can choose not to play that content.

In a similar situation, I love the Elder Scrolls single player RPG series. I’ve played oodles of hours of every game, buying them new and sometimes paying extra for special features. And I was set to buy Skyrim up until Bethesda required I join Steam — it’s up to them to decide how they like to price stuff, but it’s my choice about for which 3rd party services I sign up.

Call it “expectation,” it’s still a question of whether you’re willing to live with the options ANet has offered.

The “if you don’t like it leave” argument doesn’t keep businesses open. All I’m asking for is equal transaction meaning equal access, and pointing out how that’s not the case here, even though I paid the same for the game as others, and my money is just as green.

s2 locked behind a paywall.

in Living World

Posted by: SoV.5139


I don’t get all the whiteknighting here.

I suggest you look up what the term ‘white knight’ actually means before you accuse everyone who doesn’t agree with the OP (or you) of whiteknighting..

Sounds like he used it correctly to me.

s2 locked behind a paywall.

in Living World

Posted by: SoV.5139


Continually defending with the claim that it was not promised as free is just more parsing and lawyering of words at this point. First off, I never asked for it for free. I asked for it to cost the same amount for me as it did for other folks. If I paid the same price I should get the same access. It is that simple.

If someone paid X dollars in 2012 and got s2 free, and I paid the same X dollars in 2014 and did not get s2 free, theres no amount of rules lawyering and word parsing that will cause this to be objectively viewed as fair. You may subjectively justify it as fair all you want, using the justification that it can be earned in game and such, but this is still not objectively correct as far as equal transaction for equal access is concerned.

s2 locked behind a paywall.

in Living World

Posted by: SoV.5139


This is not a question of facts, it’s a matter of comfort. The airlines advertise (nearly) all their costs upfront, but that doesn’t make me feel good about how they seem to nickel and dime us for every little thing.

The OP doesn’t care if ANet has clearly explained that Living Stories are free only for those logging in during each episode, they don’t care that they can unlock the content with gold — they simply don’t like it.

Fortunately, the OP has a choice: if this really bothers them, they can simply not play GW2. Or, if they really like GW2, then they can put up with this irksome wall between them and some of the content they’d like to try.

Comfort? I call it expectation. I paid just as much for the core content as anyone who was around when it first went live. Why wouldn’t I be allowed the same access? If I was a brand new player who joined up when the core content was made f2p and did not pay for the core content, then Id expect to pay for content. Since I paid for the core game in the past, access should not be limited, just as it was not limited for those who paid for the game in the past, but logged on when the story went live.

Ask people who didn’t already pay, to pay. Don’t ask people who already paid, but didn’t log on during a specific time period, to pay twice.

because you apparantly weren’t an active and loyal player AT THE TIME it went live. You can be active and loyal now. But you weren’t at that time. LWS2 and LWS3 aren’t free. Thats a faulty notion. it was never free. It was merely gifted during the two weeks it went live to the players were active and loyal AT THAT TIME.

If you joined between the last chapter of LWS2 and before Heart of Thorns.. well.. tough luck, but you weren’t a loyal and active player DURING LWS2.

If you joined before LWS2 went live, but didn’t unlock it.. well.. in all honesty: why should anet give their gifts to people who didn’t even bother to go through the login-screen for 10 seconds during a 2 week period. If you didn’t have that time during the two week period, GW2 was simply not that important to you. Its a paid product that they gifted to people who DID have the intention to log in for at least 10 seconds during that period.

If you joined later, you don’t get LWS2 and 3 for free. but retrospect, you get Core for free, which is of a much higher value than a LWS chapter.

All in all, in short: You paid for the Core game? you get the core game. You paid for HoT later, then you get HoT. LWS2 is another product that you didn’t pay for, so why should you get it? It was a product that needed to be paid for, it was simply reduced to the price of £0,00 during the two weeks

Labeling me not an active player during that timeframe would be correct. Labeling me not a loyal player is incorrect. I bought the core game just like those who were around when s2 was released. Companies don’t survive on log-ons, they survive on monetary revenue.

The rest is word lawyering at best. Attempting to define the content as a separate product, when it clearly was not – the technicality here being someone else logged in while I did not during that time. My money however, is just as green as theirs is so I should have just as much access, for having paid just as much money, for the core game.

