Showing Posts For Sora Shadow.9160:
The issue is nobody play raids anymore, just like those pve dungeons. People can get their legendary armours in pvp and wvw. They don’t need to worry about another 9 players in the team to beat a boss npc.
OP means: We need maximum Karma train. People miss the Eotm Ktrain, Wxp and Exp era.
Dagger is same power damage as shortbow, but the range which is consider useless compare other ranger weapons. Also the conition damage is lower than shortbow as well in burst and slow tick situation on the golems or npcs. The attack animation is slow as beastmode skills.
The original ghost trap thief was a noob killer with less breakstun skill. However, it is really hard to encounter axe/sheild/greatsword stance berserker, hammer hgh scrapper or heal bunker druid etc. Most of them can reset or ignore the conditions same as a ghost thief. This buff can bring the vanilla thief to match the daredevil, which can be a real pain for average players.
JQ and TC are a long 4 years fighting ally, which means they kill each other every week. Most of time both servers just leave third server alone, in order to fight them, you need to face 3 way match. Other than that, you just wait in you keep or cap the camps for a boring match.
(edited by Sora Shadow.9160)
As a long time WvW player in roam and zerg field, most players know Time Coverage is a main issue to win the match. Therefore, Anet established the World Linking and Skirmish systems to balance it.
In order to answer all three questions, we must use SWOT analysis first. Since people like to try the new stuff, some guilds will allocate the spot in the new servers to recruit new members. Most people like to join the bigger server and follow familiar commanders to win the match as social behaviour. However, there are some afkers, troll accounts and hackers can waste the server population to block, full and queue the WvW access, which including players always say the enemy has bigger zergs etc. They dont contribute any benefits to WvW communities. And we know we cant avoid them, because they are in every game.
What’s the opportunities in current reward, do players want legendary WvW Back-piece for participation? If We wanted better rewards we would play pve question. Or if a player has more than 5K Spirit Shards, 10K Proof of Heroics and 50K Badges of Honors to earn this legendary WvW honor. Better than just some random pve players log in WvW few hours and get the reward track back-piece.
Anet should consider the server costs and transfer costs, tier 1 server lags and old empty servers. Other question likes class balance leave it to class balance team. If all the situation can be solved partially. I dont mind to join the New Worlds.
One thing about BP is we don’t like SM. We just like flipping it, so you’ll never see a lot of us trying to defend it.
In current WVW state, flipping the buildings means better rewards. People like WXP and ores etc. Therefore, CD or BP both sents 50 players + to took the SMC few times yesterday. Then, we took it back with less 10 people.
No worry guys, Anet are trying to fix IoJ/BP/CD match-up.
Maybe it’s a 4 people team, requring some periods of time.
Credits to repectful and skillful players from [Mist], [RITZ] and [INF]
We invite Commander Somers The Sunless to join our SMC celebration.
Special thanks to a Borlis Pass defender of honour.
(edited by Sora Shadow.9160)
Long long long time ago…..
When the first ascended back items came out, no bosses API and without daily reward chest, before ranger haste and shortbow nerfs.
[FOSA] guildies were on the map run to level up alt-characters. We encounter Tequatl the Sunless and decided to use map chat to call for reinforcement. However, only one [EPIC] guy showed up after 10 minutes.
Then the epic fight was begun….. Back to the Past: Friendly Tequatl the Sunless
We were getting tired after 30 minutes, noticing the main mission was saving private [EPIC]. Tequatl the Sunless was smiling and slobberin at us. We miss it.
(edited by Sora Shadow.9160)
In this living story, Scarlet is a rotten eggplant with the idea of “sadomasochism”. She just send the alliance armies to abuse and insult players to assault her, who can receive pleasure from either inflicting or receiving pains. And we all know there will be die die die etc… same as yes yes yes etc….some weird ideas across our guild.
