Showing Posts For Sontor.6314:
Thank you for the feedback, Astralporing.
The time between mining in the Norn instance and porting to the Charr instance must have been exactly the reset.
Since the nodes are alredy mined today. Funny coincidence.
Hey guys,
just got a quick question. I already checked on wiki, but there is something wrong with the home instance mining nodes.
I know that they are in every home instance, not just in one. So there should be 5 nodes of each kind, right?
I read I can mine them one time per day per account. But does this mean I can only mine one instance once or can I mine once in each instance?
Because today – after I asked myself how this actually worked – I could mine twice. Norn and Charr. But the other three instances would all look as if they were already mined. I just don´t really get why I could mine two instances. Not only one and not all five of them.
Used the same char, just in case this is important.
Thanks in advance!
Thanks for the answer, my bad. ./bow
Kills do not count towards the achievement.
Hey fellow Rangers,
these last days I found that I can not finish enemies (did not try in sPvP, only WvW) when under the effect of “Signet of The Wild” and “Signet of The Beastmaster”.
This must be a bug, right? Since this is one of the “safe stomp” possibilies that we have. I don´t see why this could be intended.
Anyone else can confirm?
both achievements are still bugged after the hotfix. Won´t count any further, stuck at 1/X .
Anyone else got the same problem?
After reading the notes for the third time now:
I am greatly disappointed. I was looking forward to this patch since weeks. And yet nothing. No words.
I never blamed the Devs for anything here, but let me point out this question to the guys:
Do you – as gamers and Devs – really believe that this patch is changing anything at all?
@rizzo: Thanks anyways. Seems to prove that everything is alright.
@GOSU: Thanks for your feedback. Yep, a long and hard downside.
@GrandmaFunk: Not very helpful, thanks anyways. And as Mystic stated, it already happend.
@Mystic: You were faster. Thanks.
just wanted to ask you guys if you experienced similar issues since the last patch went live:
For me it feels like the droprate of “Globs of ectoplasm” has somehow been reduced. I use the Mystic Salvage Kit for salvaging. Before the patch I got a lot more of the Globs. Since then I have done almost every chest event every day and – so far – got 12 Globs. I salvaged every rare item I got.
Before the patch I could easily get 20-25 Globs after doing the events for one day.
This is not supposed to be a “cry like a kid”-thread. Just wanted to check since there had been an issue before where a patch did something to the salvaging rate. It changed by a rate that just really was noticeable for me.
Thanks for your replies.
I hadn’t done that particular path yet, and now I know I never will.
I WAS going for completion. I did believe though that with the existing permanent content (especially the content linked to permanent achievements), it was safe to wait until I had some free time.
Kitten me, right?
Thanks, ANet.
To elaborate a little more on why this is so disheartening for me.
- As if the living story achievements didn’t put enough pressure on me, now I learn that the permanent content can be taken away at a moment’s notice, so not wanting to miss out, I am now under the additional pressure to complete all dungeon paths, all jumping puzzles and whatever else as soon as possible, leaving nothing to be explored at my own pace (which is what I loved (past tense) most about Guild Wars 2).
- I am actually fine with the Living World concept making permanent changes to the world. Things change, they evolve. I have always been a supporter of the Living World. But please consider giving us some advance warning (more than a single day) to give us the chance to catch up before taking content away. I think this is not unreasonable.
Thank you.
This is also exactly what I feel like.
Does anybody know if people are now missing the possibility to complete any achievements or so? Or getting a special item from any of the NPCs in the path that was replaced?
It only adds achievements, doesn’t remove any. He specifically said in the stream that as far as the dungeon master achievement and paths achievement, the new paths replaces the old one, meaning if you did the old one you’ll still have that achievement, and if you didn’t but do this one, you’ll get that achievement. There were no special items from the path being replaced, but there are in what’s being added.
Thank you very much, RLHawk!
I hadn’t done that particular path yet, and now I know I never will.
I WAS going for completion. I did believe though that with the existing permanent content (especially the content linked to permanent achievements), it was safe to wait until I had some free time.
Kitten me, right?
Thanks, ANet.
To elaborate a little more on why this is so disheartening for me.
- As if the living story achievements didn’t put enough pressure on me, now I learn that the permanent content can be taken away at a moment’s notice, so not wanting to miss out, I am now under the additional pressure to complete all dungeon paths, all jumping puzzles and whatever else as soon as possible, leaving nothing to be explored at my own pace (which is what I loved (past tense) most about Guild Wars 2).
- I am actually fine with the Living World concept making permanent changes to the world. Things change, they evolve. I have always been a supporter of the Living World. But please consider giving us some advance warning (more than a single day) to give us the chance to catch up before taking content away. I think this is not unreasonable.
Thank you.
This is also exactly what I feel like.
Does anybody know if people are now missing the possibility to complete any achievements or so? Or getting a special item from any of the NPCs in the path that was replaced?
Would be great if someone could invite me. Gear, voip and experience, got it all.
Okay, so what guild is recruiting now?
Ranger with gear and experience since beta would love to join. Any sort of voip can be used.
You can definitly count me in, I´ll join.
Playing a Ranger, Power-Build.
Let´s do this!
Hey Oakshar,
you are right. In order to get the achievement, you have to complete the zones in the normal mode.
I have the same problem here.
W2 - can not acces on normal difficulty
in Super Adventure Box: Back to School
Posted by: Sontor.6314
when entering the house to world 2, the NPC in the middle – where you should be able to select the zone – won´t talk to me. I can not start world 2 and I can not select any zone.
When I talk to one of the clouds, then I can select a zone at the NPC in the middle. Not before.
Right now I can not acces world 2 on normal mode. I did every achievement from world 1, I did it with the same character.
I have no idea what the problem might be and I can not find anyone else with the problem.
I really hope for help here.
when entering the house to world 2, the NPC in the middle – where you should be able to select the zone – won´t talk to me. I can not start world 2 and I can not select any zone.
When I talk to one of the clouds, then I can select a zone at the NPC in the middle. Not before.
Right now I can not acces world 2 on normal mode. I did every achievement from world 1, I did it with the same character.
I have no idea what the problem might be and I can not find anyone else with the problem.
I really hope for help here.
After three days of serious trying, a lot of enraging because of stupid mistakes in phase 1 and getting really close to a heart attack, I finally did it.
Was done with a ranger. If you have questions about setup, feel free to pm me. Good luck!
Same here. First our overflow thought that the mobs might have been spawned under water since the problem mostly appeared on the left and upper side of the map, where the water was beneath the ice. But no mobs under water either. Was not possbile to complete the event there.
To bring diversity to the builds beeing used when defeating Liadri, I will just quickly summon up the build I just killed here with.
Pets: Drakehound /Wolf (only used for first orb and knockback after 3. hit)
Weaponset: Shortbow (Major sigil of air [the smaller version]) / GS (major sigil of fire [did not matter at all])
Skills: Troll-Unguend, Signet Of The Hunt, Signet Of The Wild, Signet Of Renewal, Rampage As One
Traits: 30 (III / VII / VIII) / 20 (II / IV) / 10 (IV) / 10 (V) (did not respecc, just tried to use traits that somehow make sense for the fight)
Buffs: Omnomberry Ghost / Potent Superioir Sharpening Stones
Good luck!