What does this accomplish? Penalizing newer players (those who weren’t around during s2 release) who paid for the content, by asking them to pay for it specifically after they already paid for it generally. This game would attract more new players without this double standard. No need to hide the fee behind the technicality of logging in vs not logging in during a specific timeframe.

Of course, defending this practice serves to license a future mandate of more of the same. The more the community blindly defends this, the more the industry will push it.

(edited by SoV.5139)

s2 locked behind a paywall.

in Living World

Posted by: SoV.5139


This is not a question of facts, it’s a matter of comfort. The airlines advertise (nearly) all their costs upfront, but that doesn’t make me feel good about how they seem to nickel and dime us for every little thing.

The OP doesn’t care if ANet has clearly explained that Living Stories are free only for those logging in during each episode, they don’t care that they can unlock the content with gold — they simply don’t like it.

Fortunately, the OP has a choice: if this really bothers them, they can simply not play GW2. Or, if they really like GW2, then they can put up with this irksome wall between them and some of the content they’d like to try.

Comfort? I call it expectation. I paid just as much for the core content as anyone who was around when it first went live. Why wouldn’t I be allowed the same access? If I was a brand new player who joined up when the core content was made f2p and did not pay for the core content, then Id expect to pay for content. Since I paid for the core game in the past, access should not be limited, just as it was not limited for those who paid for the game in the past, but logged on when the story went live.

Ask people who didn’t already pay, to pay. Don’t ask people who already paid, but didn’t log on during a specific time period, to pay twice.

s2 locked behind a paywall.

in Living World

Posted by: SoV.5139


Defenders. I’ll make it real simple.

This is how the mircotrans industry works.
F2P – want access? pay for it or consume time earning it in game
P2P – access to content.
gw2 – pay to pay to play.

They shouldn’t have to advertise that they aren’t going to double charge you for content. Not double charging for content should be the norm. This is true for most other games. I say most because if I said all some rules lawyer would find the one other game double charging happens in and ignore the other couple thousand it doesn’t happen in while fully defending this practice.

gw2 is advertised as a buy to play game, not a buy to buy to play game.

Guild Wars 2 is now free to play.

Guild Wars 2 HOT is buy to play.

That means everything in HoT is buy to play. You happen to get the free to play game with it. Season 2 was part of Guild Wars 2 core that was not free to play. It was something else to buy. So buying HOT doesn’t include it because it’s not part of HOT, or part of Guild Wars 2 core game that was free to play. It’s separate content for which you have to pay. If you don’t want to pay for it, you can farm gold and buy it with gold, which fits your grind for content description anyway.

I bought both, when each was b2p. That’s the point I am making. If I didn’t pay for the core game and was f2p then id understand being charged for content. Since I already paid for it, I shouldn’t have to pay for it, essentially, twice. This is how microtrans works in the rest of the industry. Content can be locked behind a pay wall for f2p customers, but those who already paid, already have access to said content. The issue here may very well be that they made the core game f2p, but still charge those who are not f2p customers for the same content they charge f2p customers for. Like I said before if this is the case, AND if it is intended, less and less people may buy any further expansions down the road, knowing they will be subject to the same fees they would be if they didn’t buy it anyhow.

s2 locked behind a paywall.

in Living World

Posted by: SoV.5139


Personally I think they’re being very generous, but my previous game was Guild Wars 1 where I bought character slots with real money, outfits with real money and new content bonuses packs with real money, because there was no option to get any of that with ingame gold and it wasn’t given to us for free just for loggin in.

In this game they give you the option to buy things with the gold they hand out to you for playing. With that gold I’ve bought character slots, account wide inventory slots, outfits, armor and other items. If I didn’t have the LS then I would have bought that for gold also, and considered it cheap for the price.

Maybe you’re used to a different business model from your old game but free by way of login or gold is the business model for this game and its LS. It’s a model that works for most people. I rarely see anyone who makes a thread in this forum or on the GW Reddit to complain about buying the episodes with gold.

Im used to the business model where those who already paid to play do not have to go through the time consumption based inconveniences you mention above, and can play what they like and how they like. Those who are free to play have to either pay or earn it in game like you outlined.

The business model Im used to is the one which succeeds the most in the industry btw. If you charge those who bought the game the same amount you charge f2p folks for the same content, the b2p folks will begin to question why they bought the game in the first place. That initial payment to purchase the game should be granting access to the content, and not subjecting the player to the same pay wall the f2p folks are subject to.