After the Emissary Vorpp’s Field Assistant, our guildies went to the Scarlet’s Playhouse (Renamed after a patch, currently is called funhouse). Refers to the aspect of sexual orientation. Anyway, it was nothing more than using cannon balls and bombs to torture her. In the end, she said “you should feel happy…” No, we all felt uncomfortable.
Map — Southsun Cove
Location — Underwater, East of Pearl Islet Waypoint
Server — Isle of Janthir
Time/Date — Since last month to now
Reported a blinkbot in game last month, and there are currently more than 5 blinkbots in same area. Please, save the sharks, Anet.
Orr now offers 3g+/hr.
Please provide backup to this statement.
You can farm Orr for hours and not receive a single rare in full MF gear, whereas you’re guaranteed to receive 1.5g from AC.
What he means Orr that should be the Arah Dungeon. A party can kill two bosses in Forgotten path around 4-5 mins to get dungeon tokens. Two bosses drop 10 silvers each (with an omnomberry bar =14s) and one Bags of Wondrous Goods (3 tokens, 400 karma, 3s).
Exit the dungeon, repeat 7 runs in 30 minutes, , gaining 28s x7 + 6s x7= 2.38 gold, 5.6k karma and 42 tokens. Therefore, you can earn up to 4.76g or even more. The 3g+/hr is the min income. No point to finish the whole dungeon.
Currently, guild wars 2 is dungeon war 2, deletes all the maps, just keep dungeons and Lion’s Arch with new buggy FotM. Dynamic events is good to have 30 minutes gap to prevent farm or botting. However, it forces people to play the dungeons. Also, it will be the problem in some maps, which are some dead npcs in the town. I wish ArenaNet can spend more time on balancing and game issues. Not to mention the NPC glitches in Lost Shores event.
(edited by Sora Shadow.9160)
What are the meanings of Ascended Gear to the players? For now, I can only think few points out of it.
Markets Time
Rare gear current is around 15 S, Exotic is 1.5 G, Therefore the price line for Ascended gear is 15 G. Thinking that’s too much, wrong, consider the price tag for a legendary precursor. Havent count the Ascended Gear with infusion slot or Berserker’s build price. Offensive, deffensive, Omni infusions etc.
Players View
Only a small 8 percent or 5 damage increase wont hurt anything. Indeed, just a tiny magic find jewel picture shows nothing. If we consider Ruby or Beryl for an item with 42% increased rate. Critical Damage will be + 2%. Just a small 2 precent for some player’s opinion. Jewel wont be one, there will be 5. In other word is 10% increased.
So, 10% can do any differences? 5000 before damage, now is 5500 damage. Thanks to this Ascended jewel for 10K + 1K damage, even without the 6 Ascended armors. Time to kill some players in WvW. Furthermore, ArenaNet will release Ascended armors and weapons. Assume each armor is + 2% crit. Skip the Ascended weapons. If a player with all Ascended Gear set with 12K damage spike time. We will see more videos with 1~3 sec kill a nxxb or someone complain some classes are OP, QQing etc.
Oh yes, we will have new stuffs to farm. Farm a dungeon to own some newbies or dungeons. WoW time for GW2. This is not a 5 single player dungeon game. Ask you must have Ascended armors to join the party. Trading post will still with bots, as long as they make gold fast. This Ascended armors wont change bot, farm or end game. Same old story.
History Lesson
Our GW2 community already gave lots of MMO examples or GW patch stories. Thus, the example will be Superior Rune of Divinity in GW2. The interesting story here was +3 % Critical Damage in Beta Weekend Events. Due to a small overall 6 % Crit to own some players in PvP. Then it changed to + 2%. Just remind 8% or 5 damage are huge numbers. This Lost Shores patch can be a test or trial for ArenaNet.
(edited by Sora Shadow.9160)
I dont know why some SOS players were still using flying hack to take out our IOJ BL garrison within 2 minutes. I was in the garrison, then saw a doggy SOS commander with some zegs instantly on the wall. Report them with “botting” (cheating), however in the dead angle cant do much. Just want to say, already lead the way, dont need to be greedy fellows.