(edited by Solitude.2097)
Showing Posts For Solitude.2097:
Again you should look at the video
A highly skilled player can maintain his survibility more time than my boyfriend
Not other class can avoid all his attacks .
And you cant escape because amongs the other dots a Thief can pinpoint you down with Cripple .
Or you have to constatly turn 180 degree and run , then an other 180 to attack .
On in case of PvP , its captured based game that condtion Theif can be used as a Bunker with that selfhealing + dot cleansing + evade frames.
And you cant punish him 100% of the times because he can maintain the weakness from the crit trait too
(edited by Solitude.2097)
Yeah , but you are still avoiding my question
He doesnt die after 3 dodges , but he has the evades frames too and based on the video a Uber Theif (not a noobie) can maintain his survibility , while having selfhealing on evades + dot cleansing .
This boss + adds , can do EVEN MORE AOES from most enemies in the WvWvwW or PvP .
Most other classes spells have a cast time so you cant reliable time it to the end of your evades attacks .
And if they do then Dodge Thief is a noob-class spec , while they oponents must even higher skill cealing to counter it .
Based on video in 2:59 even if the thief gets to 4k from prefectly execution from the oponent , he can recover
Can you help with again with the video about the few dodges ends , it will lead to death ?
Sorry for my english
(edited by Solitude.2097)
If you use your time to analyze the video you can see that the same rotatiion IS ALREADY USED IN PvE + WvWvW .
I am trying to find where he dies after his 3 dodges have ended ….
Could you help me a bit please ?
I’ve never played thief in PvP, but all I know is that once you catch them without a dodge they die instantly. The class relies on them. I’d say thief is one of best designed classes in the game, because fighting them is so different.
You have it exactly right and it good to see at least some people understand this. A thief spamming his dodges does not have a lot in the way of defense when that last dodge used. Unlike OTHER classes when a thief spams a single skill all of the other skills on both weaponsets become unusable outside the AA.
You should take some lessons from some uber theifs
(before they nerf/unglitch the istance)The video is here : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GntZF3V9Ma4&feature=youtu.be for whoever dont want to go in the thread .
And at 2:59 gets to 4k and without a heal he get topped offThis is a video of a person fighting AI. You are not seriously suggesting a theif spamming Dodges and DB like this against a competent opponet is going to win?
There a reason AI bosses are given OOdles of hit points and special attacks and that because it will not be competitive otherwise.
Oh i am sorry for a sec i thought you have said that if a thief waste his 3 dodges he dies .
Either the videos with the constant aoes is wrong or you …
Who should i choose ?
I’ve never played thief in PvP, but all I know is that once you catch them without a dodge they die instantly. The class relies on them. I’d say thief is one of best designed classes in the game, because fighting them is so different.
You have it exactly right and it good to see at least some people understand this. A thief spamming his dodges does not have a lot in the way of defense when that last dodge used. Unlike OTHER classes when a thief spams a single skill all of the other skills on both weaponsets become unusable outside the AA.
You should take some lessons from some uber theifs
(before they nerf/unglitch the istance)
The video is here : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GntZF3V9Ma4&feature=youtu.be for whoever dont want to go in the thread .
And at 2:59 gets to 4k and without a heal he get topped off
When WoW Pandaria was launched , Blizzard implanted the Direct 11 .
They also released a Battleground called ‘’Ashran ’’ (100 vs100 mid lane – escord bosses ) , but later on they scaled it down to 40 vs 40 .
Direct 11 dont create miracles
A bear that can throw you 2k range forward .
If you use glider , you cannot summon the bear for 5 mn .
While you are falling , you have to carefully calculate your falling , to hop on the bear’s back that is swinging left and right .
An other bear rider can crash you in mid air , so both can die
An eagle that allows you to go extremly high and soar the sky circully , to see blury dots/icons for Dynamic Events + Bosses .
And helps you to teleport to your friend .