TL;DR? Players should either buy the game outright, or buy it piece by piece. If those who bought it outright are also required to buy it piece by piece, the initial purchase really doesn’t mean much.

I wonder if ANet (or any other game company for that matter) put a pay wall on every 10 levels if people would defend that. Im sure there’d be a few. Sorry, even though you have the xp for level 11 you cant take it until you run this story, which you have to pay for, or you can farm GP at cap and not earn XP while doing so to get it in game.

Players: Hey we have enough xp for level 11, are we leveling next session?
DM: bring me back some mountain dew and doritos from the corner store and I’ll think about it.

(edited by SoV.5139)

s2 locked behind a paywall.

in Living World

Posted by: SoV.5139


Are people really calling character advancement “optional?”

when a character cannot gain a level in something until they pay to unlock the ability to take the level, that’s not “optional” – unless you are philosophically labeling playing the game at all as “optional”. If it was just more plot and entertainment then I would agree, but with mastery points behind the pay wall, the word “optional” doesn’t fit the bill.

s2 locked behind a paywall.

in Living World

Posted by: SoV.5139


This a buy to play game. However you can get the LS for free if you use the gold they give you for playing their game or if you log in while its current. They didn’t have to do either of those. They’re a business not a charity, and with no subscription they have to make money somewhere and this is how they’re doing it. If you’re unwilling to use gold to buy the content, then don’t. No one is making you.

No, people buying the game and the expansion is how theyre doing it.

Blindly defending double paywall for content will net the gaming community more of the same down the road. This type of hand over fist support for it is what allows it to exist in the first place.

It would also be fine if there weren’t mastery points locked behind it. The claim of “optional” is misleading, at best with currency of character progress locked behind a paywall even for folks who already bought the game. The claim of “this is how they make their money” would be credible if the game and expansion was totally free.

(edited by SoV.5139)

s2 locked behind a paywall.

in Living World

Posted by: SoV.5139


Defenders. I’ll make it real simple.

This is how the mircotrans industry works.
F2P – want access? pay for it or consume time earning it in game
P2P – access to content.
gw2 – pay to pay to play.

They shouldn’t have to advertise that they aren’t going to double charge you for content. Not double charging for content should be the norm. This is true for most other games. I say most because if I said all some rules lawyer would find the one other game double charging happens in and ignore the other couple thousand it doesn’t happen in while fully defending this practice.

gw2 is advertised as a buy to play game, not a buy to buy to play game.

s2 locked behind a paywall.

in Living World

Posted by: SoV.5139


theres always gotta be one defender whose going to tell the rest how they should be playing after they already paid. the rest understand that after they paid, they should be able to play how they want, and not be limited on content. in most games, if content is is behind a paywall, that is for f2p only, and the folks who ALREADY PAID (key point here objective readers) already have access and don’t have to double pay, or farm in game currency to trade it for game shop currency.

TL;DR? already paid for the game should equal access to all content. Simple really. Its called buy to play, not buy to buy again to play.

s2 locked behind a paywall.

in Living World

Posted by: SoV.5139


that makes 2 xzibit memes then.

s2 locked behind a paywall.

in Living World

Posted by: SoV.5139


Bought the game
Bought the expansion
An entire season of 1 mastery point per story episodes locked behind a pay wall.
I would understand if I had not already paid for the game and the expansion.
Theres an Xzibit meme in here somewhere…

HOT:Dying way too much for returning players

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: SoV.5139


I had some trouble dying to some of this stuff too, then did a respec on the build to better handle AOE encounters. The raptors like to surround, then run out, then all run at you at the same time. I deal with it by hitting an AOE blind (first attack missed) followed by an AOE ground damage, then dodge. This puts them all to one side of you, while standing in your AOE. Then just start damaging the mobs with other AOE weapon/spell abilities as needed, while standing at the edge of your ground AOE. The pocket raptors will die before you do.

Different Raid Difficulty Would Satisfy Most

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: SoV.5139


But all can acess raids, and all have a chance to complete it, you choose to do it or not, not the designer. Variable difficult doesnt help developers, its a nightmare for them, because its very hard to say when its easy enough or when its difficult enough, and there are mechanics thats just impossible to make it easier without basically removing then.
So as said milion times:
- There is no wall on the content making impossible to anyone that wants to join.
- Difficulty settings make things a nightmare to develop.
- There will be always people that wont be able to complete, so wasting time making easier raids.

