Showing Posts For SoulDealer.5197:

4 mins all buffs, realy??

in WvW

Posted by: SoulDealer.5197


not only revs, elementalist necros rangers and some mesmers. i saw many classes with that buff and the timer did not go down. it had like 4 mins and 29 sec and never got down

What have you done

in Thief

Posted by: SoulDealer.5197


What have you done to the thief? Its a high risk low reward class now. So useless in WvW.

I tryed every possible combination for a balanced build becouse i dont like to play glass canon and it does not work at all.

Ive been forced to play glass now after so many nerfs wich would be okey if i could survive atlest 2 hits, but noooooo after the new update all classes deal so much dmg and have no reaction self protection blocks on them that they block your burst and they dont even need to press a button.

I dont understand that. if i play my rev my AA does about 2 k dmg from 1200 range and 6-13 k dmg from 1 skill that i can push every 2 seconds.

Why should i play my thief ever again if i have this much more dmg and survival on other classes, just becouse of stealth? and mobility? Well mobility alone does not work if u cant kill anything and survive!

This is just bull. if u planing us to go all glass then give us a new weapon like a rifle!
So we can stay behind a group/zerk and snipe people from the back.

You did it for the hunters a long time ago now do it for the thiefs or change some mechanics or remove stealth from thief and give us something that should be usefull.

4 mins all buffs, realy??

in WvW

Posted by: SoulDealer.5197


i played WvW today and came across some guys who had all the buffs on them for 4 minutes. or atleast 3-4 buffs like fury and protection and regeneration.

I mean wth is this suppose to be right??

WVW Double team cheating??

in WvW

Posted by: SoulDealer.5197


this is a real problem and anet should do something about it

Do i realy need to roll a Guardian?

in WvW

Posted by: SoulDealer.5197


All i see is Melee trains Melee trains and Melee trains, its alll about "stack, buff, charge , LAG, push 1 to win, regroup and repeat. All you need is heavy armor, tons of buffs, hammer and if it lags auto attack will do it.

Its all about who has the most Guardians in the team wins.

This Made my Day

in Thief

Posted by: SoulDealer.5197


When the event started, I had luck and got a ticket for a weapon skin. I had the choice between the pistol and the bow, then I thought to myself “take the bow because the players get excited about d / p and that leads to a nerf”

now guess what

without any warning 900 cluster bomb range nerf. I basically play only WvW and take the bow as support weapon for combo fields and also for killing the siege. Does the 1200 reach hurt someone ? In my opinion no. When you use the full 1200 range it takes 2-3 seconds until the bomb arrives so OP right? I don’t wanna talk about the nerf to much but I have the same problem with the equipment, I do not give out my laurels because I never know what comes next and as a thief i always know there will be some kind of changes that will force you to change your armor. So the laurels are not easy to get and i decided to take the cat tonic for the lulz i guess.

So what i´m saying is any early warning would be nice so we can prepare our selfs and not wasting gold or event items <-<

i still like the bow but i wish i could take the pistol gun skin instead now.

Anti-Stealth Traps?

in Thief

Posted by: SoulDealer.5197



in Thief

Posted by: SoulDealer.5197


i would allways go with 15 in acro for better evade (endurance regen) and some points in shadow arts for +2 ini if you stealth. from there i would stack condi damage and HP

(edited by SoulDealer.5197)

Dagger / Pistol Thief

in Thief

Posted by: SoulDealer.5197


leave d/p alooooooooooneeeeeeeee

Leave it aloooooooooooneeeeeeeeeeeee

by the way P/P op

PVP D/D dodger build (updated 14/09/2013 )

in Thief

Posted by: SoulDealer.5197


its so OP omg i cant catch him nerfoo00000rZZzZZZZZzz.

looks like fun by the way