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Ulfred & Blocks of Ice

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Soupy.4970


STILL bugged. Trying to do this event for the Quip legendary collection. He’s in the cave with peaceful grawls. Talking to him gives you dialogue talking about how he needs magic ice to make the sculpture, but doesn’t actually activate any event, and killing the nearby ice elementals doesn’t yield the item needed.

I’ve visited this NPC several times today, waiting at most a full hour for anything to happen. Gave up, went and did something else, came back, still bugged. Been checking all day. Nothing.

Pretty sad ANet that your kitten’s bugged for a LEGENDARY collection. I paid $100 for bugged content. Great.

Visual nerfs [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Soupy.4970




First the Chrono well nerfs, then the time warp nerf, and now chaos armor? Really ANet, REALLY? Come kitten on! Here we are asking for actual improvements (like a LFG overhaul) and bug fixes, and this is what you do with your time instead?

Hire a kitten UX developer already. We NEED a better LFG tool, and now it’s obviously apparent that we NEED user-controls for spell visuals. Seriously. Let US decide which versions of spells to use – nullified or full effect.

These recent design choices surrounding the user experience tells me that you have no one on your team who knows anything about UX design – or you do but their suggestions are being suppressed by upper management (which if that’s the case, then that’s wasted talent)

A HUGE portion of what makes this game FUN to play are the visuals. But nope, you keep reducing spell effects and pushing more and more skins through the gem store.


Can you keep anything Revenants finds?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Soupy.4970


It’s a beta character, and we are given a handful of beta boxes with no indication of what’s in them. I popped open just two of them, looking for weapons, and I’m already encumbered.

Could we get some bigger bags and not 15 slot bags, to make it easier to pop open and sift through the beta box contents?


Tequatl Feedback [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Soupy.4970


I personally enjoy the new difficulty of Teq. I have yet to actually be in a fail group, so call me lucky or competent, but the fact is that Teq is still very possible, and will get a bit easier as more people bring crit gear and toss their soldier sets.

However, I do agree that the rewards do NOT justify Teq’s difficulty. It just makes it a grind. I do Teq every day, gotten the title, achievements, and both pets (there’s two, right?), and still have not seen Hoard.

The problem with Teq is just that – it’s no longer worth the effort for the rewards it offers. ANet, please, you need to reevaluate not just Teq’s reward system, but the reward system of ALL bosses. I have stopped following the daily boss train, and I’m on the verge of jumping off the Teq train as well. In other words, no more world bosses for me.

It’s a mindless, boring grind, and it’s LITERALLY the definition of insane – doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result each time.

Didn’t I hear somewhere that ANet wanted to remove the grind from the game? How about giving us a NPC where we can BUY Teq’s hoard with these useless kitten spoons. /sigh

2786 hours, 0 precursors

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Soupy.4970


The RNG is pretty horrific, I agree. I’m at 580 hours, and got The Legend from casually tossing in some random rares from a boss train into the toilet. The changes they are making in HoT is a good step away from grinding. Now if only they would do the same with Teq’s Hoard. ANet, please, lemme give you 100 spoons for it.

[Suggestion] MORE holidays + calendar ingame.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Soupy.4970


First of all, I need to admit that I haven’t been playing this game for very long. Not long enough to have seen Wintersday nor Halloween. I was, however, around for the Lucky event. But, from what I understand, that isn’t an official GW2 holiday.

I also understand, based on the wiki, that GW2 only has the two holidays mentioned above.

My suggestion is for ANet to implement a much more robust holiday schedule. Yo don’t have to base the holidays off of one specific country – the lucky ram event could act as a holiday on its own, based on the Chinese new year. You could bring in holidays based on other cultures, or make up your own based on GW lore.

You can even throw in some fun, shorter holidays. For example, WoW had a holiday that lasted for a single weekend (it didn’t give out any lasting rewards, just a couple fun things) that was based on talk like a pirate day (yes, it’s an actual holiday!).

The overall idea would to have holidays that we can look forward to, giving us content that we can expect. It would also significantly help with downtime, like the dry period we are experiencing while you, ANet, are busy developing HoT.

I imagine that if you implement holidays in a way where they fire off automatically, on schedule, without the need of any patches being pushed the ‘day of’, then these holidays could be very low maintenance in the long run. Just update them each year where you see fit (maybe new rewards based on the current living world theme or something), that way those who rushed and got everything possible out of a holiday still have something to look forward to year after year.

You could even create a whole meta-achievement for the holidays, for those who are dedicated. Give out unique rewards, skins etc per holiday. New JPs, etc. It would even be a great way to bring back Star of Gratitude. If your holidays are frequent enough (say, no more than one month in between holidays), then this would actually serve as a great way for players to get it.

I would highly consider doing this sooner than later. If you implement it correctly, it would serve as an excellent way to keep cycling content without much effort from your dev team, other than the initial creation/development of the holidays and schedule.

Oh, and give us an in game calendar. Put events on it, plus integrate it with guilds to schedule stuff!

(edited by Soupy.4970)

Lack of armor repair in LA

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Soupy.4970


Seriously, I count a total of TEN anvils in the crafting area in LA and not a single one can be used to repair armor.

Be sure to add this to the long list of other things that should be improved in the new LA, please.

[QoL] Returned gold on failed BLTC purchases.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Soupy.4970


This is very minor, but would certainly be a quality of life improvement.

When you make a purchase on the Trading Post, but the purchase failed due to someone else buying the item before you could hit “Buy Instantly”, the gold is taken from your purse, and then placed into the delivery box.

This means that if you fail to buy something due to someone else buying the item(s) first, you do not have immediate access to that gold that you would have spent, but actually did NOT spend. If this brings your balance below the cost of the item, you have to access a Black Lion Trader to obtain your refunded gold before attempting to purchase the item again.

The suggestion for improvement is to not have the gold deducted from the player’s balance to begin with. If the item ‘no longer exists’, then don’t deduct the gold. Keep the gold in the player’s inventory rather then forcing the player to travel to a Delivery Box to get their refund.

Usually it’s not a big deal, but if a player is not near a trader, and is trying to make larger or bulk purchases, this can become a quality of life issue, distracting the player from enjoyable gameplay.

I don’t see any balance issues arising from this fix, either.

If there are underlying issues that may arise from a developer standpoint for this suggestion, then an alternative is to return the gold via mail, not a delivery box.