Variable difficulty is not a nightmare for developers as claimed, so it doesn’t matter if it was claimed a million times. In fact, it is far easier and far less resource intensive to design the same content to be variable difficulty than it is to design completely different content for different groups of players who refuse play in the same content, due to the community being polarized on who the company should cater to. Its also not a waste of time designing a game for everyone when retaining the revenue of both groups is integral to keeping the game going, and if either group goes into net loss attrition that goal will not be met. Its not like GW and GW2 hasn’t already repurposed tons of content anyhow, so this is not a foreign concept to ANet. We see this myth of “waste of resources” a lot on forums, usually in place of any real valid reason to polarize the community one way or the other, but in support of doing so nonetheless.

Different Raid Difficulty Would Satisfy Most

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: SoV.5139


Not a single piece of GW2 is for everyone. Even open world, not because its difficult, its super easy, and for that reason there a lot of players dislike open world because its boring. So they would need way harder open world content to enjoy it. But they wont get it.
The same way people wont get easy raids ( Well many actually would aggre that we already have easy raids, scort and trio). Every content have a target audience. Good design = having choices of type of content. Bad design = trying to please everyone twisting content of its core porpuse and never pleasing everyone because its impossible.

There is a major fundamental difference between developing the content so all can access it and have a chance to complete it, and letting the players choose to play it or choose not to play it as they wish, versus having tier level content with a barrier to entry not accessible to some players.

This is where variable difficulty settings help developers, as all content can be designed for all players, rather than having to choose which crowd to please at the expense of observing net loss attrition in the others.

I’m talking about accessibility and availability here. The players choose what they want to play, not the designers.

Different Raid Difficulty Would Satisfy Most

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: SoV.5139


Game design 101.

Designing specific sets of content for specific subsets of the user base eventually results in the game being lopsided in specific types of content, and a polarized player base. The player(s) whose play style was not catered to in the past few iterations begin to attrite. Either more casual players end up hitting a barrier to entry for new content and are told repeatedly by hard core players that this is not for them, or the hard core players are wondering where their endgame is while casual players map their way through the expansion.

Looking at raids as content like everything else, and designing them for everyone, disallows this polarization in the community from happening, and allows the dev and design teams to focus on the entire game rather than having to choose between pleasing one crowd over the other. Game retains more customers. We ALL enjoy playing ALL of the content. The peasants rejoice. Unicorns barfing rainbows, etc etc….

Too many one shot kills in dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: SoV.5139


As I started the topic, I don’t feel I’m missing the point. Anyone saying “L2P” is missing the point, because the point is not one player being one shot a lot, which is what L2P addresses.

The point is one shot kills becoming more prevalent causes players in games to adhere to the “DPS only” meta, which I already see growing here in GW2.

Furthermore, addressing the incorrect response of "L2P again (which is due to people incorrectly believing the thread is about one person dying too often) , even if I, or anyone and everyone else learn to never ever get hit, this doesn’t fix the issue outlined as the real topic of the thread, which is recovery role and utility role still never needed in the game.

So, topic = recovery and utility less desired as build roles when quantity of one shot kills increase in game.
Topic =/= one dude got pwned too often and wants to change the entire game because of it.

Too many one shot kills in dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: SoV.5139


Its not a L2P issue regardless, as learning to never get hit doesn’t resolve the issue being brought up here, which is confusing damage inflation as “challenge” resulting in character building for only DPS being the only acceptable meta.

Perhaps your threshold where you think its too much and mine where I think its too much is different, but drawing the line in different spots doesn’t make this a non issue. If you draw the line further away than I do, you will merely accept damage inflation as “challenge” until it crosses your line, then you will likely provide the same feedback I am currently. I feel it is better to catch it earlier, as I have seen what happens to games where it is not caught early enough, as outlined in my previous post.

Too many one shot kills in dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: SoV.5139


Because this topic is not about any specific encounter. Its about game design.

Think of it this way. Using a reductio-ad-absurdum scenario, if a game designer cranked out a game where all kills were one shot, there is never a need for recovery as a role, as a character, as an ability, etc. The more they back off of that and add in hits that leave the character with a percentage of their health bar left, the more, by degree, recovery becomes desired, and more people build it into their characters.

