(edited by SomeGinger.5697)
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So if we complete all of the new chests for ranked even going through byzanthium twice we will be short 100 ascended shards of glory from a full set of pvp armor. Has anyone else noticed this?
Hey i figured this wouldnt be too hard for devs todo in some down time.
Could we as players have a click option for our eqquiped trait lines that unequips the lines.
Currently to unequip the line you need the specalization line in the bottom slot and then repeatedly swap the elite witht he line you want removed. This doesnt really alter game play or anything.i figured it would be a good way to examine a singular trait line without the other lines also adding their benefits.
“Let the world burn”
I liked this version of it since it had impressive aoe burns just on crits
im finding it a bit difficult to use i liked the old one for my condi build because i would run burning arrows on my longbow and sword torch. with rampagers gear i would need to only crit with select skills and i would have alot of AOE burn potential
My client has been crashing randomly when loading new maps or in heart of the mists. The problem has only recently emerged (1/10/16-1/12/16). There are no bug report pop ups to send to you guys and im a bit conrerned. When im in game it runs smoothly and when the crashes happen there is no forewarning (lag spike controls not responding).
versatile rage: attach this to brawlers recovery or fast hands
hightened focus : 5 second duration / 10 second ICD
Merciless hammer: this should be a master teir not a grandmaster
i had a similar two teir activation for physical skills
Bolas > throw net: throw a net to immobilize reactivate to pull your enemie to you
Bull rush/pin: lets add immobilize and have a good lock down skill immob = 1-2 seconds
Kick: push back your foe and cripple them
stomp/smash: activate to knock down all nearby foes with a powerfull stomp reactivvate to launch all foes away from you
These are my suggestions
Reckless Abadon: damage on dodge and damage on weapon swap.
Building momentum: id vote keep the endurance gain low only 1 instead of 2
Body blow: keep the weakness on this please we dont need the vun
Berserkers power: redundancy two traits that reduce physical skill cooldown trade that for also 5 seconds of our current buff
Distracting strikes: roll this with body blow and make it a grandmaster a real controling grandmaster trait
Strenght of purpose: this should have an ICD otherwise the other classes will have incredibly difficulty CCing us yes were warriors but we can still be tossed around.
Oppertunist: give it swiftness as well
Signet Mastery: if you give it all that at lowest master but thats grandmaster worthy now
Relentless: give it unblockable? really tack on our advantage when we have it
Unsuspecting foe : this should be 100% increase
Burst prescion: there was a long post about an idea not my idea based on adrenaline level bursts get added effect lick unblockable ,100% crit, cant be evaded ect
If you look at the other soldier classes they have a revival trait as well but interstingly they are all missing the revive faster part of it. since its only soldier classes I suspect this was intentional by ANET
Leadership : I like the idea but id go for a boon share trait a small one EX grant swiftness to allies when you gain it
Shrug it off: condis to trigger my vote is at 2 thats the highest it can take 1-2 condis
Powerfull synergy: this should be a master or a minor trait
Unstoppable : health 80% then drop it
Dogged march: add swiftness?
Spiked armor: 500 toughness? 150 is laughable
That would be a terrifying grand master trait that sounds too powerfull.
However i would love to have that in my stash to choose from.
A lv 3 burst however should be a skill to be feared.
We also have several options for setup skills to “ensure” our next skill succesfully lands.
Other classes also have “answer/OH KITTEN!” skills that prevent such skills from landing.
That trait may tip the scales in our favor for offence too greatly.
Your playing a heavy armor melee focused class you shouldnt be fast.
The greatsword weapon skills should be used to kill a foe.
Take discipline line and the middle adept trait warriors sprint which is just your going faster.
use a warhorn and give yourself more swiftness.
I think the axe mastery trait shouldnt be a grand master trait it should be a master trait. probably in strenght arms or discipline. which ever has space.
I would welcome a thick skin functionality change.
I would like to see something along the lines of the eles condi immunity but it should be well scrutinized because if it gets too easy to have we will just have super tanks.
Idea If were over 85% max HP condis cant be applied to us thematicly in line with fresh warriors ignoreing getting bleed while rushing into battle to beat face. If a glass cannon build were to have this then it allows for them to ignore some condis if they are not getting focused but if they are they are fully vunrable to getting loaded up and evapoateing like a glass cannon should be. On the flip side if a “tank” build were to take this it would make it difficult to condi load them up at the start slaughter their team and then circle back allowing them to ideally CC a few members and then continue fighting. This trait should only be noticed early on in fights or if a war suddenly healed to full like a “fresh start” the trait in my head shouldnt make the war SHED any condis already on them just keep more from getting on.
Rifle trait
I feel just needs a LITTLE more love if any. Crack shot already reduces CD and gives a nice add on of pierce.
Rifle weapon skills
i think doesnt need anything the only telegraph an opponet has is “oh HUR DUUR its aiming a gun at my face” its extremely difficult to diffrentiate the skills like it should be your shooting a person how many diffrent ways are there to shoot a gun?
GS5 "rush "
should have NEVER BEEN an “escape” move your weilding a giant sword it shouldnt make it easier to run from a foe it should make it easier to kill them. Rush is hitting for a lot.
Bullrush physical skill-
should have never been an escape move your closeing the distance and running a person over. It should be a set up for more skills to chain and it does just that if you hit with it.
Swapping positions with spiked armor and cleansing ire
Nobody would take spike armor unless it got a large boost to up time cleansing ire is wonderful. I feel it is however needed which it shouldnt be i think. Cleansing ires new position of grandmaster in defence i feel is to lack luster. if it cleansed for each bar of adrenaline like it does for each foe so if you have a lv 1 burst that hits two people it should take two condis if you land a lv 3 burst on alot of people and you had alot of condis it should reward you greatly. On the flip side with the POSSIBILITY of lv 3 burst every 6 seconds its fine just where it is.
Beserkers power:
a lv 1 burst that hits should not overwrite a lv 3 burst that has hit and still has time. I suspect if we could stack those buffs on us it would be too much for other classes to compete with. If we have the buff from a greater burst still running it should let that one play out then IF we have up time from another burst then that buff should take over. Just as you said im confident ANET will see that and bring it in line they are going through a ton of new bugs and glitches currently since alot just changed.
Adrenaline loss/cleansing ire/beserkers power on failed burst.
We shouldnt be able to lv3 burst whiff because of our stupidity or our enemies skill and then attempt to do it again 6 seconds later when there “oh kitten” button is on its 45 second cool down. This was a problem several patches ago where we would do just as i gave an example of. Whiff horribly or be outplayed then attempt it again 5 seconds later.
A cast time reduction would be appriciated but think about it. your a heavy armor warrior weilding a giant hammer suddenly leaping ten feet and hulk smashing it shouldnt be fast. however it is a burst skill and we dont have access to that skill all the time. We have access to the skill when we ahve been playing our class sufficently for some time in the fight. A hit detection tweek should probably make this skill more wonderful to use like it is.