Or swoosh down and snatch small critters in a row for increased speed while building momentum , while pushing specific bottuns that the system chooses , so you wont dissmount and die
The tiger from Heman that is always scarred , forcing you to Jump > then press ’’S’’ then Right Click in midair to do a backflip dodge , and when that combo is on cd you must do something else to avoid the mobs .
By memory you should know with spell is on cd
If succeful x10 times you get a random loot
Its time you do a backflip she emits a Roar (to feel good for herself) and mark all the enemies for 2 min in 2k range , so you wont get constant rewards from the same mobs
A wolf that can ’’smell’’ the death of nearby mobs , allowing you to have a small chance to loot them also .
But in the same time her vision is limited and get frenzy , and you have to chase some immaginary rabits 700 yards in randomly dirctions + avoid getting hitting by NPCs, to increase you chance to loot
After 10 loots , you have to find an other hunting ground
A serpent that moves slower than the rest , but can byte other mounts and ’’kill’’ the specific mount for 3 min .
It can jump and entrangle an Npc and hop istantly to nearby NPCS and trees (it can jump from the tree in a slow paced animation to hit flying players and pin them to ground/trolling , or miss and die failling down)
Or jump from NPC to NPC to troll/dissmount a player in a slow animation or die
A simple mount that you can decorate by playing High Tier PvP or WvWvW or Raid
A kangaroo , that allows you box with other Player’s kangarous , by playing 2D Street fighters 1v1 , and a schreen on their heads for the spectators
(edited by Solitude.2097)
Rename the outfits to ‘’Zero Outfits’’ and from now on whatever outdit it created in PoF can be mismatched with other new outfits .
Give the old tier 1 outfits the chance to unlock a ingame skin .
And if you have that skin already you get gold/gems , or get some lesser aura/burning hands/footprints .
If you have the same patterned outfits unlocked (3 ice/diamont) the ’’effect’’ is increased till you die ingame , forcing you to kill again many mobs/players
(edited by Solitude.2097)
This is true they dont need a easy mode , but by reducing the gold + removing the weekly Raid cd and forcing the players to not play only 1 week and aim for the next Raid , will have more ppl in the que to play with .
While the casuals will just get rolfstompled fromthe mechanics , the pros must play more … with more end liquid rewards !
There will be less ppl to buy and play HoT , so there must be a mechanic that ’’forces’’ ppl to play more for HoT Raids to stay alive and thrive rather than playing once per week ……
If they feel that their ‘’less time/ more rewards ratio’’ is affected , they can join PoF that will uneffected
(edited by Solitude.2097)
Yes reducing the reward will make more casual play the raid content /s
How you could think that giving people less reward would make more people play raids?? Or make veteran whilling to carry others? 0 logic
The casuals could aim for something called LEGENDARY Armor
It will give a reason to players to buy the HoT , while the pro players can stay on PoF contained…ehm avoiding the casuals .
After some consideration , this is my newer idea , because i have seen ppl trying to defend the difficulty/prestige of the Raids + lequid rewards
a) There wont be nerfs on the Bosses
b) Nor easy mode
c) The enrage mechanic can stay
d) Normaly you would have done the the Raid once per week for the rewards …… now the Heart of Thorns Raids offers less gold rewards (9 gold) for 1,5 hours played , but wthout the weekly cd .
The same liquid rewards that fractals + dungeons gives , but can stack up even to 100g if you keep playing and succeding every week .
While the PoF raids can stay on the same amount (35 gold ?) for playing once per week .
If you completed it once , the next time you will join you get a debuff (Chaos) that acts as a self-damaging Sigil of Fire + Air each time you get hit from a single tick from the bosse’s aoe or just simply looking at you (the third time you get 800 damage per evade) :P
You can migrate those damage with Knight gear or sucrifising some damage oriented talents or have enought skills to avoid everything .
The debuff is lost after a week or simply by participating in the next raid with Defensive Gear based character and on the third run as a healing based character
The only con is : that normaly you have to play raids once for 1,5 hours to get the liquid rewards , while now you can get as much as gold you can , but in less timeneeded and more replaybillity/active players in the same time
What do you say ?
Evn more gold if you keep playing in that week + not a single nerf(but even harder content so the casual loose faster) + more players active all the time :P
(edited by Solitude.2097)
If they explicit mention in the livestream , that you dont need to buy the expansion in order to access the future big content updates (just like Desert Bordelines) then i will be happy .
(and the same MUST be mentioned for the legendaries weapons , that couldnt be created in HoT)
The same argument existed in Dungeons + Fractals , where all the LFG lists had the same comment : ‘’only 80 , berseker , 8k achiv , food’’ and on the forums ppl where saying ‘’you know you can make your own casual lfg and take your time ’’
or ‘’the community uses Bersekers , because they want to clear it as fast as pisible , rather than wasting 2 hours’’
But what happend when they reduced the gold from dungeons and made Raids most rewarding content , compared to Fractals ?
In a magical way , without those L33T players the ’’Istanced’’ community became more friendly from the gear you wear , or how many times your head face the ground .
While the Raid community …. well …. lets say its summer atm and we dont know how may are playing it ….
Simply by reducing the gold rewards+Errage from HoT and keeping the same ammount+mechanic for the next expanion Raid , will do the trick .
Casuals will infest the HoT , and its their job to learn the mechanics without to worry is some1 L33T players is trigger happy to /kick them .
Or they reduce their shyness , from joining any Raids in the future expanion (dont believe so – now its 5% :P)
(edited by Solitude.2097)
Again i didnt say that they should introduce any easier form raid.
I simply say that by forcing the ‘’expirienced players’’ to focus on the newly expanion rather then HoT + removing the Enrage that most of the time is useless (because ppl die from themechanics – just like Fractals) , it will create a more plaesant atmosphere for the newly players to to join the raids (just like the Dungeons + Fractals) where double healers or ppl with Knight gear are running atm .
If ppl try to cheese out the raid and take their time , the End Boss will get 10 stacks of madness that will be Unbeatable (so you wont get the end rewards)
But in the other hand …. it will hurt the ppl that benefit from the ‘’pay me huge amount of gold’’ to get our LP points , if too many casuals are playing :P
Too bad i dont know their names , to congratulate them for their marvelous business and ingenuity
(edited by Solitude.2097)
At first some random 6%, now some magic 15%…
It’s amazing where you get those numbers from, makes really sense.
You found out that i was lying !
A little rub there and there and i can inflate the numbers easily :P
Good job expirienced player
(edited by Solitude.2097)
Ofc , you can 6-man it , if the future elite spec have more damage and less survibility .
Or you can w8 longer till the ‘’Need ppl 150 LP , Berseker + Trabilaizer gear + food’’ is complete .
Or just like Dungeons and Fractal , players and life will find a way to bloom ,regladles if the content is hard and the expirienced players are gone .
(….heck….. you see more Knight gear players now In fractals or double healers or less /Kick others after a wipe , while that the more ’’expirienced’’ players have moved to Raids , with their desireable moto : ‘’kill fast equals more enjoyment’’ .
All that whithout even creating a ‘’easy mode’’ , or nerfing the bosses .
The only enemy of the community , is the other half of the community
edit:But this time there must be a ’’hint’’ and a devalue , for maxxed effect …
(edited by Solitude.2097)
I didnt say they should introduce an easy format Raid , nor nerfing the damage/patterns of the boss .
I am saying that transfering the l33t players to the next expansion , will leave a fragment of them in HoT .
And because they will too few , they will succumb to ’’relax’’ abit and dont request much ‘’high expectations’’ like the old Dungeons and Fractals (looking for 80 bersek + 8k achivment + food buff)
Also by removing the Enrage mechanic , that will leave the ’’future’’ small generation to not get l33t as fast as posible .
Well … until they will do the next expanion Raids that will have the Enrage mechianic…
And again the majority of the casuals , will strive for a more relaxed open world content in the next expanion . So they dont ’’pressured’’ about what the other will think or say to them if they fail .
Or the name ’’Raid’’ creates such a ‘’overhelming feeling’’ that you dont belong there , or you will get yelled
(ofc the highly chance that future elites specs will help you to rolfstomp the HoT raids if they are a focus of high telegraphed attacks ….. but they must give a ’’hint’’ this time in the pressentation …..
they must ’’devalue’’ them to be more approchable to the average joe… while leaving the Newly expanion prestigious ….
I dont know how they will do it , but i will enjoy their strugle /popcorn :P)
(edited by Solitude.2097)
Then we must remove the experienced ppl from the equation (just like Dungeons + Fractals) and put a ‘’hard block’’on the liquid rewards they can earn per month from the HoT raids , or put them on 2-week cooldown when completed (killing the end boss) .
It will push them to the newly expanion .
Theres a 15% chance that new casuals ppl will stick to the HoT raids to kill the most easy bosses on a daily farm routine , or avoid them entirely for more simplier actions in the next expansion .
Or they can transform them into daily minigames in LA portal ( as a trainning wheel or so that the design wont get wasted) , replacing them bosses with adorable-cuddly small forms that have the same pattern of attacks but in 3 stages/difficulty that the players must fullfil to complete it , while your auto-attack shoots cuddly hearts and the rest of attacks offer Healing + Protection to your team8s only
And by completing it , he will give you quest that will sent you to kill a dailly easy boss in the Raid , while offering you 150 stats in your primary atributes (to meet the stat difference between the exotic-ascendant gear) for the l33t players that insist that you must have ascendant , before joining
(edited by Solitude.2097)
They can remove the enrage mechanics from each boss , so even ppl with soldier gears can kill it , painfully slow , and a 25 min restored HP to avoid any exploits .
I’ve said it multiple times, enrage is extremely unlikely cause of wipe. If you can’t kill the boss, it’s because you fail mechanics, not because you lack dps. You don’t need minmaxed builds with perfect rotations to meet the dps checks. You don’t need anything close to that, provided you don’t fail at mechanics.
And what is the problem again ?
Without a enrage mechanics , it will remove the sociological effec that atleast you must have some specs to boost the dps/survibility of the party , or having to worry of that 15 min benchmark .
Even if you can do the Raids with Knights gear atm , then ppl will choose to inv ppl with Berseker gear (just like dungeons ) , but atleast every1 can take thier time to play as they want without the ‘’bitter effect in their mouth’’ .
They wont be able to beat the last boss (beucase they will take their time , and the madness effects will stack up) , while the last tier 1 madness boss can have a chance to drop some prestigious Weapon Skin for the l33t players + massive gold for completing the Raid as fast as posible
Heck … the guilds can summon the 10(+1) stacked end boss for a single fight , if they want the loot faster .
Or allow 2 guilds to compete in a same time ’’Tournament’’ , while they see each other as dots to get comfused
(edit: regadles of what we do or think , most ppl wont touch the Raids even in the next x-pack , because that feeling of ’’despise’’ once tasted , it wont wash off …. but why not waste some money , for an extra 6% participation ? :P)
(edited by Solitude.2097)
They can remove the enrage mechanics from each boss , so even ppl with soldier gears can kill it , painfully slow , and a 25 min restored HP to avoid any exploits .
But the last boss should have 10 stages/forms , that each passing minute is corrupted by his inner fear are the enemies are getting closer or get furious that the enemies are laying siege on his domain while his generals are doing nothing .
For extra form/minute , he gets more dangerous to face .
So trying to loose 10% of the first boss hp , will spawn a fragment of his armor that can be thrown to the messenger that is trying to alert the King for example .
Either dps the boss as fast as posible , before the messanger follows the round route and dissapears from you .
Or try to kill the next mesanger in the next boss , so he wont increase the King mdness Tier even more .
edit: (also the guilds with the Guild Panel menu can summon that tier 11 last Boss for a SUPER HARD MODE with all the Raid rewards/loot together , or any other Random boss that the system will chose to counter the Raid composition .
Or a combination of 2 (like Tekken Tag Tournament) and cross-x combinations attacks )
(edited by Solitude.2097)