Too many games have turned into build-for-DPS-only games due to the formula of:
-Game comes out
-People master the system
-Those who mastered it beg for challenge
-Game designer provides “challenge” in the form of unforgiving damage inflation
-Playstyles/character building homogenized to match the same one meta.

Then damage inflation is defended by those who mastered the system by telling people to L2P repeatedly, not realizing that if everyone takes that advice, it still doesn’t solve the issue of eroding the roles in the game down to build-for-DPS-only®, as learning to play simply means dodging faster, and avoiding the one hit that kills, rather than needing/desiring utility or recovery, and characters are all built to do the same thing rather than striving for useful build diversity. End result: The graphics are beautiful, but its still Gauntlet nonetheless. Green Elf has shot the food!

(edited by SoV.5139)

Too many one shot kills in dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: SoV.5139


Even if I could dodge every single one shot kill and have 100% hp at all times, that does not change the real issue I created the thread for, which is recovery role not being necessary in one-shot-kill situations.

Having the reflexes of a ninja just means you can get through the content without being hit, but it doesn’t change the game design flaw where characters have recovery abilities, which are irrelevant in one shot kill situations. The more this happens, the less relevant those abilities are.

If you soloed it regularly, and did get hit by those things that are one shotting over level characters, but didn’t die all the time, then its not a L2p issue, its a farm some gear issue.

More likely to be struck by lightning

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: SoV.5139


Implement a turn in.

Turn in 3 of any of the same item to get one guaranteed different one.

Necro not optimal for fractals

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: SoV.5139


People are worried about efficiency however, when you add the time they waited for the perfect group to the somewhat less time completing, then compare that to the less time it took building the less perfect “non-meta” group plus the somewhat longer completion time, its really not taking the non meta groups longer, unless the super hyper global Omni meta tastic groups are people who play together regularly and do not need a longer set up time to find the perfect meta group. Aka – not a PUG. And If we played together a long time, chances are we don’t need an uber meta tastic group to be efficient anyhow….

Too many one shot kills in dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: SoV.5139


There seems to be a bit of confusion here so I will clear that up.

My complaint is not about dying too often, so all of the L2p, poor gear, too low level stuff, is invalid.

My complaint is about one shot kills and how that eliminates the need for recovery or utility.

Even if I had the bestemest gear and the reflexes of a military android and thus never get hit, this still means no need for recovery or utility as the hp total is at 100%.

If I can dodge 999/1000 hits in a one shot kill situation, I have 100% hp 99.9% of the time and 0% hp .1% of the time. Need for recovery or utility = 0. This causes a fundamental game change not enough people are talking about, as they all think those who do talk about it are talking about “dying too often” – which is not the case.

Thanks for the feedback. Have fun all.

Too many one shot kills in dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: SoV.5139


“Learn how to dodge” doesn’t solve the issue. The issue is why have healing abilities when characters have either 100% HP or 0% HP? I will learn more and more for how to not get hit by the one shot kill attacks, but that does not correct the game design issue of never needing healing because the character is either full HP or dead.

Its also kind of odd that the game trains players up to 30 to use recovery abilities when leveling because mobs will damage the character but not kill in one hit. Then when I load up on recovery abilities and do a dungeon I find out I never need recovery, because dodging = living and not dodging = death.

The toon essentially has 1HP. Don’t take any damage. Spec for 100% DPS. Utility doesn’t matter. That’s the in game advice I’m given, which is why I posted – to see if recovery is actually a legit ability to spec for, or do I just abandon it and go all out DPS and use the “git out tha way” button for dealing with damage.

Too many one shot kills in dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: SoV.5139


The blow is not telegraphed, or if it is, the party stacked on the mob is making it impossible to see it. Calling it a L2P issue is incorrect when theres no way to counter it. Learn to do what exactly? Not be in the same room? Order an airstrike while still at the barracks?

Also, the level numbers don’t seem to matter. Level 50 and 60 characters dying over and over in a level 35 dungeon for instance. I get that it scales characters to a specific level depending on dungeon, but being higher level eliminates the “you need to be this big to ride this ride” excuse. In a game that does a lot of things right, it sure got the recovery character part wrong. No need to recover if you have full HP one instant, and dead the next. It takes utility out of the game and makes people spec for damage only.

Too many one shot kills in dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: SoV.5139


With one shot kills, no need to have healing abilities. Full HP = no heal needed. Dead = no heal needed. With nothing in between, what abilities to